Thank you for sharing, I looked attentively at the title of the books shown in the movie: and there was this title:
View attachment 37218
Below the photo is a link to the book on Gutenberg.
Yes! Many titles we can see that burn in the movie. How sad!

What is beautiful of this movie is how the man is little by little starts to understand the reality when he starts to read, in the beginning with difficulty. And then how reading, feeling, understanding, learning, is making a difference in him. He was in the core a good person, without a sense in his life. He becomes a better man... Books made him better. The knowledge.
Maybe it was already shared, but apparently Brussels considers banning US, Russia and Brazil from traveling to EU after the international travel will be renewed.

If it's about retaliating against Trump for blocking EU citizens earlier this year, that would be really dumb and petty on the EU's part. Essentially cutting off their nose to spite their face. There really is no reason backed by science to bar specific countries over any others.
My impression was that no mask meant no admittance period - it would be an exercise in futility to even attempt to educate the uselessness of masks as a protection against any virus. I got the impression that the employee and all those wearing masks voluntarily are totally bought into the danger narrative and that anyone coming in without a mask is a significant threat to their health. How can you reason with a mindset like that? Simply not possible. Better to just strike the store off the list of places to patronize.
It certainly looks like there has to be another way, since so many people appear to be authoritarian followers, lost to the hysteria of fear and believing what they are told. Pam Popper seems to be having some success reporting on different types of resistance. I always enjoy how she ridicules the people responsible for this mess.

I have known these times were coming for a LONG time, thanks to my own background knowledge, intuition, and the C's. So I have prepared accordingly - in "3D" terms. I have taken pains to build up quite an inventory of supplies

I can see now though that I probably would have been better off putting most of that effort into working more on my own internal processes than worrying about "3D" concerns. I know that presently, and am trying to rectify it. But I have this literal weight of "stuff" that I wondered if it would only act as "lead boots" to hold me at the bottom of the river while I drown. However: as I share this, I realize now that this "stuff" doesn't matter. The intent with which I created this stockpile, though, does. And having written that, I can now let it go.

There probably would be a lot of people interested in buying all of the surplus equipment. I know how difficult it is to downsize a hoard. Especially if it is fairly useless to others, but prepping supplies should be good items to sell. My guitar and an older amp are about all that is left. Oh, and a small collection of agate, precious stones, gemstones and hand tools. My entire life can easily fit in my 2001 F150 extended cab truck.

I have often thought of Biblical Ezekiel and his days of living alone in a cave. He gave up his entire life's possessions and became like a hermit. But yet the people always looked to him for wisdom, the wisdom of the ageless. And another biblical reference to not place your hopes on worldly possessions also comes to mind.
As I can see it can be ended only by some huge shock. Something that will terrify them to their core. I think that only then a lot of people can open their eyes and see a glimpse of the terrifying reality where they are. Maybe even then a lot of them won't accept the objective reality and will fall to sleep again terrified by what have they seen, finding explanations and reasons that will make them feel comfortable again

Konstantin, you are absolutely right about the “some huge shock” need to open people’s eyes/conscious to see the truth reality.
Because, even some people have some true knowledge or what is happening right now, but they are feared to acknowledging to it.
So the huge shock of the Cosmic Fire is wake up signals for individuals to make them last chance for make choices which side will be, STO or STS. That should be a Cosmic Justice.

Date: June 14th 2014

A: This situation signals great danger because it reflects the cosmic situation. Many of those in "power" do not realize how controlled they actually are nor why.

Q: (L) Okay, so let's ask the obvious question: Why are they controlled and being driven to act in these warmongering ways?

A: They feel it like the hound of hell.

A: As the changes approach, they feel the pressure but do not understand what it is. They only feel an insatiable hunger and fear that they will be left with nothing. Thus the drive to grab and destroy.

Q: (Pierre) So there's a kind of feedback loop. Those leaders feel the earth changes growing, so they become even more destructive, which in turn increases the cosmic reaction.

(Perceval) I would assume they would project that fear onto the population, and then crack down on them. Then the population responds, and that just increases their fear, and increases the cracking down.

Date: July 19th 2014

The second thing is, why is it that people with peaceful, world-benevolent opinions and approaches - people of conscience - can't get together in the same way that evil does? Evil seems to coalesce, and people of conscience seem to... it's almost like their conscience forces them to fight with each other! I mean, assuming they even have a conscience. What's the deal here? I want to know.

A: First of all notice that the STS side uses two hooks: money and promises of power. It is not so much "unity of purpose." Secondly, just as you have learned from your studies of psychology and from the work of Gurdjieff, people with the genetics for "soul" or conscience are very wounded by the programming of family and society.

Q: (L) So, it's their wounds, their programming, their buffers as Gurdjieff says, that keeps them all pointing in dozens of different directions with different opinions, ideas, wounds, fears, and so on. And that prevents unity. Is there anything that can change that?

A: Sure!

Q: (L) What?

A: Work or a huge shock!

Q: (Perceval) A huge shock like a giant fireball? Giant meteorite or an earthquake?

A: Some cosmic activity might do it provided the seeds of knowledge have been planted as you have been doing for years now. As we once said, from the fire comes light. There are several levels of meaning there.

Q: (L) Cosmic fire, maybe?

A: Yes

(L) I think they're saying that that's the shock. And if there is a seed there, and if there is any potential in the individual, if the shock doesn't kill them, then...

(Pierre) Yeah, the shock makes the seed of knowledge grow...

(Ark) No! The knowledge cannot grow by shock. The knowledge can grow only if you get more truth. Shock may only cause the seed to do some job.

(L) Like what?

(Ark) I mean, because you may know things, know things, know things... and do nothing! And then, there comes shock, and then you realize that your knowledge - you were not using your knowledge!

(L) But when it becomes real...

(Perceval) When they realize that, "Holy shit, this isn't just theoretical! A fireball just blew the crap out of Washington, DC!"... God willing... [laughter] Suddenly it's true for them, and it may activate the knowledge that they've been growing slowly inside.

(L) In other words, it will kind of like blow the fear away because what's really holding people back is fear: these programs, these buffers. That's what Caesar said last week. He said to be true to your inner nature, and fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you can say “It’s a good day to die” like Black Elk said before going into battle.

(Pierre) The question I wanted to answer is, those shocks due to cosmic activity... Is it because on the psychological level, there is this fear and people are thinking, "Oh, it's real!" And/or because cosmic activity might modify the electromagnetic environment and stimulate shifts in some people?

A: A little of both. And for now Goodbye.

(Chu) A lot of people didn't wake up after 9/11 either.

(L) Yeah. So, it's going to be only the people who've had the seeds of knowledge implanted already, and they have been taking root and growing slowly inside them. But they're not yet...

(Ark) But, but... There is also another thing, because Pierre mentioned electromagneticwhatever. Now, such a shock, what it can do is, it can destroy the programmingfrequencies of the STS.

(L) Oh yeah.

(Perceval) The frequency fence?

(Ark) And then, because we are all the time blocked from knowing more at higher levels, those who have knowledge and those who don't, being beamed in many ways, by some kind of organized thing…

(L) A cosmic event could definitely destroy the frequency fence.

March 14, 1998

A: ....Networking with those in your presence now has already proven to be an explosively positive and expansive experience for you. It is potentially beneficial to millions who will be contacted through networks that are yet to be realized.

So, trust... watch... look... listen... and learn... Grow and expand, evolve and transform and rejoice with the quadrillion times quadrillions to benefit from this sharing!!!
I can see now though that I probably would have been better off putting most of that effort into working more on my own internal processes than worrying about "3D" concerns. I know that presently, and am trying to rectify it. But I have this literal weight of "stuff" that I wondered if it would only act as "lead boots" to hold me at the bottom of the river while I drown. However: as I share this, I realize now that this "stuff" doesn't matter. The intent with which I created this stockpile, though, does. And having written that, I can now let it go.
Looks like you're about ready to embark on an interesting new journey both physically and spiritually. I think there is danger when a person becomes solely focused on the external to the detriment of the internal and so too, the exact same danger exists in reverse! This is a situation where one can exclude the other. The key is to hold a balance between the two. I think that this enables a person to make more 'strategic' decisions that incorporates both logical thinking as well as intuition. It drastically reduces blind spots and makes freedom from a difficult situation more likely.
The insanity continues.

Oregon county issues face mask order exempting non-white people

Health officials in Lincoln County said in a statement last week that all residents must wear face coverings in public settings where social distancing is compromised.

However, the order does not apply to people of color if they have “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment” over wearing the face coverings, according to officials.

“No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply,” health officials said.

Lincoln County has a population of nearly 50,000 residents, with almost 90% of its residents white, and less than 1% Black.
(...) So I am daily re-thinking what I really need to do, especially after my interactions with people over the last couple of days.

After Governor Newscum mandated the wearing of masks, many people I know who had been holding out just gave up. There's no fight in them any more. I wear my mask when I have to, but I personally am still holding a burning ember within knowing it is wrong. I don't see that fight in anyone else I am encountering here any more, though. They have given in to authoritay.

(This might get swampy, so if mods want to move it there, I understand.)

I have posted previously, either here or on the Floyd thread, that I planned to stay here with hopes of being a person people can turn to for information once the truth starts to come out about everything. I am wondering now if that is just wishful thinking. I don't think most people in Sacramento will wake up until a major shock happens - (...)

So I am still wondering what the hell I really should do. I WANT to help, but so far, almost all of it has been rejected (beyond close friends and family). I WANT to be here to be a resource when the SHTF, but even libraries are being burned to the ground these days. (...)

It isn't an easy decision to walk your own path. Maybe that is what you should consider doing. Everyone has their own responsibilities and lessons to learn in this life and reality and your post seems to me to come across that you want to try be a savior for people when they are not asking for such and may never ask for any help. It may even turn out that the people you are planning to try to help turn on you when things get even more chaotic. This chapter of the Wave and the longer C's quotes toward the end came to mind ( September 19, 1998 - about sending love to those that don't ask / May 3, 1997 about "We stay in relationships or situations because we “feel sorry” for someone.") . Even if the context is different, maybe reading the chapter might bring you some clarity on the questions you are having. The Wave Chapter 8: Everywhere You Look, There Is the Face of God
If it's about retaliating against Trump for blocking EU citizens earlier this year, that would be really dumb and petty on the EU's part. Essentially cutting off their nose to spite their face. There really is no reason backed by science to bar specific countries over any others.
Could it be that the EU is more in line with the US Deep State and the Democrats?
been some time since my last post but i have been following everything! hope you all are well and staying sane out there.

personally, mine is being tested today as the gov. of NC has issued it mandatory face mask time for the whole state! oof. instead of moving to 'phase 3' the state geniuses chose to issue this 'requirement.' from my understanding, 'phase 3' is put on hold for three more weeks. tbh, i don't really know nor care what these lame phases mean!

gonna be doing some heavy pipe breathing to stay focused and let this pass.

true, not wearing a mask is not a hill worth dying on but that's not to say i'm not going to push the boundaries a bit! i still plan on keeping up my track record of not wearing one, which has been the entirety of this mess!

anyways, keep the good info and messages flowing! stay safe, stay true blue, and as always, much love.
personally, mine is being tested today as the gov. of NC has issued it mandatory face mask time for the whole state! oof. instead of moving to 'phase 3' the state geniuses chose to issue this 'requirement.' from my understanding, 'phase 3' is put on hold for three more weeks. tbh, i don't really know nor care what these lame phases mean!
Wow, I didn't even know about that. Went out today to a few businesses, no mask and plenty of people not wearing masks. Our NC governor needs to go, he's been a total idiot through this whole thing.

I can relate. My state governor has explicitly refused to give a timeline for phase 3, and masks remain mandatory in all stores. They're really dragging this nonsense out as far as they can.

I've found though that in the smaller stores, if I just walk in without a mask they don't usually say anything.

So, I added a PS comment at the top.

Amazing that they are so freaking brazen with their lies and censorship. Holy Frijoles! Never would I have dreamed to see such stunning, jaw-dropping, evil right in our faces.
If you go into Facebook settings under Blocking, enter words like Fact, Check, Fak Chek, etc. (all permutations you can think up) into the +add field, you’ll come up with dozens of “Fact Checkers”, “Fax Chek’d” etc. These are the bots. Block their asses! The first time I did there were 43 of them. The next day, a dozen new ones had taken their place. Any time I wanna post anything factual, I check them first! See ya, suckers. I’ve never had a warning, much less a post removed!:evil:
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