OK, so now Oregon's state of emergency is extended through Sept. 4.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown said:
Now, we again find ourselves at a crossroads as a state. The individual choices each of us makes will decide whether Oregon either flattens the curve of new COVID-19 infections, or sees a devastating spike in cases that overwhelms our hospital capacity in the next month.
Interesting demographics are at play. Latino communities make up 11% of the population of Multnomah County (Portland, OR), yet represent 35% of all positive cases. Pacific Islanders have more than three times the rate of any other ethnic group in the state.
Gouge America First? At $3,200 per treatment of six doses, isn't that over $3,100 profit? I saw an article somewhere that stated the cost of producing remdesivir, but don't think I saved a link.
I work for an insurance company. We were told that the federal government has "donated" Remdesivir to facilities for treatment of covid. It is considered investigational. If they bill for the donated drug, it will be denied as not covered.
As long as Remdesivir is then donated to patients, then all is good (assuming Remdesivir is a "good drug"). Otherwise wouldn't it represents a double-billing? Isn't anything that the Feds "donate" paid for by taxpayers?

Assuming that the taxpayer is paying for the Federal Government's largess, all I can do is hope that the government is buying at a huge discount.

Well, that's suspicious.

Here's an article on Remdesivir that states it's an antiviral. The mention that the body converts it to mimic an adenosine.

First, the body converts remdesivir into an imposter. It becomes what’s called a nucleoside analog—a genetic doppelganger that resembles adenosine, one of the four “letters” of the RNA alphabet that make up the genomes of ebolaviruses and coronaviruses. When the virus replicates, it weaves this analog into the new strand of genetic material. However, the analog's molecular makeup differs from real adenosine just enough to grind the copying process to a halt. “If the virus can’t make copies of itself, the body’s immune system can take over and fight off the infection,” USAMRIID researcher Travis Warren explained in the 2015 announcement.

USAMRIID is the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and the link goes to release from Fort Detrick in 2015 that's cached on the Wayback Machine.

Apart from Remdesivir combatting viruses, what does adenosine do?

Adenosine is a chemical that is present in all human cells. People also use it for medicine. Adenosine comes in three different forms: adenosine, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Adenosine is given intravenously by healthcare providers for treating surgical pain and nerve pain, pulmonary hypertension, and certain types of irregular heartbeat. It is also given for controlling blood pressure during anesthesia and surgery and for heart tests called cardiac stress tests.

AMP is taken by mouth to treat shingles (herpes zoster infection), erectile dysfunction, and a blood disorder called porphyria cutanea tarda. AMP is given by injection into the muscle (intramuscularly) for treating venous stasis ulcers, bursitis, pain and swollen tendons (tendonitis), itchiness, multiple sclerosis(MS), nerve pain, shingles (herpes zoster infection), cold sores(herpes labialis), and poor blood circulation.

ATP is used under the tongue to increase physical energy. It is also given intravenously (by IV) for treating acute kidney failure, multiple organ failure, high blood pressure in lung arteries(pulmonary hypertension), cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, weight loss associated with cancer, and controlling blood pressure during anesthesia and surgery. It is also used for cardiac stress tests.

Adenosine is also used topically for the treatment of male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia).

How does it work?
Adenosine blocks faulty circuitry in the heart, which causes irregular heart rhythm. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) might prevent changes in energy metabolism that cause weight loss in people with advanced cancer.

The above might be worthy of the attention of minds more knowledgeable in chemistry, biology, medical research etc than mine, but I'm wondering if Remdesivir is planned as the the Huxleyan soma of the Brave New Normal and Happytalism of the UN New World Order and maybe the blue pill taken to return to the matrix?

That would explain why they've spent so much money on it to then provide it for free.

Edited to add: It also explains why the control system particularly needed a virus to manipulate the people to accept the changes.
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Date: May 23rd 2020

A: Soon astronomical phenomena.

Q: (Artemis) Astronomical phenomena... Didn't they recently broadcast that aliens or UFOs are now real or something like that? Is that related?

A: Yes. Clever you are!

Q: (Joe) Artemis, you just referred to those recent reports about UFOs - the Pentagon stuff. You asked if that was related to the astronomical phenomena?

(Artemis) Yeah.

(Joe) In what way do you think they were related?

(Artemis) Well, you have a pandemic, and then on the side, "Hey! UFOs are real! LOL!" But then let's just sweep that under the rug. Like they got it out of the way because they have to. It's kind of suspicious.

(L) It's extremely suspicious. And meanwhile, they're pushing these investigations into Obama and his gang in a fairly determined way. With the pandemic thing going on, that's kind of... I mean, they can erase that from the front page with pandemic news.

(Artemis) It's almost like they HAVE to reveal the real existence of UFOs because of some reason, but they don't really want anybody to be paying attention

When I re-read last session transcript, this time I can see more clearly what Cs meant about the “ Soon astronomical phenomena”, this could be related to the UFOs, especially the last post that I mentioned about soon underground Aryans will show up and introducing their self as Martians. Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

I have noticed that very strange thing happening right now, it seems like everybody is waiting something and people keep saying “new normal “ after this pandemic.
So when Aryans show up and then they declare that they come here to save humanity then probably lots of people would follow them to escape from the viruses, economic crisis so on.
And then people become their slave.

Because the Aryans is negative beings that they even blowed up their home planet, Atlantis and the Crystals. So it seems where ever they go they destroy things.
And they are bi-density beings that they are more comfortable in living in 4th density but choose to come this third density after their planet destroyed. So there’s some reason or. sinister plans.
And they are the behind the Masonic, Illuminati and some person like Courtney Brown.

October 7, 1994

Q: (L) You said the other night that there was a planet between Mars and Jupiter that was destroyed and became the asteroid belt. Was this planet ever inhabited by sentient beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What caused this planet to be destroyed?

A: Psychic energy.

Q: (L) What was the source of this psychic energy?

A: Beings inhabiting the planet.

Q: (L) Did any of those beings leave that planet and come to earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who were they? Were they humans like us?

A: Blond and blue eyed descendants.

Q: (L) How did the people of that planet come to earth? Did they know it was going to be destroyed?

A: Some knew and were taken by Lizzies and they are the Annunaki.

Q: (L) What is the origin of the Aryan race?

A: 5th planet now know as asteroid belt.1

Q: (L) When did they come to earth?

A: 80 thousand years ago? Difficult for us to use your measuring system.

October, 22 1994

Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars that we now know as the asteroid belt, you said was destroyed by psychic energy. Could you clarify that?

A: The occupants of that planet, many of whom are your soul ancestors, simply decided to develop a service to self atmosphere that was so super charged in the negative that it actually caused their home planet to be destroyed because the energy levels became so intense crashing back upon themselves that they actually destroyed the atomic structure of the planet, causing it to physically explode.

Q: (L) Did they do something like drop bombs?

A: No, no. This was done by psychic energy.

May 31, 1997

Q: ...How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at Tenerife?

A: Teleportation.

Q: Who teleported it there?

A: The "Celts."

Q: Celts in the sense of the Druids?

A: Or in the sense of Atlanteans.

Q: The Atlanteans were Celts?

A: "Celts, Druids," etc... are merely latter day designations.

Q: Let's back up here. You said that the Celts came from Kantek. They were transported by the Lizzies... brought here, correct?

A: Yes.

Q: When the Lizzies did this, how many Celts were physically brought here?

A: Hundreds of millions.

Q: And, that was what, 79 to 80 thousand years ago?

A: Over 80,000.

Q: As I understand it, Atlantis was already quite a developed civilization at that time, is that correct?

A: Yes, but regions change with waves of immigration, or conquest...

Q: You also said once that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?

A: Choose.

Q: The Atlanteans? Were the Celts of India at war with the Atlanteans in the Atlantic?

A: Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilisation of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge Island empire, which, in itself, underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period as you would measure it.

Q: The 3 races were the Celts... and who were the second and third?

A: Or Kantekkians.

Q: So, Atlantis had the Kantekkians and who else?

A: Race you would call "Native Americans," and a third, no longer existing race, somewhat resembling Australian or Guinean aborigines, only lighter in complexion.

Q: Was this third group destroyed by the other two?

A: One of the 3 cataclysms.

Q: ...Okay, I think that you said that this nuclear war happened something like 50,000 years ago. We have taken care of a couple of points; we have 3 races on Atlantis, Celts all over the place... did the Celts conquer the Atlanteans?

A: No.

A: They took over the Northern section

Q: Were the Picts also Celts?

A: No, Atlantean. Remember, "Celt" is latter day moniker.

Q: Were the Picts Kantekkians?

A: Originally.

Q: Okay, something that has been bothering me: the Celtic/Kantekkian propensity for head hunting. There are several explanations offered for this, but none of them really makes sense to me. It is almost like a genetic thing for them to cut off heads of their enemies and heroes...
Q: Oh, my! You mean they cut off heads to accrue negative energy to themselves? Power?

A: Foundationally

20 October 2005

Q: (Galahad) In reading through the transcripts in the 9/11 book, I was confused about the genetic tweak that was made 130,000 years ago. Was that a tweak that was done to all the Semites, so it wasn’t only the Jews?

A: Question is what is a Semite?

Q: (Galahad) You make a remark that this thing with Hitler goes off planet. So was this something that was going on on Kantek before it exploded?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galahad) Did the Semites have a significant role in the collapse of Atlantis?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Discussion of who are the Semites) (Galahad) So the real Semites are the Aryans?

A: You got it!

Q: (L) So that means that the rank and file of Jews that have carried the tradition, the Arabic types, just took on the tradition and carried it... They were just intermediaries. They stole the significator of the original Semites and applied it to themselves. (Perceval) Semites is like Middle Eastern, isn’t it?

A: Is it? Was it?

November 23, 1996

Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this quasi fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about the Martians?

A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well- informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!

Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot easier to understand than densities! (L) Okay, Third Eye. What is this?

A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.

November 19, 1994

Q: (L) And the third and final destruction was caused by what?

A: Crystals.

Q: (T) Are the crystals still active?

A: Bermuda triangle.

Q: (L) How come this crystal didn't shatter or break up during the subsidence of Atlantis?

A: Extraordinarily strong. An atomic bomb would not shatter it. The chain reaction of a thermonuclear explosion would be absorbed into the crystal and transferred into pure energy. That relates to the design function.

Q: (L) And then what would happen?

A: Energy dispersal unless focused as engineered by the Atlanteans.

Q: (L) Where did they get this technology?

A: They evolved it.

Q: (L) They invented it themselves?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did they interact with any aliens?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did they get any help at all from these extraterrestrials?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who were these aliens?

A: Lizards.
Thank You Kay Kim for the history lesson C's style. I am in Oregon (see above) and the vast super-massive panorama of history helps put things in perspective. Something I needed today since I just got word of the wearing of masks at indoor public venues. I was also getting depressed by how many people I know and care for have been reeled in hook, line and sinker. People are getting very cranky and are angrily lashing out in a surprising way, destroying relationships; shutting down their minds. It is spooky. But thinking about 100,000 year empires rising and falling with epic numbers of off-planet emigrees and imploding worlds is... somehow... comforting.

And it all goes along with the idea that at some point the negativity will start to trigger the cosmic events that interrupt the dystopia that is forming. Something to have faith in. But a major challenge just to stand by doing nothing...observing. My gosh I made a few social media comments today...mild questions, really, and people were foaming at the mouth in short order. Thanks again for putting it in perspective.
Yes, it is quite apparent that the end game in Canada and most other places is mandatory masking everywhere outside your home. Just watching the MSM, seeing the health authorities and politicians across the country all in lockstep spouting their latest downloaded orders, it's really getting to the point of complete insanity. And sadly so many people are going along with this, it's never been more clear how few people can actually think anymore. And yet I've noticed nearly every time I'm in a store the staff who have to wear the masks will comment on how much they hate wearing them, and you can see them constantly adjusting them, touching their faces, making the masks even more useless than they already were. Such a farce!

I saw an article today about mandatory mask wearing for eastern Ontario to be implemented sometime next week -
Dr. Paul: Mandatory face masks coming

It's Canada Day here today. I don't think there is anything to celebrate.
Here's an interesting analysis, posted yesterday. I haven't gone through it yet in great detail, but this caught my eye as it addresses the apparent "second wave":
So, as the state re-opened, they began to test everyone, “regardless of age and symptoms.” What do you think would happen when they did that? Obviously, more positives. So, here’s my first fact:

Fact #1: All of the “second wave” states have dramatically increased their testing. This alone causes cases to rise, and is the single biggest reason they have.

Here's the first installment from a month ago. I just found it today, which led me to the piece above. It certainly challenges important aspects of the the prevailing narrative. I haven't gone through this one in great detail either, but both look promising enough to get them out there.
It's Canada Day here today. I don't think there is anything to celebrate.

Speaking of Canada Day, the grateful nation's Royal Canadian Mint just rolled out, for front line workers, the new "wearable recognition medal."

Royal Canadian Mint releases special-edition medal to thank COVID-19 essential workers

Published Monday, June 29, 2020 1:17PM MDT

Royal Canadian Mint COVID-19 essential workers

A special-edition collectible medal being produced by the Royal Canadian Mint is meant to thank essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Handout)

This is a "nickel-plated steel medal includes a magnet so it can be worn.

The medal is available for $9.95"

Not exactly a scientific test, here's a 2-minute video demonstrating O2 depletion when wearing a typical-looking muzzle.

Yes, good one (as you said the second guy). It is a pretty good standard tool as an indicator when calibrated, as it was. It was 17.4 (% by volume) of O2 without any exertion when he was masked.

For lung respiration:

Safe Oxygen Levels
For humans and many animals to sustain normal functions, the percentage of oxygen required to sustain life falls within a small range. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans runs between 19.5 and 23.5 percent.

Not Enough Oxygen: Side Effects

Serious side effects can occur if the oxygen levels drop outside the safe zone. When oxygen concentrations drop from 19.5 to 16 percent, and you engage in physical activity, your cells fail to receive the oxygen needed to function correctly. Mental functions become impaired and respiration intermittent at oxygen concentrations that drop from 10 to 14 percent; at these levels with any amount of physical activity, the body becomes exhausted. Humans won't survive with levels at 6 percent or lower.

The guy started off unmasked at a little below optimum and ended up breathing a masked degraded atmosphere. Masks like these set up, more or less, a confined space for your lungs, in principle.

Link - for a confined space:
Impossible to read last posts, sorry. I just come to quote a passage from a book (in french by Eric Ancelet En finir avec Pasteur - let's finish with Pasteur):

Les épidémies et donc la virulence des germes impliqués dépendent aussi de facteurs « extraterrestres », dont l'alternance des jours et des nuits et celle des saisons constituent les aspects les plus perceptibles à nos sens et à notre intellect. La physique a montré que tous les êtres vivants sont étroitement connectés, par l'intermé- diaire de champs énergétiques, à ces multiples rythmes et cycles cosmiques qui modifient le champ magnétique terrestre, les courants électro-telluriques qui parcourent le magma et corrélativement les paramètres biophysiques et biochimiques qui caractérisent le « terrain biologique », paramètres décrits et mesurés par Louis-Claude Vincent [12]. L'Univers est donc vecteur de multiples informations qu'il nous est impossible d'éviter, et qui sont probablement l'un des moteurs de l'évolution. Périodiquement donc, selon des cycles complexes, des bouleversements cosmiques et telluriques tendent à modifier les valeurs d'équilibre du milieu intérieur. Les êtres vivants y font face avec plus ou moins de bonheur selon la qualité de ce milieu intérieur qui conditionne l'expression des programmes génétiques et ce que nous nommons « immunité ». Selon les capacités de régulation et d'adaptation propres à chacun, nous allons permettre ou non l'émergence, l'activation et la transmission de « microbes » à un moment donné. Il y a donc une concordance précise et rigoureuse entre l'environnement électromagnétique de la planète, les données culturelles propres à un lieu et à une époque, l'état du milieu intérieur des individus et l'activation microbienne au sein des populations.

Le sens des épidémies ?
Hier comme aujourd'hui, ici comme ailleurs, les grands conflits humains, l'inégalité sociale, la détresse affective, les guerres territoriales, la promiscuité, la malnutrition, l'absence d'eau potable et le défaut d'assainissement jouent un rôle essentiel dans le déclenchement cyclique de certains mécanismes régulateurs, assimilables à une véritable « sélection naturelle ». Considérées sans anthropocentrisme, en prenant un peu de distance par rapport aux peurs multiples qui altèrent notre jugement et déterminent chacun de nos actes, envisagées du point de vue d'une biosphère parfaitement intégrée et douée d'autorégulation, les épidémies peuvent en effet apparaître comme un mécanisme régulateur permettant de tempérer un peu les ravages liés à notre prolifération. Ne sommes-nous pas, et de plus en plus, en conflit sévère avec notre planète ?

deepl translation:

Epidemics and therefore the virulence of the germs involved also depend on "extraterrestrial" factors, of which the alternation of days and nights and the seasons are the most perceptible aspects to our senses and intellect. Physics has shown that all living beings are closely connected through the interplay of the senses and the seasons. of energy fields, to these multiple rhythms and cycles, to these multiple rhythms and cycles cosmic factors that modify the Earth's magnetic field, the electro-telluric currents that flow through the magma and, correlatively, the biophysical and biochemical parameters that characterize the "biological terrain", parameters described and measured by Louis-Claude Vincent [12].
The Universe is thus a vector of multiple information that we cannot avoid, and which is probably one of the engines of evolution. Periodically, therefore, according to complex cycles, cosmic and telluric upheavals tend to modify the equilibrium values of the inner environment. Living beings face these changes with more or less happiness depending on the quality of this inner environment, which conditions the expression of genetic programs and what we call "immunity". According to the regulation and adaptation capacities specific to each one, we will allow or not allow the emergence, activation and transmission of the immune system. of "germs" at any given time. So there is a concordance between the electromagnetic environment of the the planet, cultural data specific to a place and a time, the state of the internal environment of individuals and microbial activation within populations.

The meaning of epidemics?
Yesterday as today, here as elsewhere, the great human conflicts, social inequality, emotional distress, territorial wars, promiscuity, malnutrition, lack of safe drinking water and poor sanitation play a role essential in the cyclical triggering of certain mechanisms regulators, comparable to a "natural selection". Considered without anthropocentrism, taking a little distance from the multiple fears that alter our judgement and determine our every action, viewed from the point of view of a perfectly integrated and self-regulating biosphere, epidemics can indeed appear as a regulating mechanism, to temper some of the devastation caused by our proliferation. Epidemics can indeed appear as a regulating mechanism to moderate a little the ravages linked to our proliferation. Are we not, and increasingly so, in severe conflict with our planet?
Just want to share that: the consequence of GMO viruses (as SARS, covid, etc) not only on our health but also on all living beings (from bacterias to plants to insects, mammals, etc
From the same book:

The first step from DNA to RNA is called transcription. The second step, from RNA to proteins, is called translation. This is the genetic code, identical from virus to human. This universality seems to justify for some people what is today called transgenism, aberrant transfers of genes from one organism to another, from one species to another, from one kingdom to another, without consideration for the inevitable imbalances that this will create.

Jean-Claude Perez, a multidisciplinary researcher, has discovered a numerical order in DNA, based on mathematical sequences such as Fibonacci's, revealing the omnipresence of the Golden Number (phi = 1.618) in the arrangement of nucleotides [22]. If this order reflects the neglectropy, stability and cohesion of DNA acquired over millions of years of evolution from the first prokaryotes to higher mammals, what can be the effect of a transgene introduced "at random" using genetic engineering techniques? At best, the recipient organism can destroy or reject this "graft" which has no homeostatic or evolutionary meaning. However, there are other possible scenarios. Because of the exchange of genes between all interconnected living beings, the risk of contamination of the environment by genetically modified organisms is enormous. An abrupt break in the myriad digital resonances of the DNA of a plant or animal can instantly lead to multiple and disordered mutations, totally uncontrollable, a veritable biological chaos. This is not a long-term danger, but a possible disaster in the very short term, which could mean the destruction of the entire biosphere.

La première étape, de l'ADN vers l'ARN, s'appelle transcription. La seconde étape, de l'ARN vers les protéines, s'appelle traduction. Ceci constitue le code génétique, identique du virus à l'homme. Cette universalité semble justifier pour certains ce que l'on nomme aujourd'hui transgénisme, des transferts aberrants de gènes d'un organisme à l'autre, d'une espèce à l'autre, d'un règne à l'autre, sans considération pour les inévitables déséquilibres que cela va engendrer. Jean-Claude Perez, chercheur pluridisciplinaire, a en effet découvert un ordre numérique dans l'ADN, fondé sur des suites mathématiques comme celle de Fibonacci, et révélant l'omniprésence du Nombre d'Or (phi = 1,618) dans l'agencement des nucléotides [22]. Si cet ordre traduit la néguentropie, la stabilité et la cohésion de l'ADN acquises au cours de millions d'années d'évolution depuis les premiers procaryotes jusqu'aux mammifères supérieurs, quel peut être l'effet d'un transgène introduit « au hasard » grâce aux techniques du génie génétique ? Dans le meilleur des cas, l'organisme receveur peut détruire ou rejeter cette « greffe » qui n'a aucun sens homéostatique ou évolutif. Toutefois, il existe d'autres scénarios possibles. Du fait des échanges de gènes entre tous les êtres vivants interconnectés, le risque de contamination de l'environnement par les organismes génétiquement modifiés est énorme. Une rupture brutale des myriades de résonances numériques de l'ADN d'une plante ou d'un animal peut engendrer instantanément des mutations multiples et désordonnées, totalement incontrôlables, un véritable chaos biologique. Il ne s'agit pas ici d'un danger à long terme, mais d'une catastrophe possible à très court terme, qui peut signifier la destruction de toute la biosphère.
Another anecdote from the Empire State (as in, New York): my husband is a construction supervisor for a high end construction company in the city. Thanks to COVID-19, a lot of new guidelines need to be followed, from checking workers' temperatures, to wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, disinfecting surfaces, filling out forms for compliance -- all of which will add time/cost to the completion of these interior renovation jobs.

Now, in one of the buildings where my husband's company has a job, an inspector from DOB [NYC's Department of Buildings] arrives, and, as typically happens, the supervisor asks him to sign in before entering the building to inspect a construction site (these days for COVID-19 violations). Any case, this DOB inspector refuses to sign in, and so the super refuses him entry, whereby the DOB inspector leaves. The super then complains to my husband's boss (whose job was about to be inspected) that he couldn't tell if this was some sort of test. In other words, if he DID allow DOB entry without signing in (which is against standard procedure), would DOB turn around and fine him for that? And since couldn't be sure, he turned the guy away.

So, anyway, the DOB inspector showed up again, and again he wouldn't sign in. So, again the super denied him entry. Only, this time the DOB inspector took out his Covid compliance form, and started checking all these boxes for non-compliance -- only, he didn't even see the job yet! And we're talking maybe $5,000 per violation, which starts to add up pretty quick.

Of course, my husband's boss will call his lawyer and attempt to confront all this idiocy. Still, this is what is going on now. So, it does seem an agenda is now underway to have city agencies like DOB use this Covid situation to start fining like crazy -- even illegally, as in this case.

Mayor de Blasio, of course, is a spineless tool. The BLM mob is now squatting in front of City Hall, and it seems he's already agreed to slash one billion dollars from the New York Police Department's funding. Meanwhile, we'll be seeing all sorts of illicit maneuvering -- such as the one I cited above -- in the name of COVID-19. So, it's a two pronged attack, making New Yorkers increasingly vulnerable to all manner of control, and [violent] abuse.
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