CDC Admits It Faked 99% of COVID Deaths To Scare Public Into Taking Vaccine

The CDC has just quietly admitted that over 99% of reported “Covid deaths” were faked in order to scare the public into taking the experimental Covid jab.

Newly released data from the CDC reveals that most recorded fatalities that were blanket-blamed on Covid were caused by something else.

According to the CDC’s Covid dashboard, just 1.7% of the 324 “Covid deaths” registered in the week ending August 19 had Covid as the primary cause of death.

Disturbingly, the vast majority of people who were labeled as “Covid deaths” actually died of other causes such as cancer and heart disease – many of which could have been caused by the Covid jab itself. reports: Separate data from the agency shows that, so far in August, the largest cause of death in the U.S. has been cancer, followed by heart disease.

This latest admission from the CDC means that only a fraction of the claimed number of American lives are being lost directly to the virus each week.

According to the CDC’s own data, 99 percent of “Covid deaths” have been faked.
This news comes as the corporate media continues to hype a recent rise in Covid cases across the country.

Recently detected variants EG.5, or Eris, and BA.8.26, or Pirola, have been found in several countries and the U.S.

The media has been warning that these variants, highly mutated, are thought to be better at avoiding vaccines and natural immunity, causing more infections.

Infections have reportedly doubled across the U.S. amid the emergence of these variants, and hospital admissions among people with the virus have risen for the fifth week in a row.

However, the fearmonging reports often fail to mention that “Covid deaths” are not rising.

Nevertheless, the uptick in cases is leading to calls for the return of mask mandates and other Covid restrictions.

Plenty being revealed - but does anything really change? The same restrictions are being test implemented with mixed results - some effective pushback, but too many "want to believe" - once a sheep, always a sheep it would seem.
Is McCullough unaware of the truth of the Fort Detrick origin or is he a China basher?
My impression is he sincerely believes the Wuhan origin of the virus. His focus is the medical aspects of the virus - the adverse events and how to treat the infection along with removing the spike protein - that detox protocol is included in the referenced article.

Meanwhile, more lies and deceptions coming to light:

Daily Clout Team Obtains White House/CDC Emails from Early 2021 Confirming Cardiovascular Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Injections

The tidal waves of damning evidence that the COVID-19 injections were known to cause disease, disabilities and death in adults and children keeps pummeling in. Yesterday, on, Amy Kelly reported on the findings of “46 pages FOIA’ed (Freedom of Information Act) emails between CDC leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and the White House, NIH, and HHS.

Per Amy Kelly’s September 20, 2023, article, the emails “show they (President Biden, Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, and HHS - Xavier Becerra) knew about vaccine-induced myocarditis and thrombotic thrombocytopenia - a blood clotting disorder.”

46 Pages FOIAed Emails Between CDC Leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and White House, NIH, HHS, Show They Knew About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, a Blood Clotting Disorder. Emails Over 80% Redacted.

Attorney Edward Berkovich submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stating, “I request emails sent by and received by Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all of whom are CDC personnel) on dates beginning February 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021, containing the word myocarditis.DailyClout reported on the initial 472-page production from that FOIA on August 29, 2023.

Mr. Berkovich recently received 46 additional pages, over 80% of which were fully redacted, involving other government entities such as the White House and Executive Office of the President, as part of this production. Of the 46 pages, only two pages were released without any redactions. Seven pages were partially redacted pages, and 37 pages were fully redacted. The redactions were “pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552 Exemptions 5 and 6.” According to the CDC cover letter accompanying this production:
  • Exemption 5 protects inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency. Exemption 5 therefore incorporates the privileges that protect materials from discovery in litigation, including the deliberative process, attorney work-product, and attorney-client privileges. Information withheld under this exemption was protected under the deliberative process and presidential communications privileges.
    The deliberative process privilege protects the decision-making process of government agencies. The deliberative process privilege protects materials that are both predecisional and deliberative. The information that have been withheld under the deliberative process privilege of Exemption 5 are both predecisional and deliberative, and do not represent formal or informal agency policies or decisions. Examples of information withheld include recommendations, comments, opinions. The presidential communications privilege protects documents solicited and received by the President or his immediate White House advisers who have broad and significant responsibility for investigating and formulating the advice to be given to the President.
  • Exemption 6 protects information in personnel and medical files and similar files when disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The information that has been withheld under Exemption 6 consists of personal information, such as a telephone number. We have determined that the individual(s) to whom this information pertains has a substantial privacy interest in withholding it.”
Check out the rest of the article for more details.
A now familiar refrain and a report has been compiled, but does the public know of this report - how about the enforcers - is it likely the shots will be stopped? Will refusal be followed by mandates/loss of freedoms again? Are the voices speaking up finally going to break through?

Covid Shots Are Neither Safe Nor Effective, Canadian Watchdog Warns

Following a long investigation into Covid mRNA shots, a Canadian watchdog has warned that the injections are “neither safe nor effective.”

The Big Pharma vaccines are unsafe because they bypassed all the normal safety checks, Canadian accountability watchdog group National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) has warned.

NCI published a scathing report on September 14 detailing the corrupt process by which Big Pharma received approval for the experimental mRNA shots in Canada.

“It is important to understand that the COVID-19 vaccines were never approved under the traditional approval process for drugs in Canada,” the report warns, further explaining how Health Canada, the federal agency responsible for Canadian health policy, used a shady authorization process called an interim order instead.

“Under the alternative authorization process, the necessity to establish the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines through an objective manner appears to have been set aside.”


It was Dr. Peter McCullough who lent his support for the NCI report being compiled.

Thanks to the group’s “exhaustive testimony and evidence review,” Dr. McCullough tweeted that the verdict is in:

“Conclusion: all COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for human use and must be removed from the Canadian market immediately to protect the public.”
Even more shocking than expected, but that addition of SV40 likely produced the desired results.

CDC Confirms 143,233% Increase in Turbo-Cancers Due to mRNA Jabs

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed a dramatic 143,233% rise in cases of turbo-cancers in America since the mRNA jab rollout in 2020.

The CDC hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in America.

According to a search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse reactions to the mRNA jabs, since December 2020 up to 5th August 2022, a total of 2,579 adverse events related to cancer were made in just 1 year and 8 months. reports: But performing a similar search of the VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse events to all other available vaccines between 2008 and 2020, a period of 13 years, reveals there were just 791 adverse events related to cancer.

Many would simply argue without backing their claim up with any evidence, that this is just because of the volume of Covid-19 injections administered compared to all other vaccines. But unfortunately, anyone who argues this is wrong.

We can see this by looking at the number of doses administered.
Move over Kolakusic and McCullough! This must have been some session!

[Video] Go to Hell' - EU Politician Delivers Message to the Global Tyrants

Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. MEP Anderson has established herself as one of the few politicians left who represent the interests of the European people. [2:20]

Covid, super-variant, vaccination, retour du masque... : "ils continuent leur campagne de peur". Entretien avec le Pr Christian Perronne
Rétabli dans sa position d'expert incontestable par le conseil régional d'Île-de-France de l'Ordre des médecins, l'infectiologue international nous offre les clefs de compréhension de la situation sanitaire. Il s'inquiète pour la jeunesse qui a durement subi la gestion du Covid, avec de graves conséquences sur sa santé mentale et physique

Covid, super-variant, vaccination, return of the mask...: “they continue their fear campaign”. Interview with Professor Christian PerronneRestored to his position as an indisputable expert by the Île-de-France regional council of the Order of Physicians, the international infectious disease specialist offers us the keys to understanding the health situation. He is worried about young people who have suffered severely from the management of Covid, with serious consequences on their mental and physical health.
Regarding the Corona Committee a couple of scenarios come to mind:

1. Reiner is a dishonest and easily corruptible person who was paid by someone (probably B&M Gates F./Gavi) to establish the committee as controlled opposition and a 'siphoning entity' to gather information on the dissidents.

2. Reiner was an honest person but was later compromised/attacked by 3D or 4D tactics, or both.

3. Several members of the committee are compromised/dishonest and now this dispute is being manufactured in order to discredit the whole project and to put an end to it.

4. Reiner is honest but the other prominent members are not, and now they are defaming him in order to discredit the whole project and to put an end to it.

5. The whole group was threatened and was given an 'offer they can't refuse': they need to discredit the whole project and put an end to it. Otherwise very bad things will happen... So, Reiner – in this scenario being an honest person – decides to take the blame and save the reputation of others.
Pardon me for quoting such an old message, but I've watched an interview with Fuellmich and Clif High. It kind of blew my mind. Clif was talking about The Bug, Reptilians, the Khazarian Mafia, and the other usual suspects. I've always considered Fuellmich to be someone of high societal status who got red-pilled but is smart enough to use his position to make a stand. Discussing "fringe theories" with Clif felt really out of place for me. Not to say that I don't like Clif speaking, but Rainer changed the audience a lot... I wonder how it relates to his loss of credibility.
In Germany, there is clearly a complete vaccination fatigue and rejection towards the Corona vaccination. Doctors are also reluctant to advertise the vaccination. My educational work is over and I rather ironically ask my patients if they already have an appointment for the mouse vaccination. A vaccination that has been tested on 20 mice will surely be absolutely safe for the human genome. Our health minister informed that the modified vaccination is not directed against the virus but prevents Long covid. We do not vaccinate for immunity but for symptoms known as vaccine damage since 2021.
No patient in my practice has opted for the new vaccination. I fear a collapse of many immune systems this winter due to the confluence of influenza, new corona mutation and RSV. Many of my patients show prolonged urinary tract infections, girdle rot, severe cold outbreaks during the summer. Also the increase of tachycardia, blood pressure fluctuations in terms of POTS. The rate of carcinoma patients here has also increased noticeably, predominantly in the age group 50 - 65. Many suffer from gastrointestinal tract problems and there are very clear signs of mast cell activation syndrome. In our small town (1800 inhabitants), 9 men have died suddenly since the beginning of 2022, aged 58 to 65. All were extremely overweight.
Pardon me for quoting such an old message, but I've watched an interview with Fuellmich and Clif High. It kind of blew my mind. Clif was talking about The Bug, Reptilians, the Khazarian Mafia, and the other usual suspects. I've always considered Fuellmich to be someone of high societal status who got red-pilled but is smart enough to use his position to make a stand. Discussing "fringe theories" with Clif felt really out of place for me. Not to say that I don't like Clif speaking, but Rainer changed the audience a lot... I wonder how it relates to his loss of credibility.
Hi KS,

The video that you posted is of poor quality. There are several instances where the sound cuts out altogether, and the whole thing has been brutally edited, cutting out sections of the conversation and splicing the remainder together very badly, leaving a video of only 1 hour and 3 minutes.

Here is the complete, unedited, original conversation, lasting 1 hour and 43 minutes:

Clif High: A Broader View at Life, Consciousness, and the Enemies of Humanity - ICIC
Cette semaine, la Slovénie a imposé une amnistie pour les violations des mesures liées au coronavirus.
Le parlement slovène a adopté mercredi une loi qui non seulement abolit les sanctions imposées en cas de violation des restrictions pendant la "pandémie", mais rembourse également les amendes déjà payées, y compris les frais de procédure.
This week, Slovenia imposed an amnesty for violations of coronavirus-related measures.The Slovenian parliament adopted a law on Wednesday that not only abolishes penalties imposed for violating restrictions during the "pandemic", but also reimburses already paid fines, including procedural costs.
There maybe some dancing in the streets in Victoria. Dan Andrews, who implemented some of the toughtest and longest lockdowns in the world has today resigned as Premier of the State. Many are very happy about that. Maybe he has seen the writing on the wall with the public dissatisfaction of the terms of reference for the pandemic response inquiry that will not address unilateral measures implemented by the states and realises that he is toast. Maybe the new boss will be worse. Maybe he'll be appointed a new corporate position with nice benefits in the fashion of Ardern. Interesting to see what happens next.
There maybe some dancing in the streets in Victoria. Dan Andrews, who implemented some of the toughtest and longest lockdowns in the world has today resigned as Premier of the State. Many are very happy about that. Maybe he has seen the writing on the wall with the public dissatisfaction of the terms of reference for the pandemic response inquiry that will not address unilateral measures implemented by the states and realises that he is toast. Maybe the new boss will be worse. Maybe he'll be appointed a new corporate position with nice benefits in the fashion of Ardern. Interesting to see what happens next.
He will NOT be missed. :evil:
Well, whaddayaknow . . . from thegatewaypundit:

Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective

The Mayo Clinic which has been touted by many as the best hospital system and medical research center in the United States, recently made an interesting update on their website regarding the drug Hydroxychloroquine.

In the new update on their site, it now says “Hydroxychloroquine may be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients.”

Previously the Mayo Clinic claimed Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine were “malaria drugs authorized for emergency use by the FDA during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the FDA withdrew that authorization when data analysis showed that the drugs are not effective for treating COVID-19.”


President Trump was one of the most notable figures to take Hydroxychloroquine after he tested positive for Covid-19.
Shortly after he announced he was taken Hydroxychloroquine a cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic by the name of Dr. Michael Ackerman told NBC that he was disturbed Trump never mentioned that hydroxychloroquine has side effects

However, when it came to talking about Covid-19 vaccines and their link to young athlete’s dying, Dr. Ackerman called it “junk science.”

Hmm - thinking there ought to be a compilation of all the scamdemic edicts of the CDC, FDA, etc., that have been officially verified by same as either completely incorrect as to effectiveness or actually totally useless. I don't recall Trump advocating for hydroxychloroquine although I may have just forgotten, but Operation Warp Speed being touted to the hilt, I certainly do remember!

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