"giving patients IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and vitamin B1 for two days reduced mortality from 40% to 8.5%. The precise protocol used was 200 mg of thiamine every 12 hours, 1,500 mg of ascorbic acid every six hours, and 50 mg of hydrocortisone every six hours.16 Importantly, the treatment has no side effects and is inexpensive, readily available and simple to administer"

"According to Marik, vitamin C and corticosteroids have a synergistic effect,17 which is part of why his combo protocol is so effective. Still, simply using high-dose IV vitamin C exclusively has been shown to improve survival in patients with sepsis and acute respiratory failure, reducing mortality from 46% to 30%"

"It also reduced the number of days they needed to remain hospitalized. On average, those who received vitamin C had by Day 28 spent three fewer days in the intensive care unit than the placebo group (seven days compared to 10). By Day 60, the treatment group had also spent seven fewer days in the hospital overall —15 days compared to 22"
At my annual Optometry conference today, a senior presenter was talking about basic reproduction number (R zero), a term used in epidemiology. Wikipedia defines it as ‘the expected number of cases directly generated by one case in a population where all individuals are susceptible to infection’. Obviously it doesn’t account for environmental &/or genetic influences, but what I thought was interesting in our lecture was the following comparisons of R zero values for various infectious diseases (taken from his powerpoint slide):

COVID-19= 2-3 (see citation below)
Chicken pox= 8-10
Measles= 12-18
Whooping cough= 12-17
(Liu, Tao; et al . Wenjun (2020-01-25). "Transmission dynamics of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)". bioRxiv: 2020.01.25.919787.)

There are slight variations depending on which study you look at. While there are numerous issues with using a simple mathematical model to asses the infectious nature of a disease (due to many variables and complexities), it may just help put things things in perspective regarding COVID-19 in comparison to say measles. It was great to see that most of my colleagues were cautious but not at all overly concerned about COVID-19. Plenty of delegates attended the conference, and the only thing I noticed that was different was the presence of hand sanitizers near the buffet/tea/coffee stands.

Edit: Can't seem to get rid of this table, argh!

Mod's note: Table deleted.
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Basically what many people suffer from right now in terms of the Coronavirus is perfectly described in Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast And Slow" as the fast thinking/acting pathway, which by nature can't understand/fathom things like statistical baselines in order to come to sound, true and objective conclusions about any given subject, be it personal (toward one's own thinking/conclusions about self and environment for example) or on a social scale level.

Or in other words; large portions of the media/public/mainstream/political class/society are currently actively engaging/enforcing the fast thinking pathway that is often informed by raw emotions (described by Kahneman), in regard to this Coronavirus. In general, the fast thinking pathway is most often the easier and not very painful route. Compared to that, the slow thinking pathway takes longer and needs quite some effort that can feel like real physical pain to the brain since it has to battle wrong emotions/thinking patterns/conclusions.

In fact, that sort of fast emotionally enhanced thinking seems to be a hallmark of our society today pretty much everywhere you look and it is currently strongly enforced by one silly (and often black and white and wrong) "clickbait" story after the other. I think we could create a very long list of similar subjects the public was engaged in (powered by the media) in the last years in terms of fueling the fast thinking pathway. Especially the west is currently constantly enforcing and bombarded by this type of thinking. In general though, the whole planet seems to gravitate follow a similar thinking route, although some countries seem to be a bit more immune to it right now in terms of scale.
Basically what many people suffer from right now in terms of the Coronavirus is perfectly described in Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast And Slow" as the fast thinking/acting pathway, which by nature can't understand/fathom things like statistical baselines in order to come to sound, true and objective conclusions about any given subject, be it personal (toward one's own thinking/conclusions about self and environment for example) or on a social scale level.

Or in other words; large portions of the media/public/mainstream/political class/society are currently actively engaging/enforcing the fast thinking pathway that is often informed by raw emotions (described by Kahneman), in regard to this Coronavirus. In general, the fast thinking pathway is most often the easier and not very painful route. Compared to that, the slow thinking pathway takes longer and needs quite some effort that can feel like real physical pain to the brain since it has to battle wrong emotions/thinking patterns/conclusions.

In fact, that sort of fast emotionally enhanced thinking seems to be a hallmark of our society today pretty much everywhere you look and it is currently strongly enforced by one silly (and often black and white and wrong) "clickbait" story after the other. I think we could create a very long list of similar subjects the public was engaged in (powered by the media) in the last years in terms of fueling the fast thinking pathway. Especially the west is currently constantly enforcing and bombarded by this type of thinking. In general though, the whole planet seems to gravitate follow a similar thinking route, although some countries seem to be a bit more immune to it right now in terms of scale.

Agree with you here Pashalis, before reading your post was thinking about other people's reaction to the whole coronavirus thing. This morning i came to know that the italian government locked down the italian lombardy region, the home of 10 mln people + they've locked down other 14 provinces in northern Italy, so after reading this i had a discussion with one of my colleagues from work (on our watsapp group chat), so basically this girl is pregnant and she was going full hysterical about the fact that the government isn't doing enough in order to prevent the spreading of the virus, in fact she was basically screaming for more drastic and authoritarian measures blaming all the italians who don't buy the government's take on the whole thing. It stunned me to say the least, i've tried to reason with her, bringing to her attention that the actual facts about the virus and so on don't justify such drastic measures that can have great consequences of every sort now and in the near future for everyone, you guessed it, it was no point in trying to argue with her so i left it there. I understand that the girl is pregnant and so on but that doesn't justify her take on the whole thing, i mean these are the authoritarian followers that had and will sustain the draconian laws of the psychopaths in power that have lead and could lead to social oppression, control, stripping of the human rights, dignity and free will. I'm not bragging here that this may be the case though i won't exclude the whole thing regarding the coronavirus being first a nice opportunity for some psychopaths in power to make some bucks, to profit from the said "crisis" and second being a trial run, you know testing the waters and see how people will react on the draconian imposed laws and how far they can go (it seems pretty far). So far i don't know how most italians see the whole picture, with whom i spoke at work, the guys are more concerned (me included) about the damage it can do to the economy all this hysteria and the sad thing is that as far as it seems this coronavirus its not a deadly one as the black death for god's sake and seeing how all is going down the tube it boils the blood in your veins because of the absurdity of the whole situation. While writing the above i was thinking about Laura's article on transmarginal inhibition and V for Vendetta that will read/translate to italian and watch the movie today with pleasure.
Out of curiosity i've decided to see on twitter what are people's reactions on the freshly imposed restrictions by the government, so it seems that some people when they heard about the news decided to run to the southern country from lombardy region and the provinces that have been put on lock down, the people who posted on twitter are condemning those people who are running away calling them irresponsible and selfish calling everyone to abide by the law and respect the government's decisions. Don't know, maybe i'm underestimating the dangers of this virus, though i'm more concerned with these kind of people who are following and sustaining diligently the official stance on the whole thing, screaming and condemning others for not buying on this BS.
Ramping up the fear and panic over here to justify whatever laws/drastic measures government will implement, with headlines like this one...HSE say 1.9 million Citizens in the country could get the virus. I'm off to do some EE 😀
More and more qualified experts weighing in that the 'flu crowd' will disregard and believe politicians like Trump instead who say everything will be okay because they say so (hubris)! Scary.

Unlike the politicians who react (at which point it's too late), the experts have been mapping and projecting things that have come to pass thus far and no doubt will come to pass in the following months. The reactionary crowd will forever be scrambling, blaming and pointing fingers, not knowing who to blame (their fellow man, the government, the media etc) as the world around them changes from what they've become accustomed to.

Very sad indeed that so many people have an inherent inability to psychologically adapt to fast moving change. The price will be paid by everyone - guess this is part and parcel of being part of a collective.

More and more qualified experts weighing in that the 'flu crowd' will disregard and believe politicians like Trump instead who say everything will be okay because they say so (hubris)! Scary.

Unlike the politicians who react (at which point it's too late), the experts have been mapping and projecting things that have come to pass thus far and no doubt will come to pass in the following months. The reactionary crowd will forever be scrambling, blaming and pointing fingers, not knowing who to blame (their fellow man, the government, the media etc) as the world around them changes from what they've become accustomed to.

Very sad indeed that so many people have an inherent inability to psychologically adapt to fast moving change. The price will be paid by everyone - guess this is part and parcel of being part of a collective.

I wouldn't believe an "expert" on CBS Evening News if I were you. Remember, the MSM is the propaganda arm of the Deep State and that is the gang with the most to gain from this ridiculous carrying on.
More and more qualified experts weighing in that the 'flu crowd' will disregard and believe politicians like Trump instead who say everything will be okay because they say so (hubris)! Scary.
In the video you posted the person whom you have assessed to belong to the more and more qualified expert category says this at the end:

"Qualitatively it is very much like a bad pandemic of influenza."
Pandemic means:
A pandemic is an epidemic of disease that has spread across a large region; for instance multiple continents, or worldwide.

Thus the use of the pandemic in the above case is just for scaremongering purpose as the seasonal flu can also be described as a pandemic. Taken that word out of the sentence and the 'expert' is saying based on his mathematical modelling:
"Qualitatively it is very much like a bad influenza."

I don't think anybody here is going to argue with that, though at this stage it does not even qualify as a bad influenza, but that could change.

This means that this expert that you presented, is saying that it could be like a bad influenza. In other words he belongs in the 'flu crowd' too. That is also what Trump has been saying by saying that the numbers probably are closer to 1% mortality, than 3 or 4%. The HHS confirms that it is between 0.1 and 1% mortality, thus proving Trump right. From that article:

That would put it somewhere between being comparable to the flu and up to six times more lethal, but nowhere near the mortality rate that's been reported thus far.

A bad flu does not justify crashing the world economy, people's lives, jobs and more. For those who actually make a living to support themselves, not being able to go to work as the world is in quarantine will lead to people going broke and starving, families being broken up, draconian laws being implemented...to protect us of course and on and on. The death toll from that will be far greater than any bad flu.
I wouldn't believe an "expert" on CBS Evening News if I were you. Remember, the MSM is the propaganda arm of the Deep State and that is the gang with the most to gain from this ridiculous carrying on.
I am always suspicious when they don't even give the guy's name. It is not on the youtube link either. All we know is that he is an epidemiologist from Harward. What makes this person a 'more qualified expert'? If his name was given we might find out that he has strong ties to the pharma industry and the vaccine manufacturers. With no name we are left guessing.

Perhaps he is so famous that there is no need to give his name as everybody knows...(at least everybody on social media knows, right?).

And as Laura was alluding to, why should we all of a sudden trust the big MSM networks? Since when do they have people's interests at heart? The same networks who promoted every war America has ever been in, who supported Killary, the Deep State, sleepy Joe; who ran with all the stories of Russiagate conspiracy stories and against every move Trump ever made. They are the 'greek chorus and the clappers' who keep the authoritarian followers in line so that they follow the scripted narrative and believe every lie that comes down the pipe.
re: the last ten posts or so...

Great. I should have seen it coming.

We can add, "Denier" to yet another category.

At least nobody will come to burn us at the stake. (To avoid crowds.)
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