I'm in SW Washington State, across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. Our asshole governor made an edict that everyone is to wear facemasks, everywhere, even in the car (if multiple people are traveling together). Anyway, I've been to a few stores since and haven't worn a mask. No one's said anything, and many people aren't wearing them, but the majority are. We're required to wear face masks at my work though, but I don't over my nose because I feel like I'm suffocating. I've told my boss, I won't wear it over my nose and he's fine with it. Anyway, this whole situation sucks! ...but some of the social distancing is nice:)

Oh, and I haven't found enough evidence to convince me that viruses are even real. So that makes the whole situation even more frustrating for me...no one's followed Koch's postulates for viruses, and Wikipedia (pic below) gives viruses an exemption from the following criteria, which seem pretty reasonable to me.
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A note about my last post. Koch's postulates for viruses probably require special handling, since you probably can't grow viruses in culture, but the same principle applies. They should be isolated and cause the same disease in a new host. I haven't found any papers that claim to have done this, which are then repeated elsewhere.
Oh, and I haven't found enough evidence to convince me that viruses are even real. So that makes the whole situation even more frustrating for me...no one's followed Koch's postulates for viruses, and Wikipedia (pic below) gives viruses an exemption from the following criteria, which seem pretty reasonable to me.
Viruses do exist... depending on what the answer to "What are viruses?" really is. And we're not quite sure what the answer should be. There's some DNA sequencing going on, so we have DNA sequences of some viruses, and in that regard, something called viruses must exist.

But viruses are quite clearly not what we're told and don't work the way we're told. This is a part of why we recently started the germ theory thread:

You're right that when we apply Koch's postulates, most of the nonsense they're telling us not only about corona goes out the window. Much of germ theory is definitely wrong. After all, the current version of it was put together by an incompetent douchebag called Pasteur, who didn't really understand what he was doing, and clearly didn't care whether he was right. As long as people believed him, he was fine with being wrong.

So we're trying to figure out how it all works, what's true, and what isn't. If you do a bit of research into this stuff, it becomes apparent that all the things that we're forced to do these days are even more ridiculous than it seemed previously. Things just don't work the way we're told, so the measures are not only exaggerated, but in most cases downright absurd and irrational. Explaining that to other people is another story, though...

Anyway, you'll find links to some good reading material in the thread I linked, if you're interested. The 'science' behind this whole corona circus is definitely largely made up and/or assumed. Unfortunately, as you've seen in the last few months, most people will believe whatever nonsense they hear on TV, so actual science isn't required.
This "second wave" of infections — without proportional accompanying deaths — needs more visibility and scrutiny. Maybe this video might help a little. I've posted about this here a few times due to watching it in the Oregon stats.

Basically, it appears that increased testing is driving up the infection rates, then that is used to prolong the lock-downs. Alleged fatalities — even though inflated — tell quite a different story.

Coronavirus infections among children may scuttle Oregon school re-openings

This is getting pretty silly, not that it wasn't already. Where do they get these stats? Presumably PCR testing. It's not like anyone ever, anywhere, has come across the live virus.

How many kids 9 and younger have died in Oregon from Covid-1984? Zero. How many have been hospitalized? Supposedly 8. Note that they could have been in the hospital for something else and had a PCR test. How many have been "infected"? A total of 332. This includes cases "confirmed by diagnostic tests" and presumptive cases (although PCR tests could also be viewed as presumptive). How many were symptomatic? Unknown. Source: Oregon Health Authority | COVID-19 Updates

The stuff that I've been reading lately claims that kids virtually never get sick from Covid-1984, but leaves room for that possibility. It's also claimed that children have not been proven to transmit the deadly disease, indications being that the opposite is true.

In summary, it appears that the PTB are looking for any reason possible to prolong the lock-down.

Yeah.., I've not seen any actual reports, but I'm getting it through friends and family members. Random folks along my habitrails...

"Tens of thousands of new infections every day! It's even happening to kids now!"

-Repeated in one way or another, the message is, "It's back! It's bad! And it's updated (to address all those pesky code errors which stopped it from being all it could be last time!)"

My comment in each instance has been something along the lines of: "Sounds like they've released something new and they're calling it Covid-19."
Yeah.., I've not seen any actual reports, but I'm getting it through friends and family members. Random folks along my habitrails...

"Tens of thousands of new infections every day! It's even happening to kids now!"

-Repeated in one way or another, the message is, "It's back! It's bad! And it's updated (to address all those pesky code errors which stopped it from being all it could be last time!)"

My comment in each instance has been something along the lines of: "Sounds like they've released something new and they're calling it Covid-19."
They don't have to release something new. They just ramp up testing, which ramps up the numbers of "positives." "Positive" is not necessarily proof of infection, present or past.

Here's where it gets fun: Some portion of those that test positive wouldn't have known it if they haven't been tested, i.e., are called asymptomatic. Some portion of the asymptomatic can't/don't transmit the disease. I've read this is common in children. So, do we have a problem with testing methodologies or with Koch's first postulate? That postulate is "The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms." One way to prove a positive should be to run through the remaining three postulates. That's way too much trouble, and it might give an undesired result.
In AZ... Gov Ducey just announced new lockdown orders: closures of pools, gyms, bars.
And i think new lockdown measures have also been reinstated in parts of Australia and here in Lisbon. More on the way most probably across the UK Fears dozens of local lockdowns are ‘days away’ prompts dismay among Britons, as UK battles to contain coronavirus flare-ups. Looks like the PTB indeed are going for full compliance by the people with whatever far reaching measures they can get away with. James Corbett talks about this in this The Great Reset interview The Corbett Report and they talk about it as well on the Objective Health show on SOTT Objective:Health: Bill Gates, COVID-19 and More With Special Guest James Corbett from The Corbett Report -- Sott.net

I am also sad at this time; i feel here in my little corner in beautiful Algarve that people are getting more and more distrusting, angry, stressed out and frustrated behind their ubiquitous plexiglass and masks, the whole atmosphere gets more and more disturbed, distorted and desperate. Lots of shops have gone bankrupt already, bars which had opened were heavily fined by the police already for not enforcing distancing among their patrons. Lots have been subsequently shut down by police while others can't make ends meet and closed down permanently. Prime real estate will be up for grabs for sure in a little while for the sharks to pick up. A big supermarket chain here just donated 150 K tonnes of food to families who have gone hungry. Winter has come. And everyone blames it on the virus instead of on the governments. It really hit home for me that our old freedoms, like going wherever one wants to go, meeting a friend coincidentally on the street and having a drink at a nice cafe to catch up etc (also example Corbett mentions and which really rang home for me too), are never coming back. And it seems likely that it will get more dark. Corbett mentioned that when october and november come, and lockdowns once more are enforced (second, third, fourth time who knows) especially in the northern countries where it gets cold and people do not want to line up for hours in the cold to get food in the store, they will have some sort of delivery system and people become totally isolated. And as things stand now i think the majority will comply with whatever madness is being cooked up because they have lost their ability to reason healthily and will not even see the madness they are not only a part of but willingly cooperating with.

Well, i keep on having faith in the benevolence of the universe, the C's, and am observing all actors on this global stage performing the roles of their lives to their very best ability and resonance. What will happen will happen.
Some portion of the asymptomatic can't/don't transmit the disease.
Yeah, that portion is about 10 out of 10 people.

There's no evidence the asymptomatic can transmit the disease at all. In fact, nobody can prove there's any difference between 'asymptomatic' and 'healthy'. Koch's postulates would obliterate this whole show if anybody had the guts to do the tests. In fact, being an 'asymptomatic carrier' is already a violation of the postulates and of germ theory.

They're saying the asymptomatic can transmit the disease because 1. they believe in the germ theory and other rubbish, and 2. it serves the agenda. But there's no real science to support this, and there's definitely no evidence that anybody asymptomatic has transmitted the disease to anybody else.

To be honest, I don't think we can even say there's any direct evidence anybody at all has 'transmitted' this thing to anybody. Maybe they have, but nobody has proved it. (And it is far from clear that all these sick people are sick with the same thing.) They're just so convinced about the theory being true that they don't even think about confirming it. Just like the Darwinists firmly believe in their theories without evidence. It's all based on beliefs that are clearly at least partially false, if not completely.

At any rate, as Mikovits keeps saying, if you have no symptoms, you can't infect anyone. How would that even happen? Evil glare? And if you have no symptoms and infect me, what will happen? Will I have symptoms? If you infect me, I may or may not get sick, and if you don't infect me, I also may or may not get sick. So what's the difference? This whole circus has no solid ground to stand on. It's standing merely on people's belief.
And i think new lockdown measures have also been reinstated in parts of Australia and here in Lisbon. More on the way most probably across the UK Fears dozens of local lockdowns are ‘days away’ prompts dismay among Britons, as UK battles to contain coronavirus flare-ups. Looks like the PTB indeed are going for full compliance by the people with whatever far reaching measures they can get away with. James Corbett talks about this in this The Great Reset interview The Corbett Report and they talk about it as well on the Objective Health show on SOTT Objective:Health: Bill Gates, COVID-19 and More With Special Guest James Corbett from The Corbett Report -- Sott.net

I am also sad at this time; i feel here in my little corner in beautiful Algarve that people are getting more and more distrusting, angry, stressed out and frustrated behind their ubiquitous plexiglass and masks, the whole atmosphere gets more and more disturbed, distorted and desperate. Lots of shops have gone bankrupt already, bars which had opened were heavily fined by the police already for not enforcing distancing among their patrons. Lots have been subsequently shut down by police while others can't make ends meet and closed down permanently. Prime real estate will be up for grabs for sure in a little while for the sharks to pick up. A big supermarket chain here just donated 150 K tonnes of food to families who have gone hungry. Winter has come. And everyone blames it on the virus instead of on the governments. It really hit home for me that our old freedoms, like going wherever one wants to go, meeting a friend coincidentally on the street and having a drink at a nice cafe to catch up etc (also example Corbett mentions and which really rang home for me too), are never coming back. And it seems likely that it will get more dark. Corbett mentioned that when october and november come, and lockdowns once more are enforced (second, third, fourth time who knows) especially in the northern countries where it gets cold and people do not want to line up for hours in the cold to get food in the store, they will have some sort of delivery system and people become totally isolated. And as things stand now i think the majority will comply with whatever madness is being cooked up because they have lost their ability to reason healthily and will not even see the madness they are not only a part of but willingly cooperating with.

Well, i keep on having faith in the benevolence of the universe, the C's, and am observing all actors on this global stage performing the roles of their lives to their very best ability and resonance. What will happen will happen.

They are going to ratchet up the fear as we're getting close to when people will need to take flu vaccine and also a lot of the Corona vaccines are now moving into phase 3 trials which is the last trial.

In October / November they'll release the vaccines and tell you to either choose to take them or continue living in prison wearing a muzzle.

It's all psychological warfare. Be ready. It's only going to get worse. The people running this show think of us as cattle and human resources to be managed. They certainly don't care about suffering if they think it's for a greater cause plus they themselves are quite comfortable and insulated from the misery they are causing.
There's no evidence the asymptomatic can transmit the disease at all. In fact, nobody can prove there's any difference between 'asymptomatic' and 'healthy'. Koch's postulates would obliterate this whole show if anybody had the guts to do the tests. In fact, being an 'asymptomatic carrier' is already a violation of the postulates and of germ theory.

This alone should instill real doubt in true believers about the whole story! But as you said previously, no amount of real science or logic will mean more to them than the mainstream media.

The PTB are using the same tactics they've always used. Invisible, undetectable, little creatures that only they can detect and destroy are out to get us. If we replace the word virus with demon or evil spirits, it's the same thing. The other tactic they're using is Smoke = Fire. To create the illusion of a fire (pandemic), just make a lot of smoke (lockdown, tests, masks, social distancing, business closures...).
As mentioned earlier, the state of Victoria is now shutting down different area's based on postcode giving 10 individual area's stay at home orders keeping 300,000 people under tighter restrictions. Door knock testing employing 800 military personnel started a week ago and they claim to have identified hotspots that will be kept under tighter restrictions for another 4 weeks. They have claim to have positive tests on 77 people with the aim of testing 100,000 in ten days. Apart from dodgy testing, I haven't heard any confirmed reasons yet why those particular 10 postcodes were chosen.

A Victorian lodged a Freedom of Information Application with the Dept of Health and Human Services asking for any study that proved the accuracy of the virus test. The response she received is attached and a screen shot of the applicable paragraph below.
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In other news our government has had a new Australian logo designed and caused an uproar. It is supposed to represent a wattle flower, but many are pointing out it's similarity to a representation of the coronavirus.

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The country code has changed from AUS to AU, now the same as Austria and is the periodic table symbol for gold, a large part of the mineral wealth of the country. This new logo apparently cost $10 million dollars! In answer to the uproar, there are mixed messages about how it will be used and it seems that it's only meant to be put on products from Australia, but the Green and Gold Kangaroo will continue to be used for everything else. Depends on what source as to what the story is with it.


Here is something invigorating against this madness of devil rulers who want to make us obedient:
- Pierre's last article shows how they got the contrary result in their gene manipulation.
- Their mad scientists will never be able to turn our DNA in the way they want, because, as explained by Eric Ancelet who compiled many data about vaccines, DNA is not the master. There is no master, no hierarchy in Nature. There is cooperation, interconnectedness, communication, information between all molecules, all cells, all beings (micro and macroscopic).

Here is a warming excerpt on epigenetic:
This phenomenon, called epigenesis, means that at each stage of transcription and translation RNAs (and probably some proteins) can make choices according to determinisms we do not yet know, and the same gene can thus lead to many different protein types depending on cellular needs and environmental parameters. RNA, the nucleic acid of the majority of viruses, is somehow "conscious", constantly informed of everything that happens inside and outside the 10,000 billion cells that contain it! "DNA proposes, RNA disposes" (J.C. Perez).
From then on, its functions are infinitely more important than those of DNA, a discovery that in an instant destroys any claim to modify the genome for eugenic or therapeutic purposes. Including or modifying a gene is not only dangerous, but also useless if the RNAs and the cytoplasm "decide", based on information previously stored or received from the current environment, not to express the expected protein. For holding the key to protein synthesis is holding the key to life. In other words, we will not cure any gene disease by tinkering with the genome, but only by reprogramming our nucleic acids ourselves by becoming aware of the aggressions that have altered them. This is the only possible path to health. Everything else is just a decoy.

The first assembly of amino acids put end to end constitutes the primary structure of the protein, inactive and non-functional. So simply decoding the DNA is useless. It is in the cytoplasm that the protein will be shaped, spiralled and thus acquire its secondary structure. Then this spiral will fold up again, coil up on itself and curl up into a ball to acquire the active form of the tertiary structure. We see that a molecule becomes functional only after acquiring vibratory information included in its shape, information that is not written in the DNA. It is by losing their stereochemical structure that proteins called prions become pathogenic. It remains to be seen who or what deforms them... So our knowledge of DNA and the genetic code is evolving very quickly. Some of the "definitive truths" awarded by Nobel Prize winners will have lasted only a few years. It's the same old story since Galileo Galilei: "we" thought that... but "we" were wrong, and recent discoveries confirm the genius of great precursors like Béchamp, Tissot, Vincent, Beljanski, Moirot, Hamer... while they reduce to nothing the obsolete fantasies of a Darwin or a Pasteur.


From Eric Ancelet - Pour en finir avec Pasteur - 1998
Thank you Maat for giving me the whebsite for this book during lockdown :-)
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She didn't see that coming.

Karma or overkill? Harvard grad fired by Deloitte after threatening to stab anyone who thinks ‘all lives matter’

A Harvard graduate has reportedly lost her job after posting a now-viral TikTok video in which she vowed to assault anyone who didn’t support the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The internet had mixed feelings about her firing.
Claira Janover became an overnight sensation after several news outlets caught wind of a video in which she threatened to attack anyone “entitled” enough to believe that “all lives matter.”
“I’ma stab you, and while you’re struggling and bleeding out, I’ma show you my paper cut and say, ‘My cut matters too,’”
she declared in the TikTok clip.
The video sparked pandemonium on social media, and according to Janover, uprooted her life. In a follow-up message, the recent Harvard graduate said she had been fired by Deloitte, an international accounting firm, over the stabbing threat. In it, she claimed the threat wasn’t literal but rather an “analogous joke.”
Holding back tears, Janover said she’d “worked really hard” to receive a position at the company, and complained that her contract had been terminated even though Deloitte claims to “stand against systemic racism.”

She blamed her sudden misfortune on “Trump supporters” and said her future has been “completely compromised” by the incident. Despite the setback, she insisted she was “too strong” for “racist Trump supporters” and would continue to use social media to advocate for social justice.
The internet was split over Deloitte’s decision to ax her. Andy Grewal, a professor at Iowa Law School, said he was not a “fan” of Janover’s initial video, but she didn’t deserve to be fired over it.
Others warned that Deloitte would suffer financially for firing an employee “speaking up” for Black Lives Matter.

However, there were plenty of commenters who said Janover’s fate was richly deserved.
“File under Schadenfreude or Karma,” noted conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin.
Her follow-up video shows her to be “mentally unstable” and unwilling to take personal responsibility for her actions, argued similarly amused observers.

Janover’s firing is unusual as it marks a rare case of ‘reverse’ cancel culture. Social-justice activists have typically been the ones using social media to attack anyone who is suspected of holding politically incorrect views.
Last month, the chair of the University of British Columbia’s board of governors stepped down after a student group publicized that he had retweeted posts by Donald Trump and messages critical of BLM. Similar campaigns have forced apologies and resignations from a multitude of celebrities and public officials.
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