Imagine la tête de l'Allemand moyen qui ouvre son journal favori, qui l'a toujours poussé à se vacciner et découvre ce titre : "la vaccination contre le covid est-elle plus dangereuse que la maladie elle-même ?"
Puis il lit plus loin : Récemment, un groupe d'auteurs indépendant, composé de médecins et de biologistes moléculaires, a présenté un travail qui devrait effectivement être soumis à la discussion sur une plateforme spécialisée, tant leurs déclarations sont sérieuses. Car elle dit - pour aller droit au but - que les vaccinations contre le Covid sont plus nocives que la maladie elle-même et qu'elles pourraient avoir contribué à la surmortalité observée en Allemagne en 2021 et 2022.
Ils n'ont aucune honte ces médias...
Imagine the face of the average German who opens his favorite newspaper, which has always urged him to get vaccinated and discovers this headline: “Is vaccination against covid more dangerous than the disease itself?”Then he reads further: Recently, an independent group of authors, composed of doctors and molecular biologists, presented work which should indeed be submitted for discussion on a specialized platform, so serious are their statements. Because she says - to get straight to the point - that vaccinations against Covid are more harmful than the disease itself and that they could have contributed to the excess mortality observed in Germany in 2021 and 2022.These media have no shame...
Imagine la tête de l'Allemand moyen qui ouvre son journal favori, qui l'a toujours poussé à se vacciner et découvre ce titre : "la vaccination contre le covid est-elle plus dangereuse que la maladie elle-même ?"
Puis il lit plus loin : Récemment, un groupe d'auteurs indépendant, composé de médecins et de biologistes moléculaires, a présenté un travail qui devrait effectivement être soumis à la discussion sur une plateforme spécialisée, tant leurs déclarations sont sérieuses. Car elle dit - pour aller droit au but - que les vaccinations contre le Covid sont plus nocives que la maladie elle-même et qu'elles pourraient avoir contribué à la surmortalité observée en Allemagne en 2021 et 2022.
Ils n'ont aucune honte ces médias...
View attachment 85686
Imagine the face of the average German who opens his favorite newspaper, which has always urged him to get vaccinated and discovers this headline: “Is vaccination against covid more dangerous than the disease itself?”Then he reads further: Recently, an independent group of authors, composed of doctors and molecular biologists, presented work which should indeed be submitted for discussion on a specialized platform, so serious are their statements. Because she says - to get straight to the point - that vaccinations against Covid are more harmful than the disease itself and that they could have contributed to the excess mortality observed in Germany in 2021 and 2022.These media have no shame...
but sott readers knew this all the time... merci sott
MAYDAY MAYDAY Les appels de détresse émis par les pilotes ont augmenté de 386 % au cours des 3 premiers mois de cette année ! L'année dernière, il y a eu une augmentation de 272%. Ces 7 700 appels Mayday sont réservés aux urgences extrêmes mettant les passagers et l'équipage en danger.
SURTOUT ne pas en chercher la cause, on risquerait vite de tomber sur les pseudos-vaccins... Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines - The Conservative Woman
The Conservative Woman (Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines - The Conservative Woman)
Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines - The Conservative Woman
MAYDAY MAYDAY Distress calls made by pilots increased by 386% in the first 3 months of this year! Last year there was an increase of 272%. These 7,700 Mayday calls are reserved for extreme emergencies putting passengers and crew at risk.ESPECIALLY do not look for the cause, you might quickly come across pseudo-vaccines...Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines - The Conservative Woman
'Shot Dead'

First, from Mark Crispin Miller:

Normalization indeed.

How low can they go? Toronto Sick Kids Hospital casts children's heart attacks as NORMAL, even offering to "cure" them (with pricey gadgetry)​

Propaganda having been deployed to kill and cripple countless children (and adults), the murderers are now deploying even MORE of it to cover up their crimes (and MORE money doing it)

First, check out this disgusting lie, which obviously cost a lot to make, what with its high production values:

Which then links to Peter Mccullough (with video) included, by Mark Crispin Miller.

The film touches, not just on the covid so-called vaccine, yet on others in the childhood vax schedule.

Despite the killings in other countries as posted elsewhere - like as Finkelstein discusses the Israeli state mowing the lawn, these killings see no bullets or bombs, it has simply been a wide global biological murder machine, as a testament of these near 29,000 posts.
Finance minister-Prime Minister

UK PM Sunak reportedly said 'just let people die', COVID inquiry hears

November 20, 20237:21 PM GMT+1

Patrick Vallance, who was the government's chief scientific adviser during COVID, made a note in his diary on Oct. 25, 2020, about a meeting involving then Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Sunak, who was finance minister.
The diary entry shown to the inquiry recorded how Dominic Cummings, Johnson's most senior adviser during the pandemic, had relayed to Vallance what he said he had heard at the meeting.
Vallance quoted Cummings in his diary as saying: "Rishi thinks just let people die and that's okay. This all feels like a complete lack of leadership."
A spokesman for Sunak said the prime minister would set out his position when he gives evidence to the inquiry "rather than respond to each one in piecemeal".
The inquiry is examining the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic that shut large sections of the economy and killed more than 220,000 people in Britain. It is due to run until the summer of 2026.

Lack of leadership? That is complete lack of being human
Yes, their STS leadership was in finance mode (subtract is multiply), now they are in Zionist leader mode (add is divide) , everyone in the "office" are subordinate bio-robots lacking empathy and certainly leadership, we will see how they distort the evidence and the media once again mask the reality of the covid environment.
I guess it's anti-vaxxers fault, right?

Pfizer is suing Poland. Demands PLN 6 billion. It's about vaccines.​

Pfizer sued Poland for failure to comply with the vaccine contract. The company is demanding huge compensation. The first hearing is scheduled to take place soon, on December 6. Everything indicates that these problems will fall on Donald Tusk's new government.​

Pfizer demands payment of 6 billion PLN [KS: ~1.5 bln USD] in compensation - reports "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna". What is it about? The case concerns 60 million vaccines that Poland did not receive and for which it did not pay, despite our contract with the company.

The lawsuit was filed in the court in Brussels, in this case it is a civil law proceeding. The agreement was signed by the European Commission, which means it is subject to Belgian legislation. Last year, in March, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote to the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, that Poland would not receive coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer. "He cited force majeure as the direct cause, i.e. the war in Ukraine," we read in DGP. A month later, the Polish government announced that it was terminating the contract with the pharmaceutical giant due to the costs our country incurs due to the war in the east, which puts a heavy burden on our budget. Attempts were made to negotiate this matter with Pfizer, but the talks did not bring any results. The company had not taken any legal action for a long time until this point.

Now any problems related to this lawsuit will be passed on to the new government of Donald Tusk. DGP reminds that by the end of 2023, over PLN 5 billion was frozen in the so-called Covid fund, but in 2024 they will no longer be available because they were allocated "for other benefits". As the lawyer emphasizes, prof. Michał Romanowski from the University of Warsaw, Poland "will have to clearly prove that Russia's attack on Ukraine had a cause-and-effect relationship with the impossibility of fulfilling the vaccine contract." - We cannot comment on ongoing proceedings. We continue to work with the European Commission and governments to find pragmatic solutions to meet the changing needs related to the pandemic, said Karolina Nowaczyk-Tomasik from Pfizer.
Aujourd'hui une personne m'a répondu comme argument pour les vaccins à ARNm, qu'ils avaient reçu le prix Nobel. Mais lol !!
Je lui ai demandé s'il savait que la Lobotomie aussi avait reçu sont prix Nobel....
La lobotomie, cette chirurgie lésionnelle et définitive sur le cerveau, consistait à sectionner les fibres blanches des lobes frontaux. Ce fut l’une des procédures médicales les plus décriées de toute l’histoire de la médecine, et pour cause : des milliers de patients furent lobotomisés à travers le monde, avec des conséquences dramatiques sur la personnalité de chacun et le respect de la dignité humaine.
Mise au point en 1935 par Egas Moniz, la lobotomie devait traiter initialement certaines pathologies psychiatriques, mais les indications se sont ensuite étendues pour traiter des douleurs cancéreuses ou des névralgies de toutes sortes, ainsi que certaines hémorragies digestives (ulcères gastroduodénaux, rectocolites hémorragiques) ou des pathologies plus floues, dont l’indication chirurgicale a pu être influencée par les familles.
Neurologue et homme politique portugais, Egas Moniz reçut le prix Nobel en 1949 pour “la découverte de la valeur thérapeutique” de la lobotomie, “une chirurgie révolutionnaire” pour soigner certaines psychoses

Today a person replied to me as an argument for mRNA vaccines that they had received the Nobel Prize. But lol!!I asked him if he knew that Lobotomy had also won the Nobel Prize....Lobotomy, this lesional and definitive surgery on the brain, consisted of cutting the white fibers of the frontal lobes. It was one of the most criticized medical procedures in the history of medicine, and for good reason: thousands of patients were lobotomized throughout the world, with dramatic consequences on the personality of each person and respect for dignity. human.Developed in 1935 by Egas Moniz, lobotomy was initially intended to treat certain psychiatric pathologies, but the indications were then extended to treat cancer pain or neuralgia of all kinds, as well as certain digestive hemorrhages (peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis) or more vague pathologies, the surgical indication of which may have been influenced by the families.Portuguese neurologist and politician, Egas Moniz received the Nobel Prize in 1949 for “the discovery of the therapeutic value” of lobotomy, “a revolutionary surgery” to treat certain psychoses
Il est désormais apparu que des cyberattaques effrayantes ont altéré le GPS en vol des avions civils, provoquant des « pannes de navigation critiques » à bord de l'avion.
Il y a eu plus de 50 rapports faisant état d'attaques de ce type.
Depuis fin août, ces « attaques » électroniques ont été observées dans tout le Moyen-Orient, notamment en Israël, en Égypte et en Irak...

It has now emerged that frightening cyberattacks have tampered with the in-flight GPS of civilian aircraft, causing “critical navigation failures” on board the aircraft.There have been more than 50 reports of attacks of this type.Since the end of August, these electronic “attacks” have been observed throughout the Middle East, particularly in Israel, Egypt and Iraq...
Nebraska, USA. Une simple tempête de grêle a réduit un parc solaire de plusieurs millions de dollars, composé de 14 000 panneaux solaires, en un tas de débris toxiques en l'espace de quelques minutes, démontrant une fois de plus la nature coûteuse, hasardeuse de cette énergie.

Nebraska, USA. A single hailstorm reduced a multimillion-dollar solar farm, made up of 14,000 solar panels, to a pile of toxic debris in a matter of minutes, once again demonstrating the costly, hazardous nature of this energy .
Quand les médias vous disent que "les 10% plus riches émettent plus de CO2", c'est pour faire accepter "Vous ne posséderez rien et vous serez heureux" du GreatReset.
Il faut construire l'image riche = pas bien, pauvre sans chauffage = bien. (même en Suède ils nous l'ont faite)

When the media tell you that "the richest 10% emit more CO2", it is to make people accept "You will own nothing and you will be happy" of the GreatReset.We must construct the image rich = not good, poor without heating = good. (even in Sweden they made it for us)
Conférence de presse du 21 novembre 2023 au Parlement européen, suite à la réponse choquante de l'EMA, à la lettre du député européen Marcel de Graaff, demandant de retirer l'autorisation de mise sur le marché des "vaccins" Covid à cause des très graves problèmes engendrés.

Press conference on November 21, 2023 at the European Parliament, following the EMA's shocking response to the letter from MEP Marcel de Graaff, asking to withdraw the marketing authorization for Covid "vaccines" due to very serious problems caused.
Le Syndicat Liberté Santé a saisi l'Ordre des médecins pour que soient poursuivis "neuf bonimenteurs", aussi appelés "médecins de plateau", qui ont sévi pendant la crise sanitaire. Le troisième n'est autre que Gilbert Deray
FranceSoir ("Médecins de plateau" : Le Syndicat Liberté Santé porte plainte contre Gilbert Deray | FranceSoir)
"Médecins de plateau" : Le Syndicat Liberté Santé porte plainte contre Gilbert Deray | FranceSoir
Après André Grimaldi et Karine Lacombe, c'est au tour de Gilbert Deray d'être visé par le Syndicat Liberté Santé (SLS), lancé dans une

The Liberté Santé Union contacted the Order of Physicians to prosecute “nine hucksters”, also called “set doctors”, who were active during the health crisis. The third is none other than Gilbert Deray (“Stage doctors”: The Liberté Santé Union files a complaint against Gilbert Deray | FranceEveningAfter André Grimaldi and Karine Lacombe, it is Gilbert Deray's turn to be targeted by the Liberté Santé Union (SLS), launched in a
Voici la lettre de l’EMA du 18 octobre 2023, dans laquelle elle confirme, à la demande d’un groupe de parlementaires de l’UE, que les soi-disant « vaccins » contre le COVID-19 n’ont jamais été approuvés pour empêcher la transmission du virus. de personne à personne. L’Agence européenne des médicaments a ainsi confirmé que la « vaccination obligatoire » contre le Covid-19 était une utilisation illégale hors AMM.

Here is the EMA's letter of October 18, 2023, in which it confirms, at the request of a group of EU parliamentarians, that the so-called "vaccines" against COVID-19 have never been approved to prevent transmission of the virus. from person to person. The European Medicines Agency thus confirmed that “compulsory vaccination” against Covid-19 was an illegal off-label use.
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