I am always suspicious when they don't even give the guy's name. It is not on the youtube link either. All we know is that he is an epidemiologist from Harward. What makes this person a 'more qualified expert'? If his name was given we might find out that he has strong ties to the pharma industry and the vaccine manufacturers. With no name we are left guessing.

Perhaps he is so famous that there is no need to give his name as everybody knows...(at least everybody on social media knows, right?).

And as Laura was alluding to, why should we all of a sudden trust the big MSM networks? Since when do they have people's interests at heart? The same networks who promoted every war America has ever been in, who supported Killary, the Deep State, sleepy Joe; who ran with all the stories of Russiagate conspiracy stories and against every move Trump ever made. They are the 'greek chorus and the clappers' who keep the authoritarian followers in line so that they follow the scripted narrative and believe every lie that comes down the pipe.
For that he can be an actor. I was remembering that when I was living in Canada I worked for a compagnie as actress, and they took me to play a role of a doctor to sell some products (I have a blank and I don't remember what). The fact is that I was playing the role of a doctor and as a doctor I was perceived to people who were looking the program. So this man can be an actor, if not him many others "experts". Who knows really? We live in a world of lies. And a world of comedians.
Indeed, it almost sounds like it. I'm curious SOTTREADER, how did you come to the impression/conclusion/judgement you have expressed above about China? I suspect as Aeneas did above, that a substantial amount of this judgement might be based on a bias against China primarily informed by the crude, oversimplified and often wrong picture western outlets have painted China in and "what they are doing".

It also might be informed by resentment against those "yellow people" for daring to start/spread a virus that threatens our beloved cozy and "civilized" lives in the west that shouldn't be "infected/contaminated" by those "uncivilized yellow people". If anything, it seems like the Chinese did their utmost to prevent the worst. If we go with the assumption that what the C's said about the Cornavirus and how it started is true, I think the Chinese did a rather remarkable job of preventing the worst, even though we might disagree if that was really necessary in this case, since it isn't really a threat. I mean, they have at rammed out of the ground at least two huge hospitals in 10 days, disinfected whole cities in every considerable place with armies of people etc. Something doesn't quite add up in regard to your judgement against China here I reckon.
Deaths from Iran sky rocketed very fast including very senior ministers ( 120 as of now). Even china is saying most of the new cases in the country are coming from outside. Italy's death tool increased to 257 from 125 in one day. We have to wonder why Iran or Italy couldn't contain, while with massive 1.3 billion people China was able to control. True, they acknowledged late and did they are good at was able to get some serious control.

How much is too much, how far is too far can be tricky question and subjective w.r.t observer. Does these China-bashers be happy to talk about "free speech", if people starts falling like leaves in their neighborhood due to virus?

How much coverage, Chinese protests due to economic reasons gets western media coverage except the colored wishful propaganda of "Chinese communist party is collapsing". All this looks to me like projections one's own moral taste buds to all over the world, which can skew the reality.
How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)

by Jon Rappoport
February 26, 2020

Trying to get an idea about where the paranoia lies (subconscious pun - not intended, but I would have intended it!).

I've seen some sober assessments and some not-so-sober ones on both sides of this issue.

I wrote a whole post, then deleted it, because there's so much contradictory information (showing a bunch of it was the method of the longish post, since deleted), the gist is:

I don't know, and neither does anybody else.

I'm OK with that.

In such a state of affairs, information streams are so muddled that none of it amounts to actionable intelligence. That's maybe the point of terrorizing: "I don't know" are among the most terrifying admissions we can make to ourselves. It's the intellectual equivalent of staring death in the face.

Be OK with that, too.

Why? Because, who dies? If we can project intelligence via information streams through ourselves in some mystical, future version of ourselves, and from a specific locus in the Cosmos, and the interpret it (edit: through a Ouija board no less), then where does such a self begin and end? Again, I don't know. My intuition? It doesn't. We don't begin and end.

But there is something going on that warrants our attention, and I don't think it's the circumstances of the world. That's all just food for thought, so to speak. Maya as catalyst, or as the thorn that removes the thorn.
Some do apparently.

Yes, although we can assume some consistency of methodology in the US CDC's calculations for influenza from year to year.

The CDC explains its current model here, which it has apparently used since 2010:

I find it curious that we're not supposed to trust the CDC because they are purveyors of vaccines, but we are supposed to trust their normal influenza CFR statistics. Why would CDC not inflate flu CFR?
I find it curious that we're not supposed to trust the CDC because they are purveyors of vaccines, but we are supposed to trust their normal influenza CFR statistics. Why would CDC not inflate flu CFR?
Also curious that the CDC method uses models. So does the IPCC. Why one model and not the other?

Again, and again. I don't know. Feels good to state if publicly.

There can be no better time than now for us to be learning, it seems, so that in a few years we can all look back and say 2020 hindsight. I mean that as no joke, or at least if it is a joke, it's a cosmic one. When we get it, it will look something like:

"Oooohhh! I see! It's all BS!"

The Master replies: "Amen, I say to you."

(note: Amen I believe should be pronounced with a short a, ah-men, not long a, ay-men. It fits the sound we make when satisfied or overwhelmed with awe: "Ah!" Also sounds like "Om."
Here is Dr Gottlieb's latest take

It might not be what people want to hear but this Dr has been spot on from day 1.

Here is Dr Campbell with his latest update...

Here is peak prosperity with their latest update

Here is a another doctor who seems to get lots of hits (but I don't particularly like due to his pro-CDC & WHO stance) with his latest update (yes, he gives the straight party line re CDC and WHO being the most trustworthy sources)

Right the reason for posting all the above is to show what is being said out there right now by the 'this is not the flu' crowd for those who may find the information interesting.

Those who advocate for this is just the flu in the media are bankers and politians mostly (not doctors)...

Here is a banker saying this is just the flu (maybe something that is more palatable to those so inclined)

All I know is the 'this is not a flu' crowd have way more data and relevant expertise to actually back up what they are saying than the this 'is just a flu' crowd who are either motivated by money or political reasons.
If his name was given we might find out that he has strong ties to the pharma industry and the vaccine manufacturers. With no name we are left guessing.

His name is Marc lipsitch

MONDAY, March 2, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- A Harvard/China collaboration has entered the coronavirus COVID-19 fray, with researchers on both sides of the globe working to expand understanding of the potentially pandemic virus.

The researchers will be working on vaccines to prevent infection and antivirals to treat the sick, but the effort is a more holistic approach designed to figure out the basic biology of the virus and how to fight it, said team member Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
"You need to know who are the people most likely to have severe outcomes in order to design clinical trials," Lipsitch explained. "You need to know how the disease spreads in order to design vaccine studies and predict where those might take place and in what sample size."
The COVID-19 research will be part of a five-year collaboration between Harvard and Guangzhou Institute for Respiratory Health, funded with $115 million by Fortune 500 company China Evergrande Group.

His name is Marc lipsitch

MONDAY, March 2, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- A Harvard/China collaboration has entered the coronavirus COVID-19 fray, with researchers on both sides of the globe working to expand understanding of the potentially pandemic virus.

The researchers will be working on vaccines to prevent infection and antivirals to treat the sick, but the effort is a more holistic approach designed to figure out the basic biology of the virus and how to fight it, said team member Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
"You need to know who are the people most likely to have severe outcomes in order to design clinical trials," Lipsitch explained. "You need to know how the disease spreads in order to design vaccine studies and predict where those might take place and in what sample size."
The COVID-19 research will be part of a five-year collaboration between Harvard and Guangzhou Institute for Respiratory Health, funded with $115 million by Fortune 500 company China Evergrande Group.

Ah, so there it is: designed to promote and sell or even mandate vaccines.
Here is also another Doctor who tends to go more into the nitty gritty and less on the politics.

Here is just a normal average Joe in the US listening and making his own choices based on what he's hearing

All these people are saying the same thing and they are just a fraction, a tip of the ice berg. There is an absolute avalanche of information all pointing to the same thing.

Having said all the above, I get where the 'this is just the flu' crowd is coming from but I'm just not seeing the same level of quantity and quality of information from them that would make me think otherwise. I mean the only thing to make me think otherwise (contrary to all the evidence and expert level testimonies presented daily on why this isn't just the flu) is choosing to believe something someone has said just because they've said it and they have authority.

At least for me, this goes against the motto for SOTT (my main go to news source) but yes, people can make up their own minds.
His name is Marc lipsitch

MONDAY, March 2, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- A Harvard/China collaboration has entered the coronavirus COVID-19 fray, with researchers on both sides of the globe working to expand understanding of the potentially pandemic virus.

The researchers will be working on vaccines to prevent infection and antivirals to treat the sick, but the effort is a more holistic approach designed to figure out the basic biology of the virus and how to fight it, said team member Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
"You need to know who are the people most likely to have severe outcomes in order to design clinical trials," Lipsitch explained. "You need to know how the disease spreads in order to design vaccine studies and predict where those might take place and in what sample size."
The COVID-19 research will be part of a five-year collaboration between Harvard and Guangzhou Institute for Respiratory Health, funded with $115 million by Fortune 500 company China Evergrande Group.

Thank you Liam1310. That makes it much clearer and not unlike what we suspected.
Here is also another Doctor who tends to go more into the nitty gritty and less on the politics.

Here is just a normal average Joe in the US listening and making his own choices based on what he's hearing

All these people are saying the same thing and they are just a fraction, a tip of the ice berg. There is an absolute avalanche of information all pointing to the same thing.

Having said all the above, I get where the 'this is just the flu' crowd is coming from but I'm just not seeing the same level of quantity and quality of information from them that would make me think otherwise. I mean the only thing to make me think otherwise (contrary to all the evidence and expert level testimonies presented daily on why this isn't just the flu) is choosing to believe something someone has said just because they've said it and they have authority.

At least for me, this goes against the motto for SOTT (my main go to news source) but yes, people can make up their own minds.
You said "avalanche of information". Maybe an avalanche of misinformation? You should read articles that come from good pages and are seriously analysing the situation, like Sott.net. ;-D

Never forget that many, many people in Internet can play a role of a doctor. And surely they are part of the Plan to vaccinate everyone. How much are they payed to scare people?
I'm sorry for going a little bit off topic here guys but I was wondering lately, since I would like to assess the whole situation as objectively as possible since i don't want to run some cognitive error thinking patterns here, i was thinking if these extraordinary measures imposed in Italy and if i'm not mistaken in a few other European countries aren't at all for the purpose of protecting the people from the spreading of the outbreak of a virus that it seems it's not so dangerous as some is trying you to believe but for much darker purposes, like pushing the vaccine agenda, testing how far one can go in order to control a population and how willing the people are in order to allow all of this to happen ecc. So my question is if it's the later scenario, giving in by accepting it, doesn't it mean contributing in increasing the entropic FRV signal thus bagging for more chaos to manifest as a consequence? I mean in this case aren't you contributing in feeding the entropy? Don't know, was thinking out loud. If it's totally off topic please ignore my post and sorry for the noise.
Here more news from the toilet paper world. Humanity is really becoming a very amazing species. Maybe it is time to go and start again.

More dangerous than Coronavirus is the Panic virus that is spreading already globally. Considering that this Coronavirus is rather harmless, what happens if it will be the real thing?
I think the hype is hyped. It is suggested that a significant number of us are really alarmed, and acting irrationally. But as the mass media always does, they distort it.

So, people who are gullible, mentally impressionable - people who we generally don't spend much time thinking or talking about - people whom we politely dismiss as being handicapped - they are showcased as if they were the general public and running around buying all the toilet paper.

It reminds me of Greta. People will sympathize, by virtue of their compassion, and closely behind these handicapped people are manipulators inciting the drama. And in the drama, our sympathies become confused, and we are then infected with the hype.

But as with all mass-media drama, it is confined to tv and video distribution. And mentally impressionable people aren't always watching tv. They look around to see how others are reacting - in real life - and there just isn't the same mania that is presented on mass-media. So, the effect of the hyped manipulation is short lived - like a wave, and as it crashes, it is done.

But even as it crashes - as with all hyped up drama - it echos as if it were anew, as hype is easy to create and repeat in the mass-media - for they have no shame.
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