More from Global Research [ironically, above this article was an ad for N95 masks 20% off :lol:]:
There Is No Science to Support Mandatory Face Masks. A Symbol of Social Submission?
By Renee Parsons
Global Research, July 22, 2020

As the distraction of BLM/Antifa riots and the coronavirus have consumed much attention and energy, the social engineering agenda of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset has taken a giant step forward in establishing the mandatory face mask as a symbol of submission to their dehumanizing agenda. Beyond Orwellian, the face mask is being used as a guise to re shape our perception of reality in acceptance of a scientific dictatorship as an integral part of a looming totalitarian globalist agenda.

As Democratic Governors have played a leading role in advancing the myth that face masks will save lives, Colorado Gov Jared Polis announced his decision on July 16th to mandate face masks to be worn in all public places in Colorado; thus codifying a medical tyranny world view.

In a July 12th Facebook page, Polis stated that “The emerging scientific data is clear” that wearing a mask protects others and reduces the risk of contracting Coronavirus. Polis then referred to those resistant to a face mask as a “selfish bastard.”
DeWine said a mask mandate had been under consideration for several days, and that mounting evidence of the effectiveness of face masks contributed to his decision. “The evidence is clearer now than it has ever been,” DeWine said. Strikingly similar language, no? And where exactly is that mounting evidence of effectiveness?]

During Polis’s four page Executive Order issued on July 19th, there is not one mention of the ‘emerging science’ as support for his decision to mandate face masks [see above note]; nor does Polis discuss how health effects will improve with masking except as “mitigating effects of the pandemic.” In announcing the mandate, Polis declared that “Wearing a mask is not a political statement. I don’t know how, in anybody’s mind, this became a game of political football.”

If the Governor is truly at a loss as to how masking or other lockdown requirements became a political football, he has not been paying attention. Consider the following: on March 20th, California became the first state in the country to order a Lockdown which was quickly followed by other States with Democratic Governors. To date, a majority of those Governors (21 out of 24) have all approved the mandatory wearing of face masks, albeit without applying any science. It is the arbitrary ‘shutdown’ of business as well as onerous personal requirements (such as social distancing) with a State adopting oppressive dictatorial behavior as if they have the right to make personal decisions about any one life.

Only four states with Republican Governors, some of which may be considered RINOs, have also adopted similar Executive Orders (Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Maryland). [Left out Ohio]

If CV is merely a variation of an infectious virus, sunshine and warm weather should have already limited its impact; reducing its spread and exposure. Instead, as Red States attempt to re open (ie Texas and Florida), sudden intense CV ‘hot spots’ flare which forces the State to delay and increase its shut down requirements. Given an advanced radio frequency weapon ability, those ‘hot spots’ may have been generated by 5G at the millimeter level on the electro magnetic Spectrum.

If, in fact, science is not the prime reason for mandatory face masks; that is, if face masks do not provide safety from contagion, then why mandate face masks at all? What other purpose does a face mask have but to protect the wearer or to inhibit spreading the virus? Without evidence that masks have positively reduced exposures and thereby fatalities, then the true purpose of the mandate becomes a more nefarious political and partisan gesture of psychological manipulation and control.

New England Journal of Medicine

On April 1st the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine published its Universal Masking Report including the following highlights:
  • We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.
  • The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal.
  • In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.
  • The extent of marginal benefit of universal masking over and above these foundational measures is debatable.“
  • “What is clear, however, is that universal masking alone is not a panacea.
  • It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals. Although such reactions may not be strictly logical, we are all subject to fear and anxiety, especially during times of crisis. One might argue that fear and anxiety are better countered with data and education than with a marginally beneficial mask
No Scientific Support for Mask Wearing

Renowned nutritionist Dr. Joseph Mercola has recently reversed his earlier support of face masks and interviewed Dr. Denis Rancourt, PhD who examined the issue on behalf of the Ontario Civil Liberties Association. Rancourt conducted extensive research with an emphasis on masks and did a thorough review of science literature concentrating on whether any evidence exists that masks can reduce infection risk of viral respiratory disease. As a result of examining many controlled trials with verified outcomes, he found no statistical advantage to wearing a mask or not wearing a mask and that masks do no inhibit viral spread.

Rancourt asserted that “there is no evidence that masks are of any utility for preventing infection by either stopping the aerosol particles from coming out, or from going in. You’re not helping the people around you by wearing a mask, and you’re not helping yourself avoid the disease by wearing a mask. In addition, Rancourt explained that “Infectious viral respiratory diseases primarily spread via very fine aerosol particles that are in suspension in the air. Any mask that allows you to breathe therefore allows for transmission of aerosolized viruses.”

In conclusion, Rancourt stated
we’re in a state right now where the society is very gradually evolving towards totalitarianism. As soon as you agree with an irrational order, an irrational command that is not science-based, then you are doing nothing to bring back society towards the free and democratic society that we should have.”
While the ACLU remains absent, OCLA (Ontario Civil Liberties Association) recommends Civil Disobedience against Mandatory Mask Laws. If you are not comfortable with civil disobedience and your local food markets all require a face mask, don’t deny yourself the healthy food you and your family need – but DO find ways to register your dissent against being forced to wear a face mask. Write a Letter to the Editor and contact all of your elected political leaders. Be sure they understand your objections that you will not comply with their unconstitutional and immoral behavior.

So for 15 minutes a week, I appear to be one of the sheep.
Nucifera - you preempted me! But how about the others below!
Some comic relief; do not view with full bladder:
Saturday satire: When Walmart required customers to wear masks, they had no idea THIS would happen…


(Natural News) If you’ve ever wondered why the human race is doomed — and why mask mandates are a complete waste of time — look no further than Walmart, where you will find some of the most hilarious demonstrations of medical illiteracy the world has ever seen.

Last week, Walmart announced that all its customers must wear masks. They mistakenly forgot to define the term “mask,” so Walmart shoppers came up with their own answers to that conundrum.

And they are beyond hilarious.

All photos below courtesy of, where you’ll find tens of thousands of other photos that are so psychologically tormenting, you’ll be begging for a mask to cover your eyeballs.

Just remember what Walmart people say when you’re taking photos of them to post on the Internet: They hate us ‘cuz they anus.

Lets make Dr. Fauci proud… You want masks? We give you masks!
A whole new rendition of the term “bag lady”…

My husband was about to throw these out, but they’re still usable! The only question is, does the ass side go in front, or back?

[or the ultimate political statement? Maybe that's what I should wear to eye appointment.]

Honey, don’t forget the eggplant. We’ll need some on the moon:

[my second favorite but not practical for eye appointment]

White diapers matter…

[literal face diaper - and you thought it was sarcasm - Luvs so apropos]

Luke, I am your pork-devouring father… and my tats are epic:

For some reason when I put this bag on my head, the whole Walmart store goes dark…

[Hey - I had that idea first!]

There’s a cereal killer on the loose at Walmart:

[Chocolate kills! Oh, wait - people just die for it.]

When we said “air filter,” we didn’t mean to take one off your car’s engine…

[American ingenuity! Applied for patent?]

Coronavirus is no match for Storage Bin Man! This guy is like a walking cartoon of comedy:

[and I thought my mask of green butterfly netting was absurd!]

It’s not quite the Cone of Silence, but rather the Umbrella of Plastic:

[whole body shield]

Did you know that if you attach two yellow masks together with shoe laces, you can make a pair of fashionable shorts?

[no words!]

Odds are, no one needs any special reminder to keep their distance from this guy:

[bring back the engine air-filter mask!]
End of Part 1 - see next post
Part 2:
But here’s a man with a social distancing idea that might actually work!

[the adult version]

The wings make it work even better, helping you feel fresh and free!

[Now that sanitary!!!]

Everything was going great today until my head got stuck in this fish bowl, so I figured why not just continue shopping with it on?

[Doesn't it fog up?]

The highway construction crew called and they want their road cones back

[color coordination beats COVID]

Bee happy:

[I actually considered getting one of these - fly swatter ensures SD!]

But officer, I was wearing a mask… just not on my face! Does that count?

[Naked Athena needs to talk to this guy]

I know the libtard Left has been destroying the meaning of words, but “mask” doesn’t mean “snorkel”…

[again, no words]

And finally, like I said earlier, they hate us ‘cuz they anus.

[the END]

Destroy your day with more eye-wrecking photos at

p.s. Edit time expired:

[The FORCE is with him]
Last edited:
I didn't either until it impacted by ability to procure groceries. There are ways around that, but it's not yet time for that battle. So for 15 minutes a week, I appear to be one of the sheep.

Indeed and there's no shame in that! I used to laugh at people who did the curbside groceries because I thought they were lazy and it was ridiculous. Funny how things change cause now that's my go-to as long as I have the option. And I feel no shame in it either!

I also wear one in the gas station nearest my house because it's small, family-owned, and the owner and I have formed a little relationship over the years - he knows exactly what tobacco I like and will even order an extra box for me from time to time so I don't buy up all his pouches 😂 so for him I do it out of respect for his business and our semi-customer-friendship.

And my "mask" is just a loose face shield that goes over your head so it can hang around your neck. Then I just pull it up when I need to. It's what I've used for years in dog grooming so now it's actually too loose on me and I'm constantly having to touch it and adjust it (the horror!)
New from Jon Rappoport (emphasis mine):
Does wearing a mask cause diagnostic tests to read false-positive for COVID?
by Jon Rappoport July 23, 2020

Suppose one of the most intense “safety practices”—wearing a mask—actually inflates the number of COVID diagnoses?

Needless to say, it would be a bombshell. Suppose PCR and antibody tests turn out false positive results because people are wearing masks every day?

How is that possible?

Actually, it’s quite simple. A person wearing a mask is breathing in his own germs all day long. He breathes them out, as he should, but then he breathes them back in.

It seems evident that this unnatural process would increase the number and variety of germs circulating and replicating in his body; even creating active infection.

Along with this, a decrease in oxygen intake, which occurs when a mask is worn, would allow certain germs to multiply in the body—germs which would otherwise be routinely wiped out or diminished in the presence of an oxygen-rich environment.

Here’s the key: Both the PCR and antibody tests are known for registering false-positive results, since they cross-react with germs which have nothing to do with the reason for the test.

If wearing a mask increases the number and variety of germs replicating in the body, and also increases the chance of developing an active infection…then the likelihood of a false-positive PCR or antibody test is increased.

In other words, masks would promote the number of so-called COVID cases. This would, of course, have alarming consequences.

People labeled “COVID” face all sorts of negative consequences. I don’t have to spell them out.

In past articles, I’ve shown that both PCR and antibody tests DO register false-positives because they react with irrelevant germs.

For example, let’s consider the PCR: From the World Health Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans”:

“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus [COVID] and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar.”

Translation: Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.

From a manufacturer of PCR test kit elements, Creative Diagnostics, “SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit”:

“…non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.”

Translation: Although this company states the test can detect COVID, it also states the test can read FALSELY positive if the patient has one of a number of other irrelevant viruses in his body. What is the test proving, then? Who knows? Flip a coin.

Now let’s consider the antibody test—

Business Insider, April 3, 202: “Some tests have demonstrated false positives, detecting antibodies to much more common coronaviruses.”

Science News, March 27: “Science News spoke with…Charles Cairns, dean of the Drexel University College of Medicine, about how antibody tests work and what are some of the challenges of developing the tests.”

“Cairns: ‘The big question is: Does a positive response for the antibodies mean that person is actively infected, or that they have been infected in the past? The tests need to be accurate, and avoid both false positives and false negatives. That’s the challenge’.”

That’s just a sprinkling of sources on both the PCR and antibody tests—revealing that both of these tests DO spit out false-positive results. Many of those false-positives are the result of cross reactions with irrelevant germs.

And as I stated at the top of this article, if wearing masks increases the number and variety of germs circulating and replicating in the body, then it’s quite likely that masks will, in fact, contribute to false diagnoses of COVID.

Now, we come to a different angle on this story. Everyone is aware that governors and other politicians are ramping up orders to wear masks to new insane levels. If indeed this order will result in more diagnosed COVID cases…

How can we avoid looking at the financial incentives?

It turns out that the states are receiving federal money for EVERY COVID case.

The reference here is Becker’s CFO Hospital Report, April 14, 2020, “State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case”:

“HHS recently began distributing the first $30 billion of emergency funding designated for hospitals in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act…”

“Below is a breakdown of how much funding per COVID-19 case each state will receive from the first $30 billion in aid. Kaiser Health News used a state breakdown provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with COVID-19 cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis.”

$158,000 per COVID-19 case








The article goes on to list every state and the money it will receive for EACH DIAGNOSED COVID CASE.

If mask wearing increases the likelihood of a COVID diagnosis, then: those states forcing new widespread mask dictates will be multiplying their federal $$$.

And if you really want to cover the bases, every method of fake case-counting will have the same ballooning $$$ effect for the states.

ALL the so-called containment measures—masks, quarantine, isolation, distancing, lockdowns, economic destruction—bring on fear, stress, loneliness…lowering immune-system function…leading to more infections…which means more germs replicating in the body…which means more false-positive COVID diagnostic tests…and more human destruction…and more $$$ for the states.

Hello Keton Cop, MI gave you really good replies, about wider perspective of it all. From your posts I recognize a lot of what I was dealing with in the past, when things weren't even near as crazy as they are right now, which puts back the importance of learning some crucial lessons, before we are able to graduate, into a perspective. All is intensifying to extremes so that people have to decide either to fall even deeper into ignorance or to finally wake up through pain. Time for group thinking is over, either one takes individual responsibility for his/her own life (physical, emotional and mental integration through actions) or goes quickly down the path of disintegration, becoming the 'dream of the past'.

When you need a break from painful lessons I highly recommend reading 'Oversoul Seven' books by Roberts Jane, if you haven't already (you can loan them free for reading online on the archive org). It's great fun and also a reminder how we are seeing only small parts, in our 3D bodies, of the vast spectrum of life/soul existence. :-D

Thanks, Color. What you and MI shared makes more sense the longer I think about it all. I've taken some time away to get centered again and not lead so much with my emotions instead of logic...something I know and have pointed out in others, yet still fall into myself at times.

I did read all the Jane Roberts books over thirty years ago, but maybe it's time to re-read them.

"Also, when I feel overwhelmed or stuck in black and white thinking about forces of good and evil, justice in this world, I remind myself of one little story I heard few years back. It's from some Indian tales about a soul fragmenting into two personalities and then given the choice. Do they want to live on earth 10 lives as best friends, or reincarnate only 3 times as the mortal enemies and learn the lessons faster. 'They' picked the faster option, instantly!

So, lets learn all we came here to learn, as fast and as best as we can, so that we can finally get out of here!"

Careful, Color. Exhibiting empathy and compassion and sharing knowledge just might make you a friend...
Today where I work, we received this e-mail from the head of the sanitation district (who is a pubic figure so I can share his name):

From: Somavarapu. Prabhakar (e-mail deleted)
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 1:38 PM
To: Regional San (SDA) <SRCSDSDA@SacCounty.NET>; SASD (SDA) <>
Subject: COVID Follow Up

Good afternoon,

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve locally and statewide. We are monitoring the situation in Sacramento County closely, and we have a number of updates to share:

· Temperature monitoring starting soon at NACY, Goethe, and SRWTPBeginning next week, we will be conducting temperature monitoring at our three main facilities. Anyone entering the building will be required to have their temperature checked. If an individual gets a reading of 100.4 or greater, they should relocate to an isolated area in their car with the air conditioning on or in an outdoor, shaded location away from other people. After five minutes, a retest will be done to verify the result. If the second test confirms a temperature reading of 100.4 or higher, the individual should not enter the facility. They should call their immediate supervisor notifying them of the result.

The temperature scanners will be installed at our three main facilities on the following dates:

o NACY (2 scanners)—Friday, July 31

o Goethe (3 scanners)—Friday, August 7

o SRWTP (7 scanners)—Friday, August 14

Once temperature monitoring stations are installed at your facility, employees must enter through one of the entrances with a temperature monitor. For a map of those locations—and for more details about this procedure, including answers to commonly asked questions—please review the Temperature Screening Procedures on our COVID-19 intranet website.

· Masks are required inside SASD and Regional San facilities—Public health officials are requiring the use of face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19. I want to reinforce that face coverings are mandatory in SASD and Regional San buildings. Our Mask Guidance Chart, located on our COVID-19 intranet website, quickly outlines where and when masks are required.

For office staff, a cloth face mask is sufficient. If you have one from home, you may wear that. If you need a cloth mask, you can receive up to three from the warehouse at your work location. It’s the employee’s responsibility to wash and maintain their masks. Field staff should continue working with their supervisors and safety representatives to determine the appropriate type of mask for the specific work being performed. If you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, please contact your safety representative to discuss alternative face coverings and medical documentation requirements.

· Updated timeline for telecommuting staff returning to work—The executive team has been closely monitoring how COVID-19 data is trending in Sacramento County. While we had originally planned for telecommuting staff to return to work at some capacity in the August timeframe, we are postponing that date given the increases in positive cases. As of now, we do not expect telecommuting staff to return to office before Monday, October 5. We will keep you apprised as data evolves and we get closer to October.

· SASD and Regional San COVID-19 training due Friday, July 31—SASD and Regional San have developed a COVID-19 training specific to the districts’ policies and procedures. This is different and separate from the County-issued training and should only take about 15 minutes to complete. The training office sent an email about this in early July, and about half the organization has completed the training. If you’ve not yet completed the training, please do so by Friday, July 31. You can access the training here.

· Update on Absence Tracking System (Supervisors and Managers)—Soon after the pandemic started, we developed an absence tracking system to help identify absenteeism trends in real time. Initially, supervisors and managers were asked to report all absences daily through that system—such as RDOs, vacation time, and sick leave. At this time, we only need to track sick leave daily through this system. The system has been updated to reflect his change.

I appreciate everyone’s ongoing commitment to delivering on our missions. I will keep you updated as the situation continues to evolve.


So soon I will be required to have my temperature checked before I can report to my station, as I indicated may happen in a previous post.


The worm is turning!!!

Today, for the first time, one of my closest co-workers walked into my room totally pissed about the temperature checks and she started talking about how all of this is BS. We ended up spending at least a half-hour sharing what we knew, and she thinks that what is being done is to purposefully tank the economy so Trump loses the election - so she is now openly questioning the MSM narrative. I shared with her my previous working experience in the anthrax lab, and also the "Event 201" videos as well as that article about Kary Mullis and how the PCR test is worthless since it produces so many false positives (known today as "asymptomatic carriers"). And I gave her copies of a couple of articles to read. She is open to it all.

Right on her heels, my co-worker who is our union representative walked in to tell me about the mandatory temperature check requirement. Do you know what he told me? He said that he, the union staffers, and the shop stewards all recommended NOT TAKING THE TEST!!! He said that they had officially submitted information about how the tests are not reliable, and that failure to take the test will result in nothing but a potentially sternly worded warning that is not enforceable! He then proceeded to tell me he won't even personally walk to the temperature station because it doesn't take recordings of who is tested or not, and he will LIE about taking it if asked!!

After that I shared with him some of what I know, and he agreed to read that Mullis article.

It's happening, folks. People are beginning to question, even here in the heart of darkness. Let's hope it spreads like wild fire!!
2 weeks of new lockdown completed, feels like a never ending soap opera with terrible actors. At least there was something to look forward to when the 1st lockdown was implemented ie a definite end date and we were enjoying the subsequent release of restrictions by driving out to the parks and mountains. Now, we cant even do that which sucks a bit. This thing doesn't seem to be relenting and there is talk of extending the current lockdown past the 6 week period if cases do not drop. We already have people from work flying back to their home in NZ and putting up with 14-day mandatory quarantine just to escape the madness. NZ has free movement within its borders and no further restrictions. Things are returning back to normal in NZ from what I am hearing.

Here in VIC, we are supposed to wear masks now at all times outside our homes which is one restriction too many for us. Failing to do that will see one $200 short in their bank account if fingered by the coppers. Its all a bit depressing given there is little movement possible and mandatory masks almost make it like being put under house arrest. There's only so much one can do being locked up inside a home. There's books to read which is great but we do prefer spending some time outdoors and its getting on the nerves a bit. Just have to keep calm and ride this one out I guess.

Hoping the rest of you have it a bit easier.
You may be expected to get a certificate from your doctor. In Victoria (Australia) they are starting to fine people not wearing masks. These idiot politicians have made it mandatory to wear them everywhere (not just in enclosed spaces or around other people, but even when you are alone out walking the dog), and this will be forever - or until the vaccine comes out and we all forced to take it.

Yes. Our fascist premier has indeed said we will be wearing masks "for a very long time."

Gotta love this quote too:

"What we do know for a fact is that if we had not gone to these stage three stay-at-home restrictions, we would not be reporting 300 cases per day, we would be reporting thousands of cases per day," he said.

For a fact? Really? So you're telling us you've got a time machine hidden away somewhere? Or perhaps a soothsayer in the back benches??? Just how do you know this utter dribble for a fact?

But what makes me despair is that I know the vast majority will suck that right up. The lockdowns are our saviour!!

And of course the additional six people who have died: 3 in their 80s, 3 in their 90s. 🤯

Talking heads on the radio are already making excuses discussing how "one in four people get sick" and now there are "many" people in ICUs in their 30's "fighting for their lives". I have a sneaking suspicion that this attitude will backfire quite severely. I can see an awful lot of hate mail being directed their way. This will no doubt come as a complete surprise to them.

You possibly saw this article already Ruth: Intensive care nurse warns 'what we are seeing now is young people who are going to die'

So some random intensive care nurse speculates and makes assumptions, and this is headline news?

""What we are seeing now is young people who are going to die. There is no doubt about it," she said.

"And these are people who are 30s, 40s, 50s, who have no past history."

She said deaths in Victoria had so far predominantly been in older people, but that would change."

They are really trying to sell the young people dying schtick.

"The Royal Melbourne Hospital has acquired a further 22 ventilators as the intensive care unit prepares for a surge in cases."

Yup. Well if they don't die, we can always kill 'em off with the ventilators! Plus I'm sure there WILL be younger people getting very sick now thanks for our mandatory muzzles.
At the moment I am on holiday in Italy and would like to give a little information.

The decision to go to Italy was made at very short notice due to the current uncertain travel situation. I myself was in a very bad physical condition and I knew that I needed some time to find myself again. The small hotel is located in the northeast of Italy in Rimini and is a second home for me. A friendship has developed with the owners over many years and you meet people there who spend their holidays here every year.

Already on arrival, one could see the unusually empty beaches, since Monday there is a beach occupation of 40%. In my small hotel the situation looks similar. From 150 beds 35 are occupied at the moment. The junior manager told me that the opening was not decided until mid-June, as there were some inquiries. In the surrounding area many hotels are still closed because there is no demand. Many hotels that were leased will not survive the end of the year. A disaster for this region. At the moment a lot of money is being invested in the infrastructure in Italy. German tourists are missing here. The small local airports as main feeder flights are not approached.

Corona had only weakly appeared in this region. Interestingly enough, the oldest survivor of Corona from Europe comes from the small village where I am . It is a 101 year old man who survived the disease unharmed. He said that he survived the Spanish flu and also the Germans war , he survives Corona too. During the curfew there were very strict controls here. Nobody was allowed to go to the beach and every day helicopters flew over the beaches to immediately inform the police if something was moving on the beach. At the moment there are only 10 new infections by Senegalese working in Italy in summer.

Masking obligation
I only wear a mask when I enter the dining hall and grocery stores. Otherwise there is no mask obligation. I am astonished about the carefreeness, as there are large crowds of people during the evening walk. No police, no public order office is interested. Nobody here is interested in whether a mask duty is observed or any distance rules. Yesterday we were in a big water park. Also no mask in the park. At the big weekly markets everyone wears a mask because there is direct physical contact.
On the bus the situation was totally bizarre. Every second place must be kept free. Since the buses are overcrowded at the same time, people stand crowded in the aisles and also in front of the empty seats. But nobody sits down because this sign is on the seat.
The Italians are much more relaxed with the new situation and do not understand that we in Germany are fighting a personal and political war with masks and distance. Nor do I feel panic or hysteria in italia.

Critical voices on Corona
In Italy, too, there are many critical voices that have serious doubts about the media reports. What is striking, not only here but also in Germany, is that there has been a deliberate and intentional manipulation or opinion making about images. The horrible pictures of Bergamo with the coffins and refrigerated trucks. When I told people in Germany that I was going to Italy, they replied that I was reckless and that I had not seen the pictures of Bergamo with the many coffins and refrigerated trucks. This week I thought about whether certain pictures were created to form a trigger. When I personally think of the 11/9, I immediately see a picture in front of me that will never let me forget that day. The pictures of Bergamo serve to not be able to free people from this thinking.
Interesting is also a book that has now been published by a doctor who served in Bergamo and is very critical of the situation. I will try to order it. There is an interview that describes the situation from his medical point of view very well. I will try to translate it.
I have the feeling that there has been a great family trauma here in Italy. It is not the death that traumatized the people, but that they were suddenly separated from their relatives and were not allowed to experience a farewell and dying. It is a social trauma, especially in this country where generations live in a very confined space and the older generation is integrated into the family.
A young woman who knows the difference between common law, constitutional law and administrative law talked her way through a covid checkpoint without giving any personal details. I don't know how long tactics like this will work, and there's a good chance that they recorded her number plate for later. It went smoothly on this occasion. The recording of the incident on social media has copped a fair bit of negative attention.

An Australian Lawyer, Serene Teffaha, is gathering interest for a judicial review to call out the conflict between biosecurity acts and coronavirus measures. It turns out that many of the lockdown and social distancing measures implemented are exceed the powers of the biosecurity act - including any attempt at forced vaccination. If people suffer wish to pursue injury, losses or damages in regards to lockdown etc, Teffaha is also considering class action.

Here's an interview with Teffaha by one of the Health Australia Party members. Teffaha seems kind of young and idealistic so hopefully she is aware of the negative attention she might attract.

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