Wow! I love some of the quotes in that article. Truly shows just how brainwashed people are...

“There are rules in place to protect us all..."

“The government is restricting some aspects of our life so we can hopefully get our life back to normal as quick as possible."

And my personal favourite:

“Do you get that they are actually fighting to get our freedom back for us.” :rotfl:

I just ventured out for a while to see what things look like on the ground in mandatory masked Melbourne. I did not see a single person without a muzzle. :-( Even the cyclists that went passed me had them on!

At the same time though, I did not get any nasty looks or comments for my nude face. And when I paid in cash at (admittedly a small shop) the lady did not batter an eyelid.

I did feel like I was on another planet though. It's quite unnerving not being able to see anyone's faces at all. I'm going to truly miss the smile of a random stranger...

One thing that I don't get is why rich western countries are hell-bent on killing their own population? So they want to make half the country susceptible to Corona virus?

Like, why?
Its quite obvious that the evil rulling elites want huge changes regarding how and who they are rulling over. So if the results of these vaccines will be more deaths than one of the reasons is to have less pensioners so that there will be much less people questioning why the governments are not paying them out. It could be that they want to make more room for immigrants that will work in any conditions and for less money. I heard that Germany alone has to import 1million foreign workers every year JUST to produce the cash for pensions of its citizens. And you know that big pHarma has our governments in their pockets so another obvious reason is to fortify big pharma's chokehold on humanity. Also dont forget the fact that there is high probability of these vaccines being filled with nano tech and DNA modifying proteins... So another reason would be the inception of tech. transhumanism.

There was an opioid crisis before this plannedemic so you can imagine the abuse of pills that is going on now! Any country that has opioid epidemic is cursed since most of the people that should be questioning all of this are blasted out of their minds and in a state of fear and confusion. And I bet alcoholic drinks industry is getting richer beyond their wildest dreams.

Sadly its natural that parasitic corporations and big industry are squeezing humanity for what its worth. And since populations still cant unite and organise themselves in boycott corporate abomination is getting stronger.
An Australian Lawyer, Serene Teffaha, is gathering interest for a judicial review to call out the conflict between biosecurity acts and coronavirus measures. It turns out that many of the lockdown and social distancing measures implemented are exceed the powers of the biosecurity act - including any attempt at forced vaccination. If people suffer wish to pursue injury, losses or damages in regards to lockdown etc, Teffaha is also considering class action.
It's actually a reality, and it's money well spent. Of course, the more people join in the easier it becomes.

One thing that I don't get is why rich western countries are hell-bent on killing their own population? So they want to make half the country susceptible to Corona virus?

Like, why?
I think maybe they do want to reduce the global population quite significantly. How else would they do it? Vaccines are a really good way to go, because nobody suspects.
I don't think that these videos have been shared so far. They are very very interesting.

Part 1 is about the mask and part 2 is about the goal of the vaccine according to Catherine Austin Fitts.

Those were really good. The combination of medical experience from Tenpenny added to the political and financial knowledge of Fitts revealed more nuances across a broad range of issues in regards to the virus and not just masks.

Fitts indicated that she expected the economic reset saying:

So I was on a race from the time this happened, because I thought the global reset or what they’re doing would happen after the election. So for me this was an acceleration.

Tenpenny comments about the minds of the masses in the second video:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's like a bell curve. In the 0 - 25% range you just have to bless them and turn them over to God because nothing is going to change their mind - nothing will change their mind. They believe in authority figures, it's gone into their mind almost like German New Medicine, the stuff that goes in and sucks into your brain. It's an emotional hit and it's not coming out.

Then the 25 - 50%, if we had the luxury of time, then we could nurture those people and educate them over time. But we don't have time.

And then there's the 50 - 75% who are our target audience. Those are the people who are willing to question, willing to be open to debate, willing to weigh both sides, we can move those forward to the 75 - 100% which is preaching to the choir that are onto our philosophy and understand what we're saying. We keep talking to them because we have to keep the wind under their wings.

Fitts says that for the next 5 years the most important area's to concentrate on are food, shelter and energy. Peeps that are currently on $65k a year are likely to see that go down to $20 - 25k.

Can't vouch for the authenticity of this but they say the way 5G waves will interact with our cells will produce effects that can result in a positive covid test.

He also mentions exosomes and how they have a similar structure to corona virus and so can result is a positive test result.

He mentions the biologists who've died in mysterious circumstances due to association with the above.

One thing that I don't get is why rich western countries are hell-bent on killing their own population? So they want to make half the country susceptible to Corona virus?

Like, why?
I think maybe they do want to reduce the global population quite significantly. How else would they do it? Vaccines are a really good way to go, because nobody suspects.

As I saw the above SOTTREADER's post, I left to check my youtube updates, which showed the new video from The Crowhouse (Max Igan, his main YT account thecrowhouse was terminated couple of weeks ago) which shared, as an intro, a video from the yt channel Pineal Foundation (they also have a web site but there's no info on it) which is a recited 'poem' with accompanied visuals, titled "Dear America (World) 2020 by Annie Southard". But that's not the one I wanted to comment on.

Since their web site is so 'mysterious' I wanted to check what's that all about and watched their latest yt video posted five days ago:

It is a very long (02:22:02) and low quality video with bad sound, soon I started to skip through it and then really began to watch when he mentioned Bill Gates (52:47). Here comes my the attempt to summarize it, for those of you who don't have the time or the nerve to go through it:

This guy (Martin Kenny) claims how on the December the 21st this year there will be a huge cosmic event, a burst of plasma/prana kind of energy at 500 Shumann resonance which threatens to kill most of the human population on Earth, all that resonate below some 432 frequency. He states how it's a natural event of progress, "mother nature resetting" into the next stage of existence. The problem being is that most people still resonate way below that, majority at 350 frequency cause they were 'slacking, didn't do the Work' hence they would be all fried, burned, basically electrocuted. He says that's the real Corona virus, disrupting the matrix.

Bill Gates is, in his view, the most public gate keeper of the oppressors, the keeper of the gates of the realm etc, who actually has a mission to save as much of the population as possible, through vaccines and 5G.
He's trying to prevent as many deaths as possible. You can't be a king with no subjects. You can't be a ruler with no workers, it makes no sense! Why would you want to kill your slaves?!? What makes more sense is you want to protect them, look after them and enslave them even more in a different way. That makes way more sense to me.

His theory is how the 'elites' of this world, the ones that have the knowledge of this upcoming cosmic event, are divided into two opposite sides, giving white and black hats as one example, according to their view of acting upon it. Trump, as an example of white hats, saying 'Let nature take its course, let it be, if billions die that's what is meant to happen..' But the black hats are saying 'No, lets save as many lives as we can so that we can hold on to them and this paradigm for a bit longer, at least for another lifetime. All of those people will then be indebted and enslaved to us for saving their lives from this cosmic event: "We saved you from God's wrath!".

He then compares it to the great flood stating how Gates is a modern day's Noah, building an arc, a 'bubble', a 'field' to protect people. Then he goes into explaining the theory of how it will be done concerning the 4 basic elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air, connecting it to a quarantine and... I don't know what else. I have to take a break from it now. :halo:

My personal opinion about his statements is a mixture of 'He might be onto something here', cause it doesn't make sense to me as well, why would 'they' want to kill so many people with this quarantine/mask measures and then vaccines, riots etc; especially if they know the Wave is coming and many people will die anyway, what's the point if 4D STS can just harvest all of that agonizing energy during the 'disastrous' cosmic events?

On the other hand, maybe something is preventing them to do so, once the Wave is here full strength so they are using all the means of torture they can think of before it happens, no matter they are loosing their food source in huge numbers?!? I understand how the 'evil anarchy' structure is based on the premise of each lower level being totally oblivious of the true agenda of the higher ones, and how we often we take some twisted sense of comfort in thinking "they are just mad and all together desperate, acting out without control" but I can't take that explanation as the whole truth of things, cause we've somewhat learned about higher entities of STS through Cassiopeans. And yes, 4D STS are delusional as well, in their overall grasp of DCM/God, but they are also far from being stupid! So, what is their master plan, on higher levels? Are we even suppose to know until it happens or it would be detrimental to our individual learning, soul progress?

All that being said, I find it interesting, this guy's theory, something new to take into a consideration, maybe there are some pieces of truth in it, although I don't 'resonate' with him at all, or with that pineal site, they have some twisted messages in their videos, indigo and crystal souls, vegan diet, new age stuff which gives me instant rash. That's about it.
@Color I've listened for a few minutes from 52 onwards and it sounds paradoxical but interesting. Who knows what nuggets of truth may be in there amongst the sea of all the other info that may be suspect.

I will listen to more later. Thank you for sharing!

On Exosomes, I've also just found a video that is on my to watch list - the speakers are academics. Interested to hear what the link is between exosomes and Corona.

Wow! I love some of the quotes in that article. Truly shows just how brainwashed people are...

“There are rules in place to protect us all..."

“The government is restricting some aspects of our life so we can hopefully get our life back to normal as quick as possible."

And my personal favourite:

“Do you get that they are actually fighting to get our freedom back for us.” :rotfl:

I just ventured out for a while to see what things look like on the ground in mandatory masked Melbourne. I did not see a single person without a muzzle. :-( Even the cyclists that went passed me had them on!

At the same time though, I did not get any nasty looks or comments for my nude face. And when I paid in cash at (admittedly a small shop) the lady did not batter an eyelid.

I did feel like I was on another planet though. It's quite unnerving not being able to see anyone's faces at all. I'm going to truly miss the smile of a random stranger...
Some germans wear this. I like you can see people
As I saw the above SOTTREADER's post, I left to check my youtube updates, which showed the new video from The Crowhouse (Max Igan, his main YT account thecrowhouse was terminated couple of weeks ago) which shared, as an intro, a video from the yt channel Pineal Foundation (they also have a web site but there's no info on it) which is a recited 'poem' with accompanied visuals, titled "Dear America (World) 2020 by Annie Southard"
This new Igan video?

Prepare Yourself for What is Coming (Safe Version Reupload)

The info in it is telling to say the least. And having a plan B is a VERY GOOD idea if most people will go with the second wave of CONvid.

Trump pulling the WHO funding just to give it to Gavi ( Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance )

Gavi :
Gavi is an international organisation created in 2000 to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world's poorest countries.

GAVI brings together[clarification needed] developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry in both industrialised and developing countries, research and technical agencies, civil society, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other private philanthropists. GAVI has observer status at the World Health Assembly.

Gavi is co-leading COVAX, the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. This involves coordinating the COVAX Facility, a global risk-sharing mechanism for pooled procurement and equitable distribution of eventual COVID-19 vaccines.

GAVI's approach to public health has been described as business-oriented and technology-focused, using market-oriented measures, and seeking quantifiable results. This model, termed the "Gates approach" or US-type approach, GAVI is taken to exemplify. It contrasts with the approach typified by the Alma Ata Declaration, which focusses on the effects of political, social, and cultural systems on health.

This guy (Martin Kenny) claims how on the December the 21st this year there will be a huge cosmic event, a burst of plasma/prana kind of energy at 500 Shumann resonance which threatens to kill most of the human population on Earth, all that resonate below some 432 frequency. He states how it's a natural event of progress, "mother nature resetting" into the next stage of existence. The problem being is that most people still resonate way below that, majority at 350 frequency cause they were 'slacking, didn't do the Work' hence they would be all fried, burned, basically electrocuted. He says that's the real Corona virus, disrupting the matrix.
Maybe this guy lifted the Wave concept from Cassiopaea and is using it to make a disinfo version of it...
How They Pulled Off the "Pandemic" — An Animated Film by David Icke
This seems pretty good to me. It appears to lay things out in a straightforward, easily understandable manner. Thoughts? Any holes in the reasoning as presented?

Side note: It's not obvious how to get the direct link to the video in order to post it directly. Ideas? Get a Bitchute account? More coffee?
As I saw the above SOTTREADER's post, I left to check my youtube updates, which showed the new video from The Crowhouse (Max Igan, his main YT account thecrowhouse was terminated couple of weeks ago) which shared, as an intro, a video from the yt channel Pineal Foundation (they also have a web site but there's no info on it) which is a recited 'poem' with accompanied visuals, titled "Dear America (World) 2020 by Annie Southard". But that's not the one I wanted to comment on.

Since their web site is so 'mysterious' I wanted to check what's that all about and watched their latest yt video posted five days ago:

It is a very long (02:22:02) and low quality video with bad sound, soon I started to skip through it and then really began to watch when he mentioned Bill Gates (52:47). Here comes my the attempt to summarize it, for those of you who don't have the time or the nerve to go through it:

This guy (Martin Kenny) claims how on the December the 21st this year there will be a huge cosmic event, a burst of plasma/prana kind of energy at 500 Shumann resonance which threatens to kill most of the human population on Earth, all that resonate below some 432 frequency. He states how it's a natural event of progress, "mother nature resetting" into the next stage of existence. The problem being is that most people still resonate way below that, majority at 350 frequency cause they were 'slacking, didn't do the Work' hence they would be all fried, burned, basically electrocuted. He says that's the real Corona virus, disrupting the matrix.

Bill Gates is, in his view, the most public gate keeper of the oppressors, the keeper of the gates of the realm etc, who actually has a mission to save as much of the population as possible, through vaccines and 5G.

His theory is how the 'elites' of this world, the ones that have the knowledge of this upcoming cosmic event, are divided into two opposite sides, giving white and black hats as one example, according to their view of acting upon it. Trump, as an example of white hats, saying 'Let nature take its course, let it be, if billions die that's what is meant to happen..' But the black hats are saying 'No, lets save as many lives as we can so that we can hold on to them and this paradigm for a bit longer, at least for another lifetime. All of those people will then be indebted and enslaved to us for saving their lives from this cosmic event: "We saved you from God's wrath!".

He then compares it to the great flood stating how Gates is a modern day's Noah, building an arc, a 'bubble', a 'field' to protect people. Then he goes into explaining the theory of how it will be done concerning the 4 basic elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air, connecting it to a quarantine and... I don't know what else. I have to take a break from it now. :halo:

My personal opinion about his statements is a mixture of 'He might be onto something here', cause it doesn't make sense to me as well, why would 'they' want to kill so many people with this quarantine/mask measures and then vaccines, riots etc; especially if they know the Wave is coming and many people will die anyway, what's the point if 4D STS can just harvest all of that agonizing energy during the 'disastrous' cosmic events?

On the other hand, maybe something is preventing them to do so, once the Wave is here full strength so they are using all the means of torture they can think of before it happens, no matter they are loosing their food source in huge numbers?!? I understand how the 'evil anarchy' structure is based on the premise of each lower level being totally oblivious of the true agenda of the higher ones, and how we often we take some twisted sense of comfort in thinking "they are just mad and all together desperate, acting out without control" but I can't take that explanation as the whole truth of things, cause we've somewhat learned about higher entities of STS through Cassiopeans. And yes, 4D STS are delusional as well, in their overall grasp of DCM/God, but they are also far from being stupid! So, what is their master plan, on higher levels? Are we even suppose to know until it happens or it would be detrimental to our individual learning, soul progress?

All that being said, I find it interesting, this guy's theory, something new to take into a consideration, maybe there are some pieces of truth in it, although I don't 'resonate' with him at all, or with that pineal site, they have some twisted messages in their videos, indigo and crystal souls, vegan diet, new age stuff which gives me instant rash. That's about it.

I've watched more of the video but kept skipping as it's just too long and a bit up in the air. My take is that it's mostly fantastical thinking with maybe a grain or 2 of something that may be true.


I'm not sure how they'd know of an event at a specific date. We've seen to many examples of such predictions to take them at face value.

It's interesting he's talking about an event as of course we're all familiar with the wave.

He talks about this "event" and describes what would happen. Basically he says that those who are not at the right frequency will get fried and those at the right frequency will essentially move into this new paradigm.

He says that the elites are trying to minimise the impact this event will have on those who aren't at the right frequency (the majority) by setting up an infrastructure e.g. 5G and the vaccines that will mean they can live within protected cities without getting fried.

Those who'll be at the right frequency after this event may cause those who aren't to get sick due to the frequency mismatch between the 2 - hence why we're now getting primed with notions of social distancing.

Basically the jist of the thing is Bill Gates is trying to save people in his own weird way.

In a sense he alludes that the next pandemic will be driven by people not at the right frequency checking out due to getting fried if they a) don't live in a 5G protected city b) don't take Gates vaccine.

Why I think this is mostly not true

  • First of all, not sure where they get this info from.
  • Second, they don't mention Bill Gates being a potential psycho and actually taking actions that are known to cause harm and contravene free will.
  • Third, time specific predictions tend to be false.
  • Forth, I'm not sure technology can provide the sort of shield they are talking about if indeed something this transformative takes place.
  • Fifth and I'm being judgemental, they are vegans and look a bit hippie'sh so I'm wary of their info.

Things that may be true

  • There's an event coming that the elites may be aware off.
  • There may be an electromagnetic component to this event.
  • Possibly, the space the earth is traversing in may change
  • People may react differently to this event dependant on their spiritual development
Source (Dutch only): Onderzoekers Radboudumc vinden defect gen dat corona verergert

DeepL Translator said:
NOS News - Interior - Today, 17:03

Researchers Radboud-UMC find defective gene that exacerbates corona

Researchers at the Radboud-UMC [University Medical Center] in Nijmegen have discovered a defect in the genetic code of a number of corona patients that explains why some young people become seriously ill with the corona-virus. They hope that other severely ill young corona patients can be treated better with the help of the new insights.

The researchers discovered the role of the TLR7 gene when a doctor at the Maastricht-UMC noticed that two young brothers were seriously ill due to covid-19 and had to be given artificial respiration. One of them died from the consequences of the disease, the other recovered. That young people get so sick of corona is exceptional, most have only mild symptoms.

"In such a case you immediately wonder if there are genetic factors involved," says geneticist Alexander Hoischen of the Radboud-UMC. "That two brothers become so seriously ill may be a coincidence, but it is also possible that a congenital anomaly has played a role."

Essential gene

The research team mapped out some of the brothers' genes, looking in particular at the genes that play a role in the immune system. A gene on the X chromosome soon came into the picture: TLR7. This gene helps to recognize pathogens and activate the immune system. The two brothers appeared to lack a few letters in the genetic code.

The team concluded that the TLR7 gene is apparently essential to detect the corona-virus. Hoischen: "It seems that the virus can go its own way because the immune system does not receive any message that the virus has penetrated. That could be the reason for the serious course of the disease."

Men are extra sensitive to the error in the genetic code. Women who have two X chromosomes also have two copies of the TLR7 gene. Because men have only one, there is no second gene that can take over the role of the defective TLR7 like in women.

Two more brothers

During the investigation, the researchers unexpectedly had to deal with two more seriously ill brothers under the age of 35 who had to undergo artificial ventilation in the ICU. They recovered from the disease. They too appeared to have something wrong with the TLR7 gene. "This time we did not see any loss of letters, but a single writing error," says Hoischen. "The effect is the same because these brothers too don't produce enough active TLR7."

The team also investigated what the gene in question does when it's activated. It then produces interferon, special proteins that are essential in the defense against viral infections. These are particularly important for corona, says Cas van der Made, a trainee doctor in the internal medicine department. "We know from the literature that this virus has tricks to reduce the production of interferon by immune cells."

Tests showed that the immune cells of patients without a properly functioning TLR7 hardly react and hardly any additional interferon was produced. The virus seemed to have free rein.

The discovery of the Raboud-UMC researchers may help in the treatment of other seriously ill corona patients. The substance interferon can be given to patients as therapy. It is currently being researched whether this will indeed help in the treatment.

Translated with (free version)
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