Here we rely on reading, researching and understanding issues from all of the information about the issue.

I can't say I know. What level of ego do I need to have to say I know? The situation is fluid! I think you are picking at words to dismiss things out of hand? Obviously I can't say that definitively either.

The WHO have said it's not the flu and that's meant to be the main authority in the planet on the issue with an untold budget and access to level of information none of us have. They are telling governments to get ready and that this isn't a drill.

Many everyday citizens are worried and just saying it's the flu will do nothing to stop that as the evidence points differently. People want their governments to demonstrate they have control and that they will be protected. Saying it's the flu demonstrates the opposite!

Anyways, here in my country, this is the strategy the government is adopting

Now they say that smokers can catch more easily the coronavirus! Why this not surprise me?
Smokers ‘at more risk of catching coronavirus

If you’ve been thinking about ditching the ciggies, now might be a good time to do it. The Chief Medical Officer for England has warned smokers are at greater risk from coronavirus at a Commons Health and Social Care Committee meeting today. Answering questions from MPs, Professor Chris Whitty said: ‘For most respiratory infections, you worry about people who smoke a bit more. They’re more likely to get it and their immune system is less good. If you are going to give up smoking, this is a very good moment to do it. But it’s not that I’m saying they should self-isolate or behave in any other way differently.’ It is not totally clear whether smoking specifically makes people more susceptible to the coronavirus strain named Covid-19, but experts say it generally damages the body’s ability to fight off infections.

Epidemiologist Saskia Popescu told Business Insider that anyone with a history of smoking ‘could increase the risk of more severe respiratory distress or pneumonia.’ The Australian National University’s (ANU) Professor Sanjaya Senanayake said smoking fuels other conditions that make the symptoms of Covid-19 worse. He told Daily Mail Australia: ‘Smoking is associated with other illnesses such as chronic lung and chronic heart diseases which are associated with more severe disease and worse outcomes from coronavirus. It’s always a good time to quit smoking.’ A total of 92 people in the UK have been infected with the deadly airborne virus, which the Government has launched a ‘battle plan’ to combat.
And the article continues to scaring people.:headbash:

Source: Smokers 'at more risk of catching coronavirus'
I really think you need to take a long breath and calm yourself. Maybe stop one day or two to read about Coronavirus. Play with your kids, read a good novel, play with your dog, if you have one. Try to leave a little time the obsession of the Coronavirus. To be obsessed by it (in a scare and negative way) it is not good at all, it can put you sick. Maybe it will be terrible, maybe not. Who knows? There is a life apart from the Coronavirus, you know. Try to read good articles that put in perspective this subject, articles that say what is more real, that are nearer reality. What you look is not reality, it is, I think so, a play to scare.

It is a play with actors, with a lot of money behind the scene, billions of dollars. It is a plan, with an A and a B and a C and etc. Everything is controlled by some directors. Is there danger? The danger will be the vaccines, that's for sure. And the banks that will close. But Coronavirus, for me anyway, is the lesser danger in that play. But it is just a personal opinion. Take it with a grain of salt.

Be calm.

Loreta, I stopped a day or 2 and came to Spain (your country :-)). I visited many cultural sites and also attended some cultural events to escape this virus but it's everywhere. Today I was having breakfast in a cafe and there were some Italians in the table opposite talking about the quarantine in italy.

The person to the place I'm staying in said we have to greet each other differently because he has a 4 year old daughter and doesn't want to expose himself to a situation where he might get it i.e. by greeting tourists etc.

It's everywhere now... I can avoid reading about it in the news but in society it's everywhere. At work you get constant emails e.g. now you can't have meetings with more than 10 people in the same room... You have to work from home for 2 weeks if you have flu like symptoms etc etc.
This morning (Sunday) the governor of Oregon declared a state of emergency because of the C-virus.

Now California, Oregon and parts of Washington state are in a state of emergency. That’s the whole west coast. As I understand martial law it is all power taken from the “leaders” and given to the military to do with as they will for a period time, and a “state of emergency” is all powers being give not to the military but to the leaders themselves, to use without any need of approvals for a period of time. The governor also has asked for the emergency funds from the federal government.

Here (Oregon Coast USA) there is a sharp uptick on shopping. Parking lots full, stores full, and basket/carts full. The paper goods isle still has some products, but definitely running low. Vitamins, C is getting hard to find and out at some stores, D3, and zinc, not so easy either. There is a town hall meeting to be held tomorrow to discuss C-virus (the meeting is to be on the net as they don’t want us to congregate)

I personally don’t know anyone with any kind of flu, and have no fear of contracting flu. Maybe I should, but I don’t. What has me concerned is this creation and manipulation of hysteria, cutting off the systems, supplies, and services, and leaving me in crazyville. The feeling that we’re being put in the pen, as the 5G grid is going up, and there nothing we can do about it. If nature/comets/something doesn’t come in and change the game, then, for many this is could be it. Any resemblance of freedom gone, or worse.

“If” programing complete “in part” means seeing the world in only materialistic terms. Then the herd could be going hysterical, feeling that they are being penned in, and about to be dealt with. To them, this would be all they have.

A one world government is becoming more visible.

I wonder why the C-virus on the west coast hasn’t run like a brush fire though the homeless population? They are just about everywhere, are generally unhealth, and live in a very poor hygienical conditions. They must be highly susceptible, yet I haven’t heard and thing about them getting the virus, it always seems to be an 80/ y/o in poor health….?
It would seem for the masses, when they encounter the word pandemic, it reads pandemic and so quarantines, lockdowns, store runs/hoarding, along with whatever newly developed 'magic bullet' vaccine that will be thrust upon all, is the logical reaction. I mean, after all, real doctors are telling us how dangerous it is and they should know - like I said, doctors . . . 100% trustworthy with absolutely no hidden agendas or belief in anything other than conventional medicine and official science. Have any of these doctors mentioned vitamin C even once or any other homeopathic treatment (which totally worked with the infamous Spanish flu)? Why would they when they know vaccines are the real money makers (with no liability) and the public has been totally brainwashed to believe they actually prevent disease - because that's what they're constantly being told - by doctors! Also, have any of these doctors mentioned a very possible connection to 5G? A previously posted video on that subject certainly raises a lot of questions concerning this [from post #831]:
Worth the watch if you have the time.
Of note:
(key words are spelled/abbreviated/semi-muted rather than voiced in the vid)
  • 60GHz causes the rotation of the electrons around the oxygen molecule to spin, thus inhibiting the ability of hemoglobin to properly uptake these oxygen molecules. 98% of energy absorbed by O2 at 60 GHz. [9:40]
  • Exposure to a 50Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in latently infected human lymphoid cells. [39:36]
  • The Diamond Princess cruise ships are completely beamed with 5G from satellites. [16:20][20:10]
  • Symptoms of bluish skin tone/shortness of breath/acute respiratory distress/acute cardiac injury - all explainable by lack of oxygen? [22:02] Also dry cough rather than wet as one would expect with pneumonia (lungs filled with fluid), and so respiratory distress not stemming from pneumonia with this virus? [23:40]
I've had ongoing anemia for apparently a long time and so I know full well what it feels like not to have enough hemoglobin - shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, and even falling down. So if one contracted either a bad cold or the flu and then couldn't get enough oxygen into their hemoglobin, what would that look like? I think we have a pretty good idea. In investigating the cause of my anemia, blood tests determined an activated Epstein-Barr virus. Never had mono, but a severe strep throat when I was 13, so I guess that was when I acquired EBV. It is probably common among the general population just nobody knows it is what I was told.
The short answer is no, I don't have an anti China bias but I'm not happy they introduced covid-19 to the world and now we all have to deal with it.
I'm very much anti-China, I think they embody the very STS nature and draconian state tendencies that the Cassiopaean people have been working against for years now. Why is this thinking wrong?
The Cs have told us that a one-world government is already in place. China is not working in a vacuum and neither are all the other countries around the world. Perhaps the only exception is Russia, thanks to Putin. The global elite are behind the hysteria with their MSM catapulting the propaganda. And, if you want to have 'chills', watch the section of the above vid regarding the Event 201 (already mentioned previously in this thread and took place last October) beginning at 47:16 thru 52:11 and what the "select" members of this group are advocating. Hint: :evil: Be aware of how many times the words trust, truth, honest, and right come up! That would be their version of those words! :evil::evil: I'd love to post the mental image I formed of someone confronting these scumbags at this conference, but I'll not go there. It isn't pretty.
The researches have examined 103 coronavirus specimen and discovered that it underwent 149 mutations an evolved into two subtypes - S-and L-type.
Reading the above, could any rational person believe an effective vaccine can possibly be developed? And yet, all indications are this is exactly what's in store if the PTB get their way.
Now California, Oregon and parts of Washington state are in a state of emergency. That’s the whole west coast. [...]What has me concerned is this creation and manipulation of hysteria, cutting off the systems, supplies, and services, and leaving me in crazyville. The feeling that we’re being put in the pen, as the 5G grid is going up, and there nothing we can do about it. If nature/comets/something doesn’t come in and change the game, then, for many this is could be it. Any resemblance of freedom gone, or worse.
Can't help but think about the high probability of a major earthquake for that area of the country via the cascadia subduction zone. As quoted from Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection:
[...]the author reveals a strong correlation between periods of authoritarian oppression with catastrophic and cosmically-induced natural disasters.
The escalation of fear with this outbreak being propagated from all sides could trigger what the Cs have already mentioned [4 July 98]:
A: We are glad you noticed this birth of the spike. (...) 27 days of record heat out of 30, oh my oh my! Suggest you awaken your internet pals, as they are too busy chasing "goblins" to notice. (...) In Florida now, where to next? How about a shattering subduction quake in Pacific Northwest of U.S.? We estimate 10.4 on the Richter scale. We have warned of Ranier. Imagine a 150 meter high tsunami in Puget Sound...
So let's all try and be the ones who keep their heads as the rest of the world loses theirs. It might be very important to do so as things progress.
Amen, brother!
SOTTREADER, do please stop and take a breath. You are clearly really worried about the C-virus and worried to the point of obsession. In times like this I remember the line "if you can keep your head, while those around you are losing theirs". You are here for a reason, you are here to learn lessons, to learn to trust the DCM. What is the worst that could happen? You could catch the virus. And what then? You either recover or you don't. Depends on which lessons you are learning. Are you afraid of dying perhaps? Relax and trust that you are in the right place at the right time.
In flu seasons, it is wintery. And what do we do in the winter? We spend more time inside. And so we spend time in closed environments. And so the air we breath has got to be polluted in the sense that we've already breathed it. And so, what does the flu effect? Our respiratory systems. So, do viruses like environments with less air? Are the presence of viruses symptoms of the environment? We know it is seasonal.

So, what if we look at China, and see how industrialised they are and the air quality problems they encounter, and then look at all the forest fires of late, not to mention the fossil fuel usage that is ongoing, and the seasonal slow down of trees doing their job of making oxygen ( the ones that aren't burned down ) and wonder if it is adding up to a environment that is virus friendly and deprived of oxygen.

And maybe this is the purpose of quarantines: to limit fossil fuel usage. I saw a youtube cover of China before and after the outbreak (satellite photos) and the atmosphere much improved.

So, we think this might not be what it appears, but maybe it is just very narrowed in scope, as it is a crisis that will change how we function, and maybe Greta was right. :-) I don't think a child is going to be a international phenomenon for nothing.
Loreta, I stopped a day or 2 and came to Spain (your country :-)). I visited many cultural sites and also attended some cultural events to escape this virus but it's everywhere. Today I was having breakfast in a cafe and there were some Italians in the table opposite talking about the quarantine in italy.

The person to the place I'm staying in said we have to greet each other differently because he has a 4 year old daughter and doesn't want to expose himself to a situation where he might get it i.e. by greeting tourists etc.

It's everywhere now... I can avoid reading about it in the news but in society it's everywhere. At work you get constant emails e.g. now you can't have meetings with more than 10 people in the same room... You have to work from home for 2 weeks if you have flu like symptoms etc etc.

Yes, I hear you. People are obsessed without limit by this virus. They think it is the Plague. They think it is, because of the MSM, the Spanish Flu that comes back to erased humanity. They don't see, I think so, the consequences not of the virus itself but of the fear. People that are scare are easily manipulated.
Another factor surfacing in relation to COVID-19:
Health Inheritance: Asians Have Lower Vitamin C Blood Levels; More Prone To Coronavirus & Other Infections
Coronavirus Infections Outside Of Asia Not Expected To Be As Frequent Or Virulent

By Bill Sardi

March 7, 2020

Physicians in Wuhan, China, the epicenter for COVID-19 coronavirus that is now infecting human populations around the globe, report a shortage of test kits for this infectious pathogen. But maybe doctors rather than test for a virus ought to be testing for a viral vulnerability factor – an unstable form of haptoglobin (HAPTO-G), genetically prevalent in Asian populations. Then they wouldn’t be likely to run out of test kits as they are manufactured, in of all places, right there in Wuhan.

What is haptoglobin? (hap-tow-glow-bin) This blood protein binds to hemoglobin, the red protein in red blood cells that carries both oxygen and iron. By virtue of its binding power, haptoglobin mops up hemoglobin and loose iron when red blood cells die off so as to limit the availability of potentially destructive unbound iron. Haptoglobin also reduces the amount of iron lost in the kidneys and recycles it.

Out of three types of haptoglobin (HAPTO-G), one type doesn’t bind as well to hemoglobin, releases excess iron which then increases iron-induced oxidation (rusting), and increases oxidation (hardening) of cholesterol and degradation of vitamin C.

Oxidation of vitamin C

While vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant itself by virtue of its ability to donate two electrons to unbalanced atoms, vitamin C is vulnerable to oxidation itself.

While it is commonly said vitamin C blood levels are solely determined by dietary intake (fruits, vitamin pills), some is determined genetically by the type of haptoglobin that is predominant.

Haptoglobin & vitamin C

The type of unstable haptoglobin that leads to the oxidation of vitamin C is very prevalent among Asians.

Unstable haptoglobin is prevalent in up to 56.4% of Chinese males and females, whereas the two more stable forms are distributed in 10% and 33.6% of genetic groups in Chinese populations. The more stable form of HAPTO-G is prevalent among 35% of Caucasians.

Vitamin C blood concentrations are lower among Asians with unstable Hapto-G. Among individuals who don’t consume the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C from their diet, the likelihood a person will be vitamin C-deficient is ~3-fold greater among individuals who inherit the unstable form of HAPTO-G.

Because unstable HAPTO-G does not as efficiently bind to iron, blood storage levels of iron (ferritin) are obviously higher among many Asians.

Haptoglobin & viral growth

Stable HAPTO-G controls growth of viruses and bacteria.

Mortality rates are higher among virally-infected individuals with unstable HAPTO-G.

Among virally-infected adults, median survival was 7.3 years in the unstable haptoglobin group vs. 11.0 years for the stable HAPTO-G group.

Supplemental vitamin C (1600 mg./day) was found to reduce duration of hospitalization by 36% among patients with pneumonia, which is what coronavirus-infected patients die of.

Highly virulent coronavirus-infected patients produce a viral load of 357 copies per milliliter of blood serum, enough to overwhelm the immune system and marginalize dietary and oral doses of vitamin C. Continual vitamin C infusions would be necessary.

Due to the fact vitamin C levels are lower among Asians, the COVID-19 coronavirus is not expected to be as virulent or frequent in populations outside Asia.


Haptoglobin hardens cholesterol too

That same type of unstable HAPTO-G results in hardened arterial cholesterol, what doctors call atherosclerosis.

Diabetics have this same type of predominant form of haptoglobin and have a 500% greater risk for cardiovascular disease compared to diabetics who have a more stable form of haptoglobin.

Unstable haptoglobin is almost as predictive (4.2-fold increased risk) for a heart attack as is elevated cholesterol.

Vitamin C replacement

The human body loses ~3% of its vitamin C per day. Vitamin C losses greatly accelerate during infection.

Oral vitamin C is rapidly excreted in urine flow (half-life of 30 minutes), which has caused some vitamin C skeptics to refer to vitamin C pills as nothing more than “expensive urine.”

Viruses increase demand for vitamin C. Oral vitamin C taken throughout the day would be necessary to maintain optimal blood levels among healthy patients, but that may not be achievable when viruses like the coronavirus take hold. The viral load increases exponentially as does the need for vitamin C, beyond what can be taken normally via oral dosing. Continuous vitamin C infusions may be required in severe life-threatening viral infections.

Vitamin C regeneration

Humans once internally produced vitamin C in their liver via enzymatic conversion of glucose sugar to ascorbate (aka vitamin C). All humans along with guinea pigs, fruit bats and primate monkeys have the same universal gene mutation and can’t endogenously secrete vitamin C due to a missing GULO enzyme (gulonolactone oxidase). Animals that secrete vitamin C internally are not sickened by coronaviruses.

The gene that controls vitamin C synthesis in the liver is defective. In the 1970s biochemist Irwin Stone predicted some day in the future there would be gene therapy to correct this single-gene mutation and restore the human body to internally produce vitamin C on demand 24/7.

That day may have arrived as a commercially branded vitamin C, FORMULA-216 (formulated by this author), has passed preliminary tests and raises blood levels of vitamin C on a 24/7 basis without consumption of fruits or vitamin pills.

Such 24/7 secretion of vitamin C during viral infections is critical to keep up with the viral load and replication rate, as viruses live inside healthy living cells and hijack their genetic machinery to replicate.

Researchers now await genetic tests to confirm the GULO gene has been re-activated. While the precise mechanism awaits confirmation, there is no question this novel form of supplemental vitamin C provides immune support and can stand up to the worst infections. It would be most beneficial to Asian populations and contains additional natural stabilizers that mop up loose iron to protect vitamin C from oxidation.

You know how we were all expecting the US to implement some form of martial law at some time? I never ONCE expected the reason to be a virus, or that they'd copy China's behavior in that regard. :scared: Or, to be frank, that other countries would do the same.
In flu seasons, it is wintery. And what do we do in the winter? We spend more time inside. And so we spend time in closed environments. And so the air we breath has got to be polluted in the sense that we've already breathed it. And so, what does the flu effect? Our respiratory systems. So, do viruses like environments with less air? Are the presence of viruses symptoms of the environment? We know it is seasonal.

So, what if we look at China, and see how industrialised they are and the air quality problems they encounter, and then look at all the forest fires of late, not to mention the fossil fuel usage that is ongoing, and the seasonal slow down of trees doing their job of making oxygen ( the ones that aren't burned down ) and wonder if it is adding up to a environment that is virus friendly and deprived of oxygen.

And maybe this is the purpose of quarantines: to limit fossil fuel usage. I saw a youtube cover of China before and after the outbreak (satellite photos) and the atmosphere much improved.

So, we think this might not be what it appears, but maybe it is just very narrowed in scope, as it is a crisis that will change how we function, and maybe Greta was right. :-) I don't think a child is going to be a international phenomenon for nothing.
It is always good to review and change and I am sure many people will individually reach such decisions. ’Maybe Greta’, will most likely be remembered as a case of mislead mass manipulation attempt rather than as a child phenomenon which she is most certainly not. As for the right or wrong, personally I prefer true or false based on facts.
SOTTREADER, do please stop and take a breath. You are clearly really worried about the C-virus and worried to the point of obsession. In times like this I remember the line "if you can keep your head, while those around you are losing theirs". You are here for a reason, you are here to learn lessons, to learn to trust the DCM. What is the worst that could happen? You could catch the virus. And what then? You either recover or you don't. Depends on which lessons you are learning. Are you afraid of dying perhaps? Relax and trust that you are in the right place at the right time.

Okay. I might be consuming too much information on this virus it might be making me concerned.

Anyways, I shall head the advise and take a step back to smell the roses as it were.

I'm technically in an age group where the risk profile is low (but not nil). With this virus you need to also think about the consequences of being asymptomatic or having only mild symptoms and then unwittingly living 'normally' and infecting people in age groups or with health profiles where the risk factor is high. It's not just about oneself and the risk one faces but it's also what you can expose others to who have a different risk profile!

So when I get back to the UK, I'm thinking I'll seek advise and for sure not visit anyone elderly for at least 2 - 3 weeks. There's too many cases here in Spain and the risk profile especially in a city is high especially if one lives life 'normally' i.e. uses public transport, visit cultural sites and cultural events, goes to markets and other crowded places etc.

This is pure speculation but I saw a similar report from an American prepper who mentioned some stuff regarding why the virus is appearing to essentially be highly fatal in Italy and Iran.

To put it into perspective, Italy and Iran have the highest death % amongst the confirmed infected and Italy in particular has the highest incidence of serious cases among those confirmed to have the virus.

Anyways, he said a new strain might have been introduced by the usual players to fly under the radar of the old less aggressive strain. This new strain might have been modified to target some genetic profile within Iranians which apparently Italians might share as well... Eeek. :scared:

So Italians might be collateral damage in some geopolitical game against Iran.
It's not just about oneself and the risk one faces but it's also what you can expose others to who have a different risk profile!
This is true, but that risk exists every flu season and we don't act much differently. 600000 died of the flu last season, but we were not told to keep away from the elderly, to avoid public places and public transport or to self-quarantine. Why now and not then? Do we not care about those 600000 who die every year from the flu?

Some have criticized SOTT for taking a stand on the 'flu crowd' and not asking the C's enough. I think the approach taken is to respond to what we see and always. Gather information based on what is observed and not what is modelled by various interests. The WHO is not an objective participant in this. The board members are filled with the senior members from the Pharma industry. Bill Gates foundation paid more than 10% to the budget of the WHO as a previous post in this thread showed. They claim to be independent and caring, but they clearly are fuelled by other interests.

The panic virus is in full swing, whereas the Covid virus is limping along. The panic virus has closed countries down and affected the global economy and it does not appear to change. More countries will be locked down, more draconian measures will be introduced. More resources which otherwise would have gone to other patients in the medical system, will be diverted to the Covid scare and there will be fatalities as a consequence. Will their deaths also be listed as covid-related as the deaths 'from' Covid-19 are normally being classified?

It could mutate and/or something more deadly could be introduced/appear, thus it is important to monitor what is, in other words to keep the eyes on the ball. Meanwhile, strengthen the immune system and prepare for when the real deal happens.

While the headlines have been filled with the virus other things go under the radar. I noticed that Japan had now decided to drop all the radioactive water from the Fukushima containment into the pacific ocean.
Vitamin C versus Coronavirus


The Shanghai Government officially recommends Vitamin C to combat the Coronavirus

Reports OMNS, March 3, 2020. The Government of Shanghai, China, has officially announced its recommendations that Coronavirus (COVID-19) should be treated in large quantities vitamin c
intravenously (1). Dosing recommendations vary according to the severity of the disease, from 50 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of weight per day, and up to 200 mg/kg per day.

These doses range from approximately 4,000 to 16,000 mg for an adult intravenous injection. This particular method of administration is important, says Intravenous Therapy expert Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, because this way the effect of vitamin C is at least ten times greater than that of oral administration. Dr. Yanagisawa is president of Tokyo Japan College of Intravenous Therapy. He says, "Intravenous administration of vitamin C is a safe and effective broad-spectrum antiviral drug."

Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, Sino-American medical specialist, works closely with medical and government authorities throughout China. He has played an important role in facilitating at least three Chinese clinical trials of vitamin C currently underway. Dr Cheng is now in Shanghai, continuing his efforts to encourage more and more Chinese hospitals to introduce vitamin C therapies that include high oral doses, as well as intravenous injection

Dr. Cheng and Dr. Yanagisawa recommend oral administration of vitamin C to prevent coronavirus infection.

The official statement of the second hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University Hospital (2) reads:

"In the afternoon of February 20, 2020, 4 more patients with severe new coronavirus pneumonia recovered from Tongji Hospital West Ward. Recently, 8 patients have been discharged from the hospital... A high dose of vitamin C has achieved good results in clinical use. We believe that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia and seriously ill patients, treatment with vitamin C should be started immediately after admission... The use of high doses of vitamin C can have strong antioxidant effect, reduce inflammatory reactions and improve endothelial function... Numerous studies have shown, that a high dose of vitamin C has had a strong effect on the effect of treatment ... A high dose of vitamin C can not only improve antiviral drug levels, but more importantly, it can prevent and treat acute lung damage (OPL) and acute respiratory disease (ARD).

The source: Vitamin C versus Coronavirus
Sync and corrections by DeepL.
Sincerely Sergey.
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