This will be a nice read for some:

I will copy/paste whats sticking out for me:
Due to the shortage of food supply, more and more people alongside animals herded into populous city areas, thereby providing the perfect environment for propagation of the plague.
Also it says
According to rumors of 1346, the plague had first struck China from where it spread throughout Asia and moved on to Egypt, Syria, Persia, India and then finally reaching Europe.
The plague managed to hit Norway in 1349 when a wool-carrying ship from England halted at Bergen port. Within days, the entire ship crew were dead and then the rampage started in rest of Norway.
Cruisers are a really cool way of earning billions on all levels, good for the economy eh? But its telling that these viruses love ships for some reason (or it seems like they do).

When the plague massacre reached its peak, the ill-informed doctors of those days resorted to treatments with urine, dung and other weird stuff which literally aided spreading of the disease.

And this part is funny and very serious at the same time!
Several other weird thoughts were put into practice with the belief that doing so will help to cure or at least prevent the spreading of the plague. Some of the methods were: 1. Eating and drinking in moderation. 2. Maintaining a household as per a person’s status. 3. Refraining oneself from abusing the poor people. 4. Avoiding lechery. 5. Adding aromatic herbs in beverages. 6. Not eating fruits. 7. Drinking good wine. 8. Avoiding bad thoughts. 9. Staying happy.
Because you can see the pattern of behaviour that was perceived by the survivors as the way of living that ensured the infection with the plague.

Intereseting eh?
Maybe corona is a message from divinity? If it hits cruisers its obvious what kind of people are food for this virus (a half-joke).

Be safe


Couldn’t resist ;-D

The heavily promoted Climate Change Ponzi scheme seems to have taken a back seat, having been replaced by a completely different climate change, due the Coronavirus. The pendulum has flipped from large crowds demonstrating in the streets, to quarantines and isolation. My concern right now is when the pendulum - does another flip - and people hit the streets in violent anger over suffocating Government controls and mismanagement and lack of vital life sustaining resources.

Climate change or coronavirus? 'Pick your evil', protesters say
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg takes part in the rally ''Europe Climate Strike'' in Brussels, Belgium, March 6, 2020. REUTERS/Johanna Geron
Protesters at a rally led by climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday denounced governments for taking urgent action against the coronavirus outbreak but failing to treat global warming as an emergency.

Rationing and robbery: Coronavirus outbreak sparks toilet roll panic
In Australia, major grocers have restricted supplies to one pack per person. In Japan, rolls are chained to the wall in public toilets. In Hong Kong, armed robbers carried out a heist as supplies were delivered to a supermarket.
Honestly, I don't think it's a question of being worried or not... I think it's more about being aware of what future trajectory is coalescing into reality. Obviously nothing is set in stone but with each passing day and with the absolutely pathetic response from our governments and the indifference of the 'this is just a flu' sizable crowd, a certain future is starting to take shape and this flipping virus will just rip right through sadly.

I'm hoping for this big fizzle out event (summer) some have alluded to including Trump but I'm not holding my breath.

Anyways, China is not one of my favourite countries right now. They've absolutely sold us down the river.
I still believe, Sottreader, that the danger is not coming from the coronavirus, I think we have a lot of information concerning the pourcentage of that, did you read the article put by Laura from Global Research? The real apocalyptic danger is coming from the economic side, and that is very dangerous for humanity. The coronavirus is the ideal excuse or raison. But I want to say, I am not an expert.
There was a thread title that caught my eye... Crisis of Masculinity. I think it is a human vs. automation crisis. A crisis of worth. Now that automation is taking our jobs, what good are we? And no one addresses what we will do when everything is automated.

Well, we're doing it in these hyped up crisis. So, everyone has a solution, a comment, a position, because we are idling and want to contribute to something, but there is no social direction. So, of course there is hype, of course there is lunacy. This is just people wanting to be apart of something constructive, but for whatever reason, there is no direction.

And this is part of the herding. To stop all production, and limit the avenues so that while you are being herded, you believe there is randomness and liberty in it. And as social creatures, we are want for purpose, and the herders channel us into shackles, else we are left without purpose - purpose that they've constrained.

This is the true meaning of freedom and liberty: Social power reserved for the elite. Everyone else is liberated from it. And so we are in this pasture, seemingly like domesticated animals, powerless, and the only way to get a sense of belonging is to do as they want, or they will cease social functions, leaving us to organize ourselves.

And so, initially there is disarray. But the longer we are left in our pens - neglected, we become reliant on our own social empowerment. But they create this disarray to 'punish us', to show us how scary life would be without them. But they just reserved social power for themselves, and created a dependency, and they only have fear working for them, because if we took to organizing ourselves, it would be much better and simpler. But we have the initial disarray to contend with, and in that stage they will concede. And they might be better at organization, so we reconcile. So, all this hype - over anything nowadays - is from this crisis of worth that is caused by automation.
Hi Everyone, I just went to order bulk ascorbic acid which was my plan before this "crisis" began along with bulk dried Elderberries for a tincture. The website I chose for Vit C has this message posted. So something to keep in mind as its something that may be harder to get in the near future. Also the demand may increase, get yours while you can as its more important then toilet paper.

NOTICE: All of our ascorbic acid and ascorbate pricing has increased due to a world-wide shortage of vitamin C products. The factories in China which produce over 95% of the world’s supply of vitamin C products have been forced to slow production or even close due to implementation of more stringent environmental pollution regulations over there. We don’t know how long this situation will exist or how severe the eventual impact will be on the pricing and the supply of vitamin C products. It is possible that we may run out of product without having a timely replacement source. We will try to maintain our current pricing level and not increase prices further for as long as we can.
Obviously nothing is set in stone but with each passing day and with the absolutely pathetic response from our governments and the indifference of the 'this is just a flu' sizable crowd, a certain future is starting to take shape and this flipping virus will just rip right through sadly.
What response would in your thinking have been the correct response from governments?
Mass quarantines?
Closing of borders?
Mass testing, though they don't even have the testing capacity or know what they are testing for? More alarmist rhetoric from the governments?
Would such measures in your view have been a responsible way of acting from the governments?

I am probably one who is in the "'this is just a flu' sizeable crowd", based on the present available evidence. Do you think that is a bad response? Can you imagine the panic, the fights for goods at the supermarket, not to mention toilet paper, if everybody was in panic mode and in absolute alarm?

I would say, Thank Ceasar, that there are still a lot of people who is in the 'this is just a flu crowd', as the world would otherwise already have come to an absolute stand still. No trains, planes or public transport as they have recycled air, no cinemas, public events, restaurant visits or tourism. That would be the consequence if this was for real. The panic and alarmist reactions is shutting down the economy. The diverting of precious medical resources away from other medical health issues towards "corona virus testing" will be felt and it will also have deadly consequences. The money comes to a large extent from the same health budget that each country has, so spending billions on pointless testing means others in the health system will have to suffer. The argument that they can just take it from the war budget is not an argument as it doesn't work like that in the real world. If it has happened in any of the Western world countries, then please enlighten me.

That means all their eggs are going into the basket of 'this is just the flu'. That's all good and great but it's high stakes poker the answer of which we will all come to find out for sure in due course.
It is perhaps poker, but the assessment is based on the observable evidence which is not convincing. Even the pharmaguy salesman expert (in the video you posted) who wanted to declare this a war, made a fool of himself. He mentioned how infectious this virus is. He mentioned how Singapore on the 24 of January had the first case of the virus and now 6 weeks later had only 115 cases. He put it down to government action. BUT the lesson that should have been learned was also how non lethal and non infectious this virus is. Today (March 7th) there are 130 cases in Singapore and 0 deaths and this is after 7 weeks. Had it been a seasonal flu, everybody or at least half of Singapore would have had it by now.

Another thing, I'm noticing how people who think this is just like the flu are disregarding the elderly like their lives mean nothing - literally saw some comments to this effect on social media.
I have been one who has highlighted the age of people, but not because their lives don't mean something, but to bring perspective. The yearly flu kills older people in the hundreds of thousands, but even though it is sad for those affected, the society does not go in to hysteria about it.
On that note, we seemingly care about older people's lives but often in a very material way. We give our elderly people endless pills, artificial organs/transplants/chemo etc. to keep them alive at all cost. We care about their material bodies, that they keep living for ever and ever even if their bodies and minds are gone, but we do not care much about their soul and it is after all the soul that matters. Our society is totally body focused or obsessed but what else to expect when the connection to something higher is widely ignored or ridiculed.

The weakness of Europe and the US is so greatly revealed by this virus it makes me wonder if China didn't unleash this on purpose because they'd done their studies and mapped out the weaknesses.
Anyways, China is not one of my favourite countries right now. They've absolutely sold us down the river.
It sounds as if you have joined the MSM in blaming China and even in thinking that they did it on purpose.

I think people are getting too worked up on a vaccine for nothing.
I tend to think otherwise based on what we can observe. The common flu is one example. The yearly flu vaccine is pushed heavily and encouraged for all people 6 months old and older. This despite the fact that the vaccine is not for what will come but for what was and also the fact that the vaccine has extremely little effectiveness as mentioned in a post a few pages back. Effect if not downright negative targets only 10% of the viruses that give the flu. (influenza A if I remember correctly).

Vaccine is huge business, so it is not surprising that the top chiefs of the vaccine manufacturers sit on the board of WHO, the Worlds Health Organisation. It is also not surprising that Bill Gates and his nefarious funds so heavily promote vaccines and is closely connected to the chief of WHO. Perhaps you didn't read the posts about it a few pages back, but there have been several and they have been very insightful. Weakening the world's population through vaccines while making a killing of it in the process seems to par for the course.
What response would in your thinking have been the correct response from governments?
Mass quarantines?
Closing of borders?
Mass testing, though they don't even have the testing capacity or know what they are testing for? More alarmist rhetoric from the governments?
Would such measures in your view have been a responsible way of acting from the governments?

I am probably one who is in the "'this is just a flu' sizeable crowd", based on the present available evidence. Do you think that is a bad response? Can you imagine the panic, the fights for goods at the supermarket, not to mention toilet paper, if everybody was in panic mode and in absolute alarm?

I would say, Thank Ceasar, that there are still a lot of people who is in the 'this is just a flu crowd', as the world would otherwise already have come to an absolute stand still. No trains, planes or public transport as they have recycled air, no cinemas, public events, restaurant visits or tourism. That would be the consequence if this was for real. The panic and alarmist reactions is shutting down the economy. The diverting of precious medical resources away from other medical health issues towards "corona virus testing" will be felt and it will also have deadly consequences. The money comes to a large extent from the same health budget that each country has, so spending billions on pointless testing means others in the health system will have to suffer. The argument that they can just take it from the war budget is not an argument as it doesn't work like that in the real world. If it has happened in any of the Western world countries, then please enlighten me.

It is perhaps poker, but the assessment is based on the observable evidence which is not convincing. Even the pharmaguy salesman expert (in the video you posted) who wanted to declare this a war, made a fool of himself. He mentioned how infectious this virus is. He mentioned how Singapore on the 24 of January had the first case of the virus and now 6 weeks later had only 115 cases. He put it down to government action. BUT the lesson that should have been learned was also how non lethal and non infectious this virus is. Today (March 7th) there are 130 cases in Singapore and 0 deaths and this is after 7 weeks. Had it been a seasonal flu, everybody or at least half of Singapore would have had it by now.

I have been one who has highlighted the age of people, but not because their lives don't mean something, but to bring perspective. The yearly flu kills older people in the hundreds of thousands, but even though it is sad for those affected, the society does not go in to hysteria about it.
On that note, we seemingly care about older people's lives but often in a very material way. We give our elderly people endless pills, artificial organs/transplants/chemo etc. to keep them alive at all cost. We care about their material bodies, that they keep living for ever and ever even if their bodies and minds are gone, but we do not care much about their soul and it is after all the soul that matters. Our society is totally body focused or obsessed but what else to expect when the connection to something higher is widely ignored or ridiculed.

It sounds as if you have joined the MSM in blaming China and even in thinking that they did it on purpose.

I tend to think otherwise based on what we can observe. The common flu is one example. The yearly flu vaccine is pushed heavily and encouraged for all people 6 months old and older. This despite the fact that the vaccine is not for what will come but for what was and also the fact that the vaccine has extremely little effectiveness as mentioned in a post a few pages back. Effect if not downright negative targets only 10% of the viruses that give the flu. (influenza A if I remember correctly).

Vaccine is huge business, so it is not surprising that the top chiefs of the vaccine manufacturers sit on the board of WHO, the Worlds Health Organisation. It is also not surprising that Bill Gates and his nefarious funds so heavily promote vaccines and is closely connected to the chief of WHO. Perhaps you didn't read the posts about it a few pages back, but there have been several and they have been very insightful. Weakening the world's population through vaccines while making a killing of it in the process seems to par for the course.
Bravo. I agree totally with you.
Fizzle out? Remember fall and winter are coming to the Southern Hemisphere.

The panic is growing here as masks and alcohol gel are sold out in most places. The other day at the local hyperWalmart, the entire liquid hand soup and bar soap section was wiped clean and the store generally much busier than normal with many people pushing really full carts. On another hysteria note, I seem to be getting more stares than normal due to my East Asian features.
I am doing myself a disinfectant: soap for cleaning the dishes with Betadine (iode Povidone). I think,maybe it is wrong and I accept contrary advice, but it is not good to clean our hands with alcool as they say in the MSM.
About the supermarket scenes...

I think those are news-ads to promote consumerism - probably at a subconscious level. I never rushed out to buy something like that, but there are other consumerist tricks to get all different types to spend impulsively. Like on black friday, it is news-advertising - not to sell any particular item, but to encourage consumerism. Seems like every crisis has a hoarding impulse, and so if advertising didn't create it, they certainly will take advantage. Crisis!... Buy something! Quick!
This thing about quarantine might not be such a bad thing after all, in some cases at least:
Two attendees at the AIPAC event has tested positive for the virus. This conference was apparently attended by 18000 including more than 2/3 of Congress, Mini Mike, the Vice president and Pompous Pompeo.

So, yes I can see something positive come out of this and will take exception to the draconian totalitarian measures. Of course they should all be quarantined for at least 14 days forever, a bit like MbS did in Riyadh. The money saved by the lack of wars in that time, will most likely be able to pay for all the medical care the worlds needs for at least a year or two. We could perhaps suggest that MbS gets the job of shaking them down for a bit of hard cash. That guy has experience and is doing a repeat of sorts at the moment :lol:
About the supermarket scenes...

I think those are news-ads to promote consumerism - probably at a subconscious level. I never rushed out to buy something like that, but there are other consumerist tricks to get all different types to spend impulsively. Like on black friday, it is news-advertising - not to sell any particular item, but to encourage consumerism. Seems like every crisis has a hoarding impulse, and so if advertising didn't create it, they certainly will take advantage. Crisis!... Buy something! Quick!
When I saw the crazy people in the first Tweeter I though that maybe they were actors. Or people that were payed to do that. MSM is so mean that they are able to pay for it, like they pay also people in manifestations, meetings, etc. In this case to produce alert, fear of not having enough toilet paper, anxiety, palpitations, panic attacks and also symptoms of the Corona Virus!
I hope you are being discrete about it. Because, when the SHTF, they WILL come for your toilet paper...:ninja:

This situation is probably an unintended test run for blackouts and finally the economic big bang.

Hopefully the believers, by encountering empty shelves, will realize that they might not be getting everything at any time in their local super markets.
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