Those numbers are stark and are depressing. I don't think the movers and shakers in the U.N., IMF etc could care less about how many children and people the economic downturn is going to kill and impoverish though. Such information and likelihoods are just a tool for them or whoever is moving those in these organizations to act the way they do and make the decisions that they do. Think the WHO and Secret Consortium comment from the most recent C's session.

What the leaders of these supranational organizations do care about (and those puppet masters above them pulling the strings), in my opinion, is priming the masses and setting the next stage of things with articles like these to pull on people's emotions. I think they will say that it is obvious that individual nations alone won't be able to deal with and fix the economic and financial problems that have resulted from the (fake) pandemic. That the world needs a world governmental organization, body and agreement to take charge and world currency system (likely fully digital and cashless) to deal with it. National sovereignty and individual rights and freedoms be damned. Why? Think of the children and people dying and suffering, if we don't go full retard! We have to do something. We have to go full overt worldwide Communism and control with all the central planning and decision trimmings, etc because of the children. You are a monster and a dirty conspiracy theorist if you don't go along with it or question it, because CHILDREN are dying...
To echo some of what @Mandatory Intellectomy said above, I too have taken to simply wearing a bandanna around my neck (who knew the 80s rock/metal look would come back?:umm:), and I’ve found that almost all people react positively. They seem to acknowledge my willingness to “mask up” if necessary, but are also noticeably brighter cheerier because they can see my smile.
If you look at the libtard mentality I guess you can go one step further down. They could be compared to a photographic negative. It's two dimensional consciousness (as explained above) but everything is inverted to the natural image of the photographic plate. Up becomes down, black is white, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, etc.

I laughed out loud at this. Very much on-point.

The ability to confront reality objectively, to not just face the facts but the implications, is not something most people possess. It's simply too difficult. Part of it is cognitive dissonance, since the brain interprets violations of expected reality as pain and acts to minimize the negative stimulus by denying the factual evidence. But part of it is simply that in many cases the truth is simply absolutely horrifying, and the unprepared mind can't cope with it. It's almost Lovecraftian, in the sense that his characters would often go insane when forced to confront the reality of cosmic evil on a scale they had never considered.

There's also an initiatic aspect here. Personally, I found the concept of 4D STS to be at once terrifying and liberating. Why entities that are able to rearrange timelines, slip into our minds to manipulate our thoughts and emotions, and feed off of our pain is horrifying surely needs no explanation. But it was also liberating because, once I really confronted this possibility - in the Aristotelian sense, of 'entertaining an idea without necessarily accepting it as true' - and thought through the implications, I experienced an important realization. Namely, it is difficult to imagine something more horrible than 4D STS. Given the existence of 4D STS, what changes about my essential stance towards the world? Do I simply give up in the face of this cosmic horror? Obviously not; resistance becomes all the more important. And in fact (and this was the liberating part), if 4D STS will not make me back down, then why should I fear the machinations of their 3D servants? Essentially, the mere possibility of the existence of 4D STS made the challenges presented by characteropathic evil in the human realm seem far less threatening.

Back to this issue of liberals (and it isn't just liberals, btw) whose perception of reality is essentially a two-dimensional negative. This has been building for a long time now. Our society has embraced obvious absurdities, one after the other, that are in clear conflict with easily observable reality. The first and most fundamental was the postmodernist rejection of the idea of a transcendental, objective Truth with a capital T; once it was generally accepted that everyone has "their truth", the seeds were sewn for what came next. What came next was: a warped notion of sexual equality wherein the sexes are taken to be exactly interchangeable; the idea that all climate change was caused by human carbon dioxide emissions; veganism being healthy; restrictions on civil liberties due to the war on terror as a necessary protection for the very civil liberties that were being stripped; the idea that one's thoughts, ideas, and behaviour were less important than one's identity group; the mandatory acceptance of transgenderism; Russiagate; and so on.

I've been telling anyone who would listen, for years now, that turning away from the truth is extraordinarily dangerous because, eventually, we'll collide with reality and it will hurt. Few listened. And now, here we are: the majority of the populace having been thoroughly disconnected from reality, and the society experiencing a mass psychotic break as it cowers in fear from an imaginary virus.

This is where embracing lies leads.
After carrying a heavy load, my right arm, shoulder, and back muscles contracted, I couldn't tilt my head to my right, and the area around my collarbone was slightly swollen.
The pains were horrible, I went to the emergency tract, it was Easter.
After ringing the bell, saying my name, first name and reason for arrival, a medical technician came out after a minute and asked if I had traveled in the last 2 weeks or had been in contact with the coronary virus infected, my answer was no.
Then he measured my temperature and it was 37.6 degrees Fahrenheit, he immediately told me that I would have to study at the next door because I was suspected of a virus.
Another nurse came to me, dressed in a white protective suit and filter mask, camouflaged from head to toe.After 2 hours of waiting, together with 4 other patients in one room, they first took my swabs from my nose and throat and only later sent me for x-rays and other examinations. The discharge letter stated that I had severe inflammation of the muscle mass on the right side of my body and that I needed to be in isolation until I received a phone call saying I was positive or negative. After 28 hours I was told that I was negative and could contact my GP for painkillers.
I do not know how it is in other countries, but in Croatian hospitals, if you have a fever or cough and you come because of completely different things, it will isolate you, wait for other examinations for hours, it only matters that the thermometer showed, and what hurts you, slowly , we have time.


Excuse me for my English
If you look at the libtard mentality I guess you can go one step further down. They could be compared to a photographic negative. It's two dimensional consciousness (as explained above) but everything is inverted to the natural image of the photographic plate. Up becomes down, black is white, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, etc.
Or as I put it in a recent exchange on Facebook, “When the unstoppable forces of truth and critical thinking slam into the immovable objects of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias.”
To echo some of what @Mandatory Intellectomy said above, I too have taken to simply wearing a bandanna around my neck (who knew the 80s rock/metal look would come back?:umm:), and I’ve found that almost all people react positively. They seem to acknowledge my willingness to “mask up” if necessary, but are also noticeably brighter cheerier because they can see my smile.
I love it.
This can be easily combined with another idea (I think it was @Mandatory Intellectomy who suggested it, many many pages ago), to write a message to the effect that "this whole thing is stupid". Something simple like HOAX or PANIC or something, that immediately communicates where you stand. That way when you mask up, everyone around you knows that you're only doing so because it's been made mandatory. And if some petty tyrant takes issue, you can simply say "It's a fashion statement" :-P
The following quote from the most recent session caught my attention, as I'm sure it did many others here:

I wondered whether there might be a trail of bread crumbs in the scientific literature that might flesh the C's suggestions out, so I went poking around in Google scholar to see what I could find. So far, it's far from a conclusive case, but there's enough there to be suggestive. Perhaps others on the forum who have a professional background in the biological sciences might be able to connect some dots that are eluding me; my own background is in astrophysics, so I'm far from an expert in these fields and it is entirely possible that this has resulted in my misunderstanding something. This will be a long post, and it is my sincere hope that it is not noise. There is, unavoidably, some amount of speculation in the following; I've tried to be clear where this is the case.

First, though, some logical inferences from the course of events. It's obvious that COVID isn't a genuine health threat, given that the most reliable numbers for the infection fatality rate are well below 1% and firmly in 'mild seasonal flu' territory. This doesn't need to be emphasized to anyone here. However, the parasite class are treating this as though it is a very serious public health crisis.

Now, it could certainly be inferred that this is all just a large psychodrama, intended to put everyone in traumatic Skinner boxes so as to accustom them to a new normal of total technocratic control. Certainly pre-existing plans to that effect are being put into place, and it's been clear for some time that the parasite class intends to take things in that direction. There are a lot of people who see this, and see no further.

But, and this is crucial, the rollout has been sloppy and panicky. Coordination is less than perfect globally, or even at the national level - look at the variety of inconsistent lockdown measures enforced amongst the various United States - and the obvious disconnect between the actual mortality rate, and the draconian nature of the lockdown and the economic and public health consequences thereof, is making a significant number of people sit up and take notice. The pathocrats are not stupid, and must have realized this would happen. Since their control is predicated above all on the ignorance of the general populace, exposure is the single worst thing that could happen to them (aside from a comet storm). They are therefore taking a huge risk.

It seems unlikely that they would roll the dice in this fashion unless they were genuinely concerned, given the plethora of other, safer options at their disposal for engendering a global slave state. It follows that they are genuinely concerned about something, and since the measures they are enforcing are clearly intended to prevent the spread of a specific virus, the most obvious inference is that there is something about the virus that terrifies them ... and that whatever it is, it has nothing to do with lethality.

So what do we know about COVID, specifically?

First, there is strong evidence that it emerged in a lab. There is a debate as to whether it was Fort Detrick in the USA or a laboratory in Wuhan; many seem to ignore the possibility that it may have been both, along with other facilities, given that scientific research generally involves global collaboration with individual labs each working on a piece of the problem. Regardless of point of origin, the genome of COVID-19 is dramatically different from those of related coronaviruses, with a number of mutations that seem to be especially unlikely[1][2]. Note that the authors of the first study to investigate this possibility were forced to retract their paper, which is of course not even remotely suspicious.

A recent Nature paper[3] attempted to debunk the notion that the virus is anything but natural; as an aside, in my field there is a running joke that if something is published in Nature the only thing that can be concluded with certainty is that the result is wrong. In this case the argument was that their models did not predict that the mutation enabling COVID-19 to bind with the ACE2 receptor would be so effective, and that therefore no competent molecular biologist would have tried to make this specific mutation. This is such a transparently silly argument that its publication in Nature is simply farcical, and can be explained only as propaganda.

Another thing we know is, as just mentioned, that the virus binds to the ACE2 receptor. This is found in several parts of the body, in particular: the lungs, and the central nervous system[4]. The presence of ACE2 in the CNS is believed to be the reason why many patients report neurological symptoms, including but not limited to a temporary loss of smell and taste[4]. And indeed, coronaviruses are known to specifically infect the CNS[5].

Since the ACE2 receptor was chosen, and since this receptor is available in the CNS, a logical inference is that it was specifically intended for COVID-19 to target the CNS. The other possibility, that the respiratory system was the primary target, seems to be ruled out by the virus' low mortality, since the only reason to target the respiratory system would be for a 'conventional' weapon intended to kill the target.

Coronaviruses are RNA viruses, which insert genetic material directly into cells. For this reason they were being looked at as promising vectors for gene therapy[6][7], along with similar RNA viruses such as picornaviruses[8]. Gene therapy is a technique whereby a patient's DNA is 'fixed' via insertion of transgenes, which can be accomplished via a gene gun or using a viral vector. Gene guns seem to have been the preferred method in the early 2000s. Research into viral vectors has since made the latter the preferred method of introducing transgenes into target cells, since viruses are literally designed for gene insertion, and as a result genes introduced in this fashion are more likely both to be taken up by the target cells and to persist.

Interestingly, references to coronaviruses as gene therapy vectors dry up around 2005[6], with little indication that I could find that this was because they were found to be unsuitable. While it is certainly possible that the research community's attention was simply captured by more promising vectors, it also seems possible that this could be a consequence of this line of research moving underground, into the world of covert 'national security' activity.

So we are now looking at a genetically modified virus, apparently targeted at the brain, which was being looked at as a promising candidate for gene therapy. From this it can be inferred that they were interested in introducing a genetic modification into the central nervous system,

Looking at gene therapy research specifically related to the CNS, one of the more prominent lines involves Parkinson's disease[9][10][11]. Of course, the only possible reason for this is the deep concern of governments and pharmaceutical companies for the alleviation of the suffering caused by Parkinson's /sarc/. One of the genes implicated in Parkinson's appears to be a specific allele of the COMT gene[12], although I haven't found anything specifically involving research into gene therapy of COMT.

COMT turns out to be a very interesting gene. It is implicated in tobacco use[13] (which the parasite class are eager to discourage). Of greater interest, COMT has been suggested to be connected with hypnotizability[14][15][16]. Hypnotizability refers to the ease with which a given individual can be induced to enter a hypnotic trance state. About 10% of the population are 'high hypnotizables', meaning they easily enter into this state; a similar proportion are effectively impossible to hypnotize; the remainder are somewhere in between.

Note that the trail involving COMT may be a false lead. Its role in hypnotizability is disputed, and it has been suggested instead that the Oxytocian Receptor gene OXTR may be more important[17]. In any case, there is strong evidence that hypnotizability is heritable, indicating that it is indeed genetic[15].

Research into hypnotizabilty using brain imaging indicats that it is related to functional, but not structural, neurological differences[14][18][19]. In other words, rearranging the large-scale structure of the CNS does not appear to be necessary to make someone hypnotizable. This implies that the difference is at a more fundamental level, involving how different regions of the brain communicate with one another. Since large scale reorganization is not necessary, it seems plausible that hypnotizability could be induced genetically ... perhaps via the introduction of a single gene.

Interestingly, COMT also seems to affect how people react to environmental stressors. The allele associated with hypnotizability seems to also be associated with the 'warrior strategy'[20], in which increased threat recognition plays a dominant role in the reaction to aversive (i.e. negative or dangerous) stimuli; the alternative is the 'worrier strategy', which involves improved attention and memory.

To sum up, on the one hand we have a genetically modified virus apparently intended to target the central nervous system, from a viral family that was considered a promising gene therapy vector. On the other hand we have research into gene therapy specifically targeting a gene associated with Parkinson's disease and with hypnotizability. A global population consisting of 'high hypnotizables' would be so obviously desirable from the point of view of those seeking to ensconce themselves as the permanent apex of a planetary slave plantation that it doesn't really need to be emphasized.

And yet, we have the panicked reaction of the parasite class to the spread of the virus, so what gives? Surely they would want everyone to catch it, in which case the most sensible course of action, from their point of view, would be to quietly release the virus and then simply ignore it as just another flu season.

Indeed, that is precisely what happened, at least initially. The virus appears to have been in circulation for up to 2 years, and was thoroughly ignored. The Chinese were the first to react; possibly the upper echelons of the CCP realized something about it, from their own research in the Wuhan facility. This appears to have taken some time to propagate through the global elite, whose initial reaction - during the period from about December through early March - was that this was just the flu and nothing to be concerned about. Then something changed their minds.

Looking again at COMT, it's interesting to note the warrior/worrier dichotomy. Hypnotizable warriors who can be induced to react to imaginary threats seem like a pathocrat's dream. And actually, looking at the way in which so much of the global population enthusiastically got behind the lockdown agenda, it really does look like they've been hypnotized with remarkable speed and efficacy, and they are indeed massively overreatcing to an imaginary threat.

But, hypnotizability may well be a double-edged sword in a way that the pathocrats might not have anticipated, thanks to their tendency to engage in wishful thinking. For instance, hypnotizability is also associated with the ability to enter into a medidtative trance state. I haven't investigated this line of research too deeply; others who know more about it can certainly flesh it out further, if so interested. I know Laura in particular has a deep familiarity with hypnosis.

However, the reaction from the pathocrats certainly indicates they're worried about something, and given the above it doesn't some unreasonable to suppose that they've realized that their little present to humanity might have unexpected side effects that could be extremely deleterious to their agenda.

Anyone who's seen the movie Serenity may recognize the scenario. The central government poisoned a planet's population with an experimental drug meant to remove their aggression, thus rendering them completely peaceful, therefore achieving a utopia free of violence. It worked too well on most of the populace, and they simply lay down and died, having lost the will to live. On a small minority it had the precise opposite effect, turning them into ultraviolent cannibals who set about terrorizing the surrounding sector.

As a final note, it's worth pointing out that the scenario sketched out above bears more than a passing resemblance to the 'FunVax' (fundamentalist vaccine) hoax that appeared back in 2011. For those who haven't seen it, it purports to be a leaked video from a Pentagon briefing on a viral vaccine meant to modify the brains of people such that they stop believing in God. Several people on the forum have already pointed out that the FunVax hoa smells strongly of an attempt to poison the well, by essentially 'innoculating' the conspiracy community against the idea that the government would use a viral gene therapy vector to mess with people's cognitive processes.

[2] What seems unnatural about COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2)? --
[3] The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
[6] Coronavirus reverse genetics and development of vectors for gene expression. - PubMed - NCBI
[7] Coronaviruses as Vectors: Stability of Foreign Gene Expression
@psychegram I just wanted to thank you for your excellent post. Great research, just the type of sleuthing that is needed right now. I think you're definitely on to something there...
According the Berlin Police, about 350 participants of an unauthorized demonstration have gathered at Rosa- Luxemburg-Platz (at the "Volksbühne" theater). The group "Communication Center Democratic Resistance" had been calling for a so-called "hygiene demo" this Saturday afternoon. They are criticizing that the Corona measures would restrict basic rights. The police dissolved the demonstration. The association commented on the "Corona package" bill, which was passed on March 25th, as follows: "The German Bundestag passes its "Enabling act".



Hitherto unknown to me this "Communication Center Democratic Resistance" has a collection of arcticles on its website that German speakers might find interesting.

It is not without irony that this group is now receiving some advertizing by the mainstream media.

Quote from""

The "Communication Center Democratic Resistance" have repeated their "hygiene demo" today, again at the "Volksbühne" theater. Hundreds of participants were gathering at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz only to see their demonstration be dissolved by the police.


This local newspaper today went out of their way to describe and denounce the demonstrators' aims and beliefs while incidentally revealing some interesting thoughts that their readers might not have come across so far.

They believe that fascism is imminent and Germany will become a dictatorship and that Bill Gates will profit from the Corona virus. Several hundred people demonstrated again in Berlin today though it is prohibited. Various conspiracy theories were spread.

For the fourth time already, a "Communication Centre Democratic Resistance" mobilized for the so-called "Fourth Hygiene Demo". Several hundred people came to demonstrate against the curtailment of fundamental rights because of the Corona crisis.
Obviously, most of them were not afraid of infection: only a few wore a mouth guard. Hardly anyone paid attention to keeping distances.

Leaflets were distributed saying, "Parts of the government want to keep us in mortal fear."
In addition, there was ranting about a "seizure of power over our basic rights by the Ministry of Health and Pharmaceuticals under Jens Spahn", and that Corona was no worse than a flu.

During the evacuation of the square there were fights with the police, several people were arrested. Demonstrators kept shouting "Basic Law!" (The German makeshift version of a constitution) and "We Are The People".

The organizers of the demonstration are an assemblage from far left to far right which includes actors who belong to the left-wing "Haus Bartleby", which is critical of capitalism. In the newspaper distributed by the organizers it says among other things "Right-wing ideology is per se connected with authoritarian statehood and repression against leftists and people labelled as minorities and non-Germans. Therefore, there can be no cooperation with them in criticizing the Corona emergency."

Among the propagandists of the demo is also the former local radio presenter Ken Jebsen, who was fired in 2011, who then called the Holocaust PR and now relativized the Shoah by the government's corona measures.
On Jebsen's website Bill Gates is considered a profiteer of the Corona crisis.

Deliberately or not the author of this arcticle is spreading many alternative views here.

Interestingly there seems to be a tacit cooperation of left-wing and right-wing intellectuals during these events, which is only reasonable because in a dictatorship all kinds of independent brains would have to lapse into silence.


Finally someone was wearing a mask. "Freedom" "No fascism and war every again."
I have been sickly for over a decade, and when I first became sickly, it was from the flu. And I suffer from lingering flu for months - that is how it has always been, even though I am otherwise physically healthy. It usually starts in the respiratory tract, then it moves to my head: chest cold, head cold.
Previous to becoming sickly, I injured my head, so I suspect it contributed to this state of health.
So I see the doctor often, and over the years, I have suffered from side effects, from bad diet, fatigue, ect. and my gall bladder, pancreas, diabetes...
So I was hospitalised a couple times for surgery, and I remember - in the operating room - coming out of anesthesia sleep - seeing a lady being pushed around on a gurney around the operating room and she was coughing very hard, like one cough after another.
I didn't think too much about it, but thought it strange, but was disorientated to begin with from the pain of pancreatitis. And I had hallucinogenic dreams after surgery and told the nurses, and they had me talk to a psychologists, where she just explained it was from a reaction to the anesthesia.
And I had ongoing breathing problems from before, but it was really bad from this trauma, and I kept asking for oxygen.
And so, I keep thinking about this episode when I read about military involvement in this virus, because at my hospital, there are a lot of military doctors. You see them and they are often in their dress greens.
And to conduct their research they need guinea pigs. This was a couple years ago.
This is starting to get hot is Spain:
It's running fast through the social networks of Spain (in Spanish) the next letter of quite influential intellectuals older than 60:
I'm thinking a very simple measure to get people to snap out of it, and with low risk, is to gently saturate available media, emails, social interaction, face masks, t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc with use of the expression COVID-1984. In USA, everyone over a certain age read the book, I think. It was required 9th grade literature in my school. Even if they have not read it, they kind of know about Big Brother. It is a passive way to perhaps trigger some dot connection. Worst case, it gets picked up my MSM as the latest conspiracy theory, but that would only serve for some Streisand Effect. Short, sweet, memorable. And maybe more people would read the book.
At worst you might be accused of using inappropriate humor. I begin today.;-)
@psychegram I just wanted to thank you for your excellent post. Great research, just the type of sleuthing that is needed right now. I think you're definitely on to something there...
I just hope I haven't fallen victim to confirmation bias. Connecting the dots can sometimes feel a bit like the guy decorating a wall with an intricate web of red string. Hopefully others can build on this, or point out places where I've gotten an important detail wrong.
In fact, we could argue for a long time since various arguments are valuable in this field of discussion in my opinion and as you said and again I agree, the virus could have mutated and been different in western countries. Of course, we know that there are also several factors that are surely implied in the handling process including culture and a good start at fighting the virus.

Yeah, there could be several factors involved. And I would like to know which are the most important. I've just read this article and I'm still not convinced that this explains such big difference between France and Germany: Why France has 4 times as many coronavirus deaths as Germany

For example, Germany still played football like the rest of Europe till the 8th of March, and that's not social distancing, no mater how much the Germans are disciplined.

Nevertheless, what we know for sure is that the consequences of the lockdown make it a bad option when you take a look at the present and future results.

Yes. And speaking about that, several countries in Eastern Europe announced the openings. My President also confirmed this evening that we will be slowly opening from Tuesday because our numbers are looking good. Somebody should tell Bill Gates that we don't need his vaccine!

Perhaps now that the danger is out, more people will be looking at the alternative views about this pandemic. This info is interesting:

The possibility that the coronavirus spreads in a mostly stealthy mode among a population of largely young, healthy people showing no symptoms could have major implications for U.S. policy-makers, who are considering how and when to reopen the economy.

It also renews questions about the extent to which U.S. testing of just the people suspected of being infected is actually capturing the spread of the virus in the United States and around the world.

The Navy’s testing of the entire 4,800-member crew of the aircraft carrier - which is about 94% complete - was an extraordinary move in a headline-grabbing case that has already led to the firing of the carrier’s captain and the resignation of the Navy’s top civilian official.

Roughly 60 percent of the over 600 sailors who tested positive so far have not shown symptoms of COVID-19, the potentially lethal respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, the Navy says. The service did not speculate about how many might later develop symptoms or remain asymptomatic.

“With regard to COVID-19, we’re learning that stealth in the form of asymptomatic transmission is this adversary’s secret power,” said Rear Admiral Bruce Gillingham, surgeon general of the Navy.

The figure is higher than the 25% to 50% range offered on April 5 by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force.

Interestingly there seems to be a tacit cooperation of left-wing and right-wing intellectuals during these events, which is only reasonable because in a dictatorship all kinds of independent brains would have to lapse into silence.

Indeed. A similar dynamic expressed itself in the Yellow Vest movement. This has to be one of the greatest nightmares for the pathocrats. Divide et impera doesn't work so well if the people refuse to divide. It's not for nothing that the wholesale takeover of Western countries by kleptocrats has coincided with the greatest political polarization since the Civil War.

Having been on both sides of the political divide myself, and therefore knowing quite a few people considered both far left and far right, I can say that neither side has a monopoly on either foolishness or intelligence. There are terrible people and great people in both communities. And, which is most important, if you drill down past the specific vocabularies used by either side, at the end of the day the frustrations they feel are essentially identical, and it is towards the elite whom they direct their ire.

The political landscape that is developing right now is not a 'left vs. right' conflict, as we have grown used to; it is 'top vs. bottom'. The global superclass vs. everyone else. If politically active people in either community can start to get their heads around that, drop whatever ideological baggage ("You're a commie!" "You're a racist!" etc.) that they bring from their particular background, and start organizing together on the basis of their very extensive shared interests and grievances, something very powerful could emerge.
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