I was listening today a video call from my 4th grade son with his class and his teacher.
The last topic was back to school new rules.

[...me taking a deep breath...]
School starts most probably on Thursday, because they still have organisation stuff to do.
They will divide the class in 3 groups, so each group cca. 8 Kids.
Kids have to write until Sunday, 2 friends with whom they want to be in the group. How nice of them.... 😩

Now comes the "new normal" stuff:
Each group will have a different teacher assigned and a different meeting point somewhere in/around the school.
The kids will come to that designated place and keep safe distance of 1,5m from each other.
It would be good that kids bring 1,5m stick (!!!) to school until they get a feeling how far they should be from each other.
Then the teacher will say when is the time to go to classes, walking of course on safe distance.
As kid enters the classroom, he has to wash his hands and clean his desk.
The masks are not like mandatory but they should have them. They should have them in clean boxes and keep them with them.
During learning time they won´t wear the mask, so they can easily breathe, but they should have them with them all the time.

I mean.... I don´t know what to say.... :headbash:

I don´t know what to do....
I don´t want that my son grows up like that.

My partner and I were talking now to ask the teacher if my kid can be home-schooled, with reasons:
- I´m sooooo scared of the corona :-D
- here in NRW is most cases of corona in whole Germany
- my kid has history of lung issues and allergies
- in school are too many adults with whom he would get in contact and I´m afraid for his wealth-being

I´m prepared to lie my ass out for a greater purpose.... And hope I´m doing the right thing....
This 4th grade is anyway only on paper because it´s actually 3rd grade notes that counts here in Germany for going to secondary school.

So, here you go, with brave new world....
Greetings and my utmost respect for you.

You are at a crossroads and you are not sure which one to choose.

Sometimes we have to wait ... What causes us anguish suddenly stops causing it, due to the appearance of an unexpected solution.

Other times, what seemed very bad and meaningless, when it begins to "develop" it does so in a different and unexpected way, a result of people being creative.

My stance is always not to force. See the situation first and then "react".

Do not anticipate.

I must not tell you what you can or cannot do. Everything is lessons and each of us has our own.

Will that lesson be necessary?

Will I learn something?

Will someone learn something?

I wish you the best for you and your child. May wisdom surround you and help you.

A tender greeting.:rockon:
Here's a bit of a different perspective from a trader, Gregory Mannarino. His view is that the central banks are using this opportunity to buy up everything, destroy "mum and pop" businesses and, essentially, make slaves of the population.

I do like to get an update from those who know what's going on in the market from time to time. I'll post his latest video here but you can read the notes below to save time.

* Another 3.8 million (U.S) people lost their jobs. That brings the total to over 30 million in six weeks!​
* European Central Bank in lockstep with the Federal Reserve, promising easy money for as long as the eye can see and increasing asset purchases.​
* Historic drop in personal spending. (Household spending accounts for two thirds of the economy and dropped 7.5% in March alone. This is the biggest drop since records began in 1959)​
* Prior to corona virus the global economy was in free fall despite all of the rhetoric from politicians. The stock market was being propped up by central banks around the world.​
* These politicians have done nothing but destroy our world and lie to us.​
* World central banks are working in concert to own it all. All central banks are owned by the same entities. The Federal Reserve is the new world central bank and they're funneling money around the world.​
* The corona virus has enabled the Fed to step in and enforce their final solution, to be the lender, buyer and owner of everything.​
* We are allowing them to create cash out of thin air and buy everything. We're not allowed to have normal cycles because we have to enrich the central banks.​
* We're being made slaves via the mechanism of lying politicians and central banks that are literally issuing in their destiny.​

Obviously there are many players and some are at odds with each other. I do get the feeling that there's more chaos around the corner and the Cs did say that things would get even more bizarre. On the one hand I find myself getting furious with the powers that be for causing so much suffering and on the other I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what will happen next!
I am not a poet, but something urged me to write this poem and post it on Cass a number of
years ago. It was quite strange... the pressure I felt. Gonna paste it here.

A poem I wrote...

The Art of a Warrior

Ha! The greatest nation on earth,
seeds of its own destruction present at birth.
Leader of the free world - what a dud!
leading only in playing in mud.

Our lot, it seems,
happiness only in dreams.
Great wisdom ever again forgot,
worm dieth not.
No food for the moon,
destruction coming soon.
This mechanical Gollum will only bring,
great unintentional suffering.
Yet in this forge may yet wake...
breath in the corpse, fire in the lake!
For great worthies, caring, say,
help is on the way!
Every day I pray...
I won't be a dope,
nor drop the pure hope.
Two ends of one stick,
and "time"... it still ticks.
Cosmic Mind, may I not go under...
balance terror and wonder.
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Can we not SEE where this is going? It has rained on the Parade!!! And from my window it's still raining.... When the mist clears it might all be very different? In my "mind/spirit": it could hardly be worse than the previous social model. There is a NEW SOCIETY to build, let's talk about that! Whatever shadows the Light may bring,: "IN THE BEGINNING HERE WAS THE LIGHT/ IT SHINES FROM THE END OF THE WORLD TO THE END OF THE WORLD/ AS THE END NEARS THE LIGHT CEASES TO SHINE ON THE WICKED/ WHILE THE LIGHT WILL ALWAYS SHINE ON THE JUST"(RIGHTEOUS?)

Basically we nearly all have the antibodies by now, can we not just turn off the TV's, have a double vodka and laugh to make the walls shake? Either that or Shake your Shakespeare (William), Break your Blake (William) (preaching for my choir) and BECOME YOURSELVES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, even if that means breaking some sh#t on the way. It's that way or NO WAY:

Sorry if theres an add first but this man had some kind of vision, or else we would never had heard of him:

- On the Rogue Again
I had to prepare a makeshift face mask yesterday since Berlin's city government which initially wanted to spare citizens the wearing of masks in stores caved in Tuesday afternoon, making the use of masks in shops obligatory as of next morning (!) on Wednesday. 😷

So that's how easy the tide can turn when there are orders form on high. 🤫

I still had to overcome my repulsion of forcedly wearing this stuff and I was only relieved when I was beginning to treat it as a game, akin to the Venetian carnival.

As soon as I had entered the local organic supermarket I more or less let my mask down to be able to breathe freely.
Customers were wearing anything from a shawl to high-tech gear, the latter obviously making clear that they are intending to live forever.

I was surprised that two out of three cashiers were actually wearing no face masks.
Could it be that they are exempted?
Friend just shared this with me and I laughed out loud. Scientific American is literally trying to use the same argument we've been making since the beginning - that COVID-1984 deaths are being calculated in a completely different way from flu deaths - but spinning it like, "And therefore you should be afraid!"

How stupid do they think we are?

Rhetorical 😂

Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges
Thanks for everyone who has taken the time to share their knowledge and thoughts on this thread.
I feel very humble and fortunate I'm able to share this space. Its been a difficult time for many and at times recently I've felt despair and anger from what we all witness on a daily basis around the world.
I'm not sure how I would of coped through this dark period without been able to come here. The world has felt a dark and lonely place at times but I'm not without hope. I like to remember there are many wonderful people on this planet who care and they can make a difference.
NY Police Had to Break Up Hasidic Funeral in Brooklyn on Tuesday (April 28)

More than 2,000 Hasidic Jewish residents jammed the streets of Brooklyn Tuesday night to attend a funeral for the venerable Rabbi Chaim Mertz (73) who died from COVID-19 complications.

When Police cut the funeral short because of the unsafe conditions and carried the coffin to a funeral while numerous police officers tried to keep the crowds back so that the van could be rushed out, some mourners blasted the police for breaking up the crowd. One told this outlet that the COVID-19 pandemic is “a big fake,” and another said, “The virus is not so bad.”

Source: Brooklyn Paper

“You get me the numbers of how many you say died, I don’t believe you,” another young man said through his surgical mask. A few others told this reporter that they refused to wear masks and insisted that the coronavirus information was “not accurate,” and said the city should “mind its own business.”

Others admitted to having gotten COVID-19, but downplayed its severity. “Okay, you get sick for a few days, then you get over it,” one mourner told this reporter. Another said, “You don’t have any numbers of people who died. It’s not true.”


Scene near Rutledge Street and Bedford Avenue
EuroMOMO just updated their website. It pretty looking. It's just too bad that they do not have the data for the whole Europe.


I'm like 40 pages behind, sorry if already covered!

Euromomo shows z-score graphs, and I don't really understand how this kind of curve could increase or decrease compared to the number of deaths. This Emomo page shows all Europe, and on this one is stated that Sweden had 89K total deaths in 2019, so it's 7K per month and so higher during the flu-season, and 243 deaths per day on average.

Now Sweden had 2.5K Covid-19 deaths since Feb. 15, 2020, and an average 90 covid-deaths per day (April only). How would this data spike up so much the Emomo z-score curve?
The clip provided has been blocked. Here's the vid of the entire ceremony with relevant part beginning 43:52 -
So many pyramids. Kids in pjs/hospital beds/nurses acting like robots as very scary super villain from Harry Potter rises high into the air while lesser demons/villains from childhood stories also on scene. One does look like Boris Johnson, but supposedly story character. Vigilant Citizen weighs in:

Definitely worth reading the whole article, but here's a couple of clinchers - lines from John Lennon's Imagine sung:

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

And this:

As if emerging from the fire produced by the petals (representing Nations of the world), a phoenix appears above the cauldron.

The symbol of the phoenix, the bird that is reborn from its ashes, is extremely important to occult secret societies and, consequently, to the occult elite.


This gigantic mural situated inside the UN’s Security Council Chamber in New York features a phoenix rising from a world in ashes.


With a phoenix rising above all nations as a backdrop, Take That sings “Rule the World”. This is getting pretty blatant.

Well, we hadn't seen nuthin' yet! Found this article as well:

No matter how blatant, the majority just doesn't see.


Umm, it looks like I forgot that you covered this already. But it must have stuck in my subconscious mind because I basically repeated the exact same things you said, minus the Sabian Symbols part.

It looks like I need to increase my waking memory capacity, while flushing my subconscious mind. Sorry for the noise.
Euromomo shows z-score graphs, and I don't really understand how this kind of curve could increase or decrease compared to the number of deaths. This Emomo page shows all Europe, and on this one is stated that Sweden had 89K total deaths in 2019, so it's 7K per month and so higher during the flu-season, and 243 deaths per day on average.

Now Sweden had 2.5K Covid-19 deaths since Feb. 15, 2020, and an average 90 covid-deaths per day (April only). How would this data spike up so much the Emomo z-score curve?

Why are you bringing up specifically Sweden here? And why are you trying to compare Covid-19 deaths from this year with all deaths from last year? And why are you trying to compare average deaths per day with non-average deaths per week? You are mixing many things here.

But speaking about Euromomo z-score curve, I noticed something very interesting for the last week for Netherlands and France:

France and Netherlands.JPG

Do you notice anything? People are now dying LESS than normal. So in the end the number of deaths for the whole year might end up the same as the last year.
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