So today my county is looking to randomly test 150 people for Corona. I don't know how they plan to select the random people, but buddy let me tell you, we still believe in trespassing laws here šŸ˜‚ and the law is you will get shot; where you get shot determines if I'll be asking you any questions.

BASTROP COUNTY, Texas (KXAN) ā€” Random testing for COVID-19 will begin in Bastrop County on Thursday and Friday, county authorities have announced.

About 150 residents in the county will be asked to volunteer for the program. Testing will then be carried out at 14 locations.

ā€œRandom testing is done so there is a better understanding of the pattern and spread of COVID-19 in the county,ā€ Dr. Desmar Walkes, Bastrop County Health Authority said.

The program is being carried out to determine how widespread the virus is in the area, Dr Walkes said.

Data will be collected from people who have not been ill or tested positive for COVID-19 to further assist efforts to slow the spread of the virus.

Authorities in Bastrop County say that random testing helps to allocate medical resources and staff more efficiently and helps officials with guidelines for when community facilities may be able to reopen.

I don't feel my local city officials are the evil type, I think now that things are loosening up here people are genuinely curious - however to me it comes across as tone-deaf when trust in institutions is really low on a general sense, but I'm sure you could find 150 people who would be fighting to get through the door to get tested so

I'll try to find more information.

Also, Texas state parks reopened for day-use starting this past Monday. Still "must" wear a mask, but at least it's a positive step in the right direction

Some other coronavirus-related restrictions are in place:
  • All transactions, equipment rentals and in-person interpretive programs have been suspended.
  • Group-use facilities, visitor and nature centers, headquarters and other enclosed spaces will remain closed.
  • Overnight camping is not allowed.
  • Visitors must pre-purchase and print day-use permits through the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.
  • Visitors should bring their own face coverings and hand sanitizer.

Give a little take a little. Keep the lighthouse burning!
What he has described in very plain terms is Genocide

What's going in the nursing homes is shocking. Murdering people out in the open moving them from hospitals to nursing homes. The excuse is to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed for the surge that will never come. Doctors are not allowed, no family visits, very convenient. Your right it is genocide, getting rid of the useless eaters. Really hope they won't keep this buried and the truth will hopefully eventually come out, sooner rather than later. Was this the goal I wounder, kill of as many elderly as possible?? It's looking that way at the moment..

I'm behind nearly 20 pages.
Yeah. Compare the current situation with the 1968 Hong Kong flu (1 million deaths). Not only the media treated it lightly, but so did the people:

(MSM article) When Europe didn't care about epidemics...

The 1968 flu killed a million people, with general indifference. How and why, fifty years apart, is society reacting in diametrically opposed ways to the danger of an epidemic?

1969. Europe has its eyes riveted on the Vietnam War, the Biafra disaster, the upheavals of May 68, man's first steps on the Moon. In the frenzy of the "Trente Glorieuses", the Old Continent could not let a virus come and spoil the atmosphere. It therefore turned its eyes away from the hospitals and their share of misery. And yet, these hospitals are counting the dead.

The fault lies with the Hong Kong flu, also known as the '68 flu, the year it appeared in Asia. At the end of 1968, the virus arrived in the United States, killing more than 50,000 people in three months. At the beginning of 1969, it invaded Europe and took a summer break before causing a massacre at the turn of 1969-1970: 35,000 deaths in France in two months. It did not spare Great Britain and even crossed the Iron Curtain.

Quoted by the daily newspaper LibƩration in an article written in 2005, a doctor from Nice remembers: "People arrived on stretchers, in a catastrophic state. They were dying of pulmonary haemorrhage, their lips cyanotic, all grey. There was no time to get the dead out. They were crammed into a room at the back of the ICU. And then we'd take them out when we could, during the day, at night."

The '68 flu kills about a million people, according to WHO estimates, and thus takes its place on the macabre podium of the 20th century's most deadly flues, after the "Spanish flu" (20 to 40 million deaths in 1918-1920) and the "Asian flu" (2 million deaths in 1957).

"The last Christmas present"

Yet neither the authorities, the public nor the media cared. On the contrary, the tone is light, even jolly: "A TV news presenter talks about the '68 flu as the last Christmas present that made millions sick and some dead," says medical historian Bernardino Fantini. The press is no exception.

Reactions in the extreme opposite of those of today, where news is dissected, relayed, sometimes crushed in the machine to the lies of social networks. These are all anxiety-provoking factors that did not exist in 1969. Georges, a 78-year-old Valaisan, recalls: "We had no specific recommendations and no statistics on the number of deaths from the authorities. It was the good old days when even the imminent dangers went unnoticed by the common man."

"Even the deaths of the elderly became a scandal."

How can such a social transformation be explained in the space of fifty years, when we move from carelessness to collective terror? Certainly, it was a virulent flu, not an unknown virus, and its speed of spread was slower. But these two episodes nevertheless reveal profound changes in our relationship with death, control and individualism. "This change in social attitudes is primarily linked to life expectancy," explains Bernardino Fantini. At the time, people over 65 were considered survivors of natural mortality. Today, even the death of the elderly has become a scandal."

The right to health, affirmed in 1948 by the WHO, gained this status in the 1980s," he says. It is felt to be a personal right and must therefore be guaranteed by the state. Whereas in previous centuries, death was accepted: people died in war, they died for God, no one had a problem with it."

At most, human beings were looking for the causes of disease... Bernardino Fantini has listed the various causes put forward by our medieval ancestors to explain the Black Death: divine punishment, of course, but also the stars - a bad conjunction of Mars and Venus -, putrid zones, the vengeance of enemies, contact with animals, which would lead to the persecution of cats. But despite the search for culprits, fatalism remains a refuge.

The Enlightenment extinguishes fatalism

The dispute between Rousseau and Voltaire over the Lisbon earthquake is revealing," recalls Dominique Bourg, philosopher and honorary professor at the University of Lausanne. By refusing fatalism, Rousseau prefigures modernity. Modernity is becoming a permanent feature of post-war Western society."

The movement is also supported by the advent of antibiotics after the Second World War. "Before that, tuberculosis and other diseases were considered fatal because they were incurable," explains Bernardino Fantini. Smallpox during epidemics killed two out of five children. Death came at any age."

In a few years, the perspective changes completely. You go from resignation to overconfidence. The turning point was 1979, when the WHO declared smallpox eradicated. From then on, humans felt that they were capable of defeating disease. A profession of faith that HIV will undermine, then Ebola. The coronavirus is the last nail in the coffin of this illusion.

Yet society refuses to rethink its relationship to death. "After the war, with the disappearance of infant mortality and the increase in comfort, the West is gradually developing the idea of a guaranteed existence capital," explains Dominique Bourg. We think that only the carelessness of others can lead you to ruin this capital."

Hence the very strong governmental reactions that impose lockdown. Is it the consequence of an unprecedented imperative in the history of mankind: to save everyone? Criticizing liberalism, the philosopher doubts it and warns: "In the 1990s, a cynicism also appeared, claiming that a part of humanity could disappear without damage. Neo-liberalism is total Darwinism. If the neoliberal and populist wave spreads, this vision could prevail within a few years."

We're not there yet. But already, voices are being raised to ensure that the consequences of economic collapse will be more deadly than the virus.

"Our age no longer tolerates failure, offense, or obstacles."

Enzo Santacroce, a liberal philosophy teacher in a Waldensian gymnasium, sees lockdown as an almost Promethean ambition: "These prudent measures are the result of pride in remaining in control, in wanting to eradicate death and suffering from the human condition, realities that are intolerable today, but which were still tolerable in 1968. Even if this means putting the economy on the back burner, as if in penance.

This is all the more difficult in this century of "perpetual euphoria", a thesis by Pascal Bruckner, as the professor reminds us: "Our era can no longer tolerate failure, offence or obstacles. From the Enlightenment, which thought that happiness on earth was possible, we have moved on to the imperative of being happy. The coronavirus is a blow of fate experienced as an offence."

We feel that, in addition to health concerns, there is a deeper anxiety, perhaps stemming from this threat to a happiness that we thought we had taken for granted. "It is then necessary to remember, with Blaise Pascal, that there is greatness in recognising that one is small, and that the threat can also lead to finding resources," Enzo Santacroce concludes. From a contemporary illusion that is coming to an end could resurface a philosophical response that is too quickly forgotten.
@ Adaryn, may I post this on Facebook?
What's going in the nursing homes is shocking. Murdering people out in the open moving them from hospitals to nursing homes. The excuse is to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed for the surge that will never come. Doctors are not allowed, no family visits, very convenient. Your right it is genocide, getting rid of the useless eaters. Really hope they won't keep this buried and the truth will hopefully eventually come out, sooner rather than later. Was this the goal I wounder, kill of as many elderly as possible?? It's looking that way at the moment..

Yes liam1310, and when you get a bit farther on in the thread you'll see the UN speaking out about hundreds of millions people, and not in the 3rd world only in immediate danger from starvation. Eliminating the elderly in the western world( all hidden of course) from their relations added to these millions, points to a knowledge of how precarious peoples lives are in relation to access too food. Monsanto has already done the ground work in vast areas of the globe. Now Covid19 is coming in to mop up the human dross.

My current feeling is that when they declare the second wave ( and they will) Asthey will say it's attacking the younger sections of the community i.e.those old enough to get the old age pension. A lot of monies to be saved there!! The pain and horror sweeping the globe now I can't begin to comprehend when I can walk out into my garden, in the sunshine and fully fed. As the C's said we can't and should't change the divine plan.
Funny, I thought about this recently: "the programming is complete" may simply mean that people's brains have been turned into mush! And how do you do that? By making them believe ever more outrageous lies. This seems to be the chief brain-mushing technique. I mean there was 9/11, which was an obvious lie. But people can somewhat be excused for believing it because you need to study the issue to make the lie transparent. Then there was climate change, which is even more ridiculous than the 9/11 story, even on the surface (drive less, then climate change won't kill the planet), but still - it's a scientific issue that needs some looking into. Then came the whole postmodern/transgender stuff - there is no difference between men and women, kids should be sex-changed etc. Which is such an outrageous and horrific lie that doesn't need any study whatsoever. If you believe that, all thinking capability is just gone. And now a global fascist lockdown because of a ridiculously low number of deaths, even if you believe the official numbers, and even in the "hot spots"...

I would agree. As we know, believing lies damages the brain, and we've been bombarded with lies from all directions (from mass shootings, terrorism, climate change, through diet, you name it...). Laurent GuyƩnot makes the case in his book JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State that the assassination of JFK and 9/11 are linked and that accepting lies about the former made it easier for the PTB to get away with the latter.

From the point of view of social psychology, there are also reasons to believe that the handling and cover-up of September 11th could not have taken place without the mechanisms of propaganda designed to keep the truth about November 22nd hidden. To use a psychoanalytic concept, the Kennedy lie constitutes a kind of ā€œcrypt,ā€ a dark and repressed secret working deep within Americaā€™s unconscious that made, and makes it vulnerable to other lies. Every lie told creates a further predisposition to lie, not least due to all the lies required to keep the first one from exposure, and the crypt deepens as each lie is buried into another. Conversely, the unveiling of a lie threatens to unveil other lies. That is why we still see a fierce desire to perpetuate the lie about the death of Kennedy, which if once ever fully exposed would inevitably lead to the unearthing of the truths about September 11th.
Yes liam1310, and when you get a bit farther on in the thread you'll see the UN speaking out about hundreds of millions people, and not in the 3rd world only in immediate danger from starvation. Eliminating the elderly in the western world( all hidden of course) from their relations added to these millions, points to a knowledge of how precarious peoples lives are in relation to access too food. Monsanto has already done the ground work in vast areas of the globe. Now Covid19 is coming in to mop up the human dross.

My current feeling is that when they declare the second wave ( and they will) Asthey will say it's attacking the younger sections of the community i.e.those old enough to get the old age pension. A lot of monies to be saved there!! The pain and horror sweeping the globe now I can't begin to comprehend when I can walk out into my garden, in the sunshine and fully fed. As the C's said we can't and should't change the divine plan.

Meanwhile People are staying home to "save lives" when in fact they are facilitating this genocide due to there ignorance and fear. They should be raging at whats happening, instead they pat themselves on the back for "saving lives". Very frustrating. But as you quote the Cs, "we can't and should't change the divine plan" So let those who are blind suffer the consequences of there choices.

As you mention the 2nd wave, clown media over here say it could be up to 9 waves. All designed to keep the fear ramped up.
Microsoft patented this on March 26th of this year. The person is monitored and communicated with over the internet via the ''coupled'' device (aka implanted microchip?) to their body. A person is given credits / money / cryptocurrency based on the bodies movements (physical, compliance, labour, movements) with which you can then use to buy and sell ...?

And yes, the patent is named 060606.

Also I mentioned before that when Bill Gates talks about population reduction via vaccines, healthcare and reproductive health IMO he is addressing a known idea that improving a population's standard of living and overall access to healthcare reduces that population's growth rate and future population. Now I'm not defending him or arguing about what he really means when he makes those statements, but IMO from what I've seen they are taken out of context and misconstrued.

At face value as far as I can tell he and the UN and the Gates Foundation are talking about trying to reduce population growth rates and the future peak population of the world by improving access to healthcare and "educating" people. They may be using those "face value" statements to push a secret agenda to make money and poison everyone with vaccines, or they may "believe what they're selling" and doing damage to people by their hubris, or something else altogether. Personally I think the whole "useless eaters" NWO depopulation conspiracy theory could be a kind of controlled opposition designed to make people look crazy for opposing ID2020 and universal mandatory vaccines, both of which could make Microsoft and its partners TONS of money. So in other words I think its more about control and making lots of money.

At least when it comes to down to Bill Gates and his foundation I continue to be highly sceptical that he really thinks in the ā€žimproving a population's standard of living and overall access to healthcareā€ž way when he talks about population reduction for the reasons stated earlier in one of my posts. The track record of Gates and his foundation is so horrible, especially when it comes down to vaccines (while doing horrible ā€žmistakesā€œ there over and over again, despite people calling him out on that) that Iā€˜m highly dubious and wouldnā€™t take anything he says at face value.
As we know, believing lies damages the brain

Now that's interesting. I read the thread you linked, and this post particularly caught my eye:

From the study:

The team scanned volunteers' brains while they took part in tasks where they could lie for personal gain. They found that the amygdala, a part of the brain associated with emotion, was most active when people first lied for personal gain. The amygdala's response to lying declined with every lie while the magnitude of the lies escalated. Crucially, the researchers found that larger drops in amygdala activity predicted bigger lies in future

So lying weakens the amygdala. The amygdala also handles our emotional response to aversive stimuli. People with weak amygdalae are not able to react calmly to situations involving stress or fear - small things set them off.

There seems to be a possible connection here with certain characteropathies, such as malignant narcissism; but more interestingly, the extreme hystericization of the populace, which is now full of people who get "triggered" as though they had PTSD merely from someone using a word they dislike.

Many traditional descriptions of societal breakdown, as in e.g. the Vedic Kali Yuga or the Norse Ragnarok, also seem to portray an increasing willingness of people to lie, combined with a decrease in virtue - which ancient peoples considered to involve bravery. This research indeed suggests that courage and truthfulness are intimately linked at a deep neurological level.
global warming
- transgenderism, gender theory, the gender spectrum, etc.
- radical equalitarianism i.e. the idea that there are no differences whatsoever between the sexes and races (as distinct from egalitarianism i.e. that individuals should be treated based on their personal merits)
- white privilege i.e. the idea that Europeans must be uniquely ashamed of their past (which is in direct contradiction to equalitarianism....)
- 9/11 and everything that came from that
- the idea that drugs are the answer to psychological problems such as depression
- the idea that all vaccines are always good
- veganism
- Russiagate

Just reading the above list psychegram made me realize how utterly tired I was of the whole freak show it had become. It was descending into bedlam but in slow motion. This covid19 has brought all this to an abrupt end and now we only have one thing to think about. We've been told to enjoy the show so I suppose it's easier to do just that with all it's twists and turns. It's certainly narrowed in everyone's perspective.
PersƩphone, i don't trust the French government; In the same press conference they are able to say one thing and soon afterwards the opposite. I distrust them like the plague ! I'm waiting for the real (new) decisions and I'm sure I won't like them.
Yes mamibio74 I agree, I've just read a report on the videoconference Macron had with the main mayors of France and some things contradicts with what Prime Minister said, others are very confused. I think for the moment nothing is set. We will know their plan only mid-May, and I won't like it neither
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