The Living Force
I was going to post it here but it was sent in Messenger and I couldn't figure out how to make that happen.
Click on the video in messenger to open it up in a browser tab, copy the URL, then switch to the forum to write a post, click on the '...' icon (next to the emoticons), choose AddMedia and insert the URL.
The 'rules' make sense for 4D STS, but not so much for 3D. Psychopaths don't have conscience, and I'm not sure how much conscience we can find in STS in general. It would be pretty hard to be properly and purposefully STS when you have conscience. If it's there to begin with, I imagine it gets so suppressed that it becomes virtually non-existent.
But then the question is to what extent are the 3D STS controlled by 4D. If the control is almost complete, then the issue of 3D conscience becomes almost irrelevant.
Still, it's not very clear to me what dropping some symbols here and there achieves in this regard, and how it might be 'necessary'.
The question @iamthatis asked was "What evidence exists that suggests this is true - that they must 'show their hidden hand'?"
And while these explanations are interesting, they provide little in terms of what could be called evidence - that this dropping of symbols is something that they must do. So right now, it seems to me like it's more something that they want to do than must do. But maybe somebody can clarify this point some more. How would some pandemic/virus-related symbols in popular events change anything about the free will of the masses? If seeing that means people 'accept' that, then what exactly are they expected to do not to accept it?
I think I created confusion. I did not mean to say that symbols used in pop culture are in any way an attempt to obtain our consent. These can have various other functions, e.g. forming information field (which is what Tauriel wrote about a few posts above I think), also sending message from one clan to another or to their overseers to say "Hey, we know what you want us to do and we are on it!". Also other symbols can be used as a warning, e.g. specific numbers like 11 or especially 22 appearing in worldwide news reporting (terrorist attacks / false flags), which is what the high echelons of globalist powers apparently sometimes use to warn national elites to step back because they are messing with their plans.
So back to "What evidence exists... that they must show their hidden hand?". I don't have that. I base my assumption on what C's told us because that is so far the best explanation and the only one that makes sense. If we use reductio ad absurdum logic then why would 4D STS bother to go to such lengths of playing with the Earth inhabitants if they didn't need our consent? If it was just a technical, mechanical issue to grow food they could do it straight away, without communicating to us. Grow us, eat us, suck us... whatever. But if the consent is needed then it implies they must sometimes to show the hidden hand and come out, if only indirectly, otherwise they would not be able to get our response in form of our permission to their evildoing.
What form does it take? What are the means of this communication? Acting through their agents to control the population? Get psychopaths to screw our minds, our creativity to accept their plan? If we agree to the Green new deal, dimming the Sun, 5G control grid, cashless society, LGBT+ agenda, vaccines... that's probably one way how we would give our consent to their plans which were revealed via Bill Gates, H.Kissinger, G. Soros and many others. They told us what their evil plans are, albeit in some concealed way, and wishfully think we will agree. We can see the hidden hand there, no? We see that there is an ongoing manipulation of us, Earthlings.
If they bother to do all this then, in my view, there is only one explanation to that - they show what they are doing because they must do so, according to some rules that are imaginary for us here at the moment as you said, that we cannot see and grasp yet from our realm, but they appear to be essential. The 4D STS forces don't need to show up in space ships but some of their agents must reveal their plans to the public so the people, however un/informed, will have at least the tiniest choice to decide whether they want to go ahead with the plans or refuse them. And they are pushing hard to get that consent. Hmm, does that make sense?
Never mind the OPs, including psychopaths, their dysfunctional variety - they gave their consent already it seems so they are being used to fulfill the agenda. What matters is that WE DO NOT CONSENT. By saying & writing, but mainly by acting. On all fronts.
Sorry for taking off from the corona topic and thanks @Tauriel for that extract about 'Why 4D STS Subvert Rather Than Violate Freewill'.