Why We Should Not Be Concerned About Increasing Covid-19 Cases in Texas
Recall that the original idea of “flattening the curve” was not to make the virus go away but to slow the spread of infections to prevent hospitals from getting overwhelmed in the short run (this was never an issue in Texas). The stay at home order for two weeks was meant to buy time for hospitals to get enough equipment and deal with patients over time rather than all at once. The good news is the hospitals were never overrun.

It also turns out that COVID-19 deaths were a fraction of the most alarmist predictions that drove public policy, and over time that COVID-19 deaths continue to decrease.

But now we hear about rising cases – not deaths – and that is introducing more calls for lockdowns and travel bans.
Want to Kill the Economy Again? Keep Threatening More Lockdowns.
But now we're already seeing governments—by which I mean a small cadre of governors and unelected bureaucrats who currently rule by decree—announcing another round of business closures and ongoing government regulations that micromanage every aspect of a business's daily interactions with customers.
California Business, Retail, Churches, Gyms "may not exclude any member of the public for not wearing a face covering"

Interesting info as California locks down even harder.

"Businesses that are open to the public should be cognizant of the exemptions to wearing face coverings in the CDPH Face Covering Guidance and may not exclude any member of the public for not wearing a face covering if that person is complying with the guidance. Businesses will need to develop policies for handling these exemptions among customers, clients, visitors, and workers."
I'm not sure to what degree this setup might save you from surveillance and 'contact tracing'. Even if the old feature phone or dongle doesn't have GPS, I'm sure they can pinpoint your location using 'triangulation' through mobile masts, but this might be more difficult for 'them'...so that would be a small victory.:evil: Another thing is that a dongle and an old non-smart phone is (maybe) not capable of delivering surveillance data through the microphone. But I wouldn't rule out that today's 4G-dongles might have capabilities in them that we have no idea of. So I don't know if all this would be worth the trouble.
I think a simple difference between a smartphone and, say, a laptop would be that the smartphone would give away your phone number, which means surveillance knows exactly who you are. On a laptop, you don't have to have any identifying information, so the surveillance would only know what you voluntarily share through your internet usage and basic computer/OS info.

I presume when out with a laptop, your IP is random, and you could use Tor or whatever to hide your IP on top of that, so I think the advantage might be that smartphone is just the 'worst' in terms of how much it tells a spy. It's also possible that the architecture of the smartphone is designed to give away more information about you (including maybe hidden apps you don't even know about because who knows what kind of crap they put into those things these days), but that's just a guess. Not having a phone, I have no direct experience with it. I use my PC, hide my IP, and fake just about any info I can.

I think Polly 'nailed' it. I guess we all get to feel like prisoners of war in concentration camps now. There will be no escape to somewhere else either, and it's not going to stop until the people start saying "No!". I don't see that happening, unfortunately.
Not yet. Wait for it! (...is what the aliens are telling me anyway.)
“Cannot Restrict Freedoms” – Illinois Judge Voids Governor Pritzker’s Coronavirus Lockdown Orders
A southern Illinois judge on Thursday declared void Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s orders aimed at slowing the spread of the new coronavirus, saying state law doesn’t allow governors to extend disaster proclamations beyond 30 days or restrict the activities of residents and businesses by executive order.
Pritzker first declared a statewide disaster because of Coronavirus back in early March and continued to issue 30 day extensions — he has used the disaster proclamations in his restrictions in each ‘reopening phase’ dubbed “Restore Illinois.”

This will be appealed, of course. At least there are small victories against indefinite lock-downs and petty tyrants. Maybe this will encourage others.

I went to my chiropractor today. On the office building door, a sign was posted saying the city required mask use. When I went into the building lobby, a young girl sat at a small table with a box of masks and asked if I needed one. I replied, I can't wear a mask, due to medical and mental issues. She told me to go up to the office. Waiting to see the doctor, other patients were wearing masks. When he came out to get me, my doctor was wearing a mask. When inside the treatment room, he asked me why I was not wearing a mask. I replied, "I can't wear a mask." He asked, is it because of allergies... or? I said it is due to several mental distress! He exclaimed, "I'm with you! Do you mind if I take off my mask?" So he did. And our visit went well after that.
At the correspondence session, the Slovenian government added Croatia, France and the Czech Republic to the 'yellow list' of countries that are no longer epidemiologically safe, which means that citizens of these countries will be able to enter the country only by presenting a negative test for coronavirus no older than 36 hours. Or if they transit Slovenia within 12 hours. Everyone else will have to be quarantined

An exception to the quarantine will be granted to tourists who have booked accommodation in Slovenia at a time when Croatia was still an epidemiologically safe country.

A person applying for this exemption when crossing the border must submit a negative test for COVID-19 not older than 36 hours performed in an EU Member State or the Schengen area.

For transit through Slovenia without stopping, those coming from destinations on the "yellow" list usually need a Covid-19 negative test result, and not older than 36 hours.

So, if some tourists decided that they want i.e. camping, cut-off-the-world vacation and those people happen to be families with children and they have no clue that they have to show negative tests coming back home to i.e. Austria or Germany from their vacation in Croatia, they will have to find and wait extra hours to make that test - IF they can make it the same day.
If not, they will have to book extra days in Croatia or travel extra miles and go home via Hungary.

Slovenia decided that TODAY and it applies from TOMORROW. Friday and Saturday are tourist exchange days with most tourists leaving or entering Croatia.

It is still not 100% clear from the portals whether transit passengers will really MUST present negative tests as well, but it does point to that direction.
Which would be really stupid, since one can easily drive trough Slovenia non-stop in 1,5h - 2h top.
Media Ignores Deaths Dropping By 90%, New Coronavirus Death Low Since April 21
Yes, cases have increased in some states, including the state I’m presently in, Florida, but most of those cases occurred in people in their twenties and thirties and people in their twenties and thirties have nearly a zero percent death rate from this virus. So there’s no guarantee that increasing cases is going to change much of anything in this country. The fact that cases are increasing certainly a part of the coronavirus story, but it’s not the only part of this story.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announces increased enforcement of mask, distancing, occupancy standards
“If the counties do not see a downturn quickly, restrictive measures such as business closures or tighter gathering size limits will ensue,” the governor’s office said in a news release.
Now the petty tyrant exposes herself — not that she hasn't already. The only way to see a downturn is to test less. Brown is setting up a no-win situation. [I've posted numerous times about why the infection rate is a meaningless metric at this point.]
The move comes as Oregon’s number of new daily coronavirus cases soared to record-breaking heights for the second consecutive day on Thursday with 375 cases, topping Wednesday’s 281.

Let's not forget to mention that there's been one more death (a 73-year-old with underlying conditions). Yep, the total alleged deaths have "soared" to 209. Try to find a second wave in those stats.

And about those "underlying conditions." Let's say a person is 85 years old, has heart disease and cancer, then dies. If that person tests positive for Covid-1984, then that becomes the cause of death, while the heart disease and cancer become merely "underlying conditions."

Finally, a personal anecdote: My ex went in to Kaiser for a back problem. Did you know that a nose swab is part of diagnosing a back problem? The results aren't in yet, but I fully expect this to be logged as "hospitalized with Covid."

I went to my chiropractor today. On the office building door, a sign was posted saying the city required mask use. When I went into the building lobby, a young girl sat at a small table with a box of masks and asked if I needed one. I replied, I can't wear a mask, due to medical and mental issues. She told me to go up to the office. Waiting to see the doctor, other patients were wearing masks. When he came out to get me, my doctor was wearing a mask. When inside the treatment room, he asked me why I was not wearing a mask. I replied, "I can't wear a mask." He asked, is it because of allergies... or? I said it is due to several mental distress! He exclaimed, "I'm with you! Do you mind if I take off my mask?" So he did. And our visit went well after that.

I hate typos! I meant SEVERE mental distress, not several.
This seems like it could be rather significant. However, as a good citizen, you should head over and get a COVI-PASS™ right now instead of reading the article.
I simply took that to mean she doesn’t own a smartphone, but works constantly from her PC at home. I could of course be way off the mark.:-D
I think so too. "Dumb phones" don't have app capability. Yes, the calls can be monitored and the location can be traced. IMO, NSA knows well the user by their unique voice print. You can use them for calls and texting, but they are less convenient. Some have cameras. Dumb phones are cheap to use. They are still available, but maybe not for much longer. Last time I bought one, there weren't many.
With my smart phone, I keep it on airplane mode and sealed in an RF protection bag when away from home. I check it every few hours. I never take it out of the car (such as going when going onto a store, restaurant, home or office) because of the risk of being near to another phone belonging to a Covid-Positive individual. This is the only way I know to control this, besides staying home 24/7. The last thing I want is to get put on some Covid Tracer's watch list.
Call me paranoid. I don't mind at all.
Miami Mayor goes for broke in Dade County starting at 10pm tonight! This curfew is in effect until further notice. I live one county north in Broward County (Ft. Lauderdale) and am waiting to see if they follow suit to prevent everyone coming here to celebrate July 4th weekend. They have already closed all the beaches, bars and restaurants that serve alcohol! Of course masks are mandatory here and in Miami they are mandated when you step out your front door!

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