It is hard not to ask whether this person was vaccinated which he most likely was. May he rest in peace:
It looks as if Germany is having some problems as now their minister of economy has been rushed to hospital. Due to vaccination or something else?

Germany’s Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier had to be rushed to a Berlin hospital after falling ill during a meeting, according to local press reports. His condition, as well as the cause of the health incident, remain unclear.
The 63-year-old federal minister was brought to Berlin’s Charite clinic by ambulance around 9pm local time on Monday, according to sources cited by Bild. He had reportedly complained of “malaise” and having difficulty speaking ahead of the Economic Committee meeting at a hotel in the capital. His current condition is unknown.
A year ago he also had health problems:

The incident on Monday is not the first time Altmaier has appeared in the headlines over a health scare. In October 2020, the minister fell from a stage after giving a speech, suffering a laceration to his head and a broken nose, according to local reports, some of which noted he may have briefly lost consciousness. He required treatment at the time but soon recovered.
Another wide ranging piece by Bob Moriarty. Yes it involves covid too. Interesting that the US military vaccine deadline is September 15, and the California governor recall election is September 14. Is something happening next week?

A Sole Marine Stood Up to Defend America. He stands alone
Bob Moriarty
Sep 6, 2021

In response to the clusterfuck going on in Afghanistan recently a US Marine Lieutenant Colonel posted a video asking why no one had been held responsible for the biggest military failure in American history surrounding the poorly planned and executed withdrawal. He demanded accountability. So his superiors fired him. He has since resigned leaving a multi-million dollar retirement on the table. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had more than one guy in the military demanding accountability?

I was in the service, the Marines, for almost six years. I served from July of 1968 until March of 1970 in Vietnam. I’m reminded today of a mission flown by a Huey Gunship squadron out of the Hue Phu Bai air field in March of 1970. The CIA had these Marine gunships escort some troop choppers into Laos where they inserted a small recon team made up of SOG people. The intent was to determine what the NVA troops were up to as they strolled down the Ho Chi Minh trail.

One of the gunships took heavy fire and crashed in flames. A roommate of one of the two pilots kept flying out to the site in the hopes of finding survivors. Nearly a week after the crash he was flying over the scene and someone almost naked, just wearing green skivvies shorts ran out of the trees and waved his hands back and forth. The chopper pilot flew over the man and recognized his roommate and friend.

The lieutenant flew back to the Marine base and reported what he found. He wanted to launch an immediate rescue mission. The request literally went to the top of the CIA and the decision was made to leave the survivor alone in the jungle to die. After all, lives of Marine chopper pilots were pretty cheap to the CIA. And while boots are taught in Boot Camp that the Marines never leave their dead behind, in this case it didn’t mean anything because after all, the pilot wasn’t dead yet.

The Marine pilot who found his friend out in the jungle hit the roof. He grabbed a crew chief and the first fully armed Huey he could put his hands on. He took off and immediately called the tower and told them he was going to blow the headquarters building up with all his rockets and then strafe any survivors unless a rescue mission was launched. The Group Commander, a bird Colonel realized the Lieutenants had a lot of experience shooting up the jungle so blowing up a nice command post was not a problem.

The mission was launched. They rescued the downed pilot and returned him to the base. For keeping his mouth shut he continued to be promoted until his retirement. The lieutenant who threatened the base headquarters was never again promoted and he left the service. But there was at least one brave Marine who would stand up and demand accountability and forced people into doing what they should have done in the first place.

While it’s true that when people sign up for the service they have certain legal obligations to their superiors, their superiors have unwritten but just as meaningful obligations to the troops under them.

Today the PINO, the President In Name Only, cannot speak a paragraph without reading from a card in front of him. He came into office fully senile and everyone simply ignores it. Years ago he was confusing his granddaughter with his dead son. I suspect that the plan was for him to hold the position for a few months only to be replaced by his Vice President, Kamala Harris. She is the closest thing to a hooker that has ever held such high office. She climbed the ladder of political success one rung at a time, on her knees. Her sole talent seems to be a propensity to giggle at inappropriate moments.

It’s what happens at end of empire when people take office as a result of the most corrupt election in US history. I’m not supposed to mention that, of course. Arizona held a full audit of the vote. The Democrats were so concerned about the integrity of the election in Arizona that they fought the recount at every step of the way. We don’t have the full results yet but the recount has pointed out that there were 74,000 more ballots by mail counted than were mailed out. In an election where about 7,000 total votes made the difference between winning and losing it seems to me that 74,000 mystery ballots pretty much proves fraud on someone’s part.

There are people today who believe the US had a moral obligation to invade a country that was no threat to them and kill as many people as possible in the name of making sure Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman could continue to increase their dividends and share price. There was the additional advantage to the US generals that there were always directorships in the massive companies supplying military equipment opening up. A nice fat paycheck comes their way after their retirement for selling crap to the same guys they used to command while on active duty.

I should point out here that a clump of goat herders just kicked the butts of “THE MOST POWERFUL AND WELL EQUIPPED MILITARY IN WORLD HISTORY.” With units no bigger than an average girl scout troop and armed with little more than AK-47 rifles and RPGs they whipped the US with all their space age toys and F-35s.

It would almost be tacky of me to point out that I was an F-4B pilot in actual combat. The F-35 procurement program is not only the most expensive weapons program in history, it is also the biggest piece of shit airplane the US has ever built. No one supporting the program ever flew a single mission in combat.

There are people who approved of the war. That would include the Neocons who never saw a useless war they didn’t think just spiffy. You can toss in the NYT, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. The WP even had the gall to print a series of articles about Afghanistan in 2019 where they showed that the Pentagon and politicians in Washington DC had been lying all along about progress in the war. They, of course, were prime supporters of the war back in 2001.

A lot of people always against the US involvement in Afghanistan would be those who had read history books. While a reputation of being “The Graveyard of Empires” has an interesting ring to it, none of our generals had read it before. And after all while a single defeat in a meaningless and useless war in far off areas doesn’t directly lead to the collapse of an empire it does give a powerful hint about the future.

No one ever won any war. All that happens is that one side loses more than the other. But when an empire begins to engage in military adventurism, the end is nigh. It was true of Alexander the Great, the British, the USSR and now the US.

Lt Colonel Stuart Scheller wasn’t directly being critical of the US involvement in the war. He was responding to the utter chaos of the last month or so in the US withdrawal. The war was begun in 2001 by a president who was a drunk, a draft dodger and a crack head until his forties. Naturally he thought of himself as a latter day Alexander the Great. Crack heads tend to think that way.

People still argue about who really ran the White House. From the actions of Vice President Dick Cheney on 911, it would appear Cheney was really the brains in the White House. He was another draft dodger. Indeed I can’t find a record of a single person in the Bush administration who ever spent even a day in combat. Bush is a contemporary of mine, he being six weeks older. While I was flying fighter missions over North Vietnam he was down in Mexico snorting coke.

Then we had the Obama administration. The Military Industrial Complex was firmly in control of his administration. We continued to pour hundreds of billions of dollars into the cesspool we call the Afghan War. I’ve read figures that said that the cost of keeping one American soldier in the country for one year was a cool $1 million. Fuel had to be ferried in from Pakistan and would cost $75 to $100 a gallon. Wars aren’t cheap, you know. Not a single US General stood up and demanded accountability. Hell, they didn’t even point out it was an expensive and meaningless war against people who were no threat to the US. Not a single one.

In turn Trump continued the war for the longest time. The number of dead Americans was up to over 4,000 but no one was really counting. Granted, Trump, another draft dodger, did come to the understanding that when you have been in a war for nearly twenty years, you lost. The cost climbed to over $2.3 trillion. Trump wanted the US out of the country. The US sat down with representatives of the Taliban in something called the Doha Agreement. Trump wanted all Americans out of the country by May 1, 2021 but the CIA and warmongers at the Pentagon dragged their heels.

PINO Biden takes office in January of 2021 with the intention of removing all US forces by September 11, 2021. By the 8th of July 2021 his so-called administration changed the date to August 31st.

The Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, all of the chain of command in the military down to the lowest E-1 knew for eighteen months that the US forces were going to be pulled out of Afghanistan. After twenty years of losing a war to goat herders, was anyone really so stupid as to not understand the Taliban were going to march right back into Kabul and begin their Reign of Terror?

Lt Colonel Stuart Scheller believes those responsible for planning and executing the withdrawal of US forces should be held responsible for the biggest military disaster in American history. The US left Americans behind who couldn’t get to the airport. We utterly failed to even consult with our allies who contributed both gold and the blood of their children to what was a fool’s game from the very beginning. We totally deserted those in Afghanistan who worked with American forces. We spent over $85 billion on the worthless Afghan Army and delivered billions worth of munitions to the Taliban.

It is far worse than a failure. It was a mistake.

We just proved the mighty US, the Exceptional Nation, is nothing more than a paper tiger led by a gang of fools and incompetents.

Lt Colonel Scheller hasn’t gone far enough even though he just threw away seventeen years of his life for nothing in return. It is not sufficient to bemoan a total failure of leadership in Washington up and down the chain of command with regards to the disaster in Afghanistan.

While crocodile tears are being poured in gallons from the MSM about the poor Afghans trapped in the Taliban Reign of Terror, we have our own Reign of Terror in America led by Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, and the legions of liars at the CDC, FDA, NIH and MSM.

There has been an effective coup d’état on the part of the WEF and the elites on we, the peasants, since the fall of 2019. Bill Gates held a planning secession called Event 201 at exactly the same moment the first delivery of the gain of function virus was made in Wuhan. Pure chance no doubt just as it was pure chance that the French outlawed over the counter sales of HCQ on January 1, 2020 just when it would have been most useful.

Afghanistan is a direct analog of the Covid Cult. In Asia we attacked a country that had not attacked us on the basis that they gave shelter to someone who might have participated in an attack on the US. The Taliban had the audacity to ask for proof of the involvement of OBL. Naturally the US promised to deliver. And never did. Later we learned that the attack on Afghanistan was planned years in advance and had far more to do with an intended pipeline. In other words, from the very beginning of the conflict everything the world was told was a bold faced lie.

In March of 2020 we were told that 50 million people would die from one of the deadliest medical disasters in all of recorded history. If we would agree to a two-week lockdown we could “flatten the curve” and the virus would be under control until a “vaccine” could be produced. It was all a lie. Even today the inflated number of total deaths is only 4.5 million and it includes gunshots, premature birth, suicides, car accidents, strokes, heart attacks, cancer and any other potential cause of death. Even the CDC admits only 6% of deaths came “from” Covid as opposed to “with” Covid. It was a massive propaganda campaign of “fear porn” over what is and was no more than a bad flu that you don’t want to catch.

The PCR test was being misused according to the inventor and Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis who outright calls Fauci a fraud. Of course Fauci is a fraud and has never told the truth to the American people from the beginning. He is the head of the NIH that funneled $3.7 million to the Wuhan Lab for gain of function research and another $39 million of DOD funds. It was his position that while there was some risk to the gain of function research, it was worth it.

That’s very similar to the voice of Secretary of State Albright talking about the 500,000 children who died in Iraq as a result of US sanctions. “We think the price is worth it.” I wonder if Fauci would be so casual about the deaths of millions if the question were asked again.

The PCR test has been obviously flawed for eighteen months and anyone with eyes would have noticed. The cycle rate was set far too high to be accurate yet was the basis for shutting down the economy of the world. Elon Musk questioned the validity of the test so took exactly the same test four times on the same day and same conditions. Two tests proved that he had Covid. Two tests showed he didn’t have Covid. That’s a fifty percent error rate. Many real doctors have concluded the error rate is far higher.

Anyone who can both think and add would have questioned just how it would have been possible for the US with 5% of the world’s population to have 25% of the world’s cases and deaths. It is not possible unless we were really doing something different from the rest of the world.

Even the CDC now admits the PCR tests are meaningless and will no longer be allowed to be used after December 31st of this year. Well no shit, we shut down the world’s economy, bankrupted millions of people and killed an untold number of people as a result of a worthless lockdown based on bad data from the beginning.

Fauci and Bill Gates have a hidden vested interest in pimping the so-called “vaccine” that every day seems to have another headline about how it has killed tens of thousands of people and doesn’t actually protect those who took it. Also it probably puts them at greater risk from Covid and we have yet to determine the longer-term effects. Gates brags about his 20-fold return from his investment in “vaccines” even though his foundation has been thrown out of both India and Africa for the unknown at the time damages to those people used in the experimental “vaccine” trials.

Fauci, Gates, the CDC and the NIH own a piece of the pie for both Remdesivir and the various “vaccines”. That gives them a giant financial self interest in prescribing medicine that they know doesn’t work and a reason to put down any cheap and inexpensive alternatives. Indeed if Fauci actually admitted both HCQ and Ivermectin can cure Covid, the “vaccines” with their EUA would be forbidden. Fauci himself co-authored a paper in 2005 praising HCQ for its antiviral potential. But when Trump repeated the results obtained by a French doctor in mid-2020 Fauci immediately went on the attack and mocked the same sixty-five year old inexpensive alternative that he supported in 2005.

In May of 2020 the FDA issued an EUA for use of Remdesivir. Fauci pimped the far more expensive Remdesivir without disclosing his own personal financial interest. The drug had been through a trial for antiviral potential against Ebola in 2018 and the drug dropped from the trial due to the number of patients it killed through kidney failure. True to its nature, tens of thousands of the dead in both New York and New Jersey credited to Covid actually died of kidney failure due to poor medical treatment. Fauci doesn’t bother mentioning that. By November of 2020 the WHO recommended against the use of Remdesivir for Covid “ as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival."

Later in 2020 it turned out that some doctors were treating patients successfully with a miracle drug named Ivermectin used in both human and animals for its anti-parasite values. Over 40 studies showed a decrease of up to 90% or more in fatalities by use of the cheap medicine. A two-day course in Mexico costs $120 pesos or $6 USD. So Fauci, the pimps in the media and even the FDA mocked use of the inexpensive alternative to “vaccines” that don’t work and have killed many thousands and injured millions more.

If the lies and deceit sound like an instant repeat of those told in the Afghan war it is because it is identical. The world has been lied to every step of the way. Covid is not and never was an accident. The NIH and Fauci financed the gain of function we now see. Fauci forced Remdesivir on the medical community despite knowing the high death rate from the drug. At least and at last the WHO has removed its recommendation for use of the drug. The WHO also no longer supports the idea of booster shots.

We were told we didn’t need masks. Then we were told we did need masks, then we were told we not only needed masks, we needed face shields. Then Fauci claimed two masks were better before retreating to only suggesting one. So if you “follow the science” what do you do?

Now we know by comparing countries that didn’t use masks to those that did, masks accomplish nothing.

We were told we needed to lockdown for fifteen days to “flatten the curve.” It accomplished nothing.

We then locked down for many months while the governors and mayors went on their vacations to exotic locals while we stayed trapped in our homes. Do as I say, not as I do, I suppose.

The lockdowns didn’t work. The demolishment of our economy took the lives of thousands of American through youth suicide, murders, and premature deaths due to a lack of prompt medical care even while hospitals sat idle, alcoholism and drug abuse. The list of “collateral damage” could go on for pages.

The WEF, the Military Industrial Complex, all of social media, the MSM, Bill Gates, Fauci, the NIH, CDC and FDA have been lying all along and they knew it. Just like the Afghan war.

Part of the problem is sheer greed on the part of Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma on a new massive historic scale but by refusing to even try cheap and effective solutions the entire medical community has by and large participated in mass murder.

The American experiment in freedom and democracy ends on September 15th, 2021. That fat fraud that claims to be Secretary of Defense has ordered the entire US military to be “vaccinated” by the middle of September. If the gutless and useless generals commanding our 2.2 men and women on active duty and in the reserves bend over and follow what is obviously an illegal order, the US is finished.

This is a coup and we will know on Sept 15th just who runs the country. It is time to man the barricades.

A former Navy surgeon did a short two-minute clip and pointed out that the young men and women who make up our military have a hundreds of percent higher risk of dying from the “vaccine” than from Covid. If those young people are jabbed, it will kill fifty to sixty times more of them than have died of Covid. All for Big Pharma, Bill Gates and Fauci.

Congress has authorized up to sixty general grade officers in the US Marine Corps. If every swinging dick wearing stars stood up and said, “not on my watch” and “I demand accountability” we could retake our country and end eighteen months of Covid Cult stupidity overnight.

Biden, Harris, Austin, Milley all need to go. We need to defend our borders and go back to the reasonable concept of one man, one vote. In the end this coup on behalf of the Elite and the WEF will fail. It’s merely a question of just how many people will die in this insane wet dream first.
So this explains a lot: Vaccine disaster ahead
And seems you can reset the immune system with chlorine-dioxide: – FREEDOM From Covid
At least, that's my theory for now...

Over 5,000 physicians in 25 nations use chlorine dioxide (CDS) to save lives.

Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker has developed a 100% effective cure for COVID-19 and all its variations.

He has been researching a substance called chlorine dioxide for over 13 years. NASA labeled this substance ‘The Universal Antidote’ in 1987. His treatment was first used for COVID-19 by the military, police and politicians in Bolivia, who all recovered in four days. A law was then passed making it a nationwide treatment. As a result, the rate of 100 deaths a day went down to virtually zero. A clinical trial then confirmed the efficacy of this treatment against COVID-19.​

Andreas Kalcker then encountered something astonishing: the moment it became known that his treatment was curing people from Covid, he was massively censored. All his social media pages were take down, his scientific account on was deleted, his book was removed from Amazon, and he has been slandered all over the internet.​

It’s obvious that this cure for Covid must be hidden at all costs.​

Your antibody's are still there, but the specific ones from the vaccine dominate and 'push' out the way your now diminished natural all-variant antibodies like a big bully and allow the not-X covid to pass from the enemy team and to score the Goal, because they're more aggressive."


  • Antibody specific Dominate.jpg
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The ex-Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs, ex-Governor of the Bank of Italy and now PM of Italy, want to be the first to impose mandatory vaccine.

Italy could soon make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory, says PM

....and a third dose of course:
Does this mean if you don't take the jab in Italy they will send police to arrest you for breaking the law? Wow, how big are the prisons there? Or will they force inject people? Or maybe shoot on sight for the heinous crime of refusing to be part of an experiment?
In 1975, Danion Brinkley was struck dead by lightening, only to revive 28 minutes later. He received 117 prophetic visions, most of which have been fulfilled. This one seems to be in progress right now:

"In this box, I watched as a biological engineer from the Middle East found a way to alter DNA & create a biological virus that would be used in the manufacture of computer chips. This discovery allowed for huge strides in science & technology. Japan, China, & other countries of the Pacific Rim experienced boom times as a result of this discovery & became powers of incredible magnitude. Computer chips produced from this process found their way into virtually every form of technology, from cars & airplanes to vacuum cleaners & blenders.

Before the turn of the century, this man was among the richest in the world, so rich that he had a stranglehold on the world economy. Still the world welcomed him, since the computer chips he had designed somehow put the world on an even keel. Gradually, he succumbed to his own power. He began to think of himself as a deity & insisted on greater control of the world. With that extra control, he began to rule the world.

His method of rule was unique. Everyone in the world was mandated by law to have one of his computer chips inserted underneath his or her skin. This chip contained all of an individual's personal information. If a government agency wanted to know something, all it had to do was scan your chip with a special device. By doing so, it could discover everything about you, from where you worked & lived to your medical records & even what kind of illnesses you might get in the future.

There was an even more sinister side to this chip. A person's lifetime could be limited by programming this chip to dissolve & kill him with the viral substance it was made from. Lifetimes were controlled like this to avoid the cost that growing old places on the government. It was also used as a means of eliminating people with chronic illnesses that put a drain on the medical system. People who refused to have chips implanted in their bodies roamed as outcasts. They could not be employed & were denied government services."
-- "Saved by the Light" (1995)
The Prophecies of Dannion Brinkley
Sounds like someone we all know. I remember reading the Danion Brinkley book when it first came out. It was fascinating. I think he was on the phone at the time of the strike. I wonder exactly what the mechanism was and what happened in his brain to give him basically a whole extra sense?
So this explains a lot: Vaccine disaster ahead
And seems you can reset the immune system with chlorine-dioxide: – FREEDOM From Covid
At least, that's my theory for now...
A warning might be in place regarding Chlorine Dioxide as being the miracle cure. It is what Jim Humble named MMS and Gaby exposed that in an article 11years ago.
To this day I still receive hate comments on my blog after 11 years of writing that article. Jim Humble attracts quite a crowd.

I also received numerous testimonials of bad reactions to MMS from people inquiring what could they do to recover. MMS is decisively not safe.
The article Gaby wrote is this one and well reading before diving head first into experimenting with Chlorine dioxide and I will post it in full.

Gabriela Segura, M.D.
The Dot Connector Magazine
Sun, 08 Aug 2010 04:39 UTC
This article was first published in The Dot Connector Magazine, a new publication.

The Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) is marketed feverishly as a miraculous alternative treatment for AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, herpes, tuberculosis, cancer and many more of mankind's most feared diseases. The truth is that MMS is a dangerous poison, and as such it has no business whatsoever in the alternative health arena.

Many people do not know that MMS is essentially bleach. It's very effective for killing bacteria in toilets, but you certainly shouldn't be swallowing it. The active ingredient in MMS is not a mineral, but chlorine dioxide (oxygenated chlorine), which is formed from the chemical combination of sodium chlorite and acetic acid (vinegar) or citric acid. MMS as a poison does kill intrusive germs in your body, but it would be naïve to believe it to be carefully selective in what it kills and destroys, or to think that the damage done has only limited consequences. It is shocking that MMS is recommended so widely, that it is recommended to already weakened individuals AND that it is recommended for long-term use. In truth, the potential long-term and dangerous side effects of regular MMS use should give anyone the shivers.

Before we continue, an important lesson on oxidation and free radicals is needed to help us understand the long-term consequences of the use of MMS1 and its successor MMS2. This information is crucial to see why MMS is NOT an alternative health solution.

Oxygen is an essential element that supports life, but in the wrong place or at the wrong time, oxygen can wreak much havoc on our cells, causing cancer, contributing to cardiovascular disease, degenerative diseases, and aging through a process called oxidation. You have seen the effects of oxidation whenever you have observed an apple turn brown and go bad after being exposed to air, or when you see the flame of a candle.

We use oxygen in order to take electrons from the sugar and fat molecules that we use for fuel. The molecules we wish to keep intact, however, are subject to oxygen's burning influence and they are at risk of losing electrons as well. The fire from a candle flame aptly illustrates oxidation in which the electrons of the candle wax are ripped off by oxygen in the atmosphere with the resulting, self-perpetuating release of light and heat. As oxygen makes its way through the body, many of its molecules lose an electron. This means that they become chemically unstable and highly reactive ions as free radicals are formed. These unstable metabolic by-products of energy production in cells strive to stabilize by 'stealing' a replacement electron from any neighboring molecule, leaving even more damaged molecules in their wake. This is how free radicals in our bodies are produced and cause inflammation, a process that is best known as oxidative stress or oxidative damage. Oxidation can even cause debilitating changes to your DNA.

Depending on where this oxidative damage takes place, it can lead to any number of the following diseases: atherosclerosis (plaque in blood vessels), cancer, arthritis, cataracts, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, autoimmune diseases, and many other health problems generally related to aging. Any free radical involving oxygen can be referred to as a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). A perfect example of a ROS is hypochlorous acid, which is now also known as Miracle Mineral Solution 2 (MMS2). Keep in mind that the loss of electrons from molecules whose integrity is vital to the structure of our cell membranes, DNA, skin or eyes results in damage and disease. Oxidation is the most toxic force affecting all the molecules of the body; it's the enemy of youth, the ally of all diseases, and the fundamental mechanism of all injury, all aging, and eventually, of death [1].

By now, you should understand why anti-oxidants are so important. Antioxidants help to counteract or neutralize the free radicals before they can damage our healthy cells by lending a hand (actually, an electron) when stabilization is needed. This is the reason why we are fond of so many antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, carotenoids, resveratrol, taurine, coenzyme Q10, and melatonin, to name but a few.

Each person is exposed to oxidants and each one of us has a variety of antioxidant defenses and DNA repair ability. These factors together determine the extent of oxidant-induced DNA damage in each of us, and the levels of such damage may well contribute to cancer risk, especially in tissues where other changes may have already occurred. But keep in mind that DNA protection is essential not only to guard us from cancer, but also because in all of our cells, DNA carries our ancestral identity and the instructions and information that maintain our bodies. We might also wonder what other special properties could be lying dormant in our DNA.

DNA poison
But for now, let's get back to MMS1, which is basically the combination of sodium chlorite and acetic acid (vinegar) or citric acid which together form chlorine dioxide (oxygenated chlorine). The toxic effects of chlorine dioxide are associated with those of sodium chlorite - a very strong oxidant that at a dose of 10-15 grams is considered to be lethal. Even small amounts of about 1 gram can be expected to cause nausea and vomiting. Now get this: the MMS protocol suggests that taking up to 60 drops per day is within reason. There are 20 drops in one gram, which means that the protocol may call for the ingestion of 3 grams or more of what amounts to household bleach. This is three times the amount required to produce nausea and vomiting and 20% of the amount required to kill you [2]. Even though we are told that nausea and diarrhea are positive signs of detoxification when following the MMS protocol, you can be sure that they are actually the way our body tells us that we've just been poisoned. If you happen to vomit, then be reassured that it might have saved your life by way of avoiding a lethal overdose of MMS! There are in fact several testimonials of negative side effects and at least one death related to MMS which you can easily find on the internet [2].

The popularity of MMS and its fervent, almost religious marketing involved the claim of curing malaria in tens if not hundreds of thousands of people. Sounds very noble indeed, but this is only natural as MMS' sodium chlorite is well known to cause hemolysis in red blood cells - meaning that red blood cells are ruptured and destroyed. It is actually by killing red blood cells that the malarial parasite is killed since it invades red blood cells. MMS probably kills the parasite and the red blood cells. In fact, MMS consumers may develop anemia.

MMS really does sound like a dangerous allopathic drug, similar to antibiotics or chemotherapy. Why is it that we don't see many efforts to remove this poison from the market when in recent times there has been a push to remove healthy vitamins and antioxidants by agencies like the FDA and Codex? MMS is more of a killer than antibiotics and has the potential to kill all kinds of microbes including viruses. Such a killer weapon has other consequences for your body, and killer therapies should never be the first course of action when dealing with disease. They should never be an option when we are able to take control of our health through diet and appropriate, real alternative health therapies.

Comment: After this article was published in issue #10 of The Dot Connector Magazine, the FDA warned consumers of serious harm from drinking MMS!! The FDA advises consumers to stop using MMS immediately and throw it away.

Let us review some safety data sheets of MMS ingredients: Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant, and as such it reacts violently with combustible materials, mercury, ammonia, sulphur and many organic compounds [3]. Sodium chlorite is a strong irritant of the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract; a strong oxidizer that promotes combustion; concentrated solutions may be corrosive to the skin and eyes; mild hemolytic anemia and increased methemoglobin in males was observed in animal feeding studies [4]. Acute health effects of chlorine dioxide: ingestion is not a normal route of exposure (except thanks to MMS!), harmful if swallowed, can cause irritation to mouth, esophagus, stomach, and mucous membranes (hence, the diarrhea, nausea and vomiting!). Eye contact: contact causes redness, irritation, pain, blurred vision, tearing, corneal injury and burns. Inhalation: harmful if inhaled, coughing, headaches, labored breathing, nausea, shortness of breath, pulmonary edema. Chronic health effects: may have effects on lungs, resulting in chronic bronchitis and permanent lung damage [5]. In short, MMS should NEVER be a health treatment, alternative or otherwise!

Now here is where things get even more interesting. Enter MMS2, which works more subtly and therefore more dangerously than its predecessor.

MMS2 is basically calcium hypochlorite, which is a chemical compound widely used for water treatment and as a bleaching and disinfecting agent (bleaching powder). This one is indeed a mineral, but a mineral that reacts to produce hypochlorous acid when ingested. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine, is what some of our white blood cells produce in order to kill bacteria through the well-known process called oxidation. HOCl is a powerful oxidant indeed, and as I mentioned before, it is the perfect example of a hazardous reactive oxygen species (ROS). Just as with MMS1, pathogens can't develop a resistance to MMS2 and this is related to the powerful free radicals that it liberates. Sound good? Well, not really. MMS2 is meant to create high concentrations of this dangerous oxidative hypochlorous acid in our bodies in order to kill 'powerful and incurable' diseases, or so it is claimed. Unfortunately, the amount of HOCl that our body is already capable of producing on its own is dangerous enough. In fact, some of our white blood cells have toxic and damaging effects on our DNA through the formation of hypochlorous acid [6, 7]. What is more, antioxidants are being studied and used successfully to block hypochlorous acid from creating DNA damage [7, 8, 9, 10]. Yes, DNA damage! This is dangerous to the extreme!

Another way in which MMS2 can cause damage is through activation of 'evil' transcription factors. Free radicals such as hypochlorous acid and other toxins may cause transcription factors to initiate a series of genetic reactions that result in cancer. Transcription factors are proteins that facilitate gene expression - that is, they cause genetic material to do something. A particular transcription factor, NF kappa B, is influenced by free radicals or toxins which usually activate it. Once activated, this transcription factor goes into the nucleus of our cells where our DNA resides and may activate genes that might change a potentially malignant cell into an absolutely malignant cell [8]. Hypochlorous acid (MMS2) activates this infamous NF-kappa B transcription factor, especially in the absence of antioxidants like taurine [11,12]. NF-kappa B has also a crucial role in inflammation, and thus ultimately it induces illness. That MMS2 is promoted as a cure for cancer and many other illnesses is just plain baffling.

But that's not all, folks. It gets worse! In fact, hypochlorous acid (MMS2) has the power to chlorinate the building blocks of DNA, breaking the DNA double helix apart and thus interfering with its vital biological functions [13]. By the way, the new airport security scanners can break apart our DNA's double helix as well [14]. Do we see a pattern here?

Some claim that hypochlorous acid is hazardous only to intrusive germs, but there are actually studies that have determined that the properties of hypochlorous acid that make it such a potent bug killer agent can damage our bodies by the same mechanism used to destroy the invading pathogenic bugs [15]. One such study could not have a more appropriate name: "Living with a killer: the effects of hypochlorous acid on mammalian cells [15]."

It has been well documented that there are a variety of disorders tied to the deleterious effects of hypochlorous acid in our bodies including diabetes, obesity, depression, hypertension, gout, kidney failure, and autism, among other conditions [12]. This makes sense in view of our brief review of oxidation: wherever there is oxidative damage, there is disease. What is more, our brains have a high oxygen demand, and thus are particularly sensitive to oxidative damage. So it doesn't come as a surprise that our mind is often the canary in the coal mine. We often notice our body's first inflammatory effects through brain fog, memory problems, and insomnia. Hypochlorous acid has the potential to be extremely neurotoxic to our brains, where it literally oxidizes certain lipids and proteins, preventing them from performing their functions and contributing to neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Multiple Sclerosis [16].

In addition, hypochlorous acid can be very dangerous in certain settings [17]. Its strong oxidative power makes the chemical very dangerous, because it can become explosive when combined with certain substances. Adding acids to a hypochlorous acid solution will precipitate this process, making the mixture unstable, releasing chlorine gas, and potentially causing an explosive chemical reaction. The compound needs to be handled carefully because it can release dangerous chlorine gas if mixed with seemingly safe household products. Chlorine gas can cause considerable health problems or death, especially in poorly ventilated spaces, which is one reason why it is inadvisable to mix household chemicals like bleach at random.

Further complicating this tragedy, MMS is now being promoted with the use of DMSO [18]. DMSO (Dimethylsulphoxide) is a solvent which enhances the availability and effectiveness of many drugs throughout our bodies, thus potentiating their effects. It has the capacity to distribute a drug deep into our bodies. The worrying thing is that DMSO also very easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. This property is exactly why DMSO is widely used as an effective transporter of certain substances into our brains that may not otherwise cross the mentioned barrier [19]. Even though DMSO by itself is a powerful antioxidant, keep in mind that it has the ability to potentiate and carry a dangerous poison such as MMS1 and MMS2 into the brain. By now, I hope that it is clear why this is a very, very bad idea.

Please give this article to any MMS consumer. They have the right to know what is going on within their bodies - and DNA - when they take this Trojan Horse!

About the Author

Gabriela Segura, M.D. is a heart surgeon with extensive experience and interest in alternative health, research, psychology and the human condition. She works for the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind. Visit her website at


[1] Sydney Macdonald Baker, Detoxification and Healing. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004.
[2] Snake Oil Humbles Nexus Conference,
[3] Safety data for chlorine dioxide,
[4] Sodium chlorite entry on
[5] Chlorine Dioxide Material Safety Data Sheet from Halox Technologies, Inc. (PDF)
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[8] Burt Berkson, M.D., PhD. The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough, New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998.
[9] Ximenes VF, Padovan CZ, Carvalho DA, Fernandes JR. Oxidation of melatonin by taurine chloramine. Journal of Pineal Research, 2010, May 27.
[10] Kawai Y, Matsui Y, Kondo H, Morinaga H, Uchida K, Miyoshi N, Nakamura Y, Osawa T. Galloylated catechins as potent inhibitors of hypochlorous acid-induced DNA damage. Chemical Research in Toxicology. Volume 21, Issue 7, 2008, Pages 1317-1495.
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[12] Pennathur S., Maitra D., Byun J., Sliskovic I., Abdulhamid I., Saed G. M., Diamond M.P. and Abu-Soud H. M. Potent antioxidative activity of lycopene: A potential role in scavenging hypochlorous acid, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 49, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 205-213.
[13] Prütz, W. A. Hypochlorous acid interactions with thiols, nucleotides, DNA and other biological substrates. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volume 332, No. 1, 1996, Pages 110-120.
[14] How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA,
[15] Pullar J.M., Vissers M.C., Winterbourn C.C. Living with a killer: the effects of hypochlorous acid on mammalian cells. IUBMB Life, Volume 50, 2000, Pages 259-266.
[16] Nusshold C., Kollroser M., Köfeler H., Rechberger G., Reicher H., Üllen A., Bernhart E., Waltl S., Kratzer I., Hermetter A., Hackl H., Trajanoski Z., Hrzenjak A., Malle E. and Sattler W. Hypochlorite modification of sphingomyelin generates chlorinated lipid species that induce apoptosis and proteome alterations in dopaminergic PC12 neurons in vitro, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 48, Issue 12, 2010, Pages 1588-1600.
[17] What is Hypochlorous Acid?,
[18] A New Way to Administer MMS,
[19] Dr. Morton Walker. DMSO Nature's Healer. New York: Avery, 1993.
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