Le Covid était-il un virus si létal qu'il a fallu sortir un vaccin en urgence en dérogeant aux règles édictées ci dessus ? Non, moins létal qu'une grippe, sans traitement....
Voici le site de Big Pharma sur les vaccins...
Was Covid such a lethal virus that it was necessary to urgently release a vaccine by deviating from the rules set out above? No, less lethal than the flu, without treatment....Here is the Big Pharma site on vaccines...
Avis aux Parents qui pensent que leur médecin est un "Dieu" qui sait tout ! Non justement sur les vaccins, il ne sait RIEN !! Ecoutez ces VRAIS médecins, qui ne sont pas de simples VRP de Big Pharma :
Plus de vaccins = taux de mortalité plus élevés chez les nourrissons
Une étude évaluée par des pairs et publiée plus tôt cette année dans la revue Cureus a révélé que les vaccins administrés aux enfants de moins de cinq ans dans les pays développés sont associés à une AUGMENTATION de la mortalité.
Plus le nombre de doses administrées est élevé, plus la mortalité infantile est élevée. Malgré toutes ces variables, nos autorités sanitaires agissent comme s’il s’agissait d’une solution universelle. Les parents sont seuls responsables de la santé et de la sécurité de leurs enfants. Vous devriez y réfléchir à deux fois lorsque votre pédiatre recommande davantage de vaccins.
Notice to Parents who think their doctor is a “God” who knows everything! No, precisely about vaccines, he knows NOTHING!! Listen to these REAL doctors, who are not just Big Pharma salespeople:More vaccines = higher infant mortality rates‼️ A peer-reviewed study published earlier this year in the journal Cureus found that vaccines given to children under five in developed countries are associated with increased INCREASE in mortality.The higher the number of doses administered, the higher the infant mortality. Despite all these variables, our health authorities act as if this is a one-size-fits-all solution. Parents are solely responsible for the health and safety of their children. You should think twice when your pediatrician recommends more vaccines.
Tiens en Allemagne, ils veulent recommencer aussi la peur du petit covid.
Ils disent que les coronavirus dépasse les rhinovirus, responsables du rhume.
Or jusqu'à présent le rhume était provoqué certes par des rhinovirus mais aussi des coronavirus (environ 60 et 40% respectivement).
Il y a 10 puissance 31 virus différents sur Terre. RAPPEL.
(10 suivi de 31 zéros...)
Here in Germany, they also want to start the fear of small covid again.They say coronaviruses outnumber rhinoviruses, which cause the common cold.However, until now the common cold was certainly caused by rhinoviruses but also coronaviruses (around 60 and 40% respectively).There are 10 to 31 different viruses on Earth. REMINDER.(10 followed by 31 zeros...)

Tiens en Allemagne, ils veulent recommencer aussi la peur du petit covid.
Ils disent que les coronavirus dépasse les rhinovirus, responsables du rhume.
Or jusqu'à présent le rhume était provoqué certes par des rhinovirus mais aussi des coronavirus (environ 60 et 40% respectivement).
Il y a 10 puissance 31 virus différents sur Terre. RAPPEL.
(10 suivi de 31 zéros...)
View attachment 85318
Here in Germany, they also want to start the fear of small covid again.They say coronaviruses outnumber rhinoviruses, which cause the common cold.However, until now the common cold was certainly caused by rhinoviruses but also coronaviruses (around 60 and 40% respectively).There are 10 to 31 different viruses on Earth. REMINDER.(10 followed by 31 zeros...)
It's happening in Australia and New Zealand. Both places claiming a new surge in Covid cases and urging people to get boosted and start wearing masks again
It's happening in Australia and New Zealand. Both places claiming a new surge in Covid cases and urging people to get boosted and start wearing masks again
Sure is and I'm watching all the vaxxed getting it. Long, drawn out cases. My unvaxxed brother has it, first day sore throat and tired. Second, headache and sniffles which were fading by the evening and today is the third. Pretty sure he's still alive in his cabin out the back. He's 54 next month.
Last week me and my wife did our grocery shopping and when we got to the counters there were four women working the checkouts wearing masks. At first we thought maybe the store had mandated masks for their staff but we scanned up and down and there were others who weren’t wearing masks.

It was very weird to see, a reminder that there are still a lot of people out there perfectly happy with the mainstream narrative on things. It’s easy to forget after so long with no lockdowns and scaremongering.

My wife highlighted the fact that the government are rolling out the seasonal flu+covid jabs at the moment, and maybe that has something to do with the mask-wearing. I think there’s something in that. Maybe covidiots just automatically link all things coronavirus, including boosters, with wearing a mask simply through due to conditioning.

I also think it might be a cultural shift in general, again due to conditioning, and that maybe some people who start sniffling with a cold just immediately think to wear a mask now?
2021 - La CDC recommande aux femmes enceintes de se faire vacciner...
2023 - Le taux de mortalité chez les nourrissons augmente pour la première fois en plus de 20 ans !
Rien Ne Peut Arrêter Ce Qui S’en Vient!
CNN2021 - The CDC recommends that pregnant women get vaccinated...2023 - Infant mortality rate increases for the first time in over 20 years!THINK FOR YOURSELF!Nothing Can Stop What's Coming!
Rendez-vous compte à quel point les médias sont pourris !!
En Allemagne le deuxième plus grand parti d'opposition organise un symposium de deux jours sur l'une des questions les plus controversées de ces dernières années – la gestion du Covid - et les principaux médias l'ignorent complètement !
Il n’y a aucune trace des radiodiffuseurs publics qui perçoivent des milliards de redevances obligatoires.
Ce que les intervenants présenteront lors de l'événement serait probablement trop pour les nerfs des journalistes fidèles à l'État, qui ont consciencieusement soutenu la politique du gouvernement face au coronavirus et ont agi comme leurs agents d'exécution au lieu de contrôler les puissants.
Realize how rotten the media is!!In Germany the second largest opposition party is holding a two-day symposium on one of the most controversial issues of recent years – the handling of Covid – and the mainstream media is completely ignoring it!There is no record of public broadcasters collecting billions in mandatory royalties.What the speakers will present at the event would likely be too much for the nerves of journalists loyal to the state, who have dutifully supported the government's coronavirus policy and acted as their enforcers instead of controlling the powerful.
I also think it might be a cultural shift in general, again due to conditioning, and that maybe some people who start sniffling with a cold just immediately think to wear a mask now?
I think it's a cultural shift and an innate fear of public spaces during autumn/winter months. Due to the conditioning of the previous years I can kind of understand the mechanics of the fear for people who work in public spaces or have to use public transport everyday. This would be more pronounced for people with weaker immune systems or who live with vulnerable people. At the end of the day, respiratory viruses transmit through social contact so the mechanics of transmission are there. The truth remains though that masks scientifically can't stop a virus particle AND we have co existed with these viruses since before covid! We can't live in sterile environments and "social contact" is the default state of human existence.
New business opportunity for all you unvaxxed men out there.

Women desperately seek unvaxed sperm on Facebook as demand skyrockets​

Jonathan David Rinaldi created a sperm donation group to meet demands for "unvaccinated sperm donors."

Women around the United States are now turning to unconventional strategies to become pregnant as aspiring mothers search for sperm donations from men who have refused to take a Covid-19 inoculation. The women are searching for this sperm on Facebook.

Jonathan David Rinaldi, also known as "The Sperminator," was a longtime donor for America's largest sperm donation group, a Facebook group called Sperm Donation USA, according to the Daily Mail. He later elected to leave the group and created his own sperm donation operation after he caught wind of the demand for "unvaccinated sperm donors."

Almost 250 people are members of the group, which has successfully managed to help people start families, per the report. Members include young professionals, gay couples and single women from both the US and UK, with most offering to donate sperm for free.

Rinaldi told the Daily Mail: "I don't trust big government, big pharma, I don't trust them, and I don't need to inject myself with things that I don't even know what it is."

An investigation by the British publication revealed that women have searched online for "unvaccinated sperm donors" and specifically say they want "no Covid vax" on posts looking for a potential donor.

A woman posted in the Sperm Donation USA Facebook group in July 2021 looking for unvaccinated sperm donors. 'AI' refers to artificial insemination, which involves a donor providing his sperm in a cup or shipping it to a recipient

Men who are participating in the action often label themselves with terms such as "unvaccinated man (sperm not modified by mRNA)."

A man who was conceived himself using sperm donation offers to be a sperm donor in the splinter Facebook group. Like others in the group, he believes the Covid vaccine will modify sperm

A post by a woman who had apparently been conceived by an "unvaccinated sperm donor" read: "One more 'farm-raised', 'not Pharma-raised' baby on its way!"

Rinaldi remarked that he has "had no flu shots, no Covid shots. Nothing since [he] was a baby."

"My best friend growing up was not vaccinated at all. And he is totally fine and healthy," he said.

"When I had my first child, I started reading the inserts and the ingredients. And when the school started saying my son had to have them... I really don't like being told what to do by the government, so it made me think and do the opposite."

Rinaldi said that he would only be donating to "unvaccinated" women in a "perfect world."

"But the reality of it is, not everybody believes in that. Not everybody's educated," he explained. "I would love it if no one got vaccinated."

Rinaldi did, however, inform a woman he was thinking about donating sperm to that he would cancel the process if she were to receive a Covid-19 booster shot.

"And I was like, 'Listen, if you get the booster, I'm not doing this for you. Like, it's bad enough, you have two of them,'" he reportedly said.
« L’IHU démontre que son protocole anti-covid aurait pu sauver de très nombreuses vies »
L’équipe de l’IHU de Marseille vient de publier le résultat de la plus grande étude monocentrique du monde sur 30.423 patients adultes infectés par le Covid-19 et soignés en 2020 et 2021. L’analyse clinique, cosignée par un célèbre médecin américain ayant appliqué un protocole thérapeutique comparable, dresse le constat suivant : la prescription conjointe d’Hydroxychloroquine et d’Azithromycine (deux médicaments tombés depuis longtemps dans le domaine public), à des doses bien précises, réduirait partout la mortalité liée au Covid-19 de façon importante. Dans la presse française, on fait toujours la sourde oreille
QG - Le média libre (« L’IHU démontre que son protocole anti-covid aurait pu sauver de très nombreuses vies »)
“The IHU demonstrates that its anti-covid protocol could have saved many lives”The IHU Marseille team has just published the result of the largest single-center study in the world on 30,423 adult patients infected with Covid-19 and treated in 2020 and 2021. The clinical analysis, co-signed by a famous American doctor having applied a comparable therapeutic protocol, draws the following observation: the joint prescription of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin (two drugs that have long been in the public domain), at very precise doses, would reduce mortality linked to Covid-19 everywhere by important way. In the French press, we always turn a deaf ear
C'est complètement FOU !!! Les chercheurs de l'équipe Health Advisory and Recovery (HART) ont découvert que le nombre de morts subites dans le groupe vacciné de l'essai clinique INITIAL de Pfizer était deux fois plus élevé que dans le groupe ayant reçu un placebo !!!!! Ils tirent à nouveau la sonnette d’alarme sur la sécurité des "vaccins".
Mais les pourris et les corrompus continuent à promouvoir ces poisons. Nous on continue de publier pour que les salauds ne puissent jamais dire "nous ne savions pas".
This is completely crazy !!! Health Advisory and Recovery (HART) researchers found that the number of sudden deaths in the vaccinated group in Pfizer's INITIAL clinical trial was twice as high as in the placebo group!!!! ! They are once again sounding the alarm about the safety of “vaccines”.But the rotten and the corrupt continue to promote these poisons. We continue to publish so that the bastards can never say "we didn't know".
Cela devrait faire la Une des médias, au moins dans le pays, mais RIEN !
La Nouvelle-Zélande était le pays modèle ZeroCovid sous la disciple de Jacinda Ardern, disciple du WEF. Le fait que la démocratie et les droits fondamentaux soient jetés aux chiens n'a apparemment pas dérangé les hommes politiques. Mais aujourd’hui, de nouvelles données montrent que ni ZeroCovid ni la campagne de vaccination n’en ont bénéficié, mais qu’au contraire, elles causent encore d’énormes dégâts.
Au contraire les tsars de la santé du pays sont dans le déni et tentent désespérément de dissimuler les décès et de déformer la science.
Ils auront TOUS, à rendre des comptes !
This should make headlines, at least in the country, but NOTHING!New Zealand was the ZeroCovid model country under WEF disciple Jacinda Ardern. The fact that democracy and fundamental rights were thrown to the dogs apparently did not bother politicians. But today, new data shows that neither ZeroCovid nor the vaccination campaign have benefited, but on the contrary, are still causing enormous damage.Instead the country's health czars are in denial and desperately trying to cover up deaths and distort the science.They will ALL have to be held accountable!
Le visage rouge et l'air extrêmement anxieux, le Dr Peter Daszak, président d'EcoHealth Alliance, a témoigné aujourd'hui lors d'une audience à huis clos au sujet du #OriginOfCovid . Suite à son témoignage, la Chambre des représentants a voté à l'unanimité le report du financement de deux subventions actives qui lui avaient été accordées.
Nous, on vous en parle depuis plus de 3 ans de Peter Dasak... C'est à lui et Fauci que l'on doit la création du Covid....
Et les médias ils vous en parlent ??
Red-faced and extremely anxious, Dr. Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, testified today in a closed hearing about #OriginOfCovid. Following his testimony, the House of Representatives unanimously voted to defer funding for two active grants awarded to him.We have been talking to you about Peter Dasak for over 3 years... It is to him and Fauci that we owe the creation of Covid....And the media tell you about it??
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