Texas hospital says man, 30, died after attending 'COVID party'

I don't even know how to respond to this. One of my co-workers said the other day, sarcastically as far as I took it, "Texas is the new Wuhan." šŸ™„

Then there is also these I saw:

Texas cities want to send COVID patients to Austin ā€“ but is space available?

Is a 35-day shutdown coming to Austin?

No shutdown recommended after Austin hospitals see COVID-19 admissions decline

With record 10,000 in hospital, Abbott warns: ā€˜Things will get worseā€™

Austin Convention Center being prepped as field hospital for coronavirus patients

Oy vey.
Every time I turn around (especially before the lockdown was lifted.... and then reimplemented one week later) there were tales of gloom and doom everywhere in the media with some pretty grim pictures, like crosses on a beach - who buries people on a beach? The media seems to want this hysteria. I wonder how the countries that DIDN'T lock down are doing now? Seriously the world has gone completely mad.
I wonder how the countries that DIDN'T lock down are doing now?
Here it's caos, the health guy (LĆ³pez - Gatell) had said days ago that the traffic light (as phases to normality) did not worked and since some States of the Republic did not followed his recomendations and open business, factories, etc too soon. .. second wave is coming. Many people are angry, confused, fustrated.

The lockdown was not mandarory per se, it was a force invitation or else, mostly on business/industry not on people.

In the state where I am, the governor issued a threat a few days ago that, if infection and death do not decrease, he will "stop everything" . With more drastic measures than when it began, it was one of the first states to close down before the federal government's directive. It also started opening earlier. The country is using PCR tests, and governments had announced proudly of being testing the citizens, it's obvious to me that the numbers had risen. Surely, they - authorities--know too. So, they are playing with fear on people.

God forbidd, we had reached the 5th place in deaths. ... Funny WHO said "... we must be honest with the communities"... Famous last words šŸ™„
This is too funny... and, serious... Governments may want to follow... That would be effective as PCR test šŸ™„... Do not know much about veterinary, it's sound to crazy to me, does odor sweat can be differenciate between a simply common flu and Covid-19?

_https://www.cnnchile.com/coronavirus/perros-detectan-contagios-coronavirus_20200711/ said:
Chilean dogs are trained to detect people infected with COVID-19

The Carabineros dog training group selected four dogs with their guides to begin training. The selected animals would detect the virus 95% effectively through human sweat. Their operation would begin in August.

It may sound unrealistic, but dogs' ability to smell allows them to be trained as the first bio-detectors of coronavirus.

The Carabineros dog training group selected four dogs with their guides to begin training.

The scientific contribution comes from the Pontifical Catholic University. In this way, the dogs would detect the virus through sweat, with 95% effectiveness.

Fernando Mardones, professor of veterinary epidemiology at the university, says that "the sweat glands are not infectious material, however, infected people generate certain odors.

The four animals chosen were previously trained in smell. As a result, the first bio-sniffing dogs would begin their operation in August. They will sit down when they detect a positive case.
Translated using deepl
It may also be the matter of having to suffer even more before they begin to stop and think about what is really happening in this time. Too many I keep reading from on the neighborhood social platform Nextdoor seem to think that if we all just comply that things will get back to normal, not realizing what danger we are all in. Not just from the plandimic but from Antifa, the democratic Mayor of Charlotte (Mecklenburg) and the democratic governor of NC as well. The neighborhoods that surround my little trailer park are upper middle class within a county (Union which is next to Charlotte) that is (or was) mostly republican. I'm not sure with the influx of growth at the moment but their exchanges are getting more heated and the battle lines are already being drawn.

I belong to that "Nextdoor" program, and I have to say that it's nothing more than yet another way to program useful idiots to believe the MSM story lines. I just now checked out some threads posted by people who live in my neighborhood, and every single one of them is on board with not only wearing masks, but policing to make sure everyone does so at all times. In fact, there are "Karens" who post there that share their experiences with calling the police on "offenders" at stores, with advice on how best to do so without starting conflicts.

I've seen the occasional person talk about the worthlessness of masks only to see them get shouted down by thirty or forty other posters who relentlessly pound on the "offender". But even more insidious is that when such a person starts his or her own thread trying to call BS on this business, it gets deleted within the hour. And the same thing happens with anyone who tries to share information about the 5G towers going up all over this area at this time.

One positive about reading all of that stuff is that I now know there really isn't anyone I "resonate" with in my local environment. So I am becoming less and less disposed to trying to find a way to stay here. Time to pray to spirit for a solution to reveal itself, I think. But don't bother with the "Nextdoor" program unless you want to use it as a way to canvass your own neighborhood. It's as corrupt as all the rest of the MSM.
We arrived to Croatia 3 days ago without any problems.
Since the government here claims that there are more and more infected, weĀ“ll see how it will go with returning back to Germany.

The government claims that there is more and more infected and from tomorrow, 13.7., masks are mandatory in all closed spaces here. :curse:
People are angry, comment sections across the portals are filled with angry comments, and yet no one protests openly.... ah....

The government also announced new symptoms:
And with acute respiratory distress as the main symptoms of COVID-19, nausea and diarrhea appear to occur more frequently in patients. From the beginning of the pandemic, namely, it was clear that the symptoms of COVID-19 were fever or high body temperature, dry cough and shortness of breath that left you breathless. It soon turned out to be fatigue, body aches, headaches, sore throats, and then a loss of taste or smell was added to the list of symptoms. The last in a series of symptoms are nasal congestion or runny nose, nausea and diarrhea.

Read more at: Novi simptomi korone: mučnina, proljev, začepljenje ili curenje nosa - www.vecernji.hr
So now basically any illness can be declared as COVID-19. :nuts:
Others can correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I think that with ā€œstrategic enclosure to the maxā€ the Cā€™s didnā€™t mean that we should completely ā€˜turn the other cheekā€™, but to be strategic in our ā€˜resistanceā€™. So, maximum strategy, yes, but not maximum surrender. It of course depends on the situation and where you live, but I think that some civil disobedience, like not wearing a mask, sends an important signal to others (if it doesnā€™t get you in too much trouble).
I agree, but the situation is becoming harder every where, I think. Hier in Belgium, since yesterday It is compulsory to wear a mask in all public spaces, like shops, cinemas, banks, etc. If you refuse to wear it or you forget it, you get fined (250 Euros), and the owner of the place where you are, get fined as well (750 Euros). Insane!
We arrived to Croatia 3 days ago without any problems.
Since the government here claims that there are more and more infected, weĀ“ll see how it will go with returning back to Germany.

The government claims that there is more and more infected and from tomorrow, 13.7., masks are mandatory in all closed spaces here. :curse:
People are angry, comment sections across the portals are filled with angry comments, and yet no one protests openly.... ah....

The government also announced new symptoms:

So now basically any illness can be declared as COVID-19. :nuts:

Actually, masks are mandatory for all only in shops and public transportation, in other places just for the staff, checked the official document a moment ago. I will finally have to put one on, managed to completely avoid it so far. That realization created a sudden burst of anger within me this morning, but it soon passed. Feeling only sad right now, that's the general feeling lingering in the background for months, whenever I'm confronted with overall state of the world. The show must go on...
Hier in Belgium, since yesterday It is compulsory to wear a mask in all public spaces, like shops, cinemas, banks, etc. If you refuse to wear it or you forget it, you get fined (250 Euros), and the owner of the place where you are, get fined as well (750 Euros).

Terrible. I was wondering why this is now mandatory in Belgium and not in The Netherlands and what reasons they use. AFAI can tell, it is about the role of aerosoles in transmitting covid1984 (apart from their reasons that it is getting busier in the streets and so more difficult for people to maintain distance). The Belgian "experts" believe the masks protect against the "large and small aerosoles" while the Dutch "experts" are of the opinion that any aerosoles go right through the masks and so non-medical masks (which everyone would wear) do not protect against transmission. :lol: Wow, come on people!! They also say that the scientific evidence relating to wearing non-medical masks is not uniform and non-medical masks offer very little protection.

Actually, masks are mandatory for all only in shops and public transportation, in other places just for the staff, checked the official document a moment ago. I will finally have to put one on, managed to completely avoid it so far.

The trend seems to be that more and more countries are muzzling their citizens. It will be interesting to see if the mask policy in The Netherlands (currently only for public transport) will be reversed and more widely implemented at one point and which arguments they will use to convince their people to wear them. Will the programming be so deep that no one would notice or object?


At present, the big worry in Algarve is their very livelyhood. They live from tourism here and especially British tourism. There is something strange going on as the UK put Portugal on a holiday blacklist meaning Brits need to self-isolate two weeks upon return if they do visit Portugal. Needless to say, the Brits stay away, which results in a disastrous economical situation here. "Unemployment has risen in the region of the Algarve by over 200%, and we havenā€™t even reached the ā€˜low seasonā€™ yet. Earlier this week, the OECD estimated the region could end up losing 40% of its businesses, while Expresso has since reported that 70% of bookings for July cancelled following the British government announcement.
The Portugese government is scrabbling to create support programmes and the arrival of much-lauded EU ā€˜aidā€™ still months away at best, the situation could hardly be worse."

This policy seems to be part of the effort to completely destroy the economy of this part of the country.

Smokes alert.
The situation in South Africa is still in the same stage. Tobacco products are still prohibited by law although there has been a court judgement that managed to decriminalize the sale of tobacco products. All other court cases are either between submissions, or appeals or simply delays.

However, my point of posting this alert is made by a fairly recent communique by WHO that plans to expand the tobacco ban to other countries and eventually the entire world. Unfortunately I cannot fully detail on the video content because I could not even get myself past the full introduction of the pannelists although I started to watch twice the darn thing.

Sorry to bring bad news.
Smokes alert.
The situation in South Africa is still in the same stage. Tobacco products are still prohibited by law although there has been a court judgement that managed to decriminalize the sale of tobacco products. All other court cases are either between submissions, or appeals or simply delays.

However, my point of posting this alert is made by a fairly recent communique by WHO that plans to expand the tobacco ban to other countries and eventually the entire world. Unfortunately I cannot fully detail on the video content because I could not even get myself past the full introduction of the pannelists although I started to watch twice the darn thing.

Sorry to bring bad news.
The "Dry Law" of tobacco arrives.

There is really something about tobacco that they "don't like."

Keton Cop quote: ā€œI hope no one else is going through this...ā€

Already happened to me. Long story short. I was living in a beautiful home with 4 months of supplies, and knew the turf.

All went kerflooey in a few weeks. Had to throw my belongings in the dump, and leave town (Oregon) with only what I could take in my car. Presently in Phoenix Arizona in a trailer (115 degrees outside). BUT not under the bridge!

I wasnā€™t going to share this as it sounds like whining, but probably we should all be aware that we are not invulnerable, and some of us are likely to get wet in this storm. Dump thisā€”toss that--cut losses, move to higher groundā€¦ The decisions taken in the last few weeks have been nerve shredding, but I think in-action would have led to a less optimal situation.

I found that pray works much better when in a desperate situation and focused. Really seems to work then.

Day by day now.

The temperature gun:

I was talking to a person recently that told this story. Her uncle in Mexico went in to have his dialysis done and was temperature tested with the gun. He was told he had a temp, he argued that he felt fine. They moved him to another room tested him and said he had covid. He became angry and protested that he was fine. They moved him to quarantine. A week and a half later he was dead. The assumption the family is making is that he never received his dialysis treatments, but who knows.

I walked into a store recently and was met by 4 employees, one informed me to lather my hands up with antibacterial, then move on to the temperature gun employee, and I donā€™t know what the other employees were for, but I stopped looked at him and saidā€¦forget it! and walked out. Now, although they donā€™t take temperature at the grocery store, they do have employees and an armed police officer at the door. Take home point: I worry about that temperature gun, and what freedom one might lose if things donā€™t go well with the tester employee. Or for heaven sakes you have a temperature.

We have a fair idea of this worldā€™s history. For STO types it ranges from miraculous circumstances leading to a better place, to marginalization, and, or martyrdom. Thatā€™s not to say if you play it ā€œrightā€ you end up in a better (material world) situation. Playing it ā€œrightā€ could lead to the opposite conclusion. In the wider soul experience life, Iā€™m confident we are going to be just fine, and probably a heck of a lot better off after this experience. But in this matrix physical world I have no such confidence. All bets of safety are off, and itā€™s time to surf.

Thanks to all here for keeping the channel open.
I may just go ahead and have them test me, and if I do have a high temp for some reason, I will tell them right then and there that I'm giving my two week's notice and filing for early retirement.

The laser thermometers read low in my experience which is what they will likely use. If you're not sick, I wouldn't worry about it in a nutshell. I think we need to try and incorporate some level of faith. I mean I don't want to be monitored and tracked either but my experience has been that when something is pulling at my attention that is unwanted, I ask myself can I reasonably do anything about it? Is it something I want to give my attention to? If the answer to those questions is no, then I turn my attention towards learning and following the clues, so to speak, and try not to worry about the other stuff. Otherwise that other stuff becomes an energy vector. You end up wasting energy and that has the effect of befuddling the mind so that you can't think clearly.

IOW, it's a trap, don't fall for it. Choose to be the decider of what you focus your attention on. Don't let fear and future tripping derail you.
I was talking to a person recently that told this story. Her uncle in Mexico went in to have his dialysis done and was temperature tested with the gun. He was told he had a temp, he argued that he felt fine. They moved him to another room tested him and said he had covid. He became angry and protested that he was fine. They moved him to quarantine. A week and a half later he was dead. The assumption the family is making is that he never received his dialysis treatments, but who knows.
I had heard similar stories, relatives, friends that die and the hospital says is by covid-19. And family knows it wasn't. Another problem is that, once is categorized as Covid, the hospital/government take charge of the body and, family cannot see it, nor do their proper mouring, usually here it's in a funerary for + - a day, where condolences are given to the family, mass and religious service are held, one says goodbye to the deceased, the coffin is present. And, people are being deprived of that right.

"moved him to another room tested him and said he had covid.. They moved him to quarantine. A week and a half later he was dead "... it reminded me of the nurse that said the hospital applied protocols with any consideration of the accurate needs of the patient. I wouldn't/not surprised.
Keton Cop quote: ā€œI hope no one else is going through this...ā€

Already happened to me. Long story short. I was living in a beautiful home with 4 months of supplies, and knew the turf.

All went kerflooey in a few weeks. Had to throw my belongings in the dump, and leave town (Oregon) with only what I could take in my car. Presently in Phoenix Arizona in a trailer (115 degrees outside). BUT not under the bridge!

I wasnā€™t going to share this as it sounds like whining, but probably we should all be aware that we are not invulnerable, and some of us are likely to get wet in this storm. Dump thisā€”toss that--cut losses, move to higher groundā€¦ The decisions taken in the last few weeks have been nerve shredding, but I think in-action would have led to a less optimal situation.

I found that pray works much better when in a desperate situation and focused. Really seems to work then.

Day by day now.

The temperature gun:

I was talking to a person recently that told this story. Her uncle in Mexico went in to have his dialysis done and was temperature tested with the gun. He was told he had a temp, he argued that he felt fine. They moved him to another room tested him and said he had covid. He became angry and protested that he was fine. They moved him to quarantine. A week and a half later he was dead. The assumption the family is making is that he never received his dialysis treatments, but who knows.

I walked into a store recently and was met by 4 employees, one informed me to lather my hands up with antibacterial, then move on to the temperature gun employee, and I donā€™t know what the other employees were for, but I stopped looked at him and saidā€¦forget it! and walked out. Now, although they donā€™t take temperature at the grocery store, they do have employees and an armed police officer at the door. Take home point: I worry about that temperature gun, and what freedom one might lose if things donā€™t go well with the tester employee. Or for heaven sakes you have a temperature.

We have a fair idea of this worldā€™s history. For STO types it ranges from miraculous circumstances leading to a better place, to marginalization, and, or martyrdom. Thatā€™s not to say if you play it ā€œrightā€ you end up in a better (material world) situation. Playing it ā€œrightā€ could lead to the opposite conclusion. In the wider soul experience life, Iā€™m confident we are going to be just fine, and probably a heck of a lot better off after this experience. But in this matrix physical world I have no such confidence. All bets of safety are off, and itā€™s time to surf.

Thanks to all here for keeping the channel open.
Different circumstances completely but basically the same end happened to me in 2014. I was left with my vehicle, no money and no residence, locked in a secured psyche ward. Consequently living day to day has been the norm for me. It has very much been an exercise in faith. To trust in something that you can't see or touch. That is how my life works now. It's not a free lunch. It still needs to have energy input from me.
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