Bluegazer said:
This is friends, what's going on: We're on the verge of invasion. While the people are all locked up and quarantined, when all Manchurian candidates are finally activated, both the re-engineering of the brain and the previous programming will expel the original soul and allow the 4D STS souls to join in unison and at the same time.

What the quarantine is doing is gathering pressure. And when people can no longer resist the torture and final programming... the image is not pretty.

Yes, Karla Turner wrote about this when she described the dream she had about Jacob and Esau, how these beings want us to voluntarily give over our birthright to them.

There is a link to the Jacob and Esau bible story here; but the PDF copy of her book, "Taken", has apparently been erased from the 'net. And the download of the outtake re: Jacob and Esau requires a SCRIBD membership to read:

As I recall, for those with the physical copy of her book the story begins around page 205 or so.

We really are in a fight for our very souls. I *hope* that being aware of these plans and saying NO goes a long way to resisting them, as well as being present to share this knowledge with those ready and willing to hear and apply it.
Armed men just forced their way into the Michigan state capitol. Not sure if this is a reflection of real grassroots anger, or a FF. There's a big nationwide protest planned for tomorrow and this would be just the excuse They need to crack down.

In any case the tweet is several hours old and I haven't heard anything else, so presumably no one was hurt.

This could also be a sign of the level of frustration the average American.

Last edited:
We went out to Walmart yesterday, and in the week or so since we last went, so many changes. They have put tape on the floor to restrict all the aisles to one way traffic. And they have put up pallets of stuff blocking a lot of spaces, forcing you into small herded spaces. The thought of being herded like animals to the slaughter was not lost on me. People were generally confused, and ignoring most of the arrows, walking this way and that way, the way you normally shop. No one does it in a straight line, you zig zag around getting the items you want. I am sure a week from now, all will be following the arrows religiously... And they have designated a lot of staff to go around, and pseudo enforce their new rules, not using security companies like I have seen in other places. There were a lot of them, so maybe not feasible to hire that many outside security. And from my experience, they are pretty useless anyway.

In the mall itself, they have removed all benches, all chairs, and I even noticed they removed all the potted trees, and flowers. It's like walking through a war zone. Infrastructure is not destroyed... only removed. Very eery feeling.

I feel that I am walking into an idiot reality, and no one around notices... Like a scene out of Twilight Zone.
Why are you bringing up specifically Sweden here? And why are you trying to compare Covid-19 deaths from this year with all deaths from last year? And why are you trying to compare average deaths per day with non-average deaths per week? You are mixing many things here.

But speaking about Euromomo z-score curve, I noticed something very interesting for the last week for Netherlands and France:

View attachment 35947

Do you notice anything? People are now dying LESS than normal. So in the end the number of deaths for the whole year might end up the same as the last year.
Well that maybe could be explained by some precipitated deaths from ventilators and locked-up folks who need urgent treatment and can't get it. Now that these people have passed in a precipitated manner, there are less who are dying for the next few weeks osit. It will probably resume to normal when the authorities stop meddling in people's life. Also medical errors on the decline probably and every day life causes of deaths accidents, etc.
While it's still there


[Video of news conference on COVID-19 with doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi has been removed from YouTube for violating community guidelines.]

1:56 - 3:24 "Journalist's" reaction on the above news conference;
3:25 Dr. Erickson appears;
4:55 - 7:23 Predictive Modeling vs data based on numbers;
7:24 - 10:20 Efforts in the Media to discredit the above news conference;
10:21 - 11:24 Prof. Johan Giesecke and Swedish example ;
11:25 - 14:11 Herd immunity and vaccination. Secondary harm from lockdown;
14:12 - 16:16 Situation in hospitals and treatment of medical conditions other than COVID-19 during lockdown;
16:17 - 18:35 YouTube removal of the news conference. Collateral damage from lockdown;
18:36 - 20:00 On response of other doctors and nurses

Edited: formatting
At the start of confinement, my wife accompanied my daughter to the doctor because she coughed a lot. I don't know if it was the covid, it happens to him regularly every year. She has been rather fragile since childhood. But not enough to be allited and little or no fever. Nothing bad, just she coughs a lot.
Our regular doctor was absent, supposedly sick with the covid. Too bad, I don't know what he thinks of covid, but it's anti-vaccine. That is why we chose it elsewhere. Our former doctor and all the others in our sector gathered a few years ago in the same place to practice their profession, and they are pro-vaccines and not very reliable in my experience.
In short, another doctor received my daughter, saying that she had the covid. She didn't look at her throat or anything else. The only exam she did was blood pressure. Prescription: Dafalgan. He almost had to beg her for cough syrup.
I treated her with vitamin C, and it took 2 to 3 weeks before she stopped coughing. Usual time for her in other years with antibiotics and other drugs.
My wife had the misfortune to cough a blow in front of the doctor. To clear your throat. Diagnosis: Covid. The doctor was formal, there was no doubt despite my wife's protests. :headbash:
Conclusion, we will refrain from returning to the doctor if ours is absent. Hopefully he isn't hysterical about the covid either.
I never trusted the doctors. and it is not this pseudo-pandemic that will make me change my mind.
Sorry for the few good doctors who still have their feet on the ground, but their reputation is damaged by the incompetent and / or corrupt majority.
I also take advantage of my little rant to denounce their incompetence, or their lack of knowledge, and which have made me pass during my life, stays at the hospital with syringes in the back, scanner, MRI. ..etc, without ever having found an explanation for my terrible headaches. I should point out that none of these doctors searched long.
Fortunately, the solution appeared to me thanks to SOTT, and the guilty was gluten.
Sorry if I make noise, but I wonder what will be the reputation of medicine after a few months of covid. Are we all going to clap like sheep?
More on today's armed protest at the Michigan state capitol:

Armed protesters demonstrate against Covid-19 lockdown at Michigan capitol

I couldn't help but laugh at the tone the article takes:

“Let us in! Let us in!” the protesters chanted, as they stood shoulder-to-shoulder inside the statehouse. Few of them were wearing face masks.

Many people at Thursday’s “American Patriot Rally”, including militia group members carrying firearms and people with pro-Trump signs, appeared to be ignoring state social-distancing guidelines.

Several hundred armed, angry protestors, one of whom is carrying a sign saying "Tyrants get the rope" ... and the only thing they can think to say is "these naughty boys aren't wearing masks"?

Our elites really are delusional. They've gotten so high on their own supply that they're no longer cognizant of reality.

Seems the Michigan GOP majority got a fire lit under their pants today, no doubt in part thanks to that protest. They declined to extend Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's emergency powers, and instead voted to sue her.

The governor's response? A hearty "screw you" and an extension of the stay at home order until May 28th.

Things are certainly heating up in Michigan.

Michigan Republicans vote to sue Whitmer over coronavirus emergency powers
All through this dreadful Covid-19 ‘crisis’ I have been mulling on the C’s concept of “Knowledge Protects” ...

I think that it does so on two different levels - mind you, I haven’t worked it out myself, it’s more a vague feeling, that’s why I am throwing this out here.

The first level is quite obvious - knowledge and skills you acquire will give you an edge to recognize trends earlier, to make an assessment of situations that are more closely aligned with reality and to apply things you learned within this reality, so that your actions are more aligned with reality, which increases the chances that they are beneficial to you and those around you.

But then it seems to me that knowledge protects on a different level as well, on a higher level so to speak. It’s hard for me to put that into words, but maybe an analogy might help. I feel it is a bit like gratitude expressed for something that you need before you actually have it. I refer to Laura’s story of the pool, where she imagined having a pool and how good it would be for her and the kids to soak in the pool and thereby alleviate some of the suffering she was going through at the time. She didn’t have the money to buy the pool, and by all measures it was very unlikely she would get the money either in the near future. But she did, by a ‘twist of fate’ (if I remember correctly it was a lottery ticket).

And so I think it might be similar with Knowledge. It seems to be possible to me that Knowledge kind of deflects something coming down the pipeline that would otherwise hit you - it’s like the force needed to help make a branching of the timeline possible that is beneficial to you, because you had Knowledge aligned not only with reality, but also with a part of your higher being. It’s like tapping into a different ‘field of possibilities’ that might otherwise be closed to you. Knowledge is like ‘honestly asking’, for want of a better way to describe.

I am struggling to put that in words, but maybe you guys can give me a hand here and clarify my thoughts.
Yesterday I came across this article from mid-March:


In January 2020, the students of Earth to Sky Calculus, in partnership with the ever-excellent, traveled to Abisko, Sweden to launch a pair of cosmic ray balloons. The team are now back, and have some new results to share…

“We’d been there before, launching three identical balloons in March 2017,” writes team leader Dr Tony Phillips. “Putting all the data together (2017+2020) we find that radiation has increased +12% in the past 3 years:”

So, what’s causing the increase?

The answer, Solar Minimum.

At the moment, the sun is near the bottom of the 11-year solar cycle. During Solar Minimum, the sun’s magnetic field weakens, allowing extra cosmic rays from deep space to penetrate the solar system. These cosmic rays are hitting Earth’s atmosphere, creating a spray of secondary cosmic rays that shower toward the ground below — secondary cosmic rays are what we measure.

SOTT readers are certainly familiar with the fact that cosmic rays are on the rise for over ten years now. 2009 was the start, highest influx since beginning of the records in 1964. Obviously, the trend is not going away according the the article above. When I was looking for a dedicated thread on cosmic rays here on the Forum, I found these two:

Going through them to see whether the Electroverse article is cited in there, found some interesting facts & connections to our current situation:

Starting at approximately :50 into today's broadcast, "4MIN News September 27, 2013: They Blame You" , we have presented to us the extremely interesting news on massive increases in detected cosmic ray influx.

This, of course, ties in with what the Cs discussed re: Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) being inpourings from 4th Density and incoming cosmic rays from GRBs creating DNA changes.
Good find. Yup, the whole solar system is changing and has been for a long time. As the guy says, we are facing some serious stuff.
Opinion: Earth has Entered into a New Epoch Cosmic Rays

R Wayne Steiger Published on Jul 4, 2018 / 22:43

July 3, 2018 is the date that has been officially called the beginning of a new Epoch for planet Earth and all Living Beings and is being called the Epoch of Cosmic Radiation. Is this what all governments have been preparing for? Is this what is causing global climate change? What is this doing to our bodies, how is this changing Mankind?
Researchers at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Boston have found that an antioxidant-rich diet may help stave off the harmful, immediate effects of certain cosmic radiation.

And then this:

Neural and behavioral effects of cosmic rays with chronic exposure:

From the video, he mentions the "distress and panic like behaviors" induced with the low-dose chronic exposure of radiation, and also makes the connection to the masses' behavior being affected by this already nowadays.

And finally this piece which I completely forgot about (from June 2012):

Joe Quinn wrote this article several years ago which relates to this subject:

Let me quote from that Joe's article:

There is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest that our planet's weather systems are directly influenced by solar activity, specifically charged particles from sunspots, solar flares etc. and that the earth's magnetic field is also directly affected by these solar (and other cosmic) rays. Like the earth, humans (and animals) are also surrounded by a 'magnetic field', so could solar and other cosmic radiation be linked to outbreaks of crazy behavior among humans?

A 2008 article in the New Scientist magazine points to the research of Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia. Shumilov looked at activity in the Earth's geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July and the last in October. [Note: all the recent 'Zombie' attacks occurred in April and May)

Surprisingly, he also found that the "geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of mood disorders i.e. depression, anxiety, bi-polar (mood swings) and even suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period."

Shumilov acknowledged that this correlation does not necessarily mean there is a causal link, but he points out that there have been several other studies suggesting a link between human health and geomagnetism.

Kelly Posner, a psychiatrist at Columbia University in the US, has claimed that that geomagnetic storms can desynchronise circadian rhythms and melatonin production and thereby cause mental disorders.

The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production, is sensitive to magnetic fields. "The circadian regulatory system depends upon repeated environmental cues to [synchronise] internal clocks," says Posner. "Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues."

"Geomagnetic storms could disrupt body clocks, precipitating seasonal affective disorder and therefore increase suicide risk", Posner told New Scientist.


Lead researcher Robert J. Gegear, from the Department of Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School summarized the findings as they relate to humans, solar and cosmic rays and the earth's magnetic field:
"Our study suggests humans may be genetically pre-disposed to the influence by geomagnetic flux as it relates to the Earth's magnetic field and charged particles such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, gamma rays, and galactic cosmic rays."
Leaving aside the implausible explanation of drugs or straight up 'mental illness' for the recent outbreak of the human version of Necrotizing fasciitis, it's possible that what we are looking at here is something on a much broader, or Cosmic, scale. In this case, and in the case of a significant increase in solar and cosmic radiation entering our little corner of the universe, the radical effects that such energy can have on our planet in the form of major earth changes, the threat from a few 'zombies' rampaging through our towns and cities may turn out to be the least of our worries.

But that does not mean the 'zombies' and Greenbaums won't come, of course. Just to spice up the show, right?

When I thought about how all this can play into the plannedemic I just realized (again - how many times this kind of realization shall happen yet ?) that we won't be going back to any normal... there is no normal and never has been... the entire history is totally kind of like the Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or and we are not here to live normally, Laura never had a peaceful life and neither we are going to have one... and this corona/crown thing is a real start of some crazy fantastic breath-taking grand finale where one needs internet or telepathic connection to this network, huge heap of popcorn (personally, I prefer pork cracklings :-P), bunch of supplements, strong heart and clear mind - and lots of will and courage. Dear C's said "you ain't see nothing yet". I am not calling for comets to come, I don't want to wake up under the red sky but since we have to go through the valley of death how much more do we have to see yet before we get there? Will we have to cry our eyes and scream our lungs out? Probably, in a way, yes. So I am glad we can talk about all that here. Love you all and thanks for sharing your stories, ideas and observations :hug2: ... This network is priceless.
(missed the editing time limit)

P.S. Perhaps the question does not stand as 'how much do we have to see yet'. It should be 'how much do we have to learn still'... so that means, at least for me, there still is a long way to go :rolleyes: but I am grateful we still have some time to learn 🙏

Learning is fun, yeah? :whistle:

After successfully completing the Level 5 of Jumaji Covid edition, we are entering Level 4 which was supposed to be with cigarettes and tobacco products but, surprise it is not. No surprise on the alcohol as it remains frozen. The ban on cooked food sales and winter clothes has been lifted and people can exercise on the streets for a couple of hours in the coolest, wintery by now, temperatures. Added, we now have in Level 4 a solid curfew between 8pm and 5am so that all additional military reservists reactivated recently can also play the game. It is a pity we canceled the TV subscription because the CovidReality TV will screen most surely the upcoming trials between the tobacco associations and the state. As cigarettes are illegal we started to buy ‘flowers’ from obliging ‘penguins’.
Yes, Karla Turner wrote about this when she described the dream she had about Jacob and Esau, how these beings want us to voluntarily give over our birthright to them.

There is a link to the Jacob and Esau bible story here; but the PDF copy of her book, "Taken", has apparently been erased from the 'net. And the download of the outtake re: Jacob and Esau requires a SCRIBD membership to read:

As I recall, for those with the physical copy of her book the story begins around page 205 or so.

We really are in a fight for our very souls. I *hope* that being aware of these plans and saying NO goes a long way to resisting them, as well as being present to share this knowledge with those ready and willing to hear and apply it.
I found the book starting at page 1, Here.
I don't know if it's related, but I've noticed that the weather predictions in the last month or so have been erring more than before. For the most part, I've noticed that in the '10 days ahead' predictions they have estimated much warmer temperatures than what has manifested. Has anyone else noticed anything similar?
Scientific Director of the hydrometeorological center of Russia Roman Vilfand explains this as follows:
The accuracy of weather forecasts due to the coronavirus pandemic can be reduced for three reasons, only one of which is related to the need for meteorologists to be quarantined at home.
two other problems are caused by the decline in the number of flights in the world. "You need to know absolutely all the state of the atmosphere to describe, model and predict. There is a very detailed observation system for this, " he said. Data is obtained, among other things, from aircraft equipped with special devices that read the meteorological characteristics of the atmosphere during the flight. In addition, information is transmitted to meteorologists by major airports.

Now, the regularity of flights has fallen sharply, major airports have stopped working actively, and systems for monitoring the atmosphere at the surface require regular monitoring, while many meteorologists in the world are forced to be quarantined or in self-isolation.

Article in Russian:
Названы три причины ухудшения качества прогнозов погоды из-за коронавируса
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