To tie in with this discussion in several ways, i just came across this article of a brave Belgian medical specialist pointing out how the WHO and the European EMA and the subsequent national health institutes have been plotting for decades through a path of corruption and influence by big pharma and big agri to now fully determine the health policy for all of us on a global scale, in spite of
proven corruption and mishandlings by these institutions in the past. The publishing of this article could result in him being struck off, being the subject of reproach, losing his position at the hospital or enduring a verbal onslaught from his colleagues. The article focuses on the situation in Belgium and France, both countries having instituted a severe lockup of the population, and the disinformation campaign in these countries, but his points can be applied to any country as the principles are always the same:
Some snippets:
'First: set up single, monolithic organisations to be the official and approved source of information, the alleged providers of the best decision-making: the WHO on the global scale, the EMA for Europe, CARE in France and SCIENSANO in Belgium – uniform, opaque structures, accountable to political and industrial institutions.
This takes place in spite of the proven scandals and documented corruption which have impacted all these organisations, at one time or another, with devastating consequences for the health of the population.
For example: The Belgian and French governments’ recent decision to enter a strict lockdown, as directed by their national health institutes, was presented as a totally rational decision shared by scientists worldwide.
But such was not the case. It was neither rational nor defended by the global scientific community.
A large number of physicians, professors, consultants and specialists were and still are opposed to the idea of locking up a healthy majority of the world’s population [27-28], and their opposition is based on scientific evidence.
A recent University College London (UCL) study reveals that closing down all schools will have only very little impact on the spread of coronavirus [37]. Our experts insist however that lockdown is the only solution.'
'So, yes, it is possible to set up committees whose members are renowned, competent, honest and truly independent scientists to advise our governments without their decisions being influenced by the industry or by the various lobbies.
This would be neither inconceivable, nor naïve.
It is up to the people to demand it.
History has shown that the solution does not come from the organisations themselves who at best only get slapped on the wrist but continue their corrupt practices all the same, at worst are not in any way accountable and just carry on with business as usual.
This is the case of the WHO after their scandalous management of the swine flu (H1N1) pandemic and of the EMA after its scandalous management of the Gardasil vaccine and its serious adverse effects singled out by the Nordic branch of the Cochrane network [17].
The solution doesn’t come from politicians either: they who at best turn a blind eye, at worst benefit from the revolving doors system [18].
And the solution doesn’t come from the pharmaceutical industry, the number one beneficiary of the system.
The solution can only come from the people, individuals like you and me.
The stakes are worth it, aren’t they?
We need to go on the warpath, not against a virus but against the dishonesty, corruption, lying and immorality which encourage people who should protect us, to ruin our health in the name of their profit.'
Introduction I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am not a great fan of social media, blogs or controversy on the Internet; nor am I a journalist, at least not by profession. I am a doctor: seven years at medical school, three years of applications, four years of doctoral studies to obtain my MD in …
The only question is: are the people going to demand it?