There are several strains of this thing going around now!

The case fatality rate in Italy is no joke.

Whoa! Try not to scare me, I live in Italy:-D The mean age of the 148 dead ones is 81 y.o. at the moment, all showing a variety of illnesses, from cancer to high anxiety/stress. Positives are sky-rocketing, that's right, but it's a scary no-brainer if you focus only on the numbers on a chart, giving what has been said above on this thread.

Let's wait for SARS-CoV-3 then.
As the temperature get warmer we will hopefully see a rapid decline in new cases. India shares border with China and is a major trading partner yet India has only about 30 cases.A high percentage of those cases are visitors so maybe its a fact that this flu virus cannot survive in environment over 25 degree C.
Tulsi Gabbard's wisdom shining through here
I totally agree. I am going to say for all of you not fir me. I know Tulsi Gabbard through her immediate family members who have been a group of my closest friends fir over 35 years. She is the real deal. I wish she could run this country. The world would be a much better loving service to other place to live. Her bravery to stay in to be heard is all I need to make my point. More please with Tucker Carlson!!!:headbanger:
There are several strains of this thing going around now!

The case fatality rate in Italy is no joke.

South Korea is struggling big time. They have confirmed 60% of cases there are now from community spread.

10% of Iranian MPs have this thing.

Cases are exploding in Europe.

The US has spread across it.

China is lying.

I'm sorry, but this thing is not coming across as a nothing-bugger. It's coming across as a problem. A big one with the potential for exponential growth.
The article that Laura put here the other day is very important because it clarifies very well this situation. Did you read it? It took out fear of this virus. The sadness is there but fear no.

Hi guys i would like to share with you some data regarding the average age of the people who have died while infected by the coronavirus in Italy.

Below you can find an excerpt from an article published on an italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that says basically that the highest mortality rate among people infected by the virus is among the people between the range of 80-89 years old, 70-79 years old, 60-69 years old, 50-59 years old (being a minority). According to the said article the deceased infected people were suffering from some other diseases that weakend their immune system. So basically it confirms the data that was pointed out on this thread. To be honest while reading the said article it felt like breathing some fresh air, finally it came out some objective actual data and not the usual panic type garbage that the people here have been fed for the last two weeks. Don't know but to me it seems that the italian authorities are changing their tune regarding this coronavirus stuff. Will see if it will fizzle out soon.

So here it is the excerpt from the Corriere della Sera:

The coronavirus emergency in Italy continues to spread: in all regions there are people infected. And they are now very many: there are almost 4,000 cases (3,858, as of March 5), the healed 414 (although you have to figure it out, when we talk about "healed": and it's good to read this piece), and the deaths related to Coronavirus (better not to talk about deaths "of" Coronavirus: and we'll soon understand why) are 148 (here the map).

On March 5, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità made public the identikit of 105 of those 148 dead: 73 died in Lombardy, 21 in Emilia Romagna, 7 in Veneto and 3 in the Marche, who had died on March 4, 2020. And it is a very interesting identikit, which explains which are the people most exposed to the risk of contracting CoVid-2019 in very serious forms (the disease caused by the Coronavirus: it is always good to remember that the virus, in itself, is not a disease, and that you can have it in your body without consequences).


The ISS writes that the average age of the deceased patients is 81 years: and that there is a 20 year difference between the average age of the deceased and that of the virus positive patients. The majority of deaths - 42.2% - occurred in the 80 to 89 age group; 32.4% of deaths were between 70 and 79; 8.4% were between 60 and 69; 2.8% between 50 and 59 and 14.1% over 90. Women who died after contracting the virus are older than men. The median age for women is 83.4, the median age for men is 79.9.

The sex

The patients who died after testing positive for coronavirus are mostly men.

Pre-existing pathologies

In more than two-thirds of the cases, coronavirus deaths had three or more pre-existing diseases: the average number of diseases observed is 3.4. More precisely: 15.5% of the sample had no or only one disease; 18.3% had 2 diseases; 67.2% had 3 or more diseases. Hypertension was present in 74.6% of the sample, followed by ischemic heart disease (70.4%) and diabetes mellitus (33.8%).

What then?

In most of these cases - as Cristina Marrone explained here - the virus intervened in organisms not strong enough to react adequately and was most likely a cause of death. In other words: it contributed, determining an interstitial pneumonia with great respiratory damage, to the weakening of an organism already particularly fragile due to an existing disease such as cancer, cardiological diseases, diabetes. Epidemiological studies conducted so far explained that the risk of death increases with age (for the over-80s it reaches 14.8%) and due to pre-existing medical conditions, according to variable risk percentages (+10.5% for heart patients; +7.3% for diabetics; +6.3% for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases; + 6% for those who are hypertensive; up to +5.5% for those with cancer). The president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, explained that these data "confirm the observations made so far in the rest of the world, in particular that the elderly and people with pre-existing diseases are more at risk. Very fragile people, who often live in close contact and who we must protect as much as possible".
I totally agree. I am going to say for all of you not fir me. I know Tulsi Gabbard through her immediate family members who have been a group of my closest friends fir over 35 years. She is the real deal. I wish she could run this country. The world would be a much better loving service to other place to live. Her bravery to stay in to be heard is all I need to make my point. More please with Tucker Carlson!!!:headbanger:

That was clear in her interview with Joe Rogan some weeks back. -One of the reasons I like long form interviews is that you get a much better chance to measure a person.

It's no wonder at all that she's been shuffled to the side by the rest of the political and media world. That happens to the best people who have genuine gifts to offer; the creeps and parasites recognize that which they do not have and without needing to even speak it aloud among themselves, collectively agree to starve out such people; they know they can't hope to compete in a fair fight.

It appears a politician needs to have a degree of whatever it is Trump uses to add to one's Tulsi-ness in order to win at the game of psychopath chess.
Yep, you’re spot on there. I received this urgent action email from (Australian Vaccination-risks Network):

This is really concerning, because all research points towards very poor efficacy (especially of the flu vaccine) and over a number of years, actual negative efficacy (meaning a person is more likely to get the flu or a flu like illness if they get vaccinated). It shows very poor judgment and even less discernment on the part of legislators. I think they are deluded if they think this will actually benefit anyone except manufacturers. Unfortunately this is the crazy world we live in. Perhaps they should be forced to watch all the documentaries questioning vaccine safety before they force people to be vaccinated.
It shows very poor judgment and even less discernment on the part of legislators
I think it’s called greed and money in the guise of our ‘health & safety’ of course.

Meanwhile, my town on the Mid-North coast of NSW is completely out of toilet paper, tissues and hand sanitizer. I mean the whole section for the above goods is bare, everywhere. Hand sanitizer I get, but I simply don’t understand why people are buying toilet paper by the dozens. I could understand if it was a virus that made you crap your pants all over the place, but a bad cold with lung involvement? Really?! Todo del mundo está loco :umm:
[QUOTE = "Gaby, Beitrag: 838760, Mitglied: 68"]
Nun, wir (Gesundheitspersonal in Spanien) wurde festgestellt. Meine Reaktion und die einer meiner Kollegen, war der für die Hysterie für so ein kleines Ding. Zugegeben, wir sind es gehört, so viele große zu sehen. Denken Sie denken nach, 1 von 2 Personen erkrankt an Krebs und 1 von 3 Frauen erkrankt im Laufe eines Lebens an Krebs. Wir haben es mit so vielen REAL zutunTägliche Tragödien, bei denen wir nicht einmal von der Grippe gehörtgen lassen können, sterben in den letzten Jahren letzten Krieg. Die Auswirkungen von uns sind gehört, wenn sie die Aktionsprotokolle lesen. "Das heißt, wenn ich Kontakt zu einem bekämpften Herbst habe, wenn ich 14 Tage lang krank geworden bin bin." Wir werden als eigene unsere besonderen Quarantäneplatz in den Bergen fühlen, um uns von dem Burnout zu gehören, mit so vielen herzzerreißenden Tragödien, die zu werden. 😇.

Just because this is a "new virus", people get treated with the red carpet in terms of treatment, lab and hospital support. What about my other patients who have a neurological condition and have to wait for 1 year to see a neurologist because the speciality is completely booked up for one entire year?! Neurological issues should qualify as a "new virus", maybe people will get priority evaluation if that is the case.

Health staff usually falls first because whether we have vocation or not, we're pretty much forced to work despite exhaustion. We can be drafted by law and ethic norms. Anybody on those conditions is immunocompromised.

10 days ago, I saw like 40 people with either a cold or the flu in just one morning. It has been like that for pretty much most of this season. Then the rest of the days I see the usual tragedies multiplied by 30 during the week. Weekends are slightly better. Last Monday, I finally collapsed despite all my super complementary protocols (and they are practically: "you name it, I did it"). It could have been worse. I mean, I still went up each day to work and by now, I'm recovered. We are already short in staff and a histericized population doesn't make the work easier on us.

My colleague was super sick with the flu, and he has attended Wim Hof's (AKA Ice Man) seminar a few seasons ago, and knows how to boost his immune system with his cold adapted breathing techniques. I was not surprised either. At least he showed up to work on a record time. Thanks God! He has like 1500 patients, just like the rest of us. If one of us is missing, the bulk of the job falls on the ones who can keep on going.

Calm down! The mortality rate is nothing to be worked about. I literally see people dying every day, and it's not this coronavirus that's taking them out. Plus, it's not nearly as bad for a seasonal virus and a health-compromised population. That's what happens every season with all the folk who have heart failure, cancer patients, those with COPD, etc. Even a banal bug could take them out.

I second that!
Thank you so much!!!!!
Well, we (health staff in Spain) have been briefed. My reaction and that one of my colleagues including the secretaries: what a load of hysteria for such a little thing. Granted, we're used to seeing so many biggie ones. Think about it, 1 out of 2 men will get cancer and 1 out of 3 women will get cancer in their lifetime. We deal with so many REAL tragedies on a daily basis, that we can't get even worked up by the flu, which has been pretty bad in the last years. Most of us are amused while reading the protocols of action, like "that means that if I had contact with a confirmed case without the appropriate gear, I get a sick leave for 14 days?" We will be planning next our special quarantine place in the mountains to help us recover from the burnout of dealing with so many heart breaking tragedies on a daily basis. 😇.

Just because this is a "new virus", people get treated with the red carpet in terms of treatment, lab and hospital support. What about my other patients who have a neurological condition and have to wait for 1 year to see a neurologist because the speciality is completely booked up for one entire year?! Neurological issues should qualify as a "new virus", maybe people will get priority evaluation if that is the case.

Health staff usually falls first because whether we have vocation or not, we're pretty much forced to work despite exhaustion. We can be drafted by law and ethic norms. Anybody on those conditions is immunocompromised.

10 days ago, I saw like 40 people with either a cold or the flu in just one morning. It has been like that for pretty much most of this season. Then the rest of the days I see the usual tragedies multiplied by 30 during the week. Weekends are slightly better. Last Monday, I finally collapsed despite all my super complementary protocols (and they are practically: "you name it, I did it"). It could have been worse. I mean, I still went up each day to work and by now, I'm recovered. We are already short in staff and a histericized population doesn't make the work easier on us.

Mein Kollege war sehr krank mit der Grippe und hat vor einigen Jahren das Seminar von Wim Hof (AKA Ice Man) besucht. Er weiß, wie er sein Immunsystem mit seinen an Kälte angepassten Atemtechniken stärken kann. Ich war auch nicht überrascht. Zumindest erschien er, um an einer Rekordzeit zu arbeiten. Gott sei Dank! Er hat ungefähr 1500 Patienten, genau wie der Rest von uns. Wenn einer von uns vermisst wird, fällt der Großteil des Jobs auf diejenigen, die weitermachen können.

Beruhigen! Die Sterblichkeitsrate ist nicht zu ändern. Ich sehe buchstäblich jeden Tag Menschen sterben, und es ist nicht dieses Coronavirus, das sie ausschaltet. Außerdem ist es bei weitem nicht so schlimm für ein saisonales Virus und eine Bevölkerung mit gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen. Das passiert jede Saison mit all den Leuten, die an Herzinsuffizienz leiden, Krebspatienten, Menschen mit COPD usw. Sogar ein banaler Käfer könnte sie ausschalten.

Ich stimme dem zu!
Ich danke dir sehr !!! Vielen Dank. Vielen Dank. [QUOTE = "Laura, Beitrag: 839348, Mitglied: 17"]
Nun, die Chancen stehen gut, das Ganze wird kahl wird. Und die Leute werden wahrhaftig sein, dass sie von ihren eigenen in Panik gehört werden. Und dann, beim zweiten Mal ... nun, es ist verwandt, dass die Leute NICHT auf Warnungen hören, wenn es wichtig ist.
[QUOTE = "Sergey, Post: 840187, Mitglied: 14800"]
Guten Abend
Es tut mir leid, wenn es schon in der Filiale war:
Studien haben gezeigt, dass Raucher 20-mal seltener mit Coronavirus infiziert sind ...


Studien zur Coronavirus-Infektion haben paradoxe Ergebnisse gezeigt. Fachleute haben herausgefunden, dass Raucher 20-mal seltener mit Coronavirus infiziert sind als Nichtraucher.

Es ist bekannt, dass im Krankenhaus Nr. 7 in der Stadt Wuhan nur zwei von 140 Befragten mit dem tödlichen Coronavirus infiziert waren. Das sind 1,4% der gesamten Gruppe. Statistiken zeigen, dass von 140 Menschen 32 Raucher gewesen sein sollten.

Nachträgigen Daten ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Raucher mit Coronavirus infiziert sind, 20-mal gehört als bei Nichtrauchern. Laut dem Telegrammkanal "Pusher" besteht bei Menschen mit einer Diagnose wie Bluthochdruck und Diabetes das finanzielle Risiko, ein Coronavirus zu erkranken.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Sergey.
Die Quelle gehört von hier: Studien haben gehört, dass Raucher 20-mal seltener mit Coronavirus infiziert sind ...
Курильщики в 20 раз меньше рискуют заразиться
[QUOTE = "Laura, Beitrag: 840204, Mitglied: 17"]
Ich stelle fest, dass immer mehr Leute auf Twitter und FB feststellen, dass dies eine überzogene Panik ist, die aus politischen / sozialen Gründen genutzt wird. Die Leute wachen auf.
They do. Also in Bavaria Germany.
I think it’s called greed and money in the guise of our ‘health & safety’ of course.

Meanwhile, my town on the Mid-North coast of NSW is completely out of toilet paper, tissues and hand sanitizer. I mean the whole section for the above goods is bare, everywhere. Hand sanitizer I get, but I simply don’t understand why people are buying toilet paper by the dozens. I could understand if it was a virus that made you crap your pants all over the place, but a bad cold with lung involvement? Really?! Todo del mundo está loco :umm:
You made my day with this toilet paper story. :lol:

Not so long ago, I was young but in the villages there was not paper toilet here in Spain (Franco Time), so people used newspaper paper.

Maybe people think that without toilet paper they will lose their mind. Or become savages. Or die. Something related with the anale complex? Maybe the crazy people that buy toilet paper like nuts are still in the anal stage, around 3 years old?:evil:
This is really concerning, because all research points towards very poor efficacy (especially of the flu vaccine) and over a number of years, actual negative efficacy (meaning a person is more likely to get the flu or a flu like illness if they get vaccinated). It shows very poor judgment and even less discernment on the part of legislators. I think they are deluded if they think this will actually benefit anyone except manufacturers. Unfortunately this is the crazy world we live in. Perhaps they should be forced to watch all the documentaries questioning vaccine safety before they force people to be vaccinated.
I think they don't care at all. And even if they care they have hands and feet tight, by the pharmaceuticals and WHO, this terrible association.
From Coronavirus central aka Zerohedge comes this headline:
The opening paragraph is:
It's like the world's most horrifying case of de ja vu. A cruise ship carrying 3,500 passengers and crew (2,700 passengers, roughly 800 crew) is floating listlessly in the waters off San Francisco after Cali Gov. Gavin Newsom barred it from docking in the Bay Area city, which reported its first two "presumptive" cases just last night.
California officials on Thursday confirmed that four others who traveled during a previous voyage of the ship have been sickened, and another passenger died in California, becoming the first US death outside the Seattle area earlier this week. The 71-year-old man from Sacramento was said to have had other underlying health issues.
I think that I can think of something else that beats this as the world's most horrifying case of deja vu. No people have died so far on this journey. 35 people have suspicious symptoms that is all.

On the previous cruise ship which was quarantined for three weeks and which had 3500 people on board 6 people died. Out of a group of 2700 pensioners (passenger number on the ship, the other 800 is crew), which are the most common passengers on cruise ships, how many would die during a normal 3 week period? Especially if they have health problems.

Switzerland has also had the first death blamed on the corona virus. It was a 74 year old woman who suffered from a chronic illness. This article goes on to say:
The Swiss government has banned events and gatherings of more than 1,000 people and advised people to keep their distance, avoid shaking hands and refrain from the traditional Swiss triple-kiss greeting.
If the fear of people dying of illness is so great, then I wonder why banning events are not in place every autumn and winter during the usual flu season, since that is so much more lethal, but then again, I might be considered a denier by finding all these measures ridiculous and we all know what some people wish to do with deniers. :rolleyes:🔫
Quand les Cassiopéens nous avertissent que cela va être bien pire et que nous n'avons rien vu, je pense que ce sera sur le point économique qui va s’effondrer...

When the Cassiopeans warn us that it's going to be much worse and we haven't seen anything, I think it's going to be on the economic point that's going to collapse?
The Netherlands has now reported the first death blamed on the Coronavirus. It was an 86 year old man, who was in hospital for urinary system treatment when he experienced breathing problems. He was tested for the virus and it was positive. If anything, then it highlights that people of advanced age with other health problem are most at risk of dying, which is also the case with the seasonal flu.
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