The people running this show think of us as cattle and human resources to be managed.

This is becoming abundantly clear. They think of us as human animals. How can they not? They don't posses the nature that gives us the quality we know of as what makes us human. To be creative. To be helpful to one another because we feel to a certain extent that your suffering is my suffering. To engage in meaningful conversation that establishes rapport with one another so we can share in a mutual understanding of life because we want to share that experience.

People in general have a fear I think of grasping that these people making the decisions are not like us. That they do not care about what's best for us. That they want to completely control us and use us for their own purposes. Getting enough people to see this is the biggest hurdle I think.

In the interview that Keyhole did with James Corbett, Corbett made the point that now is the time to try to get people to see what's happening because once they have become too invested in the deception, they're not likely ever going to be able to see it for what it is.
Today I went to see my doctor for a new prescription so I decided to test the water for future options in case they get through with their plan of mandatory vaccinations.
My family practioner is also a friend, a good human being and doctor with a heart of gold (as Gaby).
Since it was only for the prescription to be signed I waited in line with other patients so I prepared a hand written note for him to read, saying, "In no circumstances I want to get vaccinated with whatever they come up with when they make vaccination mandatory. Can I count on you?"
His answer came a bit as a surprise. He said, "They won't make it mandatory. That would be physical injury."
God bless his good heart but I think it's naive to believe so.
As a health care worker I would probably be first in line to get the vaccine and it's not as if Germany knows no mandatory vaccinations. As of this month a measle vaccination became mandatory for nurses born after December 1970 and/or without antibodies. I'm lucky that this one won't apply to me.
Anyway him equating forced vaccination with physical injury gave me some relief and hope that when the SHTF there will be a bag of tricks to work with.
They think of us as human animals.
Sadly, most of the population has given them no reason to think otherwise in the last ~3 months.

The country code has changed from AUS to AU, now the same as Austria
That's not quite how it works.
aus.png aut.png

I don't think they can arbitrarily change these standards. But they can probably choose which one to use for a logo.
So unless you know something specific in regard to that, I wouldn't say the 'country code has changed' just based on the logo.

(This software in the pictures is freeware you can download somewhere, if anyone's interested.)

This new logo apparently cost $10 million dollars!
What the fu*k... I could have done it for $100! Next time your government needs a new logo please tell them to contact me. I'll do it for half the price and share the $5 mill with you guys here.

Seriously, governments are experts at spending millions of dollars on things that should cost a few hundred, or a few thousand at worst (like websites). But when they declare a circus is in town (especially in every town on earth at the same time), they can get away with anything.
I think Polly 'nailed' it. I guess we all get to feel like prisoners of war in concentration camps now. There will be no escape to somewhere else either, and it's not going to stop until the people start saying "No!". I don't see that happening, unfortunately.

Yes, this was stupendous dot connecting by Polly. It's scary to see how all the pieces fit 'nicely' together. I was just thinking today (before I saw this) how even when I'm – thanks to this amazing forum – well aware of the lies and manipulation, I'm still starting to feel like my spirit it being dragged down more and more. So I agree with Polly, this is coercion and torture. I can only imagine how deeply affected those people are who are genuinely afraid of this virus. If this goes on long enough, people will surely end up in bad mental shape (and many already have).

I think we need to lift our spirits up with any little thing we can come up with. Right now, I'm not sure what those would be...
I think we need to lift our spirits up with any little thing we can come up with. Right now, I'm not sure what those would be...
You might want to check out what @bjorn has been doing?
I say he has been doing a Brilliant job with these spirit lifting "little things", videos and photos of amazing and beloved 2D residents of the big Blue Planet.
Watching this one today gave me such a laugh!
I was just thinking today (before I saw this) how even when I'm – thanks to this amazing forum – well aware of the lies and manipulation, I'm still starting to feel like my spirit it being dragged down more and more. So I agree with Polly, this is coercion and torture.

Same here and this kind of knowledge can make it even more challenging to buoy up spirits. Seeing truth is not for the faint-hearted for sure.
Many mechanics of this world that we knew about theoretically from research just manifested themselves straight into our very own lives and the force that is applied on us by doing so hits home on a totally different level than before.
Having eyes to see in the face of such blatant lies and such overwhelming stupidity must give any seeker of truth an extra session of torture, osit.
Like Cypher in the Matrix movie when he eats the steak claiming that 'ignorance is bliss', I see many people claiming that things will just turn out fine and go back to normal. They don't seem to bother too much, keep their eyes tight shut while probably only having a blurred, suppressed feeling that something is just not right.
We are tortured in full awareness that we are being tortured.
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A little update on my side about this corona thingy. I met with several friends, family and acquaintances since the end of the lockdown who became more "at peace" with this craziness. What tickled my interest is that several of them, said things to me along the lines of: "if only this virus could wipe out all the evil ones on the planet and let the good ones to live", "the Earth is cleaning itself of those who don't want to change" , "I get the feeling that this is some kind of retribution"...
None of these people are remotedly spiritual, religious or into alternative media, which is why it surprised me coming from them. Maybe some people are unconsciously picking up clues that this virus is some kind of tool to either destroy or enhance DNA. Maybe this is one of the consequence of the positive strain of the virus.
I kept a poker face while listening and directed them to some articles that would inform them without scaring them (too much), but inside I was overjoyed, I was like "YES!"
I think Polly 'nailed' it. I guess we all get to feel like prisoners of war in concentration camps now. There will be no escape to somewhere else either, and it's not going to stop until the people start saying "No!". I don't see that happening, unfortunately.

That's a good video - 43 mins. Here's the link to the Amnesty International Report on Torture that she refers to. The report is 242 pages long without the bibliography and index and was first published in 1973.

Polly highlights this paragraph from the Introduction of the Report:

Those who consciously justify torture, and are not candid enough to state that they use it to defend their own power and privilege, rely essentially on the philosophic argument of a lesser evil for the greater good. They reinforce this with an appeal to the doctrine of necessity – the existential situation forces them to make a choice between two evils.

Don't we know that!

Here are the subjects covered in the Report:

Historical Aspects of Torture
The Problem of Legal Definition

Chapter 1: Medical and Psychological Aspects of Torture.
- Torture as a stress
- Manipulation and resistance
- Pharmacological torture
- Injury and long term effects
- Torturers: psychological aspects
- The difficulty of investigation

Chapter 2: Legal Remedies
- International Governmental organisations
- Non Governmental organisations
- Case Study A: The UN and Occupied Territories of the Middle East.
- Case Study B: Regional and International response to the use of torture in Greece, 1967-1973
- Case Study C: The UK Government and Northern Ireland

Chapter 3: The Nature of the Evidence.
[Here it indexes evidence from different states in Africa, Asia, Western Europe, the America's and the Middle East and the different states are all indexed with their own page numbers]

Polly states toward the end of the video:

I truly believe that once you can name what's happening to you, you can begin to recover your morale and your ability to fight it and your spirit because it's happening to all of us. All of us are in this right now, together. Ha! I'll steal their phrase and I'll use it for good. We are all being tortured right now, but once you see it, it can be a bit of a game, it really can and then you can also help save others from this depression and anxiety cycle they're probably all going through right now too. So lets turn this around on them.
Oregon's COVID-19 data isn't scary, so why the panic?

A few days ago I posted two articles by this author, J.B. Handley: Lockdown Lunacy and Lockdown Lunacy 2.0. They seem to be excellent and cover topics like herd immunity, IFR, secondary transmission, Farr's law, and various other stuff — with interesting commentary, quotes, and analysis. I got a lot out of them, and they confirmed things I thought I was seeing that didn't seem to justify the continued lock-down.

This time Handley focuses on Oregon, but others might find some relevance to their own situations (e.g., abuse of stats, abuse of authority). As Oregon embarks on an additional 60 days under the Governor's extended emergency order, and her threats that schools may not open in the fall, here are two excerpts:
Every weekday in Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority publishes numbers about COVID-19 in Oregon, and every day I am astonished by the disconnect between the headlines, the behavior of our Governor, and the actual data.
Are you seeing a pattern here? If not, I’ll spell it out for you:
  • Covid-19 peaked in Oregon in mid-march
  • Our numbers today are TINY
  • The only thing that has increased is the number of tests administered, which makes positive cases a meaningless metric
  • If you think the lockdown had anything to do with when the virus peaked, the data doesn't support that idea. The data shows we peaked well before the lockdown would have had an impact, which is true for many places, because the virus has been present far longer than we knew. Just look at NY and Italy.
Does @Scottie or someone else know what Polly might be referring to in her video when she says (paraphrasing): "I'm always online, but without using a smartphone. If you're smart you'll figure out how to do that."

I've been thinking of this, and the two things I can think of is that while on-the-go she's using either an old feature phone (non-smartphone) that has the capability to establish a internet hotspot using a 4G connection, or a 4G USB-dongle. Then she maybe connects a tablet of some sort or a small laptop to that.

I'm not sure to what degree this setup might save you from surveillance and 'contact tracing'. Even if the old feature phone or dongle doesn't have GPS, I'm sure they can pinpoint your location using 'triangulation' through mobile masts, but this might be more difficult for 'them' that would be a small victory.:evil: Another thing is that a dongle and an old non-smart phone is (maybe) not capable of delivering surveillance data through the microphone. But I wouldn't rule out that today's 4G-dongles might have capabilities in them that we have no idea of. So I don't know if all this would be worth the trouble.
Update on a legal challenge by a businessman against the UK government questioning the legality of the lockdown.

High court hears legal challenge to England's lockdown restrictions
The government’s lockdown, which has closed schools, premises and companies while limiting free movement, is the “most sweeping and far-reaching” restriction on fundamental rights since the second world war, the high court has been told.

In a challenge to the legality of emergency legislation, the businessman Simon Dolan, whose Jota Aviation company has been delivering personal protective equipment (PPE) to the NHS, is testing the full extent of the powers under which England has been confined for the past 101 days.

The hearing is taking place via video link due to the coronavirus crisis, with lawyers participating remotely from their homes or chambers.

Lawyers for Dolan argue that the emergency restrictions, announced by the prime minister on 23 March, are illegal, breach human rights laws and fail to take account of other significant factors.

Opening the case, Philip Havers QC, for Dolan, said it was aimed at challenging the “most sweeping and far-reaching restrictions on fundamental rights in England since world war two, if not before”.

The powers being used, despite the easing of lockdown, were “still unlawful and disproportionate”, he said, while the government has indicated that it may yet reimpose “stringent restrictions”.

The risk of any child without a pre-existing medical condition suffering serious illness is “vanishingly small”, Havers said. “There’s no reason not to send all the children back to school.”

Havers questioned whether the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984 and the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 had indeed given the government power to close businesses.

In written submissions to the high court, lawyers for Dolan said: “The almost unbelievably complicated and arbitrary [government] guidelines – not adequately reflected in the … regulations – are symptomatic of a government that is seeking to impose a degree of control and micro-management over the lives of its citizens that is wholly incompatible with [human rights law] and that is not proportionate to the harm that the rules are designed to combat.”

A statement submitted by Michael Gardner, a solicitor representing Dolan, declared: “Extraordinarily elaborate and complicated rules have now been imposed on the whole population – irrespective of whether they are in high-risk groups or not.”

There had been inadequate parliamentary scrutiny of the regulations and their impact, the court was told.

The case has been paid for through crowd-funding on the CrowdJustice website, which has already raised more than £200,000.

The case, being heard by Mr Justice Lewis in the high court, is formally a permission hearing, which decides whether the challenge can proceed to a full trial of the issues.

Nonetheless, the main arguments on both sides are being explored. The claim has been brought against the secretary of states for health and education, who are represented by Sir James Eadie QC, the Treasury Devil who leads for the government in important cases.

Eadie, representing the government, told the high court: “In the early weeks of lockdown there were unprecedented and serious risks to life when the pandemic was at its height. The fear was that the NHS would be overwhelmed.

“There have been extraordinary efforts made right across government and the NHS to avoid that. The steps taken in the early days and the severity of the restrictions were precisely based on the seriousness of the risk. Many patients were in critical care … including, it may be added, the prime minister himself.”

Provision for such emergency restrictive health regulations, Eadie said, was available to government under pre-existing laws so that measures can be brought in at short notice. This legal challenge to the regulations had been unnecessarily delayed, he said, and successive amendments have changed them on several occasions.

Dolan said after the hearing: “This government sent the whole country into an enforced lockdown just over 100 days ago and in that time the economy has suffered damage the like we have not seen in 300 years. Hundreds of billions have been wiped off a previously healthy economy and millions of people are now out of work.

“The announced jobless numbers in the past few days makes for devastating reading: 12,000 jobs lost at British Airways, 3,000 at Rolls Royce, 3,000 at The Restaurant Group and 1,700 at Airbus. These are just the numbers publicised now, just think about those who are going to have to support families with no guaranteed income in the months ahead. The harmful toll of the lockdown on the hardworking British public is unacceptable.”

Mr Justice Lewis said he would reserve judgment until next week.

Does @Scottie or someone else know what Polly might be referring to in her video when she says (paraphrasing): "I'm always online, but without using a smartphone. If you're smart you'll figure out how to do that."

I've been thinking of this, and the two things I can think of is that while on-the-go she's using either an old feature phone (non-smartphone) that has the capability to establish a internet hotspot using a 4G connection, or a 4G USB-dongle. Then she maybe connects a tablet of some sort or a small laptop to that.

I'm not sure to what degree this setup might save you from surveillance and 'contact tracing'. Even if the old feature phone or dongle doesn't have GPS, I'm sure they can pinpoint your location using 'triangulation' through mobile masts, but this might be more difficult for 'them' that would be a small victory.:evil: Another thing is that a dongle and an old non-smart phone is (maybe) not capable of delivering surveillance data through the microphone. But I wouldn't rule out that today's 4G-dongles might have capabilities in them that we have no idea of. So I don't know if all this would be worth the trouble.
I simply took that to mean she doesn’t own a smartphone, but works constantly from her PC at home. I could of course be way off the mark.:-D
Very brief clip, so wondering about context. Bill Gates is talking about either the next pandemic or a second wave of COVID. I'm not a mind-reader, but would describe his expression as a knowing smirk. It's possible that he simply means, having had the current experience, the population is now sensitized to the notion of pandemics.

"...we will have to prepare for the next one. THAT ... WILL get attention this time."

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