That video reminds me of a infomercial. The guy runs a company that wants to vaccinate everybody. He isn't going to say anything that would hurt sales, so it seems like advertising

Yes to your comment Metrist, and I stopped counting after his 5th "I THINK". They will develop a vaccine on the information they have now. By the time it's developed the virus will have mutated so what good will the vaccine be to the mutated virus?. Follow the money.
On a more serious note, having observed people’s behaviour and going through the recent recommended books have helped me gain further clarity about the STS control system.

The way a self serving 4D species would operate is to first install themselves nearby to a 3D world and then proceed to manipulate the habitants with what appears to be a well trialled and tested plan-
  • Begin by inserting a look-alike species with severed emotional centers amongst the most influential race in the populace. Think Kantekkians and current Jews.
  • Ensure a complete corruption of such race by channelling all of their emotional and spiritual potential towards a non-spiritual materialistic deity. The goal is to completely sever their mind’s connection to the sub-conscious, spiritual guides and higher selves. Yahweh comes to mind and hence birth of an ideology.
  • Nurture and foster the growth of the selected race and the ideology whereby they rise to the very top of the food chain. Now the ideology can spread.
  • Promote infinite wars and crusades amongst the inhabitants to weed out and cull opposition to their well masked ideology. The operational strategy is to make it extremely hard for STO groups to offer any sustained assistance to the inhabitants. This could take a few thousand years or many more depending on the operating climate and market resistance.
  • To establish a firm control, gradually introduce your mechanical tools of control ie newspapers, magazines, radio, movies to name a few. The goal is not to inform the masses but rather integrate the control instruments in their collective conscious. The instruments use waveform based technology operating at the wavelength and frequency range of the planet’s inhabitants. Wait for the planet’s population to be replaced by newer generations who are born into such integrated control instruments.
  • To increase the effectiveness of tools of control, cripple and limit access to the education and learning to your chosen ones.
  • Introduce the next layer of technology to bring automation to the tools of control. Think computers and internet as that technology and tools being the surveillance apparatus and control via social platforms.
  • In addition to above, introduce micro-organisms which can sever the immune system of the inhabitants and force them to accept damaging potions and compounds as cures via the already integrated tools of control and lack of education.
  • Sit back and enjoy as you gorge on the STS vibrations the planet’s inhabitants are sending your way when they sing and dance on the desired frequencies at the press of a button.
Welcome to planet Earth. Its the year 2020 when measured in local calendar of the inhabitants who consider themselves at the top of local food chain. The inhabitants call themselves humans and although well stratified as per skin colour and geographical location, are still unified by their consumption and hoarding habits. Currently, they are hoarding lengthy sheets of de-soiling material because they have been covertly instructed to do so by their controllers at the push of a button in response to a severely limited number of humans being attacked by micro-organisms of garden variety.

Stay tuned for more as in the near future, they are planning to lock themselves in private enclosed buildings called houses and continue consuming harmful compounds and solutions whilst employing the de-soiling material enthusiastically. An astute observer may notice that the said compounds being consumed exhibit similar chemical properties to the ones being expelled and wiped with de-soiling material!!
Currently, Portugal has 15 confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus (Covid-19), after two new cases were confirmed this morning (a 20 year old and a 60 year old woman). The two women had links to one of the previously confirmed cases. Yesterday, four hospitals of the National Health Service began to restrict visits to protect hospitalized patients from the virus. This measure will be implemented gradually, in all hospitals of the National Health Service. Some already have the measure in place, others will implement it over time. The purpose of this measure, in practice, is to protect patients who are hospitalized for any type of infection and reduce the number of non-essential people serving in hospital institutions.
The director-general of health stated that, for now, there is no need to limit visits to nursing homes and other social solidarity institutions because of the new coronavirus.
The reason, he told journalists, is that the risk of infection is still low in Portugal. "To date, we have established mechanisms for joint cooperation to decide the most appropriate measures day by day. When necessary, we will advise the restriction of visits. At this time, the risk is reduced, since the virus does not circulate in the community."

I live in Algarve and so far I have not seen people wearing face masks or people hoarding TP, thank goodness.

However, TAP Portugal, the national air carrier, has cancelled 1,000 outbound flights, mainly to France, Spain and Italy. Is Portugal safe as coronavirus infects nine and flights are cancelled. Also, there are already many cancellations of summer bookings. I am sure tourism here will be hit hard.
Currently, Portugal has 15 confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus (Covid-19), after two new cases were confirmed this morning (a 20 year old and a 60 year old woman). The two women had links to one of the previously confirmed cases. Yesterday, four hospitals of the National Health Service began to restrict visits to protect hospitalized patients from the virus. This measure will be implemented gradually, in all hospitals of the National Health Service. Some already have the measure in place, others will implement it over time. The purpose of this measure, in practice, is to protect patients who are hospitalized for any type of infection and reduce the number of non-essential people serving in hospital institutions.
The director-general of health stated that, for now, there is no need to limit visits to nursing homes and other social solidarity institutions because of the new coronavirus.
The reason, he told journalists, is that the risk of infection is still low in Portugal. "To date, we have established mechanisms for joint cooperation to decide the most appropriate measures day by day. When necessary, we will advise the restriction of visits. At this time, the risk is reduced, since the virus does not circulate in the community."

I live in Algarve and so far I have not seen people wearing face masks or people hoarding TP, thank goodness.

However, TAP Portugal, the national air carrier, has cancelled 1,000 outbound flights, mainly to France, Spain and Italy. Is Portugal safe as coronavirus infects nine and flights are cancelled. Also, there are already many cancellations of summer bookings. I am sure tourism here will be hit hard.
I always admire and still admire the bon sens of Portuguese, people who are civilized compared to Spanish for example. So I think it is a good idea the control they do in the hospitals. But the bad news are about tourism, Portugal have a lot of tourists and in the south of the country they live by them. Like in the Canary Islands. I am a little worried about here, when tourists will not come anymore, what will happen? These islands are almost forgotten by the Peninsula. So imagine.

What a fantastic Plan they are putting in march. It is like a war, and times like war will come.
I think people are getting too worked up on a vaccine for nothing.

They don't have a vaccine and from what I understand, it's going to be challenging and not guaranteed for them to even get anything viable up and running. At the minimum you're looking at 2021 and that's if nothing goes wrong!

Plus as I understand, a vaccine is meant to be preventative... what will there be to prevent if 80% of people already have the virus or already had the virus by the time a vaccine becomes available?

I think this whole vaccine thing is a smokescreen to "we have no answer" but we'll pretend we do.

Listen to Trump carefully, the answer is they are pinning everything on summer. Trump says the virus will disappear one day by itself, that it'll be here one day and disappear the next, just like a miracle.

They are pinning everything on the sun. They have no other answer.

This virus has nullified the need of a vaccine in practise - by the time a vaccine comes round, everyone will be infected already.
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Coronavirus: Collapse of China 'quarantine hotel' traps dozens
About 70 people have been trapped after a hotel reportedly being used as a coronavirus quarantine facility in the Chinese city of Quanzhou collapsed.

At least 23 people have been pulled from the rubble of the Xinjia Hotel, according to local media.

Videos posted online show emergency workers combing through the building's wreckage in the southern province of Fujian.

It is not clear what caused the collapse.

It happened shortly after 19:00 local time (13:00 GMT).

Chinese state media says the hotel was being used as a quarantine facility monitoring people who had had close contact with coronavirus patients.
Source: Collapse of China 'quarantine hotel' traps dozens
I think people are getting too worked up on a vaccine for nothing.

They don't have a vaccine and from what I understand, it's going to be challenging and not guaranteed for them to even get anything viable up and running. At the minimum you're looking at 2021 and that's if nothing goes wrong!

Plus as I understand, a vaccine is meant to be preventative... what will there be to prevent if 80% of people already have the virus or already had the virus by the time a vaccine becomes available?

I think this whole vaccine thing is a smokescreen to "we have no answer" but we'll pretend we do.

Listen to Trump carefully, the answer is they are pinning everything on summer. Trump says the virus will disappear one day by itself, that it'll be here one day and disappear the next, just like a miracle.

They are pinning everything on the sun. They have no other answer.

This virus has nullified the need of a vaccine in practise - by the time a vaccine comes round, everyone will be infected already.
SOTTREADER out of interest do you think a vaccine would help? Also are you of the thinking that Corona virus is a real threat to humanity or a hyped up issue to really spread fear throughout the population. It certainly is a feeding frenzy for the 4d sts masters
I just wanted to share this SOTT article posted earlier today. It contains some of the best comments I have read about this issue.

The main comment is here:

What a barmy spectacle this has all been. We blame the media, but only partially. It's just doing what it always does, selling newspapers - attracting clicks, these days. Besides the impetus from governments, international bodies and Big Pharma, public figures of every hue - including those usually critical of mass media - have been harping on since the very beginning in early January about how what is essentially just another round of flu is in fact 'The Plague'.

Then, when governments gradually, tentatively roll out quarantine and testing measures, they rant about 'muh freedoms' and 'kommie-ism'. Hang on a minute! YOU actively co-created this mess. YOU helped bring this hysteria and government control down on everybody's heads. YOU are participants in this, not observers or - with a few exceptions - critics.

The thing is; the hysteria-mongers are - unwittingly - correct. 'We' are all pro-actively dooming each other because the species mass unconscious knows, at some level, that 'we' are all doomed. Self-isolation is, in some respects, the way to go from here on out. The masses, especially in larger urban areas - after two decades of spooking them with false-flag terrorism, combined with the increasingly extreme planetary and cosmic weather - are a freaky, freaked-out herd, and you do not want to be around that when a pandemic takes off for real.

If you're wondering what makes us so 'chill' about all this, it's because we've seen this coming for many years. The population is gradually being weakened by crap diet, EM smog, propaganda, and terrible health advice (not least dangerous, untested vaccines). Because of this, we will not be surprised when what might otherwise be just another innocuous 'seasonal flu' comes around and wipes out much of the population. This Coronavirus aint it, but you can be sure that the vaccines they push as a result of it will do their part to contribute to, down the road, an actual pandemic.

In the meantime, we've been strengthening our resistance to viruses - of both the biological and psychological kinds - by optimizing our diet, expanding our knowledge base, and applying EM counter-measures. Together with 'communing with like minds' and networking about issues and events, thereby disentangling from the frequency fence that corrals the wider body politic, this all serves to build faith and resilience against whatever's coming down the pipeline...
SOTTREADER out of interest do you think a vaccine would help? Also are you of the thinking that Corona virus is a real threat to humanity or a hyped up issue to really spread fear throughout the population. It certainly is a feeding frenzy for the 4d sts masters

Based on the opinion I've formed based on everything I've read, heard or seen
  • Regarding a vaccine, I think it's a mute point. How long it takes to develop one by definition invalidates it as this virus unlike others is very infectious. So by the time 12 - 24 months pass, everyone will be infected. More than a vaccine, what may come into play is what they are calling a therapeutic i.e. something to cure people who are already ill. Nothing is on the shelf yet but I think this more than a vaccine is what may get pushed
  • I don't think Corona virus is a real threat to the existence of humanity but it is a threat to the fabric of our society in terms of the equilibrium we've come to know and get used to. Left uncontrolled and assuming the summer doesn't kill it, I think many people will be immobilised and the elderly / immuno compromised will be culled by a high number. Business as usual can't function under such conditions and so I think left uncontrolled it'll go down a predictable route.

One thing I know for certain is this virus has been predictable and that is - if you don't control it's spread it will spread and overwhelm, the whole thing about just old ppl being affected is a red herring as when numbers of infected gets too high, everyone will be affected by the fallout (see Iran).

Anyways, I think if the summer doesn't fizzle this out, we're in for a very very rough time where yes, young and healthy people will be generally okay but the old / immuno compromised will be hit very hard and business as usual will be affected beyond measure! China in the end will fare better than Europe and the US.
Based on the opinion I've formed based on everything I've read, heard or seen
  • Regarding a vaccine, I think it's a mute point. How long it takes to develop one by definition invalidates it as this virus unlike others is very infectious. So by the time 12 - 24 months pass, everyone will be infected. More than a vaccine, what may come into play is what they are calling a therapeutic i.e. something to cure people who are already ill. Nothing is on the shelf yet but I think this more than a vaccine is what may get pushed
  • I don't think Corona virus is a real threat to the existence of humanity but it is a threat to the fabric of our society in terms of the equilibrium we've come to know and get used to. Left uncontrolled and assuming the summer doesn't kill it, I think many people will be immobilised and the elderly / immuno compromised will be culled by a high number. Business as usual can't function under such conditions and so I think left uncontrolled it'll go down a predictable route.

One thing I know for certain is this virus has been predictable and that is - if you don't control it's spread it will spread and overwhelm, the whole thing about just old ppl being affected is a red herring as when numbers of infected gets too high, everyone will be affected by the fallout (see Iran).

Anyways, I think if the summer doesn't fizzle this out, we're in for a very very rough time where yes, young and healthy people will be generally okay but the old / immuno compromised will be hit very hard and business as usual will be affected beyond measure! China in the end will fare better than Europe and the US.
Thanks for your response maybe i should be more worried and better prepared for what's coming. I just feel the response and panic is ridiculous.
2 schools in my town had been to Italy on a sking trip this was about a month ago. They came back and were at school 2 days then the decision was taken to send the kids home who'd travelled to Italy. Smh!!!
Thanks for your response maybe i should be more worried and better prepared for what's coming. I just feel the response and panic is ridiculous.
2 schools in my town had been to Italy on a sking trip this was about a month ago. They came back and were at school 2 days then the decision was taken to send the kids home who'd travelled to Italy. Smh!!!

Honestly, I don't think it's a question of being worried or not... I think it's more about being aware of what future trajectory is coalescing into reality. Obviously nothing is set in stone but with each passing day and with the absolutely pathetic response from our governments and the indifference of the 'this is just a flu' sizable crowd, a certain future is starting to take shape and this flipping virus will just rip right through sadly.

I'm hoping for this big fizzle out event (summer) some have alluded to including Trump but I'm not holding my breath.

Anyways, China is not one of my favourite countries right now. They've absolutely sold us down the river.
Fizzle out? Remember fall and winter are coming to the Southern Hemisphere.

The panic is growing here as masks and alcohol gel are sold out in most places. The other day at the local hyperWalmart, the entire liquid hand soup and bar soap section was wiped clean and the store generally much busier than normal with many people pushing really full carts. On another hysteria note, I seem to be getting more stares than normal due to my East Asian features.
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