I found this , to me it seems excellent, article/exact timeline that shows direct links between 5G roll-out and Corona-virus scare.

Corona Virus Fakery And The Link To 5G Testing – Annie Logical Uncensored

The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject in the form of a vaccine. https://patents.justia.com/patent/10130701 (patent 2015)

The virus is owned by Pirbright Institute (formerly the Institute for Animal Health) which is partially owned by the Gates foundation. One of the other owned is the African swine fever virus, which is listed as a “vaccine.”

Innovate UK ran a competition in 2018 with a £15 million share out to any small businesses that could produce vaccines for ‘epidemic’ potential’.https://apply-for-innovation-funding.service.gov.uk/competition/166/overview

The competition states that “Total project costs can be up to £2 million, including VAT. It must start by 1 September 2018 and can last up to 2 years.”

In Dec 2018, a new ‘not for profit’ organization was created with a £66m investment called Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre UK Ltd (VMIC). Costing 66 million and reportedly ready at the end of 2012. This organization was registered by Professor Adrian Hill of the University of Oxford Department of Healthcare Science.

In 2014 his group led the first clinical trial of an Ebola virus vaccine targeting the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.

Hill is with the Jenner Institute which has partnered with Pirbright Institute. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/bigideas/vaccines-for-ebola:-tackling-a-market-failure/7285468

So Pirbright Institute which has links to Gates and was also an animal research facility has ties to Dr Adrian Hill of the Jenner Institute. This is the man who was involved in Ebola vaccine studies! Innovate UK who are the agency who are pushing the smart/5G agenda are also linked to Pirbright and fund trials.

A WEEK BEFORE the first reports of the Corona virus outbreak on 31st December 2019, this organization created a new company called VMIC UK services Ltd.

So why have all these countries recently as of November 20th 2019, all agreed to a contract for the coronavirus, (take into account the fact that the corona virus is built as a vaccine against bronchitis) and why has it been claimed in the media that the vaccine was created in two hours by InOvio? It is clear that this vaccine was created in a lab in the UK some 6 years ago!

Is there a connection between the Coronavirus and the Sergei and Yulia Skripal Case? Poton Down, a secretive chemical and biological military lab was only a short distance from the Skripal residence? Skripal and his daughter were found unconscious on March 4, 2018, on a bench at a shopping center in the UK city of Salisbury. There have been several reports of people being found unconscious on sidewalks, etc. in Wuhan, China. Could the scar on Yulia's neck be from a breathing tube?

23.05.2018 - Twitter Brings Scar on Yulia Skripal's Neck Into Spotlight After First Interview
Twitter Brings Scar on Yulia Skripal's Neck Into Spotlight After First Interview

Skripal Case Bombshell: Swiss Lab Reports 'BZ Toxin' Used In Salisbury - Chemical Not Produced In Russia, Only NATO States

Information obtained from the US federal contracts registry reveals that the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has funded a number of military projects performed at the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), or Porton Down, over the last decade. Among them: experimental respiratory infection of non-human primates (marmosets) with Anthrax, Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, Western equine encephalitis virus, and Eastern equine encephalitis virus.

DTRA has also been granted full access to DSTL scientific and technical capabilities, and test data under a 2011 contract for the collaboration and exchange of scientific and technical capabilities with the UK Ministry of Defence.

Data obtained via the Freedom of Information Act though gives an idea of the dimensions of military chemical and biological experiments carried out at Porton Down. A total of 122,050 animals have been exposed to deadly pathogens, chemicals and incurable diseases over the last decade (2005-2016).

Animals used include mice, guinea pigs, rats, pigs, ferrets, sheep, and non-human primates. Some of the deadly experiments have been sponsored by the Pentagon under contracts between DSTL and DTRA.

Coincidence: Guinea pigs at Porton Down and at the home of the poisoned ex-spy - Tests using nerve agents VX and VM on guinea pigs were carried out at Poton Down in 2015. The project was funded by the UK Ministry of Defence. Interestingly, ginea pigs were also found at Sergei Skripal’s home in Salisbury, just a few kilometers away from the secretive chemical and biological military lab. A photo of the Skripals’ pets – a cat and guinea pigs, was posted by his daughter Yulia on Facebook.

Porton Down is just one of the Pentagon-funded military laboratories in 25 countries across the world, where the US Army produces and tests man-made viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN convention. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.

Abu Dhabi crown prince talks coronavirus cooperation with Bill Gates

The crown prince of the oil-rich emirate of Abu Dhabi tweeted on Friday that he had discussed cooperation in fighting the new coronavirus with U.S. billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates.
You made my day with this toilet paper story. :lol:

Not so long ago, I was young but in the villages there was not paper toilet here in Spain (Franco Time), so people used newspaper paper.
It would be sad, if it wasn’t so funny! I didn’t think of newspaper (‘cuz I never buy it), but I’ve seriously been scanning the yard for ‘soft foliage’ that could be used, if this continues to be a situation :-D
Then again, it’s still warm here and there’s always the garden hose!

Maybe people think that without toilet paper they will lose their mind. Or become savages. Or die. Something related with the anale complex? Maybe the crazy people that buy toilet paper like nuts are still in the anal stage, around 3 years old?:evil:

Well, I think people have lost their minds & now they’re losing their sh#t, lol! I received this email from Coles supermarkets:
As you may have seen, the past few days have been challenging for some customers with shortages of selected items, in particular toilet rolls! For which I apologise.

This is due to increased purchases of everyday items by some customers brought about, in part, by an international media & social media frenzy – which then causes other customers to lose confidence in the system and then buy more themselves. Australia has an outstanding supply chain and most of our products are sourced from Australia including toilet paper.

We're working to re-stock shelves every day to meet demand, and we have agreements in place to increase production of everyday items in Australia if the need arises. We have increased the number of team members in our stores and our suppliers are doing the same.

However, in the short term, we have reluctantly chosen to introduce a temporary 4 pack limit on toilet paper to ensure the elderly and those groups at highest risk can still access the everyday products they need, and to reduce likelihood of bulk purchasing which then appear on the internet at a price premium.

I understand the average 4 person family needs around 20 rolls of toilet paper per fortnight, and larger packs contain around 30 rolls meaning 4 packs would total 120 rolls - enough for around 12 weeks.

We appreciate the understanding and patience of our customers who miss out, and our hardworking suppliers and team members who are doing their best to ensure we are helping all customers.

We appreciate your business and I know that security of grocery supply is a key concern for all Australians. Through the bushfires I also know that Australia is at its best when we all come together to help each other.

So it’s certainly a problem if the CEO has to email everyone and place a limit on toilet paper purchases per person!
You know how we were all expecting the US to implement some form of martial law at some time? I never ONCE expected the reason to be a virus, or that they'd copy China's behavior in that regard. :scared: Or, to be frank, that other countries would do the same.
From Daily Mail:

China's leading coronavirus expert claims the number of daily cases in Wuhan could drop to ZERO this month

A leading coronavirus expert in China has claimed the number of daily infections in epicentre Wuhan could drop to zero by the end of March.

Prof Zhang Boli, a member of the expert team appointed by Beijing to handle the health crisis, also suggested that daily growth was likely to stop in other parts of Hubei Province from as early as next week.

From China Daily:

Data show that the number of new cases in other areas of the country, except Hubei, was basically zero at the end of February, Zhang said.

In other areas of Hubei, except Wuhan, it is expected that new cases will be zero in the middle of this month and it will be zero in Wuhan at the end of the month, he said.

However, it won't be absolute and occasionally there will be a few new cases, he added.

According to Zhang, apart from Hubei, people in other areas of the country basically don't need to wear masks and normal life and production order will be restored by the end of April. It will be a month later for Hubei.
It would be sad, if it wasn’t so funny! I didn’t think of newspaper (‘cuz I never buy it), but I’ve seriously been scanning the yard for ‘soft foliage’ that could be used, if this continues to be a situation :-D
Then again, it’s still warm here and there’s always the garden hose!

Well, I think people have lost their minds & now they’re losing their sh#t, lol! I received this email from Coles supermarkets:

So it’s certainly a problem if the CEO has to email everyone and place a limit on toilet paper purchases per person!
thank you for the news from the planet of toilet paper. The hose is a good idea, and it cleans better. I just saw this on Tweeter. Yes, I laugh but it is very sad. But also we need to laugh these days, it is important for the inmune system.

The response from Europe and the US is an absolute joke compared to China or even South Korea. An absolute joke.

It's becoming clear that our governments and a huge swathe of the population are going to call bluff on this virus. That means the actions the governments will take will be token gestures in reality. They have said upto 80% of us will get it. Just perfect.

That means all their eggs are going into the basket of 'this is just the flu'. That's all good and great but it's high stakes poker the answer of which we will all come to find out for sure in due course.

Another thing, I'm noticing how people who think this is just like the flu are disregarding the elderly like their lives mean nothing - literally saw some comments to this effect on social media. Typical attitude to the elderly in western society where the value of human beings reduce to next to nothing when they stop being economically active. I would not be best pleased if I was elderly.

Also some people are acting like millions upon millions of people don't have other underlying health issues. These people are being lumped in with the elderly and essentially being told, 'good luck to you'.

Absolute joke of reactions. China will be laughing at the end of this when they see chaos and lunacy engulf Europe and the US when this thing rips right through like a hot knife through butter.

Great, just great. Looks like we're in for a very bumpy spring and summer. China itself is on the way to recovery and they'll shut their borders when they get better.

The weakness of Europe and the US is so greatly revealed by this virus it makes me wonder if China didn't unleash this on purpose because they'd done their studies and mapped out the weaknesses.

I guess we'll all come to find out for sure because as a collective, we're all calling a bluff on the Corona virus.
Here more news from the toilet paper world. Humanity is really becoming a very amazing species. Maybe it is time to go and start again.
You beat me to it, loreta- my mum showed me that tweet & it’s going viral here (was on news too apparently). I’m just gobsmacked that people behave this way :scared:
In that particular incident above, I believe the manager finally had to call the police. This is turning into more of a mind virus with the mass panic- I’m sure the elites are laughing themselves senseless.
Couldn’t resist ;-D

In that particular incident above, I believe the manager finally had to call the police. This is turning into more of a mind virus with the mass panic- I’m sure the elites are laughing themselves senseless.
We have had the War on Terror and now the War on the Corona virus is promoted by the vaccine makers and their adherents. It is rapidly turning into a War for Toilet paper and it makes sense. Good to be prepared for the War on BS, which is coming thick and fast. It appears to already have hit the proverbial fan.
Meanwhile, my town on the Mid-North coast of NSW is completely out of toilet paper, tissues and hand sanitizer. I mean the whole section for the above goods is bare, everywhere. Hand sanitizer I get, but I simply don’t understand why people are buying toilet paper by the dozens. I could understand if it was a virus that made you crap your pants all over the place, but a bad cold with lung involvement? Really?! Todo del mundo está loco :umm:

Same here in germany in a big local store. Yesterday the big section normally full with toilet papers was completely empty. :umm:
It is rapidly turning into a War for Toilet paper and it makes sense. Good to be prepared for the War on BS, which is coming thick and fast. It appears to already have hit the proverbial fan.
Same here in germany in a big local store. Yesterday the big section normally full with toilet papers was completely empty. :umm:
Umm, after watching the insanity with the toilet paper, imma ask a male friend to come do the groceries with me. I don’t want to be clobbered on the head by some screaming banshee wanting to fight me over it. Stephan Verstappen’s stuff comes to mind- prepping is one thing, but you need to know how to protect yourself and your kin when humans turn into hysteric zombies (thanks to propaganda and lies).
Well.., I guess when people are flipping out over TP, things can't be that bad. When they start getting hungry, we'll get to see how humanity measures up on the Grace and Kindness meter.

And the metaphor holds: This whole exercise is kind of a 'soft' (3 ply!) introduction to the concept of shortage. Learn now while dirty crotches and not actual lives are on the line.
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