Dr. Sam Bailey makes interesting short 4-8 mins videos worth sharing. She is a medical professional and TV presenter. I just checked two vids on COVID and they are good. She seems to be a bit tight with her talk which might be physiological or emotional, maybe a bit of shyness, even a worry because she is putting her reputation in medical mainstream at risk but at the same time she is very sweet, convincing and clear. I don't know about her other videos concerning various health & psychological issues but how she tackles this 1984 business is great and she makes the argument easily accessible to every layman in a very short time.

Good find, she does a good job of discussing both issues. Maybe she would appreciate hearing your feedback on her videos (you could make a comment or send her a message on YT?)

Last year, I started a side board offshoot from a major YT's community, inviting young people that were more spiritual rather than die hard anarchists (which I need to get back and tend to) Anyway, here's one of my posts which explains how the above quote happens:

I have said Nazi Germany was a test run for what we are watching unfold on a global scale. In this post we will take a look at why a virus was used to successfully lockdown an entire planet and why it worked.

According to the "parasite stress" hypothesis, authoritarian governments are more likely to emerge in regions characterized by a high prevalence of disease-causing pathogens. Did you get that? Read it again. This hypothesis should become more self evident to those who have eyes to see.

Another additional threat-famine-also uniquely predicted authoritarianism. We now see food production being shut down.

Did you know that Hiltler started out with a public health campaign? From that they used disease imagery in their propaganda towards Jews.

Just as Nazi Germany did, controllers are using human underlying motivational biological systems to control global populations' behavior. This is explained by Jordan Peterson in the video below. Please bear with his initial rapid speech because he needs to lay understanding groundwork before he gets to Nazi Germany.

Thanks for posting this video Zzartemis, its been a while since I watched this one. I think JBP makes some very interesting points in the video that may be relevant to our current situation. To summarize:
  • He references a study that correlates prevalence of parasitic infection in an area to authoritarian and tyrannical governments. The study demonstrates that "authoritarian governments are more likely to emerge in regions characterized by a high prevalence of disease-causing pathogens". The study also shows that this effects people on an individual level. This is important to keep in mind because it shows that higher parasite prevalence makes individuals more authoritarian, which drives the creation of more authoritarian governments and not the other way around.
  • He discusses disgust and the biological disgust mechanism and how that drives morality and judgement in the human personality. He ties disgust back to a biological survival mechanism that helps the organism avoid disease (ie people tend to be disgusted by rotten foods, outsiders who may carry disease, promiscuity, etc).
  • He also ties in orderliness as an element of the personality that is connected to disgust by explaining that people who are more easily disgusted are more likely to be orderly. He uses OCD and anorexia as examples of "the disgust mechanism in overdrive" or "orderliness in overdrive"
  • He then goes on to discuss Hitler and German Nazism in this context (around 59:56) based on a book called "Hitler's Table Talk". He says that the historical record suggests that in the Big Five system Hitler most likely had a high degree of Openness, Orderliness (he bathed 4 times per day), he was an admirer of willpower (proud of his ability to hold up his arm in the nazi salute for 8 hours at a time, Triumph of the Will).
  • He argues that Nazism was a type of pathological orderliness on a societal scale driven by fear of chaos from the interwar period and fueled by their portrayal of the Jews as a "disease of society".
So a few takeaways and some questions that might be useful for us in our understanding of the current situation:
  • If we accept the referenced study's hypothesis that the prevalence of disease in a geographical area drives individuals to be more authoritarian and to not only be more likely to accept but actually call for authoritarian government, does it follow that the FEAR of disease will have a similar effect. In other words is it the FEAR of or PERCEPTION of disease prevalence and not the actual prevalence that is driving the societal changes? It seems that this is a psychological and behavioral factor that the Nazis used and it appears to be in play in the current circumstances as well. In this way we can see how the Nazis were a "trial run".

  • In JBPs video he gives an example of how Hitler and the Nazis began imposing order by making factories clean up, plant flowers and destroy pests like rats and insects with Zyklon B, the pesticide that was later used to murder Jews in the gas chambers. Similarly we are seeing governments all over the world attempting to impose order by spraying pesticides to "sanitize" city streets and beaches to supposedly destroy "the virus". People are being told to stand in spaced out orderly lines with masks on, to conform to seemingly arbitrary rules. In Germany there was a progression from imposing general order on the society steadily to mass murder. What is unclear to me at this time is who the eventual human victims will be. Will it be the "freedom protesters" as they suggest in the Corbett Report posted a couple days ago? So in other words will it be a general war on those who value personal freedom over "order" and control? Or will it be some racial or ethnic or religious group?

  • How long will this progression take? Hitler's early rise to power began in the 1920's after WWI, but he didn't seize control until the early 1930's. My sense is that our current period more closely mirror's the 1930's. I don't see a single figure like Hitler who is seizing control, its seems to be more of an amorphous faceless consortium, which makes it harder to resist in a way. Anyway I'm interested in the question because I'm trying to think about how long it may take for things to develop or play out following the Nazi template, the "trial run". Are we on an accelerated track, or will there be a "slow" build as there was in Germany from the early 1930's to the start of WWII in 1939? My memory is that there was a gradual build of persecution against the Jews throughout the 1930's, so we we see a similar gradual change over the next 8-10 years? Or maybe the details are different since we've already seen many changes since 9/11 and before that, so maybe we're already further along on the curve?

So food for thought, if you want to call it food.
We had a bit of a fright in the family yesterday. My sister and her family had started out this whole adventure believing MSM and government. I mean she was making her own disinfectant wipes and giving them away as gifts, practicing social distancing in their own home etc.

So sorry this happened but glad it had a brighter side.

It sure brings things home when bad things happen to people you love.
Anka posted # 9732

They are already taken down. Important videos are being posted and many/most that don't conform with the MSM agenda are being taken down within hours. This censorship appears to be increasing in both volume and pace. All of us should know how to act quickly and capture? download? copy? videos to protect and preserve vital knowledge. If I am the only one on the forum who can't figure out how to do this then I confess I am too long ignorant about a process I should have learned long ago and own the shame--bring it on. But, the times are too dangerous and time appears too short for embarrassment/pride to stand in the way of what needs to be done.
So, would those of you who are more tech savvy than me please briefly explain in simple language and numbered steps how those of us who don't know can do this?
1. How do I save a video from YouTube, Facebook, etc.? Save it so it's "in the box" on my hard drive.
2. Is there software already on my PC Windows 8 that will facilitate this? If yes--what is it called and where? How?
3. Or is there software that I have to download and put somewhere on my PC to do this? If yes then what is it called? where do I find it? and how should the process work?
Sometimes when I have downloaded information from various sources I have trouble finding "where it went" and retrieving it, and getting it to open and run. Again, I apologize if am creating noise here but I think it is essential that all of us can save information that might disappear before we can read it twice. Thank you all so much for everything—this forum has reminded me again and again what a precious resource this place and you all are, and how lost in space I would be without you.

There is for example, Online video downloader - Download videos and music for free

And you can install safely their software as it will make it even easier and faster

I don't know if I'm imagining things, but yesterday evening I felt like this constant 'gloomy pressure', that some of us talked about earlier and that I've been feeling since ca the beginning of March, suddenly lifted. And it still hasn't come back. It maybe just something happening inside my head, but I'm curious if someone else experienced anything similar? Did someone just switch off or destroy the 'beaming apparatus'? :lol::cool2:
I experienced something similar but a bit earlier. I think that when this "gloomy pressure" becomes too strong, we cannot simply keep on containing it indefinetely. We can transform it into anger against something outside (PTB, authoritarian followers, etc.), fall into despair or helplessness or deep depression, try to escape it through any kind of wishfull thinking... but I suppose that here (most people in this forum), we are too aware that these are not the the right reactions, this cannot work anymore. Yet this pression has to have an issue, and as we cannot follow the same patterns as we usually would in the past, it kind of pushes us to a 'positive' inner switch of our consciousness, in a 'place' where we are more detached, calmer, where much of what we know intellectually get integrated in the other levels of our being, so that we have a broader perspective, a deeper comprehension, a finer perception of reality, which translates into its associated feeling and acting. The "knowledge protects" acquire a deeper sense.
This can manifest in different ways. For me, as I said in a previous post, it was like "ok, things being what they are, I will focus now on how can I help and share?" For my friend it was like "well, I am more determined then ever to work on my deepest fears, to get rid of them !"

I don't know about "beaming apparatus", but Wave approaching is certainly contributing if the right intention is set into ourselves :halo:
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I don't know if I'm imagining things, but yesterday evening I felt like this constant 'gloomy pressure', that some of us talked about earlier and that I've been feeling since ca the beginning of March, suddenly lifted. And it still hasn't come back. It maybe just something happening inside my head, but I'm curious if someone else experienced anything similar? Did someone just switch off or destroy the 'beaming apparatus'? :lol::cool2:

I've been having these moments where I felt empowered and where the dark clouds have been lifted. However it came back and I keep alternating between these 2 worlds. EE prayer and meditation is a huge help especially done early in the morning for me. It seems the more I'm relaxed them more it keeps the dark thoughts/emotions away. Staying constructive keeps me inline with the good thoughts/emotions.

Seems to be the usual path already implemented but with higher polarity energies involved at least that's how it's happening for me.
1. How do I save a video from YouTube, Facebook, etc.? Save it so it's "in the box" on my hard drive.
2. Is there software already on my PC Windows 8 that will facilitate this? If yes--what is it called and where? How?
3. Or is there software that I have to download and put somewhere on my PC to do this? If yes then what is it called? where do I find it? and how should the process work?
This might be a good option: SaveFrom.net.
The app is free and you can download videos not only from youtube, but also from some other resources: Online video downloader - Download videos and music for free
Use this link to download and install this app: : SaveFrom.net helper
I found this program in my browser settings (Yandex), it was already installed there. Perhaps in the settings of your browser also has a similar program, you just have to find it and activate.
Sometimes when I have downloaded information from various sources I have trouble finding "where it went" and retrieving it, and getting it to open and run.
Most likely, everything you download is saved by default in the "downloads" folder. If you dig into the browser settings, you can find where to enable this feature so that the browser asks you where to save them every time you download files.
I have never felt the separation more clearly. I struggle emotionally with a constant change of anger, bewilderment, joy and ironic humor, which allows me to endure this condition. The realization that I am a contemporary witness of how a collective illness drives society crazy. I feel like an observer in the cinema who is tied to a chair so that he cannot disturb this film.

Just read your post and this part struck me as really a description of how I am feeling at this moment. I have just arrived back from my eldest sons house. This is the first time we have been invited since the lock down and it was wonderful. We sat down by the side of the house with railing installed to keep my grandson (aged 2) from approaching . He tried, as they do, to give me some leaves off the garden but his mothers nervousness was palpable and unsettling. My son is very protective of her as she has a bad chest and asthma so he was edgy also.

It was so surreal and at the same time beautiful to be there. This split, between the surreal and beautiful, the what used to be and the different now, was very hard to deal with. It has an in-balancing effect and I literally felt dizzy. It's left me feeling very sad, confused and lonely with a very oppressive feeling in the air. I think these feelings are caused firstly by the visit under these new conditions and secondly by my not yet having come to terms with what it is doing to others and in particular my own family.

Knowing what's going on out there with all the suffering and trauma is something we hear about every day.
My problem is very small and personal to me alone and I've learned a lesson. I shall now move forward, as the C's said, with grace.
Don't know why but I'm feeling very optimistic today. Strange feeling like something has shifted in the world..

Posted this yesterday on FB.

"Evidence starting to trickle out now that this virus has been around since November at least, probably longer. That would make sence as I've said Not many in the community is catching this thing as far as I can see. It seems LOTS of people have already got this virus and build immunity the natural way. Maybe someone should tell Government so lockdown can end"

Then today just released over an hour ago maybe they read my post😂😂

Is this a new reality😂
Something weird that I’ve been noticing lately is that around 12 AM - 2 AM I hear birds outside signing like if it were a regular morning. it’s been happening since 2 weeks ago, it’s so strange. I had to close the windows because they are making much noise and it’s been bothering me.
The newer Led streetlights are like mini suns at night....they are messing with wildlife and will stunt plant growth...not to mention dangers to humans with their blue light. If you are in a darkened area, unpaired male mockingbirds sing at night....a lot!
I got 'told off' for queuing in the wrong place in my local supermarket earlier. The look of outrage and tone of disapproval from the staff member was quite something. I just gave her a 'Paddington stare' and went and queued somewhere else. Whereupon, of course, my 2m 'safe space' was consistently flouted.

Going there has been a most unpleasant experience in recent weeks as they have got into this authoritarian regime with gusto. It has been interesting to see how various staff members have taken to their new authoritarian power with glee. Every time I go there I have to prepare myself mentally and emotionally so I don't lose my temper at all the bs. Despite all their procedures my 2m 'safe zone' is constantly broken but then it's not really about that is it? It's about imposing authoritarianism and making the masses habituated to doing what they're told. Fortunately, I am consciously aware of it and am resisting it all the time I am in there. My natural instinct is to rebel but this is not the hill I wish to die on. It may come as this dystopian world progresses but it is not here yet. I don't go out of my way to make myself a target whilst there but inside I am resisting it all. What more can one do?
On the surface, it doesn't make sense as these people would normally be immune and thus less likely to become sick in the future. Could the real reason be that they are scared that these people will be less controllable and capable of thinking and contemplating the ethics and morals of what they are told?
After i posted Newsweek article a client just sent me this:
My GP said that survivors have been found to develop a chronic autoimmune response in their arteries. Could that be the reason why they are being disqualified from joining the army? Because they are spoiled goods?
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