People already posted a lot of good info about viruses in this topic, so you should check them out.
Thanks for your proposition... but what makes you think I didnt already? Panspermia hypothesis is a good starting point if you REALLY want to understand viruses btw. So feel free to read through my comment on recent MindMatters post on SOTT :thup:

Also, have you seen the latest Cs session where they say that the PTBs are trying to modify human DNA with vaccines?

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Am I too naive to think that winds are changing, perhaps they are starting to get afraid of scientists like Cahill who call for indictments for crimes against humanity.
yesterday was a good day on mainstream media:

Yes! I love Kevin James humor and was a big fan of King of Queens. Worth more than a thousand words, indeed! Thanks for sharing!
I was watching King of Queens again lately and it was weird to see them ordering at 'the lemon ice king of corona' in the intro, though that's just the name of a part of new york. But even stranger was Danny joking about smoking crack with Mrs. Greenbaum in an episode where Spence had faulty memories of being intimate with a school teacher!
Well it was my birthday yesterday the big 5 0. A few friends came round and it turned into a bit of a party unfortunately the social distancing rules fell by the wayside. A great birthday celebration.
Anyway no one reported us osit and it felt great to break those bloody rules for a day.
Here in North Yorkshire I find people seem more relaxed compared when I'm working in Leeds. I chat to people in the shops and the staff seem happy where I've been shopping.
I think more people are questioning the insane narrative were fed by the government but we have a long way to go before we see kick back.
I feel until the inevitable job losses come later in the year they'll get an easy ride no matter how ridiculous the rules and regulations were fed.
There really making it impossible for the kids to return to school as it will be impossible to social distance. I think this another thing that will cause a blow back in the near future.
Probably the miracle cure will be found by our brilliant scientists. It really is ridiculous the whole thing. I will be patient but I do wonder how long they can keep getting away with their lies.

- Brainwashing, anxiety, panic : how to well choose the media to watch
- Masks, '2nd wave', vaccin : tips for prolonging psychosis once deconfined
- Advice from professionals to denounce with the utmost secrecy
- 8:00 p.m.: A grandma's thing to clap like a champion !
- StopCovid Appli: denounce yourself !
- Lockdown, desocialization, bans: traumatize your children for a long time!
Below is a video showing a school in the UK and how they plan to handle those children that will be attending school (because it seems that not all will) as the lockdown is 'eased' into the 'new normal'. It's similar to the photos of the children in the playground confined to the circles on the ground.

Overview of what the teacher says: Children are situated the required 'social distance' away from each other (meaning they have a classroom of about 6 children?); must walk along a designated line to travel around the classroom; no soft furnishings and all equipment to be sterilized after use; teachers must maintain social distancing towards children.

One can imagine that this as part of the new normal is the dream of some of the mentally deranged in power. But even just thinking about it practically, economically, there's no way that under the current circumstances schools have the resources to implement this, however the more insidious agenda is that the public would accept this as a reasonable response, and a possible 'new normal'.
A few others have mentioned how these smaller classes cannot work due to the lack of schools, classrooms in schools and trained teachers.

There is clearly no way the current education system in the UK can work with classes of 6-15 children. Will these measures not actually come to pass, or be removed quickly? I am not convinced.

Looking to the US, Cuomo has made a number of statements addressing the future of education there and I can only imagine that these ideas will be looked at across the western world.
Obviously he has been promoting these ideas under the banner of more equality and better standards in education, but it appears to me that there could be a push towards part on line education and part class room – possibly having different children in schools on different days or some other method.

The first 3mins or so of this BBC video is an interview with a primary school teacher in the UK, showing just how impractical measures will be in many schools. It also shows that there is still fear from teachers and parents over Covid1984.

The teacher also talks about the sanitisation of the classrooms. Obviously there is the social distancing aspect, but also now the disinfecting of rooms once kids have been in there, the removal of soft surfaces and toys. If all this came to pass, our schools will look like something out of any number of dystopian movies...

Thinking of all the natural immunities we pick up as children, playing together, getting dirty and yes, getting ill on occasion – all strengthening our immune systems. What would schooling in these sterile environments do to a generation of people?

I am not sure how much of this can really happen, though no doubt some will. There are so many aspects to schooling that cannot work in this system: cooking, sports, drama, textiles, even books are 'soft' (and not everyone can have their own copy of every book required), meetings with teachers, parent/teacher meetings... the list goes on... It is, quite simply, not possible to not go near other people and actually function in society at all when we think about it.

Thinking positively (maybe wishfully...) a lot of these measures would start to go away over months/years as it becomes more obvious that education and childrens' health is suffering. Thinking more negatively (or realistically...) this is probably why there is such a drive for vaccines, to get us 'back to normal' quickly before the population realises just what levels of damage have been done and the true social impact rather than the economic.

My suspicion is that we will move toward more computer and on-line based learning (as it seems we have been for many years). In some countries this may involve part-time classroom schooling with on-line learning from home. I would imagine a lot of the anti-social distancing would die down as the hysteria does, but this may well be after a vaccine is introduced and used in schools for a few years.

I wonder who could benefit from such an outcome? Providers of on-line education programs, drugs, vaccines, social tracking... Nope can't think of anyone...
My husband started using that phrase a couple of weeks ago. Also, it's not "shelter in place", it's "house arrest".
Very good, SevenFeathers! A feather should be added to his cap ;)

The phrase "stay home, save lives" is also such a paramoralism, as it justifies house arrest with a moralistic twist. On top if it, it does just the opposite. In a way it is more to save the lives of the leaders as people would otherwise gather in mass demonstrations with pitchforks and guillotines. We could rephrase it to "stay in house arrest, to save the lives of our (psychopathic) leaders".

The clapping business is another example of paramoralism. Clap for the heroes, is really just an overt display of jubilant acceptance of the chains of slavery. How deluded does one have to be, to accept the idea to clap for one's own house arrest and the robbing of personal rights and freedoms, clapping for losing one's own means of earning a living and thus the means to look after one's own family.

Like Lobaczewski said in Political Ponerology, then it is important to disinfect our minds of the mind virus which the pathocracy and the MSM are spreading 24/7.
People who have lost their psychological hygiene and capacity
of proper thought
along this road also lose their natural
critical faculties with regard to the statements and behavior of
individuals whose abnormal thought processes were formed on
a substratum of pathological anomalies, whether inherited or
acquired. Hypocrites stop differentiating between pathological
and normal individuals, thus opening an “infection entry” for
the ponerologic role of pathological factors

Other mind viruses:
Paralogism: n. illogical or fallacious deduction. paralogical, paralogistic, a.
paralogize, v.i. be illogical; draw unwarranted conclusions. paralogist, n.

Reversive blockade:
Reversive blockade: Emphatically insisting upon something
which is the opposite of the truth blocks the average person’s
mind from perceiving the truth.
In accordance with the dictates
of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in
the “golden mean” between the truth and its opposite, winding
up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like
this do not realize that this effect is precisely the intent of the
person who subjects them to this method. If the counterfeit of
the truth is the opposite of a moral truth, at the same time, it
simultaneously represents an extreme paramoralism, and bears
its peculiar suggestiveness.
We rarely see this method being used by normal people;
even if raised by the people who abused it; they usually only
indicate its results in their characteristic difficulties in appre-
hending reality properly. Use of this method can be included
within the above-mentioned special psychological knowledge
developed by psychopaths concerning the weaknesses of human
nature and the art of leading others into error. Where they
are in rule, this method is used with virtuosity, and to an extent
conterminous with their power.
We can see that being used over and over as the same lies are repeated and repeated ad nauseum.

Information selection and substitution: The existence of
psychological phenomena known to pre-Freudian philosophical
students of the subconscious bears repeating. Unconscious
psychological processes outstrip conscious reasoning, both in
time and in scope, which makes many psychological phenomena
possible: including those generally described as conversive,
such as subconscious blocking out of conclusions, the
selection, and, also, substitution of seemingly uncomfortable

We speak of blocking out conclusions if the inferential
process was proper in principle and has almost arrived at a
conclusion and final comprehension within the act of internal
projection, but becomes stymied by a preceding directive from
the subconscious, which considers it inexpedient or disturbing.
This is primitive prevention of personality disintegration,
which may seem advantageous; however, it also prevents all
the advantages which could be derived from consciously elaborated
conclusion and reintegration.
A conclusion thus rejected
remains in our subconscious and in a more unconscious way
causes the next blocking and selection of this kind. This can be
extremely harmful, progressively enslaving a person to his own
, and is often accompanied by a feeling of tension
and bitterness.
Also something we see in action everywhere.

We speak of selection of premises whenever the feedback
goes deeper into the resulting reasoning and from its database
thus deletes and represses into the subconscious just that piece
of information which was responsible for arriving at the uncomfortable
conclusion. Our subconscious then permits further
logical reasoning, except that the outcome will be erroneous in
direct proportion to the actual significance of the repressed
data. An ever-greater number of such repressed information is
collected in our subconscious memory. Finally, a kind of habit
seems to take over: similar material is treated the same way
even if reasoning would have reached an outcome quite advantageous
to the person.
The most complex process of this type is substitution of
premises thus eliminated by other data, ensuring an ostensibly
more comfortable conclusion.
Our associative ability rapidly
elaborates a new item to replace the removed one, but it is one
leading to a comfortable conclusion. This operation takes the
most time, and it is unlikely to be exclusively subconscious.
Such substitutions are often effected collectively, in certain
groups of people, through the use of verbal communication.
That is why they best qualify for the moralizing epithet “hypocrisy”
than either of the above-mentioned processes.

The above quotes are from the book. Afterwards I found an even more concise description on written by some of the SOTT editors. Well worth a read.

So bring your own examples to the attention here and we can make a list or write an article for SOTT about it. We are in the unique position of finding ourselves in a huge lab experiment, much like Lobaczewski in Poland during the Soviet Union, where we can from direct observation and experience understand what he was talking about. As he said it is important to do this so to keep our own psychological hygiene and thus not to fall for the many mind traps which the pathological deviants are using on us.

They are trying frantically to impose their distorted worldview on us which is a distortion of the normal healthy worldview. Again, the C's have said that it is battle for our minds/souls, so this is the time to gain practical experience of what we have learned from Castaneda, Gurdjieff, the C's and others. Once having purified our own minds from the mind viruses currently being imposed by our leaders and media, then we can better plant those truth seeds in others and help to disinfect their minds.
I get a bit uneasy vibe from Hancock and his robotic demeanor of answering and dodging the questions. I would guess that you'd have to be "in the club" to reach such a political position, especially in the UK. That would mean being "compromised" and likely having a character disturbance to a certain degree. Perhaps he is trying to stare down and "mesmerize" the camera/ audience, but on the other hand, one can't not have the concept of psychopath's "intense and emotionless stare" come to mind.
Yeah, Hancock is very much "in the club".

The links between big pharma and the UK government are summed up well by Vanessa Beeley in this article: Big Pharma Players Behind UK Lockdown. The information regarding Hancock is near the end but the whole article is essential, especially for those in the UK (it was also posted on SOTT awhile back).

He is deeply tied to Porton Biopharma, who stand to make a lot of money from this plandemic and has been accused of handing out government contracts to Microsoft, Amazon, Palantir, Google etc. palantir coronavirus contract did not go to competitive tender.

Both Hancock and PM adviser, Dominic Cummings have ties to Babylon Health, who are in the business of implementing Health Care AI. Hancock has unabashedly been promoting this company and their apps for a while now. This blog piece (quoted in Beeley's article) from the BMJ in 2018 shows the concerns doctors have had over his behaviour for years: Rachel Clarke why Matt Hancocks' promotion of babylon worries doctors

There is clearly a drive for a vaccine here in the UK, but they are still being fairly cagey about whether there will be one. I wonder if this is more down to the legal implications of mass and/or mandatory vaccinations, additions to the normal vaccine schedule etc?

The business secretary on vaccines yesterday:

He mentions both the current UK vaccination programs, Oxford and Imperial College. Both have been in competition since the start of the plandemic (Oxford claiming 50% of the population had already had the virus, Imperial College coming up with the rediculous 500,000 dead scenario). Both institutions have recieved Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation money. Now they are competing to make a vaccine and Astra Zenica already have a contract to produce the Oxford one if it is ready in the autumn.

There are a lot of conflicts of interest emerging and a lot of money for some of these 'people' to make.
The clapping business is another example of paramoralism. Clap for the heroes, is really just an overt display of jubilant acceptance of the chains of slavery. How deluded does one have to be, to accept the idea to clap for one's own house arrest and the robbing of personal rights and freedoms, clapping for losing one's own means of earning a living and thus the means to look after one's own family.


So, we have:

Social distancing = Anti-social distancing
Shelter in place = House arrest

How about

"Essential" = Government approved
"Contact tracing" = Big Brother snitch program

Not only that but I pulled this from the web regarding the 6ft distancing and the length of dog leashes:
Standard dog leashes are usually a fixed length of six feet. Short dog leashes are four feet or less. Rope slip leads combine the collar and leash in one slip-over piece, and are often used for dog training. Long nylon leashes come up to 30 feet or longer, and are most often used for dog training.

Regarding the mind control of the kids going back to school and the 6ft areas of demarcation around them (especially in the playground) I thought of this little excerpt from Ouspensky's book 'In Search Of the Miraculous'. Gurdjieff talked to him about the 'magical circle' of the Yezidis. He mentions the Yezidis it in his book 'Meetings With Remarkable Men' but I can't find the excerpt from that book.
"He told me, among other things, that when he was a child he had often observed how Yezidi boys were unable to step out of a circle traced round them on the ground" (p. 36)
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