This video showed up in my newsfeed, and I was just wondering about this video blogger yesterday. She goes by Amazing Polly, and she is Canadian.

"The virus has given China a perfect excuse to run a cruel social experiment on millions of people. How? They're doing it with SMARTphones and a code inserted into a popular app. If we don't smarten up this will be implemented here."
It's interesting but from a technological point, when she say "you can't do that with 5G", it's false. You don't need 5G to run this kind of application on everyone smartphone. Very few data are transferred through the network to instruct the application to display a red or a green mark. 4G do the trick. In european big cities everyone is already connected to the lan in data mode with 4G/3G. So the number of connections to simultaneously handle is not a problem either if you have the right number of antennas.

But "improvements" are perhaps in the ways. Perhaps you will have to take a photo of youself and send it to prove your identities or film what you see. In this case 5G is needed. It's true that the technological madness can certainly be enhanced. :rolleyes:

But for the moment, I don't buy the argument.
From what we know, I would say that 5G is more related to mind control. I would say mind jamming. 5G involve a lot of antennas so I think you can have more power and a better fine tuning to have an obedient population. In this sense I would say, yes, it can have been planned.
Just catching up on this thread after a few days. 22 infections here, most people infected came from Italy, 3 hospitals on lock down,no visitors allowed. Google HQ employees back to work after closing for 4 days 2 schools were closed one reopened after one day.
Mostly the elderly and mothers are concerned, not a whole lot of panic in regards to stocking up on food or toilet paper:lol: hand sanitizer is sold out,sure who needs toilet paper when you have hand sanitizer :wow:

Still in the early stages, so will see how things unfold as the numbers go up. First case was 7 days ago,if numbers keep at this rate people will start to really panic. Then the puppets in government might bring in quarantine laws there has been whispers of this happening, either way this will be milked for all its worth. IMO
This video showed up in my newsfeed, and I was just wondering about this video blogger yesterday. She goes by Amazing Polly, and she is Canadian.

"The virus has given China a perfect excuse to run a cruel social experiment on millions of people. How? They're doing it with SMARTphones and a code inserted into a popular app. If we don't smarten up this will be implemented here."

Damn, I didn't realize they had gone that far. It's brilliant! China's population has been well-tenderized. I wonder if it's legal to not carry a smart phone? What do they do at a checkpoint if you show up with nothing more than an apologetic shrug? Right now, during a quarantine crisis, it's easy to sell people on the unquestioning necessity of carrying a device, but how long does it take for abnormal behavior to become expected and required? Good catch!

I imagine that the Mark of the Beast doesn't mean quite so much if they have to hold you down and tattoo the digits to your forehead.

But restlessly fidgeting like a drug addict, and in some cases even wailing and crying if it is pried out of your hands...?

Well! Those souls are locked in. They're choosing with all their might. It would seem that's how 4D likes its food, if their apparent preparations for a Screen Addicted global paradigm offers any indication.
I am doing myself a disinfectant: soap for cleaning the dishes with Betadine (iode Povidone). I think,maybe it is wrong and I accept contrary advice, but it is not good to clean our hands with alcool as they say in the MSM.
Neither alcohol neither other disinfectant for me. I prefer a single neutral soap, as always. It keeps skin's integrity, whereas dish soap or Povidone dry our skin and kill our good skin bacterias that fight foreign germs.
I'll focus on bettering my immune system and my state of mind. And keep available the products Laura adviced in other threads (elderberry etc)
From what we know, I would say that 5G is more related to mind control. I would say mind jamming. 5G involve a lot of antennas so I think you can have more power and a better fine tuning to have an obedient population. In this sense I would say, yes, it can have been planned.
Sure there is an agenda behind quarantine imposed when not justified.
This quarantine reminds me of WWII nazis who confined people in buildings or bungalows and made many experiments on people, even children (mind control, chemical products affecting brain, sugical procedures on brain). New nazis have now an incredible technology and have satellites, drones, and who knows what else we ignore). When I saw the videos where they spread disinfectant in Wuhan's streets, I thought "OMG, they lock people up in their own houses now (no need to displace them, it's much cheaper and unvisible) and gaze them with chemicals". I don't say this is the purpose, just that this image of nazi germany came to mind).

Also, it is not interesting for a government to avoid its people from going to school or to work, it's not good for economy. But here, they quarantine easily, so sure they is something behind it, mind control as you say and who knows what other experiments.
At the same time, since many years, in Europe they bring at home offenders they feed in war zones. They sanction the lay man when he defends himself from offenders. They drop their pittbuls (aka migrants) on their own people who protests (see the blak bloc and YVs).

It's incredible how we get here. A nightmare!
Anyways, China is not one of my favourite countries right now. They've absolutely sold us down the river.
It sounds as if you have joined the MSM in blaming China and even in thinking that they did it on purpose.

Indeed, it almost sounds like it. I'm curious SOTTREADER, how did you come to the impression/conclusion/judgement you have expressed above about China? I suspect as Aeneas did above, that a substantial amount of this judgement might be based on a bias against China primarily informed by the crude, oversimplified and often wrong picture western outlets have painted China in and "what they are doing".

It also might be informed by resentment against those "yellow people" for daring to start/spread a virus that threatens our beloved cozy and "civilized" lives in the west that shouldn't be "infected/contaminated" by those "uncivilized yellow people". If anything, it seems like the Chinese did their utmost to prevent the worst. If we go with the assumption that what the C's said about the Cornavirus and how it started is true, I think the Chinese did a rather remarkable job of preventing the worst, even though we might disagree if that was really necessary in this case, since it isn't really a threat. I mean, they have at rammed out of the ground at least two huge hospitals in 10 days, disinfected whole cities in every considerable place with armies of people etc. Something doesn't quite add up in regard to your judgement against China here I reckon.
Damn, I didn't realize they had gone that far. It's brilliant! China's population has been well-tenderized. I wonder if it's legal to not carry a smart phone? What do they do at a checkpoint if you show up with nothing more than an apologetic shrug? Right now, during a quarantine crisis, it's easy to sell people on the unquestioning necessity of carrying a device, but how long does it take for abnormal behavior to become expected and required? Good catch!

I imagine that the Mark of the Beast doesn't mean quite so much if they have to hold you down and tattoo the digits to your forehead.

But restlessly fidgeting like a drug addict, and in some cases even wailing and crying if it is pried out of your hands...?

Well! Those souls are locked in. They're choosing with all their might. It would seem that's how 4D likes its food, if their apparent preparations for a Screen Addicted global paradigm offers any indication.
It is very interesting what you say about the mobile or Iphone because here, in Spain, everyone needs a mobile to do his things in the bank. No mobile you can not do your business. The say it is to "protect" the client from thieves. They lied like Pinocchio. So now the big majority of people also buy in the stores with their mobile. So yes, it is brilliant.
New developments in Italy.The lock down begins.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed a decree early Sunday that will put millions of people across northern Italy under lockdown due to the novel coronavirus.
The sweeping move puts the entire Lombardy region, as well as 14 other provinces, under travel restrictions, and is one of the toughest responses implemented outside of mainland China to get the Covid-19 epidemic under control.
CNN is verifying exactly when the lockdown will go into effect.

The announcement came after Italy saw a dramatic spike of 1,247 confirmed novel coronavirus cases on Saturday, the Civil Protection Department said in a statement.
The country has now recorded 5,883 cases and 233 deaths, the most fatalities outside mainland China and the biggest outbreak in Europe.
Announcing the new measures, Conte said: "There will be an obligation to avoid any movement of people who are either entering or leaving" the affected areas. "Even within the areas moving around will occur only for essential work or health reasons," he said, according to Reuters.

While the lockdown only applies to northern Italy, other measures will be applied to the entire country. These include the suspension of schools, university classes, theaters and cinemas, as well as bars, nightclubs, and sports events. Religious ceremonies, including funerals, will also be suspended.
Other countries in Europe are also struggling to contain outbreaks as cases continue to rise.
Indeed, it almost sounds like it. I'm curious SOTTREADER, how did you come to the impression/conclusion/judgement you have expressed above about China? I suspect as Aeneas did above, that a substantial amount of this judgement might be based on a bias against China primarily informed by the crude, oversimplified and often wrong picture western outlets have painted China in and "what they are doing".

It also might be informed by resentment against those "yellow people" for daring to start/spread a virus that threatens our beloved cozy and "civilized" lives in the west that shouldn't be "infected/contaminated" by those "uncivilized yellow people". If anything, it seems like the Chinese did their utmost to prevent the worst. If we go with the assumption that what the C's said about the Cornavirus and how it started is true, I think the Chinese did a rather remarkable job of preventing the worst, even though we might disagree if that was really necessary in this case, since it isn't really a threat. I mean, they have at rammed out of the ground at least two huge hospitals in 10 days, disinfected whole cities in every considerable place with armies of people etc. Something doesn't quite add up in regard to your judgement against China here I reckon.

In fact, those that are inclined to see even just a little justification in how our western governments handle the Coronavirus, should be the ones most happy and grateful for "what the Chinese did" in response to the Virus. What follows is that those people who fully go along with the panic/concern spread by our western leaders (and mainstream outlets), should be the ones most happy and grateful "for what the Chinese did". So if one is inclined to be panicky about it one should in fact be happy and grateful "for what the Chinese did". Strangely enough, that doesn't seem to apply to many of those people in the west who scream so loud about the "dangers" of the Virus and the "need/justification for drastic measures". Certainly, viewed from this panic inducing mainstream angle, the Chinese did a far more drastic and sensible job in that regard. So for me it is rather strange to hear (especially mainstream) westerners complaining about the "lying" Chinese and "what they did".
Sure there is an agenda behind quarantine imposed when not justified.
This quarantine reminds me of WWII nazis who confined people in buildings or bungalows and made many experiments on people, even children (mind control, chemical products affecting brain, sugical procedures on brain). New nazis have now an incredible technology and have satellites, drones, and who knows what else we ignore). When I saw the videos where they spread disinfectant in Wuhan's streets, I thought "OMG, they lock people up in their own houses now (no need to displace them, it's much cheaper and unvisible) and gaze them with chemicals". I don't say this is the purpose, just that this image of nazi germany came to mind).
Every Thursday morning when I go to the prison for my Book Club I take the 2 busses. In each stop, because of the early hour of the day, there is a group of people that are waiting a special bus for them, they are adults but with some brain problems, some have the Down Syndrome, other have other syndromes that I don't know but all are with mental deficiency. Suddenly I felt a terrible sadness while I was looking at them, so fragile and gentle, specially the persons with the Down Syndrome that are like little angels, and I thought about the Nazis also, how these people were the first to be killed, and I say to myself: if something will happen with this damn Corona virus, these will be the first to be the victims, what will happen to them? I was so sad that I almost cried. I think that for me at that moment these precious little beings were the symbol of the fragility of all humanity, so dependent and also so unique. So important also. Anyway, just a though that I share but I remember of the Nazis and what the C's said that what happened there was a trial and it worked.
In fact, those that are inclined to see even just a little justification in how our western governments handle the Coronavirus, should be the ones most happy and grateful for "what the Chinese did" in response to the Virus. What follows is that those people who fully go along with the panic/concern spread by our western leaders (and mainstream outlets), should be the ones most happy and grateful "for what the Chinese did". So if one is inclined to be panicky about it one should in fact be happy and grateful "for what the Chinese did". Strangely enough, that doesn't seem to apply to many of those people in the west who scream so loud about the "dangers" of the Virus and the "need/justification for drastic measures". Certainly, viewed from this panic inducing mainstream angle, the Chinese did a far more drastic and sensible job in that regard. So for me it is rather strange to hear (especially mainstream) westerners complaining about the "lying" Chinese and "what they did".
Bravo to you, too.

I am seeing that even people with an "open mind" fall in that sense. They are scare even if they think they are "open". They don't put on question what the "experts" tell, the numbers, the situation we are in. And I am talking about experts that are not from the MSM but experts that even if they are not from MSM repeat the messages of MSM. It is a very strange situation. The people are so scared that they criticise the government because no drastic measures are taken. They ask measures like in Italy. I am talking about people that have the impression that they know how dangerous is this virus without reading others sources and believing like god what these experts that are not from MSM told them. One of the problem that many people here in Spain have is that they don't read in English, we talked about that with Hesperides very often. So their information is limited. And another problem is that they believe, even if they think they are against MSM news, what WHO tells. Oh damn! They want strict measures and fast please! I tell them that just a little patience, dear friends, you will have measures and they will be drastic no problem and you will be happy, don't worry. :evil:
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