Just wanted to say a big "Thank you!" to everyone on this forum, Laura and the Chateau crew, and for all of the testimony in this thread that has helped me find and keep a centeredness over the years and especially through this recent Covid-19 madness. I've not posted much at all, but I've been following, reading, and doing my best to apply the concepts to my life and interactions for almost ten years now it seems, and I only wish I had found the courage, or whatever the missing piece was, to contribute more to such an amazing group, and who knows, perhaps there is still time for that.

In any event, I'm reporting from Austin, TX, where it's like having one foot in one reality and the other in, well, another. I was laid off on Tuesday of this week from the hotel/hospitality sector, and so it's mostly been a quiet week at home doing what I can to prepare for whatever may be coming. A large percentage of the people I know personally are in the "stick your head in the sand" group, however strangers I encounter seem to be of the "why is everyone freaking out over something so harmless?" group. Fortunately I haven't encountered the true authoritarians yet, but I know I will eventually. Nevertheless, in the town I live near about 20 miles from the city limits, there is/has been a noticeable shortage of supplies in the stores. I make it a point to smile and tell any workers I encounter 'thank you' and that I am grateful for their continued efforts, which without fail, produces such an unanticipated response from them, as if I'm the only human to have said something nice and uplifting to them in days. It's a sad and sobering thought that there are many people who will be dragged down along with the negativity when they themselves aren't feeding the frenzy, but instead are trying to keep people fed. At the moment it's all I know to do - sharing compassion and a piece of humanity, though I feel there is something much bigger that can be done, I just have no words for what.

Still unsure what to gather from our Texas "leadership" as it seems they are reluctant to go too far too fast, but business and schools are definitely closing/have closed. All bars and restaurants either are closed or are take out/delivery only. Just waiting for the signal that quarantine is necessary. Oh, they were trying to scare us now that a doctor has supposedly caught it, but what else is new. As my cousin says "great, then that doctor should know exactly what he needs to do to survive!" 🤣 I laughed hard at that one.

I have also felt something different in the air. It is very palpable, and for all intents and purposes I am situated in nature (2 acres of green land with riverfront access) so I can't contribute it to any 'city effects.' Over the last few days I've planted a new garden, which provides nothing but an aesthetical boost to morale, but digging my hands into the earth right as Spring approaches helped me be at ease with the news of being laid off, and gave me something new to love each day. It may have been MLK that said "if the world were to end tomorrow, today I'd plant a tree," but that sentiment keeps coming into my mind lately.

Lastly, I remembered that I had this article bookmarked and thought it may come in handy in the days ahead.

"When all else fails, just remember to breathe" is what I keep reminding myself. Looking forward to being a part of building a new reality, even if the part I end up playing is smaller than I thought, someone has to play it! (My inner trumpet player ego speaking 😉)

Godspeed to all of you, and may we all ignite our lighthouses that will pierce the darkness and forge a new path
These people just follow an idea which is not their. It is so easier than thinking by themselves. I'm pretty sure this reinforce the people into buying any lie they are about to ear now. And I'm pretty sure this clapping thing is done on purpose, like it was done for "We are Charlie". Kind of "Join us in our so great group of authoritarians followers, embrace our strength, we will save you!" Group thought and its usual bias on how not be able to see the reality for what it is: please save us! :wow:

These people just follow an idea which is not their. They buy it, make it their own as for any what will come next. Very dangerous, if you want my opinion.

It seems that with their gesture they are supporting and cheering their confinement, the lockdown imposed by their conscientious and good hearted leaders based on a LIE thus they are accepting to be lied to, to be manipulated thus they are choosing to give away their free will. When you give up your free will, what happens? You accept willingly to be a slave of the STS dudes, you chose to be a part of the entropy so it's there that their energy it goes. I know that we should enjoy the ride and not get too invested in this whole drama but when you see that they are trying real hard, i mean real hard to get the people complacent, to bent everybody to their will playing on their common sense, solidarity, unity, saving lives, encouraging everybody to keep in line those selfish bastards that just can't and won't buy their bullshit. The constant pressure that builds up each passing day it can be felt literally by those who don't accept to be manipulated by these feckless beings and their followers. As if someone is trying really, really hard to see everybody on their knees. It is surreal. Don't know, seeing how the things are going on here in Italy, how most of the people are fully supporting this madness based on a LIE thus choosing to give up their free will i've decided to alienate myself from all those with whom i'm not aligned on the same wave length so to say, i refuse to interact with them except for necessary daily routines, that's it. I don't have a grudge on anyone, everybody is entitled to their own choices, everyone has their lessons to learn, it doesn't mean though that i have to embrace or accept their BS. Today my colleagues from work decided to have a meeting on skype just to say hi since we are not seeing each other for a while since everybody has been put on house arrest with their consent, so some of my colleagues left a massage to our watsapp group for everyone of us who would like to join to the skype meeting. Long story short i decided to not join, because i already knew what was the position of the majority regarding this madness and didn't want to partecipate and force myself to make nice and keep my mouth shut thus agreeing tacitly with all this BS nor did i wanted to express my true thoughts on all this BS thus outrage everybody thus making myself a target and correctly so because if someone doesn't want to see nor hear the truth who are you to force them to do so? I'm sorry i got too emotional here, sorry for ranting. These times are a real challenge.
From the conspiracy theory files:

what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them? After all, there has been much talk in recent years of the 'problem' of the increasing number of old people who are exerting a serious financial burden on the state. The yellow vest protests in France over the past year+ have been largely focused on French govt. attempts at 'pension reform' whereby people would be forced to keep working for longer, thereby alleviating some of this burden of the state having to pay pensions to more and more people who do not contribute to tax revenues.

I know it's a bit far out there, but just thought I throw it into the mix.

Apart from economic motivations, and given that fiction can be predictive, there's the idea presented in both the old TV series, 'Logans Run' and Huxleys 'Brave New World' of limiting life span. I don't remember what reasons were given in those fictions, but it occurs to me that limiting life span also limits those who can gain sufficient knowledge, being and wisdom to help others in any meaningful way or to hold knowledge until after the dust settles from the SHTF.
Just wanted to say a big "Thank you!" to everyone on this forum, Laura and the Chateau crew, and for all of the testimony in this thread that has helped me find and keep a centeredness over the years and especially through this recent Covid-19 madness. I've not posted much at all, but I've been following, reading, and doing my best to apply the concepts to my life and interactions for almost ten years now it seems, and I only wish I had found the courage, or whatever the missing piece was, to contribute more to such an amazing group, and who knows, perhaps there is still time for that.

In any event, I'm reporting from Austin, TX, where it's like having one foot in one reality and the other in, well, another. I was laid off on Tuesday of this week from the hotel/hospitality sector, and so it's mostly been a quiet week at home doing what I can to prepare for whatever may be coming. A large percentage of the people I know personally are in the "stick your head in the sand" group, however strangers I encounter seem to be of the "why is everyone freaking out over something so harmless?" group. Fortunately I haven't encountered the true authoritarians yet, but I know I will eventually. Nevertheless, in the town I live near about 20 miles from the city limits, there is/has been a noticeable shortage of supplies in the stores. I make it a point to smile and tell any workers I encounter 'thank you' and that I am grateful for their continued efforts, which without fail, produces such an unanticipated response from them, as if I'm the only human to have said something nice and uplifting to them in days. It's a sad and sobering thought that there are many people who will be dragged down along with the negativity when they themselves aren't feeding the frenzy, but instead are trying to keep people fed. At the moment it's all I know to do - sharing compassion and a piece of humanity, though I feel there is something much bigger that can be done, I just have no words for what.

Still unsure what to gather from our Texas "leadership" as it seems they are reluctant to go too far too fast, but business and schools are definitely closing/have closed. All bars and restaurants either are closed or are take out/delivery only. Just waiting for the signal that quarantine is necessary. Oh, they were trying to scare us now that a doctor has supposedly caught it, but what else is new. As my cousin says "great, then that doctor should know exactly what he needs to do to survive!" 🤣 I laughed hard at that one.

I have also felt something different in the air. It is very palpable, and for all intents and purposes I am situated in nature (2 acres of green land with riverfront access) so I can't contribute it to any 'city effects.' Over the last few days I've planted a new garden, which provides nothing but an aesthetical boost to morale, but digging my hands into the earth right as Spring approaches helped me be at ease with the news of being laid off, and gave me something new to love each day. It may have been MLK that said "if the world were to end tomorrow, today I'd plant a tree," but that sentiment keeps coming into my mind lately.

Lastly, I remembered that I had this article bookmarked and thought it may come in handy in the days ahead.

"When all else fails, just remember to breathe" is what I keep reminding myself. Looking forward to being a part of building a new reality, even if the part I end up playing is smaller than I thought, someone has to play it! (My inner trumpet player ego speaking 😉)

Godspeed to all of you, and may we all ignite our lighthouses that will pierce the darkness and forge a new path

Hi Pearse. In one great post you've told us all that we've been missing in your relative silence. Keep 'em coming! Beautiful. We're with you brother. So sorry to hear about your job. Hope you have some means to get by? Thank you for the garden you made. May it bloom in all our hearts. As I said, take this great leap you've made above and don't stop now - just let it flow. It's never too late until it is and lets not have regrets to carry on our way...

Hi Pearse. In one great post you've told us all that we've been missing in your relative silence. Keep 'em coming! Beautiful. We're with you brother. So sorry to hear about your job. Hope you have some means to get by? Thank you for the garden you made. May it bloom in all our hearts. As I said, take this great leap you've made above and don't stop now - just let it flow. It's never too late until it is and lets not have regrets to carry on our way...


Thank you sir for the kind words. Currently I'm not sure about future income, but I do have a stronger faith than ever before of my abilities to adapt to situations - I guess my mind lately has been on "what lines in the sand are worth drawing?" Obviously if it were only about myself, I'd draw them all! But there's a very realness to what may be coming that I'm torn as to if I'm to die on a hill, what hill will I choose? Are vaccines the end-all-be-all Master Plan? Are there other ways to negate the effects? Or would it be more impactful for those witnessing to truly take a stand, whether it be nonviolent or not? Like I said, I know if I were in a vacuum what I'd do in a heartbeat, but life doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Something I thought would be fun, maybe instead of just singing out of our windows, the group could coordinate times of the day that no matter where you are, we could all just dance? Anything from the whirling dervishes to just groovin' in your living room? I've had such an urge to dance lately, and with everything that was talked about spinning and movement, maybe we could gather up all this dancing energy to be unleashed in a wave of euphoric ecstacy? Ha I know I'm combining ALL the metaphors there, but it was a nice mental image I had.
I have been thinking about this the last few days since it came up. According to Wikipedia (FWIW haha):

so that would be a rather large object relative to the other planets in our solar system. We can see Jupiter as a bright "star" in the sky, so as the brown dwarf approaches, if there is such a thing, I would it expect it to become visible as a new "star" in the sky while it is still in the outer solar system. It seems like amateur astronomers would spot it even if there is some kind of PTB program to hide it, there are people who post amazing images of nebulae and galaxies on reddit all the time these days.

From what I can gather a comet like Halley's could be visible to the naked eye for around month as it approaches the sun (Halley's Comet - Wikipedia). Now the physics of an object many times larger than Jupiter would be quite different and we would probably be seeing it partly because of the sun's light reflecting off of it and partly because of electromagnetic phenomenon, so I expect it would be visible for much longer, but if it has an elliptical orbit like a comet it would speed up as it makes its closest approach so we might expect a period of 1-2 months of maximum visibility preceded and followed by a longer period (months? years?) of lesser visibility.

So if it does "appear" in the short term (ie in the coming weeks or months) it would make sense to me that it would take months for it to traverse the solar system and disappear again.

I'm just speculating based on the little I know about astronomy.

I think the elipitcal orbit is important. The "brown star"/"brown dwarf" could be seen and then disappear like the Cs talked about. When it disappears people would feel a sense of relief but...

Session 3 August 1996:
A: What would happen if the brown star that is the sun's twin were to get close enough to be illuminated by the sun?

Q: (T) Well, if it were close enough to be illuminated, the obvious result is that it would be SEEN. People would panic...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Governments would fall...

A: And terror and chaos. And when it departs again?

Q: (L) Everything will seem to be fine! But, they won't realize that the Oort cloud has been hit! Oh, sugar!

A: And then what?

Q: (L) It is not the Oort cloud or the comets that is going to cause all this terror and carrying on, it is going to be the seeing of the illuminated brown star, which will go away, and then no one will see what is coming! And this IS talked about in both the Bible and Nostradamus - but it was incomprehensible before! Okay, how long will it take the comets to get from the Oort cloud to here?

A: Let us just say that the cluster travels much faster than the usual cometary itinerary.

Q: (T) And this is because they are traveling in the wake of a large sun sized gravity well...

A: And we have spoken of the comet cluster before, and we have told you that this time, it rides the Wave.

Q: (L) Is the wave the energy from this brown star?

A: No.

Q: (L) The Wave is the Wave. (T) So, the dark star is going to come through the Oort cloud, and it doesn't have to get too close. Any star that gets that close is TOO close. Its gravity will propel these comets in our direction. And, on top of that, they are being propelled by the Wave from behind, so they are being both pulled and pushed.

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they being "kicked" and then they get on the wave that is already on the move?

A: Yes. This time. You have had the comet cluster before in antiquity, but the wave was last here aeons ago.

Q: (L) Is this wave a gravity wave?

A: Interrelated.

Q: (L) Okay, now... (T) Well, the wave is a form of energy. (L) Yes, they once told us that it was "hyper-kinetic sensate."

A: Realm border, this is your quantum factor, Laura, so plug it into "Noah" accordingly, and check out the results.

...and further down in this session the explanation of several cycles merging at the same crossroads intersection.

A: How many electrons orbit the nucleus?

Q: (L) Of the sun? Are you asking how many electrons orbit the nucleus of the Sun? Different atoms have different numbers...

A: Of any atom?

Q: (L) Okay, it varies.

A: From what to what?

Q: (L) From one to somewhere in the nineties or hundreds...

A: And what determines the number?

Q: (L) Well, that is a damn good question! (T) What makes one atom helium and one atom oxygen? How do they know how to become what they are?

A: No.

Q: (T) Well, what determines the number?

A: Is it the composition of the nucleus?

Q: (L) Yeah. That's right. We forgot. What causes or determines the number of protons or whatever in the nucleus?

A: What composition would cause the orbiting of one electron?

Q: (L) One proton?

A: Now, think macro-dynamically.

Q: (L) Well, you once said that the sun is a window, or transition point to another density. Are you saying that the nucleus of an atom is also a window?

A: What we are saying is the sun is a proton and its twin is an electron!

Q: (L) Well, I am still trying to get at... the wave causes transitions in the macro-cosmic atom, what causes the microcosmic atom... what causes a quantum jump? What accumulates in an atom that causes it to transition? (T) Is it a case of accumulation, or something being given off?

A: Completion of Grand Cycle.

Q: (J) It just is. (L) No, no...

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?

Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three things causing a transition in nature?

A: Like "biorhythms."

Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.

A: Bad day if you are John D. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

It does make one wonder about the quanantines and stay indoors restrictions.
I feel like the whole order of things has flipped upside down - instead of conspiracies hyping end of the world scenarios, it is now conspiratorial to propose "It's just a new type of flu virus" or "I think it's more likely the death rates are exagerated". Trying to use common sensibility is the new crime!!

Something I am curious about - having read so many news stories recently I couldn't say exactly where I read these comments - is, what was revealed in these closed session government meetings that seems to have terrified these officials so badly? Or is it an act? One reference was an observation about Trump sounding like he had been crying before a public address (a hitch in his voice) whilst aides in the background looked terrified. Another reference regarding Boris Johnson claiming events as 'no big deal's before a meeting, then emerging turning completely around saying this is a huge deal and sweating.

i hypothesize perhaps something real was finally revealed to them which has shook them, and I highly doubt it was this virus.
Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.
I'd like to know what part (if any) commencing a mandatory adult vaccination campaign in China had on the emergence of COVID-19. Somehow, I don't think the Chinese are going to tell us anything about this and neither is the WHO. They're going to try and blame it on their citizens eating habits.

I'm also curious about what's going on electorally with the DNC's support of Joe Biden, (who's obviously got dementia) and why every other democratic candidate dropping out of the primaries supports him. This has got a lot of people scratching their heads in confusion.
Yes, I brought myself to read a few of the smear pieces - the authoritarianism is absolutely MINDBOGGLING. One popular article claims the most important thing is to look at the source (Jesus!!) and, given that the guy is a doctor, former MP, former head of a health agency, board member of Transparency International etc. etc. the author says that "He is a medical doctor, not a scientist. We need to rely on scientists." That's the only argument, besides calling everyone "science deniers" who have a different opinion, comparing them to "climate deniers"... Utterly pathetic.

I got a bit of backlash on fb as well now, people are going authoritarian followers in full force. Still a bit torn about how to handle all this (both in RL and on social media) - on the one hand, spreading truth courageously is important; on the other hand, there can be serious repercussions now, and increasingly so. For me personally, I think a good idea is to always come from a place of compassion and understanding, being gentle etc. - who knows who reads or listens and where you can plant a seed that way. But others are natural-born ranters, and those have their place too LOL. All depends on the circumstances I guess.
Hi Luc, i think you well explained the trick in order to remain as we are and as we think, and to continue to have "normal" relations with all the people, including the ones which have the stunning ability to transform in agent Smith in less than 1 second.

The trick is empathy, but also control your ego (dont reply, dont start any debate, redirect the subject, joke)
I though about a trick that could work : see him/them as (an) afraid child(ren)

Love you thinking. We need a great prayer. Or a prayer song?

Before I read your post, I had a similar idea, not in the form of a prayer, but more like a sentence, or a few sentences (the shortest is the best), that all here would be invited to sign. But it should be traduced in everybody's mother tongue, unless you master english enough that you can think in english as in your mother tongue (I think that clearly expressing oneself would be here important, thus, must be said in your mother tongue if you do not master english well enough)
In fact, it's a chart I'm thinking about, a chart to help all of us to better link together, for FRV synching. This could come on top of a prayer, but here the advantage is that this would just have to be told once, like when you sign for something.

I just quickly write something in french but ... not good to write short sentences :-(
This will be one question i'll propose to ask to the C's ...

I want to encourage many of you who are not yet members, to join FOTCM. With membership, and enough posts so that we can get a feel for sincerity (and I see a LOT of sincerity in this thread), you can be admitted to the private forum where meetings and other things are organized. In these times, the benefits may be helpful.

Thanks for the invitation Laura, I was just wondering about yesterday and even drop a message to Pierre about my feelings on the subject.

Even though I have no social media accounts, it would be interesting to pose the question if anyone knows of anyone or who knows anyone who has contracted this boogeyman virus. 🤔
My cousin (47y old) and her husband (+/- 54y old) living around Tarbes, south-west of France, are recovering from it. Got her yesterday during 1h+ on the phone ... no, on whatsapp phone, because the phone line was always cut after 15 second (seems saturated)

I was born in Russia, maybe Russia would be the safest place?
To my mind it's actually and definitively the country where to go. But I can't help to think that this would looks like fleing.

A: Continue to spread the truth and program that will unite all people of good will.
I wonder if "right now" it's safe to spread the truth ?
If this drug's been around for years, pharma isn't going to be too happy - no profits to be made here... That's just my feeling about how the US corporate interests will react. I'm not sure if they can 'mess' about so much, now the President has got on board with it.

Now, the German MSM is trying to depict Russia as bad by claiming that Russia is misusing the corona situation by spreading information that seeks to depict the West as bad and Russia as good. Basically, the idea is that Russia is trying to get Western citizens to stop trusting their national healthcare systems and to intensify confusion and panic in the Western countries.

_„Die Kampagne soll Verwirrung, Panik und Angst verschärfen“
On the subject of alien invasion, I don't believe the invasion has much to do with comets. It seems that after so much energy was put into Comets and the Horns of Moses, comets were tried on for size as a sort of catch-all explanation for things and the forum went through a "comet phase" for awhile. This led to some mental gymnastics with some other things the Cassiopaeans had mentioned, such as the Kantekkians being genetic material that was transmitted as microbes or viruses on the debris from the planet, which eventually rained down on Earth and infected the homo sapiens already living here, causing a mutation whereby the Kantekkians were somehow able to reconstitute themselves on Earth. I never really bought into that and said so at the time. On the other hand, Frank seemed to have an Independence Day scenario in mind and seemed to skew the presentation of the early sessions in that direction. There may be a middle path that sort of unifies the two sides, and since the forum has kind of taken off in a new direction after the Darwin's Black Box stuff, it would be interesting to see if the responses are modulated a bit in upcoming sessions or if my mind is stuck in a completely incorrect paradigm.

I'm more onboard with the aliens as psychopaths interpretation and have stated my position that I did not believe the real aliens would be visible until after the planet is fully 4D. In regards to Laura's timeline, I considered including the phenomenon that Niall found in Syria which was mentioned in the most recent session. While I was aware of the coronavirus since mid January, I really considered it as some obscure thing that was happening "over there" and didn't have much interest in it as I thought it was nothing. In early February, there was a point of inflection regarding my emotional involvement in it and my interest level went from "yawn" to "hmm." The video was posted on the 3rd I believe, but I didn't know about it until the session. It seemed from the third on, the coronavirus buzz steadily picked up steam until another point of inflection about two weeks ago, where it went highly exponential. Shortly afterward there was talk of "beaming," which actually struck a nerve with me and made me wonder if it was all connected. Additionally, on 2/15 I had this really cool dream about living in a dead-end timeline that was going to be "totally consumed" along with everyone in it, however it was possible prevent this fate by retrieving a device from another dimension and gathering a certain group of people and supporting objects which would be used as keys to operate it. I kind of considered it a neat sci-fi short story based loosely on the Cassiopaean messages and nothing more.

So my "see the unseen" intuition intimated to me that the object which arrived in the video was some sort of "control ship," which was an integral part of the beaming infrastructure which activated the "hubrids" a la Jacobs, and now we're all living together after "the change," which has just taken place as his abductees have predicted. This control ship is not visible because it exists mostly or wholly in the 4th dimension, and we can look high and low and only see faint byproducts of it because its position is displaced significantly from us along the w axis. So Independence Day did happen in a sense, there is all of this alien invasion infrastructure located around us, or "ana" and "kata" from our current perspective in 4D space, but the only part which intersects with our 3D cross-section of that reality is the coronavirus, which serves the sole purpose of being the on-switch. The cometary connection is that the progenitor virus to the one that was experimented on in the labs probably had a meteoric origin, and then 4D STS just nudged the people who were working with it in a particular direction, mostly unconsciously, and fashioned it into something they can use through purely 3D means that would seem completely unrelated to any dynamic deeper than an unfortunate series of coincidences. The Cassiopaeans instructed us to stay on the lookout for such phenomena, and so a possible way to test this hypothesis would be to see if the current effects get amplified each time we observe something coming in through one of these portals. I'm not quite sure where the Nephilim fit into all of this at the moment, though.

Some possible questions all of this raises are:
Is this this the "big one" economic collapse that was prophesied awhile back? If so, what should one do with one's money in these "last days?" (I suspect the answer is going to be pooling as much as possible in FOTCM community projects) Is the mandatory microchipping, "Mark of the Beast" coming next? Should one just passively accept the chip and wait out the NWO/4D STS invasion until it falls on its own sword? If one is chipped, what steps should be taken to mitigate it? What about mandatory vaccinations, will the iodine protocol still mitigate it? Is the sudden overt activation of all of these authoritarian followers the main offensive of the alien invasion, or is it going to get even more bizarre?

The next Cassiopaean session is probably going to be a whirlwind in any event.
This article made me really mad:
Is this how far our civilization has come? She won't be the first or the last person crying about the COVID-19 calamity. It's going to make the 'The Great Depression' look like a Sunday school picnic in the end.
I guess my question for the C's would be: Why are the PTB deliberately increasing the number of infected/dead from coronavirus? Are they actually wanting to crash the economy by forcing governments to shut down commerce and movement of people, or is this just a test run that will be "shut down" in a few weeks and the system will still be "intact?" Basically, what's the endgame here?
The Australian government is considering a suburb by suburb shut down concentrating on hotspots.

I had a thought about another motivation behind social distancing and preventing gatherings in public places. Along with talk of using smart phone data to collect information and track coronavirus infections, social distancing and prevention of public gathering means that it's more likely that people will be communicating by phone and that data can be collected too.

My sisters church has moved to doing online services. The local independent butcher has announced that two abattoirs have closed down so he's expecting supply shortages in the coming weeks. It's still a bit hit and miss whether sought grocery items will be found on shelves, but there is a good supply of food at home so there's no worries in that regard yet.
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