It seems that the two closest Russian allies and members of the Customs Union, Kazakhstan and Belarus, have almost diametrically opposite attitudes towards the situation.

Kazakhstan's two main cities of Almaty and Nur-Sultan went into lockdown yesterday. The country has reported only 32 coronavirus cases so far.

Aleksandr Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, however, comments on the situation as follows (translated via deepl):

I call this coronavirus nothing but psychosis and I will never retract it, because I have already went through many psychoses along with you. I am absolutely convinced that this is another such psychosis, which will be in someone's hand and in someone's detriment. But we must proceed from the situation, which is developing not only in our country, but also outside of it. Why am I acting like this? Because I am absolutely convinced that we can suffer more from panic than from the virus itself. The civilized world of our planet has gone completely insane! Politicians there are already beginning to advise and use all these processes to their advantage.
better hope the internet stays up!

Sorry to be a harbinger of doom but I think we need to be prepared for the likelihood that an aspect of this mess will be let's say a reforming of internet access.

The plans for an 'I' 9/11 internet event have long been in place looking for the right 'crisis' to implement. The “cyber 9/11” meme stretches back almost to 9/11 itself when the Pentagon drafted plans to “fight the net” as if it were “an enemy weapons system”. The more people raise questions about COVID-19, the more this kind of activity will be publicly shamed as being life threatening and the more the programming will circulate among the public that those who question the authoritarian line via social media, etc, are abusing the public's trust and need to be 'self isolated'.

We should all remember that the Patriot Act - massive in size and complexity - was most likely first drafted in the 1980s if not before and then continually re-drafted and amended up to 9-11 and was just dusted down in a matter of days for a rush through congress.

So there is already a pre-planned solution waiting in the wings. And we know this thanks to a 2008 talk by Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig (and 2016 US Presidential candidate) at a technology conference at Half Moon Bay, California, in which he stated that a cyber equivalent of the Constitution-destroying Patriot Act is already on the shelf, waiting to be rubber stamped into law. All it requires is a “cyber 9/11” to make such legislation politically viable.

I think COVID-19 looks to be that "cyber 9/11" though the 'new reality' hackers are you and me this time.

Plans include “identity management” schemes like fingerprinting for internet access. We can also bet that Social Credit plans for the mass unemployed will include access to only prescribed sites on the internet, and non-use of alternative search engines to Google say. Once this kicks off in an apparently understandable and necessary means to suppress voices that 'upset people' - then there is no stopping the follow up to eventual segregation, exclusion and effective compartmentalization of access to all material by the masses.

Is it approaching time to think about taking the forum dark? Kidding...
Jeremy Hunt proposes that the government track everyone's phones in the UK

Notice the Freudian slip at 0.31 where he says "if that was shown to reduce lives"

Looks like they are thinking about following the Chinese, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan playbook.

What do all the above countries have in common? At least officially, they managed to control the (mind) virus.

Here is a video of an ex-pat in China that touches upon this issues... What we have is a difference in culture and attitude towards leadership and authority.

It might be okay for them to do this stuff there but it might not be okay for them to do this stuff here.

So it leaves us with how do they control the virus. It's sounding like the consensus is the virus is fake and overblown. So maybe they should lift restrictions, allow economic activity and movement as before and let the virus burn through. The UK government was actually going to do this under the guise of "herd immunity" but they changed tact after seeing some numbers from those guys at Imperial college led by Dr Neil Ferguson.

It looks like there's no winning for any government.

Lift restrictions, virus burns through, hospitals potentially get hit, gov gets called up by a huge swathe of the population for negligence.

Enact restrictions, virus is controlled, economy suffers, government gets called up for curtailing rights / freedoms and causing economic downturn.

What would folks do? I don't think I've read what folks would do if they had power to push through their specific thoughts. Have people thought about what the correct actions are?

Not on this forum, but generally I think in the modern times, we have become a culture of critics. There are critics everywhere, it's almost a sport. I think back in the day people would act as they wanted to see the world rather than sit back, do nothing but point endless accusatory fingers at anything and everything.

Some thoughts on what we can do now.
Thank you luc, This getting hot under the collar and thinking in an echo chamber if befuddling me. I'd love to turn to my husband right now and communicate on what we talk about here on the Forum but that's not an option.
Maybe this IS my lesson, don't know. I keep trying to lessen the frustration but it's very wearying.

I get this as well, mom is leaving messages to disinfect everything in my house and dad is texting to make sure I don't get in contact with anyone. He says he's following protocols. I would like to get closer but it's more like partnering with agent Smith at this point.
Sorry to be a harbinger of doom but I think we need to be prepared for the likelihood that an aspect of this mess will be let's say a reforming of internet access.

The plans for an 'I' 9/11 internet event have long been in place looking for the right 'crisis' to implement. The “cyber 9/11” meme stretches back almost to 9/11 itself when the Pentagon drafted plans to “fight the net” as if it were “an enemy weapons system”. The more people raise questions about COVID-19, the more this kind of activity will be publicly shamed as being life threatening and the more the programming will circulate among the public that those who question the authoritarian line via social media, etc, are abusing the public's trust and need to be 'self isolated'.

We should all remember that the Patriot Act - massive in size and complexity - was most likely first drafted in the 1980s if not before and then continually re-drafted and amended up to 9-11 and was just dusted down in a matter of days for a rush through congress.

So there is already a pre-planned solution waiting in the wings. And we know this thanks to a 2008 talk by Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig (and 2016 US Presidential candidate) at a technology conference at Half Moon Bay, California, in which he stated that a cyber equivalent of the Constitution-destroying Patriot Act is already on the shelf, waiting to be rubber stamped into law. All it requires is a “cyber 9/11” to make such legislation politically viable.

I think COVID-19 looks to be that "cyber 9/11" though the 'new reality' hackers are you and me this time.

Plans include “identity management” schemes like fingerprinting for internet access. We can also bet that Social Credit plans for the mass unemployed will include access to only prescribed sites on the internet, and non-use of alternative search engines to Google say. Once this kicks off in an apparently understandable and necessary means to suppress voices that 'upset people' - then there is no stopping the follow up to eventual segregation, exclusion and effective compartmentalization of access to all material by the masses.

Is it approaching time to think about taking the forum dark? Kidding...
The ’medication’ has been long time available for that, and for anyone wanting to create a digital social network in the absence of internet connection. 😎
FireChat - Wikipedia

Remember the rule: “Save lives! Stay at home!”

My god.

I'm still trying to suss out exactly WHY "staying at home" seems to be necessary to the agenda. Well, one thing, if everybody is cowering in their homes, they don't have to send police out to deal with riots in the streets.
I live in (a village in Spain) in a street of old houses with a predominance of elderly people. Until not so long ago everyone was quite healthy and had a lot of social activity on the street.
About three years ago the electricity company changed all the analog electricity meters for smart meters that no longer need reading, but send the electric consumption to the power station by PLC or WiFi (I'm not sure, but I suspect the second method). Maybe it was a coincidence, but that was a turning point from which everyone, one by one, started getting sick. Today 80% of them have died, and those who remain (some were extraordinarily healthy and active) are now suffering from serious headache and arthritis problems. I myself (50 years old) had a big health drop which, fortunately, thanks to many therapies pointed out in this forum and my own research (sound and light combined in my infrared device and other things) I have managed to compensate and get through, not without the strong conviction that in the end I will have to leave this house so that I don't have to be always compensating.
The point is that these meters have been installed in all houses and may be fulfilling some kind of complementary function to other EMFs by forcing people to be at home. I remember that the Cs also said at some point (I don't remember the session) that walking and moving was also a good protection against the effect of EMFs. But that possibility has now been ruled out, especially for older people.
There was a story circulating here in my local community of a 19 year old girl who'd been taken critically ill from this illness and is now in intensive care shifting in and out of consciousness... As you can imagine, this doesn't allay any fears. It's stories like this that people latch onto I think.

I think we can look forward SOTTREADER to these stories being one of the next phase of the programming. Once they have a group of 'personal' sob/horror stories they will be rolled out via the tabloids and TV in particular to make people stop noticing the big picture and focus in on 'the human interest' side of things and so incapacitate any reason. I watched the Irish abortion debate of 2018 being totally hijacked by about 4 individual case stories that mobilized the majority around the emotions involved so crushing any other form of conversation. Falsely extrapolating from the micro to the macro is a tactic that shuts down any further conversation because you are in effect callous and wicked to say that this person or that's suffering does not equate to an argument. We're going to get a lot of this in the next while... real or manufactured.
Sorry to be a harbinger of doom but I think we need to be prepared for the likelihood that an aspect of this mess will be let's say a reforming of internet access.

The plans for an 'I' 9/11 internet event have long been in place looking for the right 'crisis' to implement. The “cyber 9/11” meme stretches back almost to 9/11 itself when the Pentagon drafted plans to “fight the net” as if it were “an enemy weapons system”. The more people raise questions about COVID-19, the more this kind of activity will be publicly shamed as being life threatening and the more the programming will circulate among the public that those who question the authoritarian line via social media, etc, are abusing the public's trust and need to be 'self isolated'.

We should all remember that the Patriot Act - massive in size and complexity - was most likely first drafted in the 1980s if not before and then continually re-drafted and amended up to 9-11 and was just dusted down in a matter of days for a rush through congress.

So there is already a pre-planned solution waiting in the wings. And we know this thanks to a 2008 talk by Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig (and 2016 US Presidential candidate) at a technology conference at Half Moon Bay, California, in which he stated that a cyber equivalent of the Constitution-destroying Patriot Act is already on the shelf, waiting to be rubber stamped into law. All it requires is a “cyber 9/11” to make such legislation politically viable.

I think COVID-19 looks to be that "cyber 9/11" though the 'new reality' hackers are you and me this time.

Plans include “identity management” schemes like fingerprinting for internet access. We can also bet that Social Credit plans for the mass unemployed will include access to only prescribed sites on the internet, and non-use of alternative search engines to Google say. Once this kicks off in an apparently understandable and necessary means to suppress voices that 'upset people' - then there is no stopping the follow up to eventual segregation, exclusion and effective compartmentalization of access to all material by the masses.

Is it approaching time to think about taking the forum dark? Kidding...

Wouldnt suprise me Michael. I think they will sensor the internet even more now, in most countries dedicated websites are set up for corona info, everything else is fake news, don't listen to what is said on social media they say listen to the experts WHO etc, people are to scared to go else where for news, everything is fake news except the fake news :headbash:

On a good note though, some facebook friends are waking up and asking questions can tell by there posts. At the beginning they got sucked in to the hysteria, hopefully this catches on.
I think that 533 might be for Bergamo province. I can't find a site keeping statistics for deaths per province (just by region), but several articles quote the 93 figure as the total figure so far.

Found an article that talks about the province, and the cases of every comune in the provincia, dated 9 March:
... the list goes on in the article.
I think we can look forward SOTTREADER to these stories being one of the next phase of the programming. Once they have a group of 'personal' sob/horror stories they will be rolled out via the tabloids and TV in particular to make people stop noticing the big picture and focus in on 'the human interest' side of things and so incapacitate any reason. I watched the Irish abortion debate of 2018 being totally hijacked by about 4 individual case stories that mobilized the majority around the emotions involved so crushing any other form of conversation. Falsely extrapolating from the micro to the macro is a tactic that shuts down any further conversation because you are in effect callous and wicked to say that this person or that's suffering does not equate to an argument. We're going to get a lot of this in the next while... real or manufactured.

Yup, this is the way of our culture.

To give a completely different story from a different context.

In the war against terror, that polish guy in London who fought the bomber on the bridge with the sword thingy... We heard his personal story, the whole country did. The 2 US soldiers who were vacationing in Europe like 2 or so years ago, got on a train which had some terrorist and they managed to stop the terrorist, we heard their stories.

I'm just trying to show a pattern.

In the case of why vaccines are bad, we hear individual stories, we are moved by those stories. The vaccine companies come out and say, don't listen to this, they are isolated stories, the majority are fine etc.

What I'm trying to show is a pattern.

We are all locked thinking the same way... Using the same tools for arguing / making our point but applying them in a way that suits our circumstances and / or agenda.

Maybe sometimes it's nice to hear some individual stories (like in cases for vaccines), maybe other times it's not (like above) and you know, everyone depending on their outlook has a different definition of when it's okay or not okay for these tools to be used.

I'm just airing some frustration. This whole thing has become just a bunch of people fighting and arguing against each other - at least our here in the world.
May I say that its very interesting that the word 'PROTOCOLS' is fast becoming the new buzz term among people who would never previously had heard of such a term?


Maybe because 'protocol' is a basic term that is used day-to-day in clinical environments?
Even here, we've been using terms like 'immune boosting protocol', 'iodine protocol' and so on

Beware pattern recognition run amok, by far the worst enemy of knowledge acquisition.
An hour ago I was outside in the town. Nice sunny day, and a few Zombies on the streets. Literally Zombies.
People wear surgical gloves, but they wear them the whole day. They touch objects with them, their body they eat and drink with them.
You don't have to be an expert to see that without those gloves that he is wearing the whole day he is more protected. Wearing gloves like this will only increase virus infections. It is hilarious to see them like that. With dirty surgical gloves the whole day. :-)

And masks are another level. Those masks don't even cover the face as they should. It is more dangerous to wear that same mask for 8 hours then not to wear it at all. And their eyes are exposed.
But they wear them because that was told to them.

I used a few of the Articles that Gaby posted, translated them to Macedonian and posted the original links to them on Facebook.
I hope this is ok.
Great articles with a lot of statistical information in them

I hope that some people will read them and will try to connect the dots and slowly see what is going on around them.
I am not holding my breath because this hysteria is so powerful.

A Few minutes ago I was chatting with one friend who is a doctor. He is afraid of this pandemic.
He was terrified that I and my wife are still working. Everything should be closed he says until this terrible and deadly virus is gone.

I just sent him few links that I was talking earlier, but no, with all the obvious evidence in front of his nose, he looks all the data, but he can't see anything.:-(

Amazing how this thing about money has gone viral almost on its own. And again I mention that this was part of the C's prediction so many years ago: that total control of money was one of the objectives.

Well, I think we can all see now that this whole thing MUST be incepted from 4D STS sources because I can hardly imagine any human group of intensely selfish psychopath types having such a plan in place that takes years to put into action. Many of those who started the ball rolling are dead now, in fact.

Well, like many of you have said, in a way the whole situation IS EXHILARATING! Finally, the contact potential difference for real CHANGE is being generated!

Like so many of you, I'm sick to death of this slow torture, this "death by a thousand cuts". Let's get the darn show on the road!
This Post of Laura was echoing in my mind the whole night yesterday.I could not sleep until early in the morning. I was thinking the same.
I am so tired of all this. I am tired when I see people believe the politicians when they lie just to be elected. And they fall on the same lie in the next election. And so many other things. And now this GRAND ILLUSION of the STS masters is really too much.
I am in. Lets the show go on.

I still feel the fear of the unknown, fear of the economic crisis that already started. But as long as we have our jobs it will be ok. But If all this lasts more than 2-3 months max, then it will be a big problem.

I guess I have to learn to have much more faith in the process and enjoy the ecstasy of this change.
Most funny thing I heard in the radio today: they made a survey about how afraid people are of Corona, and guess what: the younger ones are actually MORE afraid of catching the virus than the older folks! LOL

Went to the supermarket today - no toilet paper, and the atmosphere was eerie. Nobody looked me in the eyes, I could smell some Capos who gave me the silent treatment when I didn't bother too much with keeping distances etc.

In Germany, Freiburg is the first major city to enact a curfew. The city is the most lefty-liberal here, kinda like the German Portland in a sense. The mayor had the audacity to proclaim in his wimpy voice: "This is not about forcing people, but engaging in a dialogue" - while crushing "corona parties" with police! One fine lefty, that. Liberal fascists!

Bavaria is its first entire state in Germany which follows a curfew and then it can only take hours/days till more states of Germany will follow its example. Sunday is somehow the "magic" day based on the behavior of German citizens - especially tomorrow - if all states follow a curfew.

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