"[Les flacons de 💉pfizer injectés ne correspondent pas à la formulation de ceux des essais cliniques. Sur le site de l'ANSM ils disent qu'ils font des contrôles mais on n'a JAMAIS vu de compte rendu de contrôle !]"
ANSM où sont vos résultats de Western Blot? De plasmide d’ADN?
“[Injected pfizer vials do not match the formulation of 💉 those in clinical trials. On the ANSM website they say they do checks but we have NEVER seen a check report!]”
ANSM where are your Western Blot results? DNA plasmid?
Une étude du Lancet portant sur 325 autopsies pratiquées après la vaccination Covid a révélé que 74% des décès étaient dus au vaccin....mais la revue a retiré l'étude dans les 24 heures.
The Daily Sceptic (Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours – The Daily Sceptic)
Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours – The Daily Sceptic
A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was
LE BLOG DE PATRICE GIBERTIE (73,9% des autopsies post vaccinales concluent à la responsabilité directe des injections #ARNm covid dans la mort , une info déjà censurée! 45 études sur 325 cas , ce n’est plus le hasard!)
73,9% des autopsies post vaccinales concluent à la responsabilité directe des injections #ARNm covid dans la mort , une info déjà censurée! 45 études sur 325 cas , ce n’est plus le hasard!
Il faut rappeler que 17540 décès ont été rapportés comme liés aux vaccins covid pour les seuls Etats Unis à la pharmacovigilance VEARS. Tous les décès n’ont pas été rapportés loin de là mais …
73.9% of post-vaccination autopsies conclude that #mRNA covid injections are directly responsible for death, information already censored! 45 studies on 325 cases, it is no longer a coincidence!
It should be remembered that 17,540 deaths have been reported as linked to covid vaccines for the United States alone to VEARS pharmacovigilance. Not all deaths have been reported far from it but...
RoyaumeUni : Les enfants des classes 7 à 11 de l'école secondaire se verront proposer le vaccin sous forme de spray nasal à partir du 1er septembre."
Les enfants, leur principale cible. Entre la pédophilie, le changement de sexe, l’euthanasie, le brouillage de tous les repérer, les vaxxins à gogo, la pornographie, le bourrage de crâne, une école pervertie et défaillante, une propagande lgbtqpuiste incessante et culpabilisatrice, des famille parfois à la derive..

Sky News (All secondary school students in England to be offered free flu vaccine)
All secondary school students in England to be offered free flu vaccine
The government has announced an expansion of flu vaccine eligibility after it said in May primary school pupils would be offered
Pas de bol pour ceux qui défendent les poisons-vaccins, même la grande revue scientifique "Science" a publié mardi un article confirmant que les vaccins COVID-19 sont liés à des troubles graves...
Avec plusieurs mois de retard et sans aucune excuse de nous avoir traités de complotiste...
Children's Health Defense (After Long Silence on ‘Long Vax,’ Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots)
After Long Silence on ‘Long Vax,’ Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots
After years of organizing and advocacy by people suffering autoimmune injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine, one of the world’s top scientific journals reports on the existence of “Long Vax.”

No luck for those who defend poison-vaccines, even the major scientific journal "Science" published an article on Tuesday confirming that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to serious disorders...
Several months late and without any excuse for calling us a conspirator...
Children's Health Defense
After Long Silence on ‘Long Vax,’ Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots
After years of organizing and advocacy by people suffering autoimmune injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine, one of the world’s top scientific journals reports on the existence of “Long Vax.”
They knew. :mad:

Emergent Human Pathogen Simian Virus 40 and Its Role in Cancer
The polyomavirus simian virus 40 (SV40) is a known oncogenic DNA virus which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and lymphomas in laboratory animals. Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen.
A meta-analysis of molecular, pathological, and clinical data from 1,793 cancer patients indicates that there is a significant excess risk of SV40 associated with human primary brain cancers, primary bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Experimental data strongly suggest that SV40 may be functionally important in the development of some of those human malignancies. Therefore, the major types of tumors induced by SV40 in laboratory animals are the same as those human malignancies found to contain SV40 markers. The Institute of Medicine recently concluded that “the biological evidence is of moderate strength that SV40 exposure could lead to cancer in humans under natural conditions.” This review analyzes the accumulating data that indicate that SV40 is a pathogen which has a possible etiologic role in human malignancies. Future research directions are considered.
Is that an assumption, that a human sized dose was injected into the rats? I couldn't see anything particular about the dose, other than it was high dose, and that it was injected into the tail vein, so not a muscle injection. Mind you, many of the jabs appear to have been injected into muscle tissue as they were meant to.
I misspoke. I meant to say that many injections were not injected into muscle tissue, but quite likely into blood vessels.
Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours
The paper is here for anyone who wants it.
Sinon les médias ont publié le rapport Pfizer sur les vaccinations ? Non ? Pourquoi ???
Pourtant ce rapport LARGEMENT SOUS-ESTIMÉ, fait froid dans le dos. Pfizer répertorie plus de 10 000 maladies ou troubles différents qui affectent tout le corps, avec cinq millions d'événements indésirables signalés, 3000 décès sur un total de 400 pages...
De plus ce rapport ne prend en compte que les signalements reçus jusqu'au 18 juin 2022...
Et puis il y a le chiffre inquiétant de 700 complications liées à la grossesse. Nota bene pour un médicament chaudement recommandé aux femmes enceintes dans de nombreux pays.
L'entrée la plus surprenante se trouve peut-être dans la longue liste des maladies causées par des infections et des maladies infectieuses, qui totalise plus de 167 000 déclarations : La maladie la plus fréquemment signalée comme un effet indésirable est "Covid19", c'est-à-dire la maladie que le vaccin devait prévenir....
Oui, le rapport Pfizer montre que le produit ARNm a raté sa seule cible : près de 75 000 cas de Covid ont été signalés après l'injection contre le Covid. La grande majorité d'entre eux, plus de 71 000, sont classés comme graves. À ces cas s'ajoutent 1600 personnes diagnostiquées avec une pneumonie Covid après administration.
À ce jour, cependant, aucun mea culpa n'est venu des autorités, des médias, des médecins de plateaux TV. Pas même un mot d'excuse pour avoir forcé des millions de personnes, pour la plupart en bonne santé, à s'injecter un médicament inefficace et potentiellement nocif.
Le rapport : https://lanuovabq.it/storage/docs/effetti-avversi-pfizer-report.pdf

Otherwise the media published the Pfizer report on vaccinations? No? For what ???
Yet this GREATLY UNDERESTIMATED report sends shivers down the spine. Pfizer lists more than 10,000 different diseases or disorders that affect the whole body, with five million reported adverse events, 3,000 deaths in a total of 400 pages...
In addition, this report only takes into account reports received until June 18, 2022...
And then there's the worrying figure of 700 pregnancy-related complications. Nota bene for a drug highly recommended for pregnant women in many countries.
Perhaps the most surprising entry is in the long list of diseases caused by infections and infectious diseases, which totals more than 167,000 reports: The disease most frequently reported as an adverse effect is "Covid19", c i.e. the disease that the vaccine was supposed to prevent....
Yes, the Pfizer report shows that the mRNA product missed its only target: almost 75,000 Covid cases were reported after the Covid injection. The vast majority of them, more than 71,000, are classified as serious. To these cases are added 1,600 people diagnosed with Covid pneumonia after administration.
To date, however, no mea culpa has come from the authorities, the media, the TV doctors. Not even a word of apology for forcing millions of mostly healthy people to inject an ineffective and potentially harmful drug.
1/2 La journaliste d'investigation Sonia Elijah , ex-BBC, a découvert des documents choquants de Pfizer et BioNTech sur le vaccin contre le coronavirus. Les documents couvrent la période du 19 décembre 2021 au 18 juin 2022.
Pfizer et BioNTech ont enregistré 3 280 décès au cours de ces sept mois. Elijah a parlé du nombre de décès d'enfants .
De décembre 2021 à juin 2022, plus de 9600 événements indésirables ont été signalés dans le groupe des 5 à 11 ans. Surtout aux États-Unis, en Australie, aux Philippines et en Allemagne, de nombreux enfants ont souffert d'effets secondaires.
Il y a eu 20 décès dans ce groupe d'âge. Entre autres choses, ces enfants ont subi un arrêt cardiaque ou une inflammation du muscle cardiaque. Deux enfants ont développé une myocardite peu de temps après la première ou la deuxième dose et sont ensuite décédés d'un arrêt cardiaque.
Un garçon de 6 ans est également décédé et les documents indiquent : "Le journaliste a conclu que le décès n'était pas lié à l'administration de BNT162b2 et était une mort naturelle." Selon Elijah, cette conclusion est extrêmement étrange, puisque les résultats de l'autopsie ne sont même pas encore disponibles.
Le garçon a développé une myocardite et est décédé une semaine après sa première dose de Pfizer.
1/2 Ex-BBC investigative reporter Sonia Elijah uncovers shocking coronavirus vaccine documents from Pfizer and BioNTech. The documents cover the period from December 19, 2021 to June 18, 2022.
Pfizer and BioNTech recorded 3,280 deaths during those seven months. Elijah talked about the number of child deaths.
From December 2021 to June 2022, over 9600 adverse events were reported in the 5-11 year old age group. Especially in the United States, Australia, the Philippines and Germany, many children suffered from side effects.
There were 20 deaths in this age group. Among other things, these children suffered cardiac arrest or inflammation of the heart muscle. Two children developed myocarditis shortly after the first or second dose and subsequently died of cardiac arrest.
A 6-year-old boy also died and the documents state: "The reporter concluded that the death was unrelated to the administration of BNT162b2 and was a natural death." According to Elijah, this conclusion is extremely strange, since the results of the autopsy are not even available yet.
The boy developed myocarditis and died a week after his first dose of Pfizer.

2/2 Dans un certain nombre de cas, Pfizer et BioNTech admettent qu'"une relation causale entre la vaccination et la mort ne peut être exclue".
Les données des 12 à 17 ans montrent 21 945 cas d'effets secondaires, la plupart en Allemagne, suivie des Philippines et de l'Australie. Aussi effrayant : un tiers de tous les cas étaient graves.
Il y a eu 62 décès dans ce groupe d'âge , plus de trois fois le nombre de l'autre groupe.
Trois enfants de 13 ans sont morts d'une myocardite. Une jeune fille de 16 ans a subi une embolie pulmonaire et un arrêt cardiaque deux jours après sa troisième injection de Pfizer. Une autopsie a été pratiquée mais les résultats n'ont "pas été fournis".
Dans la plupart des cas, aucune autopsie n'a été pratiquée. S'adressant à Clayton Morris de Redacted , le journaliste d'investigation a déclaré que c'était sans scrupules et criminel . "Il n'est pas normal que de jeunes enfants meurent d'un arrêt cardiaque ou d'une myocardite. C'est fou."

2/2 In a number of cases, Pfizer and BioNTech admit that “a causal relationship between vaccination and death cannot be excluded”.
Data from 12 to 17 year olds shows 21,945 cases of side effects, most in Germany, followed by the Philippines and Australia. Also frightening: a third of all cases were serious.
There were 62 deaths in this age group, more than three times the number in the other group.
Three 13-year-old children died of myocarditis. A 16-year-old girl suffered a pulmonary embolism and cardiac arrest two days after her third Pfizer injection. An autopsy was performed but the results were "not provided".
In most cases, no autopsy was performed. Speaking to Redacted's Clayton Morris, the investigative reporter said it was unscrupulous and criminal. "It's not normal for young children to die of cardiac arrest or myocarditis. It's crazy."
Le Pr Yasufumi Murakami de l'université de Tokyo met en évidence le problème des anticorps IgG4 induits par les vaccins à ARNm. Ces anticorps ont une fonction immunosuppressive, empêchant les lymphocytes de tuer les cellules cancéreuses ou de combattre les virus. Cela entraîne une augmentation du nombre de cancers et une altération du fonctionnement du système immunitaire.
Il recommande d'arrêter de se vacciner, car les niveaux d'IgG4 augmentent après chaque vaccination et peuvent persister pendant une longue période.
Voilà la publication qui fin 2022 rapportait ce changement de classe d'anticorps vers les IgG4 : https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798

Professor Yasufumi Murakami from the University of Tokyo highlights the problem of IgG4 antibodies induced by mRNA vaccines. These antibodies have an immunosuppressive function, preventing lymphocytes from killing cancer cells or fighting off viruses. This leads to an increase in the number of cancers and impaired functioning of the immune system.
He recommends stopping getting vaccinated, as IgG4 levels increase after each vaccination and can persist for a long time.
Here is the publication that at the end of 2022 reported this change of antibody class to IgG4:
In August of 2022, there were two posts about Dr. Leana Wen, who was a public COVID19 lockdown, mask and vax enforcer. Later she discovered her son had been damaged by the mask measures.
August 30, 2022
Dr Leana Wen is blowing up all over media now, and rightfully so, for walking back her words on masking harms because all of a sudden it is affecting her family and their ability to earn an income, etc. Turns out she was an ER spokesperson for the Boston Marathon related trauma. So people are wondering if she is a crisis actor, because, what are the odds?
So I looked her up on Open Payments, which tracks and reports payments to physicians and institutions by Labs, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers. The only provider in USA by the name of Leana Wen is in the Baltimore area. In 2021 she was paid nearly $600K by Glaukos Corporation, some for speaking but not in the form of educational/lectures. Her specialty is registered as Emergency Medicine, not Opthamology. Glauxos does Opthamology stuff. No other extra income is listed. Good work if you can get it!
FYI, everyone I know in the professions gets supposed tracked 'income' from a variety of sources, mostly in the form of meals at dinner lectures. A few, like VA employees, are not allowed to do so, so they show up to such events after the meal and do not sign the food register.
She was the Baltimore City Health Commissioner
She was President of Planned Parenthood

The science hasn't changed, just the script has changed.
You can do a search for videos of her. She has an astonishing number of high-level media appearances out there.
August 26, 2022
The chickens coming home to roost . . .

CNN Medical Analyst Who Wanted To Ban The Unvaccinated From Society And Force Children To Mask Now Reveals How Masking Has Severely Harmed Her Son

CNN medical analyst Dr. Lean admits the so-called science she demanded the public comply with has impaired her young son.

Wen championed mask and vaccine mandates throughout the pandemic, insisted children be forced to take PCR tests weekly until they are fully vaccinated and called for the unvaccinated to be banned from participating in society.
“It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated,” Wen impugned last year. “Right now, it’s kind of the opposite.”

But no one escapes karma.

In an op-ed published by the Washington Post, Wen confesses the “science” she and Big Brother demanded we trust is harmful and damaged her son’s cognitive development.

“I’m a doctor. Here’s why my kids won’t wear masks this school year,” the title of her editorial that was published on Tuesday states.

“Masking has harmed our son’s language development, and limiting both kids’ extracurriculars and social interactions would negatively affect their childhood and hinder my and my husband’s ability to work,” Wen admitted.
“With this new, indefinite time frame, the benefit-risk calculus of mitigation measures shifted dramatically. I was willing to limit my children’s activities for a year or two but not for their entire childhood,” she continued.

For many, it’s evident that a faceless society, where everyone wears germ-ridden pieces of fabric across their faces to no avail, would impede the emotional and cognitive development ability of formative young children.

Speech therapists have seen an alarming spike in the number of babies and toddlers patients who are speech delayed.

Mask wearing has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers, explained speech therapist Jaclyn Theek.
More from Summit News:

But Americans across the country continue mask up and comply with lies told by tyrants like CNN analysts and Planned Parenthood while Google, which is partnered with the World Health Organization to stop the spread of covid misinformation, continues to buries facts in its search engine.

Wen’s op-ed detailing how mask wearing has harmed her son comes days after talk radio show host Dan Bongino revealed his decision to get covid vaccinated is ‘the greatest regret” of his life.
Her insights developed slowly: In December 2022:
WaPo prints bombshell admissions from Covid maven Dr. Leana Wen
In January 2023:
CNN and WaPo COVID expert claims number of pandemic deaths has been OVERCOUNTED and that many people died while sick with virus, not of it

Now, the FB page of Dr Wen, reveals she was recently hospitalized
When the doctor unexpectedly becomes the patient
Two weeks ago, something terrifying happened. I went to bed Sunday evening feeling fine, then woke up Monday morning gasping and with pressure across my chest. No matter how fast I breathed, I felt as though I couldn’t get enough air.

The days that followed were a serious wake-up call: Though I’m trained as an emergency physician, I wasn’t prepared to be on the other end of the stethoscope. It’s a reminder that no one — even healthy people — should let their guard down.

I knew immediately that I needed emergency care, but my initial concern was for my children because my husband was away in London. As I waited for a babysitter to arrive, I thought through the possibilities: At my age, it was unlikely to be a heart attack, but could there be heart muscle inflammation? Could this be a blood clot? Or a collapsed lung?
She ends without getting into public policy consequences of past public policies, although it could mean an argument for more "updates".
When the threat of covid started to recede, we stopped living so defensively. My recent illness has been a reminder not to do so. Anyone, no matter how fit or healthy they think they are, can become sick at any time. Don’t ignore warning signs. Be sure to seek medical care early. And as I am learning for myself, it’s okay to slow down and prioritize your own health and well-being.
Some like this Twitter thread by Dr. Simon Goddek, puts together details about Wen and is strong on the China connection.
From the introduction:
Did you know that
has been a crisis actor since the Boston Marathon Bombings?In this video, you can see her 'performing' in front of a green screen. However, there are many more inconsistencies regarding Leana Wen. Let's explore them in a thread.
#1 Leana Wen has lived an interesting life, to say the least: She was a crisis actress during the Boston Bombing (CNN)
She was a WEF Young Global Leade
She served as the President of Planned Parenthood under @gatesfoundation
She was a crisis actress during COVID (CNN)
#2 Chinese-born
(Wen Linyan;溫麟衍) was heavily pushing the #CCP agenda and advocated compulsory vaccination. It's quite striking that the Canadian health official Theresa Tam (Tán Yǒngshī;譚詠詩) and the US-fearmonger Eric Ding (Ding Liàng;丁亮) shared similar views.
If Dr Wen, was set up to be used, because she was born in China see Dr. Leana Wen—CNN’s Medical Propagandist—Has History With CCP and Eugenics Programs from May 7, 2021, it worked well, and is still working. But people, who as Goddek like to make the China and CCP a major issue, forget to mention what contradicts their picture. However, the advantage of such a slant, is that the US Government comes out as a much more innocent than is objectively deserved.

Anyway, it is almost ironic that Wen co-authored a book in 2013:
When Doctors Don't Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests Kindle Edition
by Dr. Leana Wen (Author), Dr. Joshua Kosowsky (Author)
In this examination of the doctor-patient relationship, Drs. Wen and Kosowsky argue that diagnosis, once the cornerstone of medicine, is fast becoming a lost art, with grave consequences.
Deservedly, one comments among the Amazon reviews notes:
Well here you go. A doctor who doesn’t listen, is anti-informed consent and anti-body autonomy wrote a book about other doctors who also don’t listen. What a treat.
For context, here are notes from Wen [Wiki]
Leana Sheryle Wen (Chinese: 温麟衍; born Wen Linyan; January 27, 1983) is an American physician, author, professor, speaker, consultant, newspaper columnist and television commentator. She is former health commissioner for the city of Baltimore and former president of Planned Parenthood. She has written two books based on her experiences as a medical professional.

Wen has served as a public health communicator during the COVID-19 pandemic and 2022 monkeypox outbreak, appearing frequently on CNN as an on-air medical analyst.[1][2][3]

Wen was asked to testify four times to Congress during the COVID-19 pandemic, including twice to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.[4]

Currently, Wen serves as a public health professor at George Washington University and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. She is also a columnist for The Washington Post and a medical analyst for CNN.[5]
Born Wen Linyan (温麟衍) in Shanghai, China on January 27, 1983,[6] to Ying Sandy Zhang and Xiaolu Wen,[7] Wen moved with her parents to the U.S. when she was eight, by then having the English name Leana Sheryle Wen.[8] Granted political asylum, the Wen family lived in Compton and East Los Angeles in Southern California.[9][10][11] In 2003, Wen and her family became U.S. citizens.[10]
Attending the Early Entrance Program (EEP) at California State University, Los Angeles starting at age 13, Wen graduated summa cum laude at age 18 with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry, in 2001.[17][7][9]
Dr. Wen claimed in her latest WP post about the recent hospitalization that it was a wake-up call. Given her son was first suffering from the mask, and now herself suffering unexpectedly, she may have other chances.
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