C'est les vaccins, la télé qui ont rendus les peuples, des moutons ? Pour 10 millions de Britanniques, avoir faim est devenu une nouvelle normalité
20 minutes (Pour 10 millions de Britanniques, avoir faim est devenu une nouvelle normalité)
Pour 10 millions de Britanniques, avoir faim est devenu une nouvelle normalité
Selon une étude publiée mardi, 14% de la population souffre de pauvreté alimentaire au Royaume-Uni, où le nombre de banques alimentaires a été multiplié par vingt en dix ans.

Is it the vaccines, the TV that have made the people sheep?
For 10 million Britons, being hungry has become a new normal
According to a study published on Tuesday, 14% of the population suffers from food poverty in the United Kingdom, where the number of food banks has multiplied by twenty in ten years.
Des scientifiques et un collectif citoyen, ont pu démontrer la souffrance physique et psychique des enfants masqués à l'école dont certains étaient en carence d'oxygène. Ce travail a été publié dans un journal médical international référencé.
La publication a été financée par
dont je vous précise au passage que nous avons l'AG ce soir (pour les adhérents bien sûr).
L'étude : Oxygen Saturation Depletion Measured in Children Wearing Masks at School in France During the Covid-19 Pandemic Years 2020-2022

Scientists and a citizen collective were able to demonstrate the physical and psychological suffering of children masked at school, some of whom were lacking in oxygen. This work has been published in a leading international medical journal.
The publication was funded by
which I tell you in passing that we have the AG tonight (for members of course).
On va y arriver !!!
SMS/Pfizer : Ursula Von Der Leyen poursuivie en justice ! - Diane Protat et Frédéric Baldan
Diane Protat, avocate et Frédéric Baldan, lobbyiste au Parlement européen. #ursulavonderleyen #pfizer #covid19 #vaccine #justice
Ligne Droite est une émission indépendante. Ligne Droite refuse toute ressource publicitaire et ne vit que grâce à ses auditeurs. Aidez-nous à demeurer libres et indépendants en faisant vos dons en ligne ici : h

We will get there !!!
SMS/Pfizer: Ursula Von Der Leyen prosecuted! - Diane Protat and Frederic Baldan
Diane Protat, lawyer and Frédéric Baldan, lobbyist at the European Parliament. #ursulavonderleyen #pfizer #covid19 #vaccine #justice
Ligne Droite is an independent program. Ligne Droite refuses all advertising resources and lives only thanks to its listeners. Help us stay free and independent by donating online here: h
too long. what is the summary?
"2 days after 2nd Pfizer dose, 1/14 mice (7%) died suddenly, had turbo cancer with lymphoma infiltration of many organs: liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs & intestines."

And to think, after the 2 days 'died suddenly' part, after 2 week, 2 months or 2 years, what would the percentage be one wonders (don't suppose they will ever say).

John Ruddick roasts Australia's pandemic response.

Good for him, and he brings up Ukraine and the Swiss, who (half of them) turned their backs on Z.
US Supreme Court has just increased religious protections. Covid type mandates will be defeated more easily with these new religious protections.
The U.S. Supreme Court increased Americans’ religions protections in a key decision this week that overturned long-standing Title VII law. Fox News ran its story on the decision headlined, “Supreme Court Hands Religious Freedom Win To Postal Worker Who Refused To Work On Sunday.”

Postman Gerald Groff is an Evangelical Christian and told his bosses at the USPS that he could not work on Sunday because he believes the Sabbath should be devoted to worship and rest. His bosses predictably initiated a progressive-discipline purge of the religious postal carrier until things got so difficult that he was forced to resign.

Litigation ensued and went all the way up.

In a unanimous 9-0 ruling reversing a progressive 1977 decision, the Supreme Court tightened Title VII requirements on employers, making it abundantly clear they must work hard to accommodate employees’ religious beliefs.

Many of you are now familiar with the previous murky “undue hardship” standard, having just danced with it in relation to the jab mandates. After this week’s decision, employers may only deny a religious accommodation by showing that it would “result in substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.” Not just increased costs, but “substantial” increased costs.

Also significantly, the Court clarified that any hardships caused to co-workers are irrelevant, unless those co-worker hardships go on to impair the conduct of the business.

In other words, it doesn’t matter how an employee’s coworkers feel about the employee’s religious beliefs. Here’s how it played out in the Groff decision:

Faced with an accommodation request like Groff’s, it would not be enough for an employer to conclude that forcing other employees to work overtime would constitute an undue hardship. Consideration of other options, such as voluntary shift swapping, would also be necessary.

To give you an idea of the significance of this ruling, had the new decision been in play two years ago, it is likely there would have been NO jab mandates at all. I couldn’t begin to say how many times we sent letters on behalf of employees of all kinds — pilots and stewardesses, salespeople, pharma VPs, surgeons, executives, you name it — after the employers generically claimed that accommodating a jab exemption would be an “undue hardship.”

Unlike during the pandemic, now employers won’t be able wave their hands about undue hardship without giving a detailed explanation of exactly HOW an accommodation would cause undue hardship.

In another example from a current case, I am advising a regular C&C reader and executive who is navigating a harrowing Human Resources investigation merely for emailing two bible verses to other employees. This decision will be very helpful for my client’s case.

Somebody please explain to me how a virus caused the Republicans and democrats to shift places with regard to employee rights. Historically the democrat party called itself the “party of the worker.” The pandemic has completely reversed that. The democrats are now the party of big corporations and rights-less employees.

Isn’t that something?
L'UE signe avec Pfizer un accord pour 325 millions de doses de vaccins pour prochaine pandémie (pas pour la COVID!)
Usines de vaccins ARNm en Irlande et Belgique
Vaccins protéiques en Espagne
Vecteurs viraux aux Pays Bas
Durée 4 ans (jusqu'à 8 ans)

Reuters (EU secures vaccine deals with Pfizer, and others for future pandemic)
EU secures vaccine deals with Pfizer, and others for future pandemic
The European Commission has secured deals with Pfizer and several European drugmakers to reserve capacity to make up to 325
Unfortunately, as we saw with the covid scam, a lot of the police were more than willing to do the bidding of the monster elite. And, seemed to enjoy it as well.

And, also unfortunately, as we have seen from the past, most people will probably fall in-line again with the next scam to control us.
Yeap, the not too distance future is already here. 🙄

Tour de France organisers tell riders and staff they must wear MASKS when not racing - and ban selfies with fans, autographs and dinners in restaurants - in bizarre draconian Covid rules
The Tour de France will once again impose strict Covid-19 restrictions on riders
Riders should wear masks when not racing and limit interactions with fans
A spate of Covid-19 cases at the recent Giro d'Italia has put officials on hit alert
The Tour de France will once again implement strict Covid-19 restrictions on riders and staff, it has been announced.

Riders will be required to wear masks at the team paddock, the sign-on podium, and the winners' podium and should limit their interactions with supporters.

It marks a similar set of restrictions to last season's edition of cycling's most famous race, where a total of 16 racers left the tour due to catching the virus and five quit before it had even begun.
Only 135 cyclists finished the race in 2022, the lowest number since 2000, even though 176 had started it.
Reuters reported that teams had been instructed: 'Do not get too close to the spectators - social distancing, no selfies, no autographs.
c'est normal, if you inject a human dose into a mouse, non?
Is that an assumption, that a human sized dose was injected into the rats? I couldn't see anything particular about the dose, other than it was high dose, and that it was injected into the tail vein, so not a muscle injection. Mind you, many of the jabs appear to have been injected into m7uscle tissue as they were meant to.
6 µg of BNT162b2 diluted in a total volume of 60 µl of normal saline (± 0.25 µg BNT162b2 per gram of body weight)
A scientific paper talking about death by vaccine? In the Lancet?
The most damaging paper of the pandemic has just been published in The Lancet
I was right. The COVID vaccines have killed massive numbers of people and the government covered it up. The paper, published as a pre-print, shows 74% of deaths post-vax due to the vax.

JUL 5, 2023

Head on over to Peter McCullough’s Substack for the details and please consider subscribing to his Substack. He’s terrific, a great friend, a great scientist, and a man of great courage.

This is a pre-print so not yet peer-reviewed.

I’m sure they will try to get this paper killed. It is amazing that The Lancet is a teller of truth in this case.

The paper shows 74% of deaths post-vax could be attributed to the vaccine being a cause of death.

The results are strongly consistent with the Schwab paper where 71% of the deaths appeared to be consistent with a vaccine death:

They basically were looking for the “cleanest” proof of death, but it’s likely that all 71% of the cases (25 out of 35) died from the vaccine, it’s just harder to “prove” that.

The question we all should be asking is why are we first hearing about this now? How could all of the CDC’s analyses show no relation to the vaccine? And why aren’t we allowed to see them?


  • SSRN-id4496137.pdf
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Joe Biden a lancé un "ministère orwellien de la vérité" pour faire taire les dissidents de Covid, selon un juge

Le tribunal soutient que l'administration Biden s'est engagée dans une tentative "massive" pour empêcher les Américains de remettre en question l'efficacité des vaccins en ligne.
Un juge américain a déclaré que Joe Biden avait lancé un "ministère de la vérité orwellien" pour faire taire les dissidents de Covid pendant la pandémie.

Dans une décision rendue mardi, Terry Doughty, juge d'un tribunal de district de Louisiane, a soutenu les affirmations selon lesquelles l'administration du président américain s'était engagée dans une tentative "massive" d'empêcher les Américains de remettre en question l'efficacité des vaccins en ligne.

Il a également interdit temporairement aux fonctionnaires et aux agences fédérales de rencontrer des dirigeants d'entreprises de médias sociaux dans le but de supprimer des discours protégés par le premier amendement.

Pendant la pandémie de Covid-19, une période peut-être mieux caractérisée par le doute et l'incertitude généralisés, le gouvernement des États-Unis semble avoir assumé un rôle similaire à un "ministère de la vérité" orwellien", a écrit le juge, nommé par l'ancien président Donald Trump, dans son avis de 155 pages.

La Maison Blanche, Google et Facebook n'ont pas commenté l'injonction dans l'immédiat. L'administration Biden peut faire appel de la mesure auprès de la 5e cour d'appel du circuit américain, basée à la Nouvelle-Orléans, a rapporté le média américain Politico.

Cette décision fait suite à la révélation, le mois dernier, de la mise en place par des ministres britanniques d'une unité de contre-désinformation utilisée pour cibler les détracteurs de l'enfermement et ceux qui remettent en cause la vaccination massive des enfants.

Le gouvernement britannique a fait appel à une société d'intelligence artificielle pour surveiller les sites de médias sociaux et signaler l'opposition aux passeports de vaccination.

The Telegraph (Joe Biden launched ‘Orwellian Ministry of Truth’ to shut down Covid dissent, judge says)
Joe Biden launched ‘Orwellian Ministry of Truth’ to shut down Covid dissent, judge says
La Cour soutient les affirmations selon lesquelles l’administration Biden s’était engagée dans une tentative « massive » d’empêcher les Américains de remettre en question l’efficacité des vaccins en ligne

Joe Biden has launched an 'Orwellian ministry of truth' to silence Covid dissidents, judge says

The court argues that the Biden administration engaged in a "massive" attempt to prevent Americans from questioning the effectiveness of vaccines online.
A US judge has said Joe Biden launched an 'Orwellian ministry of truth' to silence Covid dissidents during the pandemic.

In a ruling on Tuesday, Louisiana District Court Judge Terry Doughty backed claims that the US President's administration had engaged in a "massive" attempt to prevent Americans from questioning vaccine effectiveness online.

He also temporarily barred federal officials and agencies from meeting with executives of social media companies in an effort to suppress speech protected by the First Amendment.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, a time perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States government appears to have taken on a role similar to an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth',” wrote the judge, appointed by former President Donald Trump, in his 155-page opinion.

The White House, Google and Facebook did not immediately comment on the injunction. The Biden administration can appeal the measure to the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals, based in New Orleans, US news outlet Politico reported.

The move follows revelations last month that British ministers had set up a counter-disinformation unit used to target lockdown critics and those who question mass vaccination of children.

The UK government has enlisted an artificial intelligence firm to monitor social media sites and report opposition to vaccination passports.

The Telegraph (Joe Biden launched ‘Orwellian Ministry of Truth’ to shut down Covid dissent, judge says)
Joe Biden launched 'Orwellian Ministry of Truth' to end Covid dissent, judge says
Court supports claims that Biden administration engaged in 'massive' attempt to prevent Americans from questioning vaccine effectiveness online
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