I could respond (to the tweet mentioned in the above post):

Today's social/political environment is so polarized there is no room for true debate. Instead, we see a culture of fear & blind conformity to so called "authorities," who should be held to highest standard, but are not--due to the power they wield through fear & manipulation.

OR... should I use that later (if necessary), after I offer more, hopefully convincing data?... which is what I'm asking for your help with.

Okay... so, I've decided to go with the above tweet as a kind of exit strategy. It really is pointless having these kind of conversations on Twitter.
Checking the latest news in Danish papers, it is safe to say they are not done talking and writing about Corona virus in pretty much the same way as has been the custom so far.

Today there were 10 articles published since yesterday in just one paper with the positions of second wave proponents, new scare numbers, "expert evaluation" of the latest increases or change in the numbers. Where these ten article necessary to reduce the implications of another article about a study showing that 42 % of an Austrian village had generated antibodies to Covid19, but had not had any symptoms?

Also today, but in another paper, there was a story about a 19 year old, who allegedly lost her father aged 52 to Covid19. She wants to take the hospital to court for killing her father, because she claims he got the disease there, and she misses him very much. Nothing was said about any other possible conditions of health he might have suffered from.

This is what the systems receives from blaming so much on Covid-19. It gives them the possibility to continue to justify draconian measures in order to protect the spooked and fearful people who are asking for these controls and who do not mind how many suffer and die because of these measures. If the choice is between encouraging fear and seeking reason and knowledge, at the moment is seems for many that stoking fears is chosen as the way to go, as if more fear would be able to cure the bodies, people inhabit, their minds and their souls. Respect for danger is appropriate, but in this case it is completely out of proportion.

Covid19 is like so many other lies, once set to sail, be it a justification to invade Iraque, Afghanistan, Libya, blame Bin Laden or 9/11 or the Skripal affair on the Russians, many will continue to believe the reasons and explanations given for years and years, if not the rest of their lives. It is a choice. In that sense there is nothing new.
The "memes from unscientific sources" no doubt refers to the graphic about masks that I tweeted yesterday, and that I asked about here, wondering what the exact source was. By the way, no one asked me yesterday what the source of the graphic was, either. They just summarily dismissed it as "trash."
Honestly, Heather, why are you wasting your time on these morons? From what you're describing, they're clearly not interested in any real knowledge. They just want to reinforce the narrative they believe in. They will not accept any facts you give them. They'll just find ways to discredit them and their sources.

The stuff in the image is so obvious and has been said by so many doctors it's amazing that anyone would argue with it at all. People who are seriously telling you that wearing a mask every day has no effect on your oxygen intake are so stupid that it's really not worth the effort to try to reason with them, in my opinion.

Most of the things in that image were said by Mikovits, for example. Many of the points were also made by doctors Erickson and Massihi in that famous press conference. But these are the people who are getting banned from CensorshipTube, Fakebook, Shitter, and other dumb places. You see? The same people who censor and disbelieve that image also censor and disbelieve all the sources of the information in it, and they have their own 'scientists' (who may or may not really exist) who will say anything the PTB want them to say.

If you see people aren't open to what you're telling them, just tell them to do their own research. If they can't do that, then anything you can say wouldn't help them anyway. We've seen just how much people are programmed, and it's probably only going to get worse.

After going along with all this bullshit for 3 months, people have a lot invested in the narrative. If you could prove them wrong, they'd have to acknowledge they'd been doing and saying stupid things for 3 months, and nobody wants to admit that to themselves. So they'll just look for any possible way to not have to take you seriously.

So I think you're wasting time and effort on people who aren't open to what you say, and you only end up feeling frustrated. Just find something more enjoyable to do instead. That's my two cents.

Laura mentioned earlier that she never reads the responses to what she posts on social media. I think that's a pretty good strategy. Otherwise you get stuck in a quagmire with trolls, shills, and morons, and they're just sucking out your energy.

Edit: added:

If you really want to say something to them, put some responsibility on them, and don't let them drag you down to your level. You can say something like this:

"Look, I don't really care what you believe, but your health is your responsibility, so you'd better make damn sure you're not wrong and that you're not doing something stupid that's harming you. That's all I have to say."

And then go away and let them do whatever they want.
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Honestly, Heather, why are you wasting your time on these morons? From what you're describing, they're clearly not interested in any real knowledge. They just want to reinforce the narrative they believe in. They will not accept any facts you give them. They'll just find ways to discredit them and their sources.

The stuff in the image is so obvious and has been said by so many doctors it's amazing that anyone would argue with it at all. People who are seriously telling you that wearing a mask every day has no effect on your oxygen intake are so stupid that it's really not worth the effort to try to reason with them, in my opinion.

Most of the things in that image were said by Mikovits, for example. Many of the points were also made by doctors Erickson and Massihi in that famous press conference. But these are the people who are getting banned from CensorshipTube, Fakebook, Shitter, and other dumb places. You see? The same people who censor and disbelieve that image also censor and disbelieve all the sources of the information in it, and they have their own 'scientists' (who may or may not really exist) who will say anything the PTB want them to say.

If you see people aren't open to what you're telling them, just tell them to do their own research. If they can't do that, then anything you can say wouldn't help them anyway. We've seen just how much people are programmed, and it's probably only going to get worse.

After going along with all this bullshit for 3 months, people have a lot invested in the narrative. If you could prove them wrong, they'd have to acknowledge they'd been doing and saying stupid things for 3 months, and nobody wants to admit that to themselves. So they'll just look for any possible way to not have to take you seriously.

So I think you're wasting time and effort on people who aren't open to what you say, and you only end up feeling frustrated. Just find something more enjoyable to do instead. That's my two cents.

Laura mentioned earlier that she never reads the responses to what she posts on social media. I think that's a pretty good strategy. Otherwise you get stuck in a quagmire with trolls, shills, and morons, and they're just sucking out your energy.

Edit: added:

If you really want to say something to them, put some responsibility on them, and don't let them drag you down to your level. You can say something like this:

"Look, I don't really care what you believe, but your health is your responsibility, so you'd better make damn sure you're not wrong and that you're not doing something stupid that's harming you. That's all I have to say."

And then go away and let them do whatever they want.
Thanks, M.I. As you'll see, I did come up with an "exit strategy" tweet, which I tweeted a while ago. So far so good since I got no push-back.

But that's a good point about their health being their responsibility. You'd think on that basis alone they'd at least want to research further the information on that graphic.

Actually, on a side note, when I do my own isolated tweets on these types of subjects (as opposed to the tweet that got this whole mess started, which was a reply to someone), I usually get ignored, or sometimes I'll get some likes since I send them to hashtags where there are others with similar views. But this time, given it was part of a conversation that someone else was having (someone who has a lot of followers who are seeing the conversation) it really backfired -- so I need to keep that in mind in the future, and restrict such information to certain hashtags, etc. Or else, it's true, you waste your time and energy, and get anxious and upset over nothing. Bleh.

Anyway, I'm glad I was able to process some of this here. It's been helpful.
I could respond (to the tweet mentioned in the above post):

Today's social/political environment is so polarized there is no room for true debate. Instead, we see a culture of fear & blind conformity to so called "authorities," who should be held to highest standard, but are not--due to the power they wield through fear & manipulation.

OR... should I use that later (if necessary), after I offer more, hopefully convincing data?... which is what I'm asking for your help with.

Hi Heather, the thing you have to bear in mind is that your job is not to convince anybody of anything. You are sharing data and people react to it as they will. I often struggle with this. The thing I keep reminding myself of is that the person you are arguing with is not asking you for help or assistance. They are not genuinely seeking, so leave them be. STO gives when asked and these people are NOT asking. STS tries to force its opinion on others and that is what Twitter in particular is all about. Share your information and then back off. Ignore the comments (which can be difficult. My natural reaction is to jump in and try to convince people which never ends well and is very STS) and go onto something else.
Hi Heather, the thing you have to bear in mind is that your job is not to convince anybody of anything. You are sharing data and people react to it as they will. I often struggle with this. The thing I keep reminding myself of is that the person you are arguing with is not asking you for help or assistance. They are not genuinely seeking, so leave them be. STO gives when asked and these people are NOT asking. STS tries to force its opinion on others and that is what Twitter in particular is all about. Share your information and then back off. Ignore the comments (which can be difficult. My natural reaction is to jump in and try to convince people which never ends well and is very STS) and go onto something else.
Thanks, flashgordonv. I guess I thought the graphic about mask wearing was a no brainer, and so I was surprised it stirred people up like that. But, yeah, I know what you mean. You really can't expect to convince anyone of anything no matter how adept you are. The only thing I may have accomplished was to help them out a bit with their manners!
I came across this post on Instagram showing a man testing the air quality (I think?) under his mask. I'm not familiar with the machine he is using or if it proves anything, but I thought it was interesting.
The video shows him testing the air next to his mouth without and then with a mask on. The machine sounds an alarm when it is under the mask to indicate a hazardous atmosphere.
I came across this post on Instagram showing a man testing the air quality (I think?) under his mask. I'm not familiar with the machine he is using or if it proves anything, but I thought it was interesting.
The video shows him testing the air next to his mouth without and then with a mask on. The machine sounds an alarm when it is under the mask to indicate a hazardous atmosphere.
If the machine was calibrated correctly then it does mean something.
It is the same piece of equipment used on many confined space entry jobs and O2 levels below 19.5% would indicate the need to use supplied/self contained air.
We don't have one of those at work (I don't do that kind of thing anymore) but many of our co-contractors do. Might have to check it for myself.
Unfortunately, I got into a "conversation" on Twitter today. I use that term in the most general sense since people on social media don't know how to converse, let alone debate. In fact, upon encountering something they disagree with, almost immediately they resort to name calling. So on the rare occasions that I even bother to have such, uh, "exchanges," I wind up [politely] pointing out their lack of debating skills, which gets pretty tedious -- oh, and by the way, if you try to question this particular issue, it's tantamount to being considered a "murderer" (for those of you who haven't attempted this yet).
it would be an exercise in futility to even attempt to educate the uselessness of masks as a protection against any virus. I got the impression that the employee and all those wearing masks voluntarily are totally bought into the danger narrative and that anyone coming in without a mask is a significant threat to their health. How can you reason with a mindset like that? Simply not possible.
Well, you got a lot of great feedback and reached the right conclusion:
You really can't expect to convince anyone of anything no matter how adept you are. The only thing I may have accomplished was to help them out a bit with their manners!
Totally understand where you were coming from with this and how you rather innocently got caught in the blowback. Who really knows how many out there are paid trolls/shills or just brain-dead authoritarian followers with their official "fact checkers"?! MI summed it up well:
But these are the people who are getting banned from CensorshipTube, Fakebook, Shitter, and other dumb places.
ROFL!!! :rotfl:
I'd like to see a few dozen shares on that FB post if y'all could do that. I'm pretty sure that it has been repressed in some way. Might irritate them to see it being shared.
No good deed goes unpunished? Admirable that you made the effort to share as per Laura's request. ❤:flowers: You really showed superior restraint in your response even if the exchange got to you a bit. It's really hard to do this "work" from a substantially minority position. As you say, "You'd think on that basis alone they'd at least want to research further the information on that graphic." Logic went out the window a long time ago.
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Interestingly, this transcript is related to Trump and the Comets.

November 12th 2016

Q: (L)...Anybody got any pressing questions? Everything's been kind of gobsmacked by Trump's election. Are we going to have any cosmic events during his presidency?

A: No dice!

Q: (L) In other words, you're not going to tell me?

A: Right!

Q: (Niall) No fun!

(L) I know that we're gonna have a cosmic event during his presidency. The Trump of the Apocalypse. I mean, how much more obvious does it have to be?

A: Close!

Q: (Pierre) Oh no... {laughter} Oh, there was this drawing... Did you see this drawing where Trump was depicted as a cometary body coming to Earth? It was supposedly a humoristic drawing.

(L) Well, people were saying they would rather vote for a giant comet because they didn't have a choice to make. Maybe by voting for Trump, we're gonna get the giant comet, too! It's a two-fer! {laughter}


Q: (Joe) 16% of voters said they'd rather have a giant comet than Hillary or Trump. What if we actually get one and then all those people get blamed? {laughter}

A: Interesting what mass consciousness conceives, yes? And asks for?
been some time since my last post but i have been following everything! hope you all are well and staying sane out there.

personally, mine is being tested today as the gov. of NC has issued it mandatory face mask time for the whole state! oof. instead of moving to 'phase 3' the state geniuses chose to issue this 'requirement.' from my understanding, 'phase 3' is put on hold for three more weeks. tbh, i don't really know nor care what these lame phases mean!

gonna be doing some heavy pipe breathing to stay focused and let this pass.

true, not wearing a mask is not a hill worth dying on but that's not to say i'm not going to push the boundaries a bit! i still plan on keeping up my track record of not wearing one, which has been the entirety of this mess!

anyways, keep the good info and messages flowing! stay safe, stay true blue, and as always, much love.

It is amazing to see how so many elected and governmental bureaucrats have grabbed onto this false power as if it is their responsibility. The tragic outcome will be that they will not relinquished the power and will have to be replaced by those who believe the power belongs to the people. Of course the worse offenders are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Found this Economic Report Card On Reopening By States on the web. The map on page 3 gives NC a D, but it is only looking at the economic factors. It would be nice it the report card would be about the abuse of power against the liberties of the people, there would only be 7 A's-B's (Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) the rest would be D's and F's.

Talk about going above and beyond, Miami Dade County is making it “Mandatory” to wear face masks the moment you step out of your house, this from June 22. It was just pointed out to me by friends in Miami! I live in Broward County (the next county north) and the mayor of Ft. Lauderdale is thinking of following suit! Not going to happen with me, enough is enough!

MIAMI — Mayors of some of the largest municipalities in hard-hit Miami-Dade County, gathered at a press conference on Monday and challenged Florida governor’s contention over the weekend that a spike in cases in the state could be attributed to an increase in testing and positive test results from people without symptoms.
They announced they will start requiring people to wear masks the moment they step out of their homes.
“This is a real spike. This is a real trajectory,” said Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber. “People can argue about the number of positives, being related to more testing, but they can’t argue with the percentage at now over 10%, which is what the CDC says tells you you have too much virus in your community.”

Evidently they have issued the order, WOW!
A very interesting video conversation between Catherine Austin Fitts and James Corbett about the machinations of the elites under the cover of the covid nonsense. They discuss the financial manoeuvrers, the desire to further the automation of the world by integrating "humans" into them through chips, a little on Bill Gates and the Rockefellers and other matters. They each come from their own point of view and the synergy of the conversation is terrific, though the conclusions are alarming.

AND, at 45:50 Political Ponerology gets a shout out, with both of them mentioning having read it, and Catherine paraphrasing some excerpts!

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