Remember the rule: “Save lives! Stay at home!”

My god.

I'm still trying to suss out exactly WHY "staying at home" seems to be necessary to the agenda. Well, one thing, if everybody is cowering in their homes, they don't have to send police out to deal with riots in the streets.

One (among different) reasons might be "energy generation" for 4D STS. Think about it: families staying at home with kids and teenagers who are used to see them only in the evening - LOTS of drama. People forced to keep their distance, no social interactions - isolation and depression. Those who are alone basically confined to their small apartments. Total atmosphere of mistrust and disconnect outside. Probably suicides. Men losing their status as bread winners and the purpose of heading to work - misery. More time for porn/netflix/gaming/internet/smartphone addiction. Feeling of guilt for just wanting to go for a walk. Hobbies and clubs essential for many people closed and cancelled. Even the club scene grinded to a halt - what are these druggies gonna do? Homeless people - my god. The list is endless - psychic suffering everywhere. Especially for those who have some kind of instinct that all of this is wrong.
Remember the rule: “Save lives! Stay at home!”
In addition to what was already said before, one more is that we´re not supposed to see what is going on in the sky....? We´ve seen increase of strange phenomena in the sky and meteors, probably will get even more and that´s not for everybody to see... Less people outside, less smartphones/cameras directed to the sky, less questions.... :-/
I saw a news report decrying people who break the lockdown. They were saying these people were irresponsible and utterly selfish. Oh boy...

There was another news report in the US decrying all the spring breakers in Miami. I think in the end all those parties got broken by the authorities. It's funny, in any other year I'd be laughing seeing that debauchery get called off by the authorities... Not this year due to the overall context which has changed.

Also there's some head scratching going on as the infection numbers are going up in the hot / humid Asian countries - Thailand, Indonesia etc. Plus it looks like it's now spreading in some sub Saharan African countries which have equatorial climate. How very strange!

There was a story circulating here in my local community of a 19 year old girl who'd been taken critically ill from this illness and is now in intensive care shifting in and out of consciousness... As you can imagine, this doesn't allay any fears. It's stories like this that people latch onto I think.

In any case, what appears to be the case is that enforcement laws will get more draconian in an effort to hold those who 'break' the rules to account. In addition, I think the activities in supermarkets may get a bit more regulated as this panic buying can't go on for much longer as there are people being left who can't get anything.

I've taken a sit back and watch approach. Hopefully that chloroquine drug they are talking about does the job... Funny thing with that drug is that it's not the French who trialed it first on this disease contrary to what's being reported. It was the Chinese way back when they were going through their outbreak. The Chinese also trialed blood plasma of those healed... As far as I remember from the reports I read back then, no ultimate consensus was reached.
Sorry to hear that. We are basically in the same position. To top it off, me and C have just started a business and taken out a big loan :lol:, yet with amazon shutting off FBA for small sellers, and supplements being "non-essential", that whole plan could go south VERY quickly if things carry on like this. But I am left thinking -"Oh well, it was worth a try!"

Now is the time to make use of the skills we have in some way in preparation for all potential outcomes. I have decided to study herbal medicine intensively - have stocked up on textbooks and whatnot, and am going to delve into that in the coming months. After all, if all else fails - plants will likely still be growing, and there will always be people who are sick!
I think it is an excellent idea. Our grand-mothers knew this knowledge and cured people when necessary in times of war. In the novel by Kimi Eisele, " The Lightest
object of the Universe" that talks about the fall of the system and how people cope with this extraordinary change, there is a very interesting character that know how to cure with plants and many friends are able to survived or received her help when sick. I think it is sooooo important.The return to the basic at so many levels.
What I miss very much are flowers. There is nowhere where I can buy flowers. I asked the manager of the store of groceries if they can bring some. Maybe. I hope.

Just a suggestion, but if you are able to do so, perhaps consider getting hold of some seeds that make good cut flowers, in a European climate i find that Zinnia Elegans will grow just about anywhere with a bit of watering. They don't have a fragrance but they do last a while in a vase.

What on earth is the point of that?! :umm: That is very odd. Perhaps by complying with the instruction to write this down rather than just tell the official verbally it is a form of agreement to being constrained in this way. I am thinking in the metaphysical sense of agreeing to the abridgement of free will e.g.cases of possession or the scene in the book 'Dracula' where he asks his guest at his door to 'enter of their free will'.

It's also a step towards pushing the boundaries of acceptability: first you get people to sign themselves a permission slip, then, in time, you tell them they need to get permission from an authority. If this does blow over, the next time permission slips are required some may see it as routine.

In the light of recent speculations and suggestions by Chinese that the virus might have come from the US, the following session comes to mind and if it is the case then the backfire could hardly be any bigger:
Session 14 April 2018

(Pierre) It sounds like they're developing an ethnic-specific weapon in haste which should not be used because...

(Joe) Maybe it's more along the lines of: Will they be caught trying to spread something along those lines?

(Chu) Wait and see.

A: More like finding out that your ancestors were not what you thought. No more on this. Wait and see!
I can't make much sense of the last answer though. Anyone?
Maybe I'm completely off with the whole idea.

To add weight to what the C's said, a recent global study of genomes seems to say that it really would be difficult to create a biospecific weapon what with all the mixing that has gone on:

This study is the first to apply the latest high-quality sequencing technology to such a large and diverse set of humans, covering 929 genomes from 54 geographically, linguistically and culturally diverse populations from across the globe. The sequencing and analysis of these genomes, which are part of the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP)-CEPH panel, now provides unprecedented detail of our genetic history.

The team found millions of previously unknown DNA variations that are exclusive to one continental or major geographical region. Though most of these were rare, they included common variations in certain African and Oceanian populations that had not been identified by previous studies.

Variations such as these may influence the susceptibility of different populations to disease
. However, medical genetics studies have so far predominantly been conducted in populations of European ancestry, meaning that any medical implications that these variants might have are not known. Identifying these novel variants represents a first step towards fully expanding the study of genomics to underrepresented populations.

However, no single DNA variation was found to be present in 100 per cent of genomes from any major geographical region while being absent from all other regions. This finding underlines that the majority of common genetic variation is found across the globe.

The study also provides evidence that the Neanderthal ancestry of modern humans can be explained by just one major 'mixing event', most likely involving several Neanderthal individuals coming into contact with modern humans shortly after the latter had expanded out of Africa. In contrast, several different sets of DNA segments inherited from Denisovans were identified in people from Oceania and East Asia, suggesting at least two distinct mixing events.

The discovery of small amounts of Neanderthal DNA in west African people, most likely reflecting later genetic backflow into Africa from Eurasia


Military vehicles arriving in Newcastle, UK. 19 hours ago

Just to note, comments on the video state that it looks similar to a weapons convoy:


deanpunk88 20 hours ago

That is the nuclear missile convoy it goes past here every few weeks
Амбер Amber 21 hours ago

It is a Nuclear convoy and google image search confirms it :))
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Mass hypnosis

Under a spell

Can't tell

What's real

What's fake

Shake down

Mind virus

Takes hold

Masses mind controlled

For so long

Now complete

The grand divide

Is upon humanity

Mass hypnosis

A war for

Your mind

Blind leading

The blind

No where

to hide

It's a war for

Your mind

It's a war for

Your mind

Just a suggestion, but if you are able to do so, perhaps consider getting hold of some seeds that make good cut flowers, in a European climate i find that Zinnia Elegans will grow just about anywhere with a bit of watering. They don't have a fragrance but they do last a while in a vase.

It's also a step towards pushing the boundaries of acceptability: first you get people to sign themselves a permission slip, then, in time, you tell them they need to get permission from an authorities. If this does blow over, the next time permission slips are required some may see it as routine.

To add weight to what the C's said, a recent global study of genomes seems to say that it really would be quite difficult to create a biospecific weapon what with all the mixing that has gone on:

Just to note, comments on the video state that it looks similar to a weapons convoy:

Thanks itellsya, you are correct. Just confirmed the same from one of the comments of the video.
I am certainly worried about our finances since we depend on all of you to keep us going and running the lighthouse and if any of you suffer financially, we also are looking at hard times. But, for as long as we are able, we'll keep going, keep the faith, and work on that ecstasy!
I would say not to worry. When the Fed and the all the central banks are prepared to throw in the kitchen sink as well, which is where they currently stand, then I think that we can and will as well. While some will be forced due to lack of job and income to reduce their donations, others will step up and increase contributions. At least I have faith that it will be so. :hug2:
The governor of California just ordered the entire state to stay home. 40 million people on a "shelter in place" order.

What are they going to do with all the homeless people?
What are they going to do with all the homeless people?

Was thinking this myself after talking to someone the other day who was in city centre here. Only people out were homeless lots of homeless on the streets in many countries, what will they do with them? Addicts won't have access to drugs they are roaming the streets, soup runs cancelled etc no one to feed them. Crazy situation
Interview of Didier Raoult, one of the top infectiologists in the world.

Didier Raoult on the coronavirus: "We must not play with fear"

Interview by Brice Perrier

Original article in French

A world leader in the field of infectious diseases and member of the scientific council dedicated to the coronavirus, Didier Raoult fears the runaway against a coronavirus which he has been inviting for weeks to treat.

Director of the Mediterranean Infection Institute in Marseille, Professor Didier Raoult is one of the most recognized French infectious diseases specialists in the world. He notably joined the multidisciplinary committee of 11 experts formed in March by the executive, assembled to "enlighten public decision in the management of the health situation linked to the coronavirus".

But in this crisis, he believes he is little heard by French health authorities when he is conducting a clinical trial on an old antimalarial drug used in China against Covid-19. Faced with the reality of the epidemic, he recommends not to panic and to detect the patients without waiting for their case to get worse to better treat them.

Marianne: What does the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic inspire in you?

Didier Raoult: I don't let myself get into terror. I do not know how to guess the future and I am not used to believe the most excited who have always been wrong in their modeling. I analyze from day to day, and the evolution, today, it is some 6,000 deaths in the world, including approximately 3,500 in China where the epidemic ends, and 127 in France. I am surprised that we are talking about a very significant cause of mortality, and even a health crisis of the century, when in 2017 the flu and other respiratory infections killed between 14,000 and 20,000 people in France. Maybe the statistics will be very different at the end of the epidemic, but today I do not see a major problem in terms of mortality.

We can only test this mortality if we integrate forms that are not very symptomatic

As a scientist, I am interested in what is done in the world to analyze the solutions associated with the best results. Most countries had not taken the type of decision announced by France, except Italy with not very remarkable success. Germany did not make this choice, neither did South Korea, although it was hit hard. In China, only the Wuhan region has been quarantined, where there have been 2,500 deaths, while the virus has been everywhere else. But mortality has not spread. We are taking measures that have nothing to do with those of countries that have controlled the epidemic. Maybe it's a stroke of genius, or not. It is especially important to reduce things to their proportion, because the interpretation that one gives ends up completely biasing the vision.

Isn't this virus particularly contagious and dangerous?

Dangerousness, I don't know what that means. It depends on the sample we observe. We can look in South Korea where we have done what I advocate from the start, namely to detect and treat, or in the greatest madness carried out in Japan by wedging elderly people on a cruise ship, an experimental model equivalent to putting together twenty mice including four infected to see how many will be contaminated. In both cases, mortality was relatively low, and in Korea it was one of the lowest in the world. In our center in Marseille, the only fatal case arrived after wandering from hospital to hospital. An 89-year-old lady who had been in intensive care for ten days when she was diagnosed. Mortality will obviously be higher for people identified in intensive care than with early detection. It will depend on the quality of care, and we can only test this mortality if we integrate mild symptoms.

In China, suicides of anguished people are reported

We have undoubtedly carried out more tests of the coronavirus than all the other French laboratories combined, with both moderate and severe forms. PACA [Southeastern France] may be spared with just one death, but that would prove that the generalizations are wrong. The ecosystems are different between inner Paris, Wuhan, the PACA region, and there is the unmeasurable risk because chaotic super-contaminators, difficult to understand. We still know now how to measure viral loads and we see that people have quantities of virus a million times greater than others. Logically, this can play a role in contamination, along with other things like behavior. The fact remains that today most of our patients come for respiratory symptoms due to the twenty or so other viruses circulating, or because they met someone who had the coronavirus. They are frantic and want to know if they don't have something that will kill them. Fear is very contagious. In China, suicides of anxious people have been reported. Do not play with fear.

Do you think we're getting carried away dangerously?

Yes. What are the practical details? In 2019, there were 2.6 million deaths worldwide from acute respiratory infection. In your opinion, what influence will the coronavirus have in this? Before significantly modifying these statistics, he will have to kill a lot ... And who knows if it will not stop overnight without knowing why like SARS, or if we be will finished with it in March, as is usual with the flu. All this means that I am not particularly moved, and think above all of detecting and treating.

You are conducting a clinical trial of treatment with chloroquine. Do you have any initial results?

I will present them this week, but will not invent anything. Dr. Zhong Nanshan, who successfully managed the Chinese coronavirus epidemic, has shown that chloroquine improves the clinical picture. In Saudi Arabia, the country where there has been the most coronavirus in recent years, Ziad Memish also recommends it as a basic treatment. These two scientists are the best in the world for treating coronaviruses, but in France, perhaps because one is Chinese and the other Arab, we don't listen to them. In South Korea, chloroquine is also in the official protocol, as in Iran.

Coronaviruses come from these countries and those who offer this product know them. I transmit things that others should also transmit if they read, followed what is done abroad and realized that the Chinese have become the largest producers of science in the world. I am only doing a confirmatory study at the level of viral load, the only element really measurable today, except to include thousands of people for analyzes which will arrive in several months, without immediate result.

Viral load, on the other hand, is easy to watch and answers the essential question of transmissibility. Its average duration is 12 to 14 days, and Doctor Zhong has already shown that chloroquine reduces the persistence of the virus to four days. Among all the products tested, it is the most harmless in terms of side effects, the cheapest, and it has at least partially shown its effectiveness. Good news to announce. This will have an effect, including in a population where one can fear dying from something that cannot be treated. I don't understand why we don't use it. It's weird at a time when we keep talking about globalization. In France we're asked to provide results already found elsewhere.

Your statements about chloroquine have been labeled "fake news"

At the end of February, I made a video in which I presented the Chinese results. It was posted and shared on Facebook, which qualified it as "fake news" after advice from a World decoder. The Ministry of Health website then posted that I was spreading fake news, but quickly removed it. And two weeks later, the ministry asked me to enter the scientific council dedicated to the coronavirus ...

Are you heard there?

I say what I think, but the council does not translate it into action. It's called scientific advice, but it's political. I'm like an alien there.
My mum and I were discussing these anti-viral drugs earlier. She has taken them for malaria. She says their side effects were so bad, she would prefer the malaria symptoms. It makes me think how sodium bicarbonate would probably be more gentle on the system.
Depend of the dosage and for how long you take it. The 600mg per day dosage prescribed for a short time, is apparently without side effect. Medicine used since 70 years, so side effects are very well known.

Well, if that's the case, it just confirms that sodium bicarbonate would work just fine. Did it not occur to anyone 'in the know' that sodium bicarbonate also changes the PH, and therefore it would be a much more accessible remedy for the people rather than a more expensive manufactured drug? Probably yes, but then some pharma company would not be making an extra load of cash, and governments wouldn't be having so much fun with their draconian measures, would they?
Chloroquine is a very cheap medicine : $10c/pill so there is no big money to be made here. No patent apply because it's so old.
And yes bicarbonate certainly do the trick but in term of mass communication it's not the same. With chloroquine you use the PTB game against the PTB itself.

My fear is that they fake the result trial in the US so they say it's not working.
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We went for a long walk this afternoon and stopped to buy a snack at a coffee shop. We couldn't go in the shop as they restaurants and cafes are only allowed to do take out orders so they had a little desk set up at the door and they were making the orders and handing them out the window to people who were waiting out on the porch. We ordered a snack and my wife was going to pay with cash and the guy looked at her like she was crazy and crossed his hands in front of him and said "Oh no! We're not taking cash right now! Trying to stop the spread of the virus!". So she paid with a credit card and tried to give a tip and he held out a jar so she could drop it in without him touching it. He was wearing the same vinyl gloves that he wore while he waited on the 2 or 3 customers before us and all I could think of was that the virus lives on plastic for up to 3 days and paper for 24 hours. He didn't change his gloves in between customers so there's probably more risk of spreading it around on the plastic credit cards than the "dirty" paper money. 🙄
Same here in the banks and they say "better to be safe than sorry". We can't argue, right?
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