Some professional deep digging on this Geert fellow.

Why is Geert Vanden Bossche Getting So Much Exposure in the Alternative Health Media? Could this Pro-Vaccine Scientist be “Controlled Opposition”?​


Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

I have received literally dozen of emails for the past week from people wanting me and Health Impact News to cover the recent interviews that “virologist and vaccine expert” Geert Vanden Bossche has given warning about the dangers of the new experimental COVID vaccines.

But until now, we have not covered his interviews, because honestly he was not adding anything to the current discussions about the dangers of the experimental COVID vaccines that other doctors and scientists that we do feature here at Health Impact News have made. He claims to have worked with Bill Gates at GAVI, and I guess that is the reason so many find him interesting and credible.

But as I read his bio, I found him far less credible than other physicians and scientists we have featured here at Health Impact News, as he is very clearly pro-vaccine and believes vaccines are necessary. He himself says publicly:

Really? I have publicly called some of these same people he calls “brilliant and competent scientists” mass murderers. So why would Health Impact News take seriously anything this man says? My first impression was that this man was “controlled opposition” with some unknown hidden agenda.

I simply could not understand why so many in our readership would want us to cover what this man says, and yet most of major names in the alternative media were giving this man a platform for his views.

Today, I finally came across someone who shares my skepticism about what this man is saying. I first read her article on, but the original source is her own website, and we reproduce it here for our readers.

The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche​

by Rosemary Frei, MSc

On March 6, an open letter by Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, and a video interview of him by Phillip McMillan, MD, from a company called Vejon Health, were posted online.

On the surface, Vanden Bossche appears to perhaps be addressing credible concerns about Covid.

He’s saying that the current crop of Covid vaccines will cause the novel coronavirus to mutate into a “super-infectious virus.” And therefore he’s calling for an immediate halt of the use of the current vaccines.

If humans are “committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants” via “large vaccination campaigns,” Vanden Bossche claims at the conclusion of his open letter. However, he continues, in contrast to the currently used Covid vaccines, these new vaccines must focus on stimulation of mass production of the component of the immune system known as natural killer cells, he asserts.

But Vanden Bossche bases his views on unproven hypotheses. This is similar to, and builds on, high-profile modeling-paper authors who use theoretical frameworks to inflame fears about the supposed dangerousness of the new variants.

Despite this, Vanden Bossche’s views were very quickly and positively received by high-profile vaccine sceptics such as Del Bigtree in his March 11 episode (starting at 57:25) and Vernon Coleman in his March 13 video and article.

Bigtree and Coleman virtually unquestioningly accept and amplify Vanden Bossche’s views. They strongly insinuate to their overwhelmingly credulous subscribers that there’s virtually no fact-checking or pause for sober second thought required.

But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) — particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant FleishmanHillard in 1994 (yes, I’ve worked for the dark side) — this has all the hallmarks of a drug-company astroturf campaign. It’s another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry.

There’s abundant evidence that Vanden Bossche has a not-so-hidden agenda. For example, just before the three-minute mark in the video interview of Vanden Bossche by McMillan, Vanden Bossche indicates he’s a long-time vaccine developer. He adds he’s now focusing on vaccines that “educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines.” Clearly he’s got significant conflicts of interest. Therefore he has zero credibility when it comes to advising the public or anyone else about how to avoid negative effects of mass vaccination.

However, Bigtree, Coleman and others don’t point out any of the red flags. Despite taking Vanden Bossche’s assertions extremely seriously, these high-profile alternative-media figures don’t even do basic due diligence such as looking into McMillan, who’s the man who interviewed Vanden Bossche, or the company McMillan is apparently affiliated with, Vejon Health. Bigtree, for example, relies heavily on the McMillan interview for the content of his March 11 segment.

As far as I know, McMillan and Vanden Bosch aren’t among the thousands of MDs, PhDs, and other people with graduate degrees or equivalent qualifications who have thoroughly debunked the official Covid narrative over the last 12 months. Rather, the pair suddenly popped out of the woodwork.

Also, McMillan isn’t anything close to an expert on vaccines. On his website he describes himself as a “dementia authority.” The most recently published paper of his that I can find is from 2016 and is on Alzheimer’s in the journal Medical Hypotheses. (In that paper, he and his co-author propose nutritional supplementation to lower the body’s burden of aluminum, a high level of which is linked to Alzheimer’s.) In addition, when one clicks on one gets a message indicating the website isn’t in use. Indeed, Vejon appears to be a dormant company.

So I ignored McMillan’s interview and Vanden Bossche’s open letter when I first learned about them last week. But then on March 12 I was contacted by the producer of something called the Gary Null Show on the Progressive Radio Network. The producer, Richard Gale, asked me to be a guest. I agreed to do the interview on March 15.

About 1.5 hours before the interview was to start, I contacted Gale and asked what the interview would focus on. Gale told me Null wanted to discuss Bigtree’s segment on the Vanden Bossche letter and Gale sent me a link to it.

So I quickly read the open letter and watched the full interview and Bigtree segment on it. A field of red flags popped up in my mind.

At the appointed interview start time of 12:30 pm on March 15, Null proceeded to read live to air, for about 12 minutes, some key points from the open letter. He told the audience to take them seriously. Then Null put me on the air. But he wouldn’t let me talk about the letter. Instead, he repeatedly interrupted my efforts to do so and insisted I only discuss the new variants.

So I hung up. And I’ve been edited out of the archived broadcast of Null’s show.

I’m going to be interviewed live today (March 16) starting at 4:30 pm Eastern Standard Time by Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond. We’ll talk about the Vanden Bossche letter and McMillan interview. Apparently Ryan’s on the same page as me. So I ignored McMillan’s interview and Vanden Bossche’s open letter when I first learned about them last week.

Meanwhile, my tweets about the open letter and the Null interview have gotten a lot of reaction. And, as it happens, since Sunday people have been emailing to encourage me to read Vanden Bossche’s letter and watch his interview. Many are swayed by his calling for an immediate halt of the use of the current crop of Covid vaccines and by the fact that people like Bigtree are propagating his messages.

So I decided to write this article to expose a few of the dozens of clues showing that this curious case is a continuation of the overall Covid deception.

Here are some more of those clues:

1. In his March 11 segment, Bigtree shows a slide with Vanden Bossche’s background. It indicates he’s affiliated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and other vaccine proponents. Dell dubs Vanden Bossche a “world-renowned vaccine creator.” Coleman calls him “a very eminent vaccine specialist.”

But, when combined with the contents of his open letter, it’s impossible to believe that he’s in fact an insider who’s now turned against his very high-powered comrades. (More on this below.) It’s more likely that he’s their accomplice.

Another indication that the letter is designed to propagandize rather than to let objective evidence speak for itself is the wording Vanden Bossche uses. He writes, for example, that he was “racing against the clock” to write “this agonizing letter” in which he “put all of my reputation and credibility at stake” to help “turn the tide” against this “irrepressible monster” that the virus could soon become unless we heed Vanden Bossche.


2. In his open letter Vanden Bossche also writes, “I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists.” However, he doesn’t say a word about the massive adverse-event rate and very scant efficacy profile of the vaccines that were created by these “brilliant scientists.”

3. Vanden Bossche also asserts that there’s an “ever[-]increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants.” But as I detailed in my February 3 article and accompanying video on the new variants, there is no proof that they are highly infectious or will be any time soon.

4. There is the possibility of viral resistance, as for example I note in my March 9, 2021, article and accompanying video. But it’s not the major threat Vanden Bossche attempts to scare us about by saying the virus is likely to mutate so much and so quickly because of the current mass vaccination campaigns that soon it could escape all current attempts to stop its spread. Remember, for example, that yearly flu mass vaccination hasn’t caused influenza to spiral out of control and decimate the global population.

5. Vanden Bossche also writes that some antibodies are made by the innate immune system, but that these ‘natural’ antibodies are non-specific. He also states that they have “suboptimal” “maturity, and are “rather limited and only short-lived.” He claims they are a very weak link in our immune reactions to pathogens such as the novel coronavirus: “the combination of viral infection on a background of suboptimal Ab [antibody] maturity and concentration enables the [novel corona]virus to select mutations[, thereby] allowing it to escape the immune pressure.”

However, this is on very shaky ground. Because, among other things: 1) Neither in the original March 6 piece nor his March 13 follow-up does Vanden Bossche provide any direct, non-theoretical evidence that this is happening; 2) The ‘natural antibodies’ that are produced after encountering a pathogen are only a small part of a quick, effective and broad-based first-line immune-system defense – known as ‘innate’ or ‘passive’ immunity – which in fact largely comprises other components; and 3) Vanden Bossche downplays the effectiveness of the antibodies our bodies naturally produce as part of the second-line (‘adaptive’) part of the immune system that also has served us extremely well for millennia.

A March 11 commentary by Michael Yeadon and Marc Girardot has similar information to my points 3, 4 and 5. However the pair present it in a way that’s very pro-mRNA-vaccine and pro- much of the official-Covid-narrative — neither of which I endorse.

6. Vanden Bossche also has no references in that original document. He does include some in his follow-up, March 13, document posted on his website. But that March 13 document, like the March 6 one, hasn’t been posted on the website of a journal, never mind a peer-reviewed one, nor reviewed in any more serious a manner. And in an unusual approach, he doesn’t attach each reference to a particular statement in his document; rather, he lists the references at the end of the article under categories such as ‘Natural antibodies.’

7. Vanden Bossche drives at the need for “large vaccination campaigns.” These, he writes, should be for “NK [natural-killer]-cell–based vaccines” that “will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared … and to induce herd immunity.”

But it’s not very logical to believe that the only solution to the theoretical possibility of immune escape, as espoused by someone who’s got a long and strong focus on vaccination as opposed to other ways to improve health, is yet more mass vaccination.

Not to mention that the concept of herd immunity is contrive. After all, if your immune system is protecting you against a pathogen, it doesn’t matter whether someone else’s is or not.

I do agree that we should stop the use of the current vaccines. But we also we need to stop production and use of antivirals and antibodies and all other parts of the Covid-industrial complex.

Covid has an extremely high survival rate.

So why develop yet another expensive, invasive and experimental solution to a problem that barely exists, if it does at all?

It’s all very curious.

After obtaining an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, Rosemary Frei became a freelance writer. For the next 22 years she was a medical writer and journalist. She pivoted again in early 2016 to full-time, independent activism and investigative journalism. Her website is
Hi Ocean,

Why has the latter part of the article by Rosemary Frei, which you reproduced, appeared crossed through?

It's a thoughtful article, and has largely been endorsed by the similar doubts about Bossche's intentions cast by the Ice Age Farmer in this short video of his: Geert V. Bossche: Whistleblower or Trojan Horse? COVID Vax enhance zoonotic risk [Bitchute Only]
Why is Geert Vanden Bossche Getting So Much Exposure in the Alternative Health Media? Could this Pro-Vaccine Scientist be “Controlled Opposition”?
Please use quotes and keep your posts clean.
Hello Ocean (and others, and moi aussi when forgetting), re the article above, please try to remember to put large articles in quote boxes, and if you see newbies avoiding the practice, perhaps each here can help them out to keep pages cleaner for forum readers.

Thank you/merci
@Ocean, please use quote boxes as people already asked you to do. [...]
I have no idea why those lines are crossed out.
Maybe it's a glitch.
Hi Ocean - I've encountered that problem before. It helps to put your draft into preview before you post (I think that will show unwanted underlining). If not, then it may only show once posted. That will require a quick edit to remedy. I've found that I have to go to the point where the underlining starts and examine what occurred there. Something is being misread by the program that is causing the unwanted underlining. It's been awhile since I had this happen, so can't give a better description of how I was able to fix it. Hope this helps.
And so it begins (emphasis mine):

Rutgers Will Require Students to Get Vaccine

New Jersey university may be the first to require COVID vaccination. In mandating the vaccines, which are approved under the FDA's emergency authorization process, colleges are breaking new ground.

Rutgers University announced Thursday that it would require students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before coming to campus next fall.

The public institution in New Jersey may be the first or at least among the first universities to take the step of mandating students receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Three different vaccines are currently authorized for emergency use, but not yet fully approved, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In making the decision on whether to require vaccines approved through the emergency use authorization (EUA) process, colleges are treading untested legal ground.

Antonio Calcado, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Rutgers, said the vaccine requirement had been thoroughly reviewed by the university’s Office of General Counsel. [While they were reviewing, did they bother to read the Nuremberg Code?]

He said the university, which currently is conducting about 97 percent of its classes online, wants to find a way to bring students back to campus safely.

“I’m looking out the window now and my campus is just empty,” Calcado said. “There’s no one even walking the streets. We need to use every tool available to us to be able to bring back the college experience for our students. They deserve the college experience.”

Calcado said the policy is getting a range of reactions.

"When you make a decision of this magnitude, it’s not going to be popular with everyone," he said. "We have students who will push back. We have students and families that are ecstatic that we are requiring this because they feel that their son or daughter or loved one is going to be that much safer as they come to college. It really runs the spectrum."

Rutgers is requiring students to provide proof they have received a vaccine authorized for use in the U.S. (currently those produced by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson). Although they will not accept other vaccines approved internationally, university officials say they will work with international students to help them get vaccinated upon their arrival in the U.S.

Students will be able to request exemptions for medical or religious reasons. Students enrolled in online-only programs or off-campus continuing education programs will not be required to be vaccinated.

Just one vaccine, manufactured by Pfizer, is currently approved for individuals under 18 (those aged 16 and up), meaning that as of now there's just one option for incoming freshmen who haven't yet turned 18.

Is Astrazeneca not being accepted? Hundreds of thousands of Berliners do not respond to their vaccination invitations

Tens of thousands of doses of Astrazeneca are stockpiled in Berlin. Further deliveries are expected. But many who should do not make appointments

writes Hannes Heine of Berlin's Tagesspiegel

The Astrazeneca vaccine is apparently much more unpopular in Berlin than known as yet. Currently, 100,000 doses of this preparation are in stock - and further deliveries are expected. According to information by the Tagesspiegel, physicians and officials also fear that Astrazeneca skepticism will be hard to dispel in the foreseeable future.
As an indication of this, the vaccinating physicians and health administration officials cite the fact that there was particularly great concern among middle-aged Berliners. Recently, for example, teachers, police officers and daycare personnel were supposed to have come in huge numbers to the vaccination centers where Astrazeneca is injected, the former airports at Tegel and Tempelhof. But thousands fewer showed up than expected.

This mainstream author seems to be honestly concerned. Doesn't everyone want to be first in line for vaccination?

According to the Tagesspiegel's informations, one million so-called vaccination codes have been sent out since December 2020. But as of March 23, only 362,711 Berliners had received their first vaccination, meaning that around 630,000 Berliners are currently entitled to be vaccinated - but have not reacted to the invitation. [...]

Then Heine tries to attempt some damage control...

It is certain that many of those currently entitled to a vaccination have not yet been able to make an appointment, for example because the Senate's hotline was overloaded, because they only received the code in the last few days, or because they did not respond immediately.

Were the hotlines really overloaded - for three months in a row?

According to people familiar with the procedures, an estimated 300,000 men and women have refrained from making an appointment for a vaccination.

That could anger those who have been scrambling for weeks to get vaccinated. That's because the vaccination schedule has so far been adhered to by the Senate - despite complaints from chronically ill Berliners who would also like to be vaccinated with Astrazeneca. In addition, the invitations for 70- to 74-year-olds had been stopped a few days ago because there was too little vaccine from Biontech and Moderna - at that time, Astrazeneca's drug had not yet been approved for the elderly.

In Germany the whole vaccination campaign seems to be getting bogged down. Authorities are rivaling each other with regard to vaccines and the arrangements of which groups of people should be vaccinated first, the German states do not like to be pushed around by the federal government and the vaccines preferred by the government and health organizations seem to change from week to week and those which have been recommended the most are often not deliverable...

This is one of the advantages of the country's federal system (for those opposing the vaccination), everything takes months to be agreed upon, most states have a shaky ruling coalition of two or three parties with a couple of elections pending in 2021/22 - so clear decisions are hard to come by and could be reversed later on.

Another point - there are only so much psychopaths in the know who understand the global game being played while being bought off with princely sums.

Others in junior positions, media operatives and regional politicians must be getting scared by now because they should understand that their careers, their personal safety and whatever they consider as their future will be gone in a pretty short time.

The UK is gearing up for a 2021/2022 winter season that is going to be particularly bad for young people. This is a carefully calculated thing.

The UK made it such that 3 months have to pass between the 2 experimental injections. Work it out! That means young people will be getting their second injection around September 2021 - under 40s will be getting offered their first injection in May and June.

Work something else out!

The UK is planning on fully "opening" the country up on 21June. Festivals are already selling tickets for August and September... E.g. Camp Bestival 2021 amongst others.

Basically July, August and September I believe will be a big blow out in the UK. Young people will be ENCOURAGED to mix like never before, of course adhering to testing etc. At the same time most will have taken their first injections... We're talking 20 yrs old to 40 yrs old!


November 2021, December 2021 and January 2022 young people start dropping like flies...

Guess what gets blamed? The UK variant from a year ago has mutated to be particularly deadly!

Now it makes sense to me why the UK government is being somewhat weird and why they are now so confident to talk about irreversibly ending lockdown! The next time the public will be forcing them to lockdown because it might actually be a REAL pandemic!

That's my theory anyways.
And I'm wondering by how much they are planning to reduce the UK population? In 2019 there were 66.65 million people. They've got a lot to work with, obviously. I wonder if they have a quota?
I have a question to any medical professional. I'm in about a dozen covid vaccine effect groups across multiple platforms and in reading reactions from people one thing is starting to jump out.

Women seem to be impacted worse than men... I don't know if my observation is actually true though, hence posing this question.

The "convulsion" type reactions seem to be impacting mostly women. I'm reading about a lot of disruption to menstrual cycles. The Bell's palsy reactions I'm seeing thus far seem to be occuring predominantly in women.

On the men's side the main thing I'm seeing that isn't affecting women are heart failures. A few men thus far have died from sudden heart failure but not seeing the equivalent on the women's side.

I wonder if someone out there is mapping out these reactions.

In any case, from what I can see, women tend to be having a worse time from the vaccine than men.
Yes it seems to be the case, according to this researcher, anyway who's been collating data on vaccine reactions and long term Covid-19 reactions. Very curious - Dr Sabra Klein:

And I'm wondering by how much they are planning to reduce the UK population? In 2019 there were 66.65 million people. They've got a lot to work with, obviously. I wonder if they have a quota?

According to the Deagal forecast, they want a population reduction of 78% in the UK by 2025. 40% reduction for us in Oz.

For a bit of context: What in the World is – Forecast 2025 – Infinite Unknown

Perhaps most surprising of all is the revelation of who is behind Deagel, and to find that answer, Whois was the solution. Early researchers were able to uncover that the person behind the website was none other than former government insider, Edwin Deagle.

Deagle was Undersecretary of the Air Force under President Bill Clinton. He later became Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense under Clinton in 1994.

Edwin Deagle is also listed as an active member of the CFR.

Perhaps most telling of all is the interesting fact that Deagle is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world.

Just as interesting, it appears that once this information became public, in 2015 a concerted effort was made to hide Deagle’s name from the Whois information directory, as shown below. It is no longer listed, as of October 2015.

This Whois registration change coincidentally took place at the same time when all the internet talk was going on over the discovery of the website, back in 2015.

Deagle held many positions under the Bill Clinton administration.

Deagle wrote the foreword to the book, World Energy Survey, by Ruth Sivard, 2nd edition (1981), in which he predicted a mass exodus from the US. (see the end of this article)

One thing is clear from looking at… someone with highly placed connections has published a ton of highly sensitive military and economic information onto one website and is making dramatic predictions about world government.

For someone to be able to coalesce this kind of information takes incredible effort and vast government and military resources.

To forecast a dramatic drop-off in US population is no small feat. It certainly has garnered a great deal of world attention.

To this author though, perhaps the most important question might be, who the site was originally developed for and how this strategic information is used by those meant to receive it.

Given the public alarm over the Georgia Guidestones, which suggest to many a culling of the earth’s population to the designated 500-million engraved on the stones, coupled with the concern over GMO food and government aerial spraying of our skies with toxic chemtrails, it is no wonder people are concerned about a predicted drop in population.

Now that the numbers are out, it will be interesting to watch population figures over the next decade.

For the present, a little more scrutiny of is certainly in order, as well as a close inspection of all others who are behind this bizarre defense related information website.

[From the book…World Energy Survey, by Ruth Sivard, 2nd edition (1981] Foreword by Edwin A. Deagle, Jr.

“The massive energy transition the world has been undergoing since 1973 continues to be full of surprises. Past predictions of energy independence based on a diversity of supplies; of the unlikelihood that conservation based on higher energy prices would be much help; of the prospect that OPEC countries would drive prices higher and higher have all proven wrong. Many people now interpret the current surplus in he oil market as evidence that the power of OPEC is broken and the energy crisis is essentially over. This prediction is undoubtedly wrong too.”

“What is true is that energy will remain high on the policy agenda of most countries for a decade and probably longer. New sources of supply require vast sums of capital and long periods of time to bring to the market. The promise of renewable sources of energy at reasonable prices remains in the future. conservation in reaction to high energy prices has been the most successful public response to the energy transition to date, greatly overshadowing the efforts of governments.”

“Nevertheless, governments and international agencies have begun to act. We note that the United Nations is holding a Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy at Nairobi, in August 1981. It is the first international effort in some time to attempt to fashion strategies for international action; and we hope that it will be successful.”

“In the belief that informed public opinion is both the prerequisite and the guarantee of effective public policy, The Rockefeller Foundation is pleased to support the work of Ruth Sivard in preparing this volume. Revised and expanded from an earlier version published in 1979, the volume is intended to provide an overview of the world energy situation and prospects for the future. Its merit, in our judgment, lies in the useful way it marshals complex facts and issues for the lay reader. The foundation takes no formal positions on matters of public policy and therefore does not, by its sponsorship, necessarily endorse the substantive views expressed in this report. We are pleased, however, to support this useful work with the hope that it will contribute greatly to public understanding of these complex and vexing issues.”

Edwin A. Deagle, Jr., Ph.D.
Director, International Relations
The Rockefeller Foundation
Video of an Israeli woman “telling the world” what is happening in Israel to the non-vaccinated Israelis, which she calls the “hard core” people, in her opinion those who have souls and are not afraid of death. Pretty passionate, and pretty good. She even brings in the spiritual part of the equation and discusses not selling your soul for a bowl of lentil soup. (Jacob and Esau)

I stumbled upon the following article that says that "a group of Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens have hired the services of Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law to file a criminal complaint in the International Criminal Court, stating that the mandatory vaccine laws are a violation of the Nuremberg Code."

Israel became one of the first nations in the world to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and to introduce a COVID passport system that would only allow individuals to participate in society – including commerce – after they received the vaccine and were approved to join the system.
Now, a group of Israeli Jews are suing the Netanyahu administration in international court, making the case that Israel is violating the Nuremberg Code by essentially making Israelis subject to a medical experiment using the controversial vaccines.
According to the Deagal forecast, they want a population reduction of 78% in the UK by 2025. 40% reduction for us in Oz.

For a bit of context: What in the World is – Forecast 2025 – Infinite Unknown
It's a different forecast now, in many respects, to the forecast I looked at first, around 2015/16. And the disclaimer is far more vitriolic and emotional...I did copy some pages on my first visit to their site, but that laptop eventually seized and I didn't back anything up, but I would remember the disclaimer if it were anything like this newest one. Back then, the data was the memorable part, with what seemed to me, limited information as to the why's and wherefores, other than the crunching of the data.
Maybe you have some tips on the current situation.

Last week, our employer informed us that all employees must now take a PCR-test once a week and show the results.

The German government is already openly threatening all companies in Germany with consequences if every company does not ask employees to get tested. This pressure is now being passed on to employees. Next week, we already have to show a test result.

How do we deal with this situation?

I don't want anyone shoving a stick up my nose. I have considerable doubts that the personnel who perform the tests in the pharmacies or in the testing centers are competent to perform this procedure without causing any harm. In fact, there have been some reports that there are not enough medically trained personnel to perform these tests. This increases the likelihood of injury to the nasal cavity, especially potentially the olfactory nerves.

Do you know if it is possible to insist that a mouth or throat swab be done instead of a swab through the nose?

For now, we want to avoid confrontation with the employer by refusing the test and demanding a legal basis or, in the last resort, having us terminated.

We want to navigate through this time as long as we can without going into confrontation.
Maybe you guys have tips on what we can say when we get tested at a pharmacy.
What are our options regarding the employer's requirement that we get tested weekly?
How do you guys handle this?
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