From an FB page in South Africa there was this image:

Initially I figured it should go in the joke thread, but changed my mind. It could also be understood as an indication that Palov's dog is so exhausted and confused by all the meaningless actions, that it just resigns to the next required step in the operation, more conformity and convincing others to line up for the next booster.

Or it could be understood as the propaganda being too loud, so toning down the noise save the health of our ears. What does your work safety agent say, or you otolaryngologist? Can one get tinnitus from the loudness of the propaganda? Is the solution an ear plug, or is that only palliative care while the real cure involves steps like mentioned in the image of the Tweet:
Screenshot 2021-12-15 002216.png
Dr. Mal-One says: "This is obscene. Such a gross perversion of bio-ethics. I'm severely disillusioned of by what people are doing in my profession."

Explosive! Dr. Robert Malone They’re Rushing Into Killing Children
Dr. Robert Malone joins Kristi Leigh and the interview mentions home schooling in order to avoid the School Vaxx Hell. Kristi admits that she was home-schooled and remarks she hopes she turned out right. They then go on to reveal the level of damage the vaccines are going to cause to our children and what it might take to wake people up to this danger.
(This video is getting old and its too late to protect the kids anyway.)

Good news:
1. He received The New Code of Ethics manuscript from his colleagues and he praises it highly as the best solution to prevent lying in the medical profession in the future.

2. He does NOT think that the vaccines could cause any lasting DNA damage or change or Vaxx incorporation into our DNA. He used the term he sees 'No Clinical Chance' for that occurring.
(Yeeaahh.. except he doesn't know what special hellish cocktail / parasite / nanobot / Cthulhu concoction makes its way into vaccines nowadays)

They are putting anti-heart attack drugs into the vaccine. Dr. Malone says its a mere buffer as the scientists at Pfizer and ModeRNA thought it would be a good idea to do... Malone stated its not enough to stop heart attacks, but they put it into the vaxx anyway - entirely arbitrarily BTW - to lessen the chance of heart attacks.
(((I think, these anti-heart attack buffers are being put into the vaxx, so as to not kill a large amount of children outright, to proceed to slowly kill the kids, so by the time parents realize they are butchering the kids, most of the kids will be jabbed by this guaranteed slow-kill poison.)))

Dr. Malone said the FDA's duty would be frequent publication of results. But everything suggests - and he emphasized that he is not using profane language, because this is a public broadcast, but he was having difficulties restraining himself.. he emphasized that drug makers are lording over this process [their duty to publish results during a plandemic] bypassing laws, frequently modifying the Vaxx vials contents and they are just stating what they put into it (if even they are just doing this to give minimal info). So its not known what is in the vaccines, everybody is guessing.

Dr. Malone states the government has gone rogue. The government no longer obeys nor respects any man made laws.

. . .. . .
I hope supermarkets / government offices aren't planning to install large water vaporizers to entrances or indoors that spray vaccines onto everybody in the future... But as things are going there either aren't going to be supermarkets and or probably all government-aid foods to be distributed to hurricane-/-starvation-/-revolution stricken areas will be soaked in Hell-Vaccines. So we'll be getting the Satanic Poison anyway. I think its quickly getting to the point of "Who The Hell Cares?!" about these videos. People rather will be running around trying to get food or defend their homes from break-ins.
Shots fired may be a common sound in neighborhoods in 2022.
When people are sticking their heads out into the street:
- "That was no firecrackers.."
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They want to take away the children's father for giving them ivermectin.

Dr. Mal-One says: "This is obscene. Such a gross perversion of bio-ethics. I'm severely disillusioned of by what people are doing in my profession."
Today there was a video circulation on the local FB networks showing him giving a speech, the video was a smartphone recording without source, it had been shared 265 times. Some people asked for the original. It turned out to be from

Webinar: Global COVID Summit

  • DECEMBER 12, 2021

The Unity Project partnered with the Global Covid Summit to host a two-hour live stream event from Puerto Rico on December 12 where speakers from the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists discussed the dangers of child Covid vaccinations.
Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a Physician’s Declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19.
If you missed the live event, we have published the full REPLAY.
On behalf of these MDs and PhDs, Chief Medical and Regulatory Officer for The Unity Project Dr. Robert Malone, who has devoted his career to vaccine development, provides parents a clear statement outlining the scientific facts behind this decision.
Please watch and share these important videos from Dr. Malone and dozens of medical experts from around the world.

Dr. Malone’s Full Statement
My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.

I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I’m generally pro-vaccination. I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.

After this, I will be posting the text of this statement so you can share it with your friends and family.

Before you inject your child – a decision that is irreversible – I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created:

There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including:

  • Their brain and nervous system
  • Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots
  • Their reproductive system
  • And this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable

  • You can’t fix the lesions within their brain
  • You can’t repair heart tissue scarring
  • You can’t repair a genetically reset immune system, and
  • This vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family
The second thing you need to know about is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested.

  • We need at least 5 years of testing/research before we can really understand the risks
  • Harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later
Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history

One final point: the reason they’re giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie.

  • Your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents
  • It’s actually the opposite. Their immunity, after getting COVID, is critical to save your family if not the world from this disease
In summary: there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.

The risk/benefit analysis isn’t even close.

As a parent and grandparent, my recommendation to you is to resist and fight to protect your children.
Personally I think it is a limited hangout to suggest that it might be safe for adults. Children become adults and adults make children. However, at this stage children is a top priority and an angle that might invite more people to reflect on what is really going on.
Here is a recent video that describes Australia's condition:


I have been thinking about "resistance" and what it may mean for many of us depending on our karma and life choices. This is not a blanket assessment for everyone but perhaps some of us.
That video is getting really serious at videotime 16:00. What I was saying for a long time, the first I heard "Peaceful Protests", "Peaceful Non-Compliance". Yeah, as if the predator animal psychopaths on the throne would understand any of that. The French Revolutionists understood, how much worth "Peaceful Protests", "Peaceful Non-Compliance" has, because its so STO, Love, Kindness. Yeah. Try to explain human emotions to the Government Psychopaths.

Problem is The People have been viewing this world with the Orange Colored Glasses of Kindness & Love & Light that view of things led humanity straight where we are. But that lesson is being learned fast now.

As I predicted on Sott that there is a global Paradigm Shift in journalism incoming regards "Peaceful Protests", "Peaceful Non-Compliance", the articles journalists so much loved to write, because it was / felt so good to show to the readers a moral example. Almost Angelic Example in Politics, to be kind and benevolent..

Because it is a dream to imagine as Catherine Austin Fitts suggested - and as many of us said here straight away: "If we would stop banking at the major globalist banks tomorrow, - SNAP! - there would be a major change in the world next week." That's a totally amazing idea, also a full wishful thinking. And "wishful thinking always gets you". until this happens: -- then your personal world suddenly receives a Raw Adjustment Shock -- and you begin to align with Primary Reality.

Check out videotime 16:50:
Indonesian Military Received COVID Jabs and they jabbed the soldiers: they started collapsing en masse.
Their brothers-in-arms are desperately trying to revive them ON VIDEO.
If you have the firefox browser, just download SlimBrowser
and watch all Bitchute videos with that, since the Nazi Firefox developers appear to have blocked Bitchute on Firefox.
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Check out videotime 16:50:
Indonesian Military Received COVID Jabs and they jabbed the soldiers: they started collapsing en masse.
Their brothers-in-arms are desperately trying to revive them ON VIDEO.
This article argues that it is India's special forces after some extreme military exercises.

Remember Charles Leiber?

The Harvard chemistry professor arrested in JANUARY of 2020 (start of the Pandemic) because it was found that he was taking $50K per month from the CCP? He even took some trips to Wuhan between 2012 and 2017.

His trial starts today.

Remember Charles Leiber?

The Harvard chemistry professor arrested in JANUARY of 2020 (start of the Pandemic) because it was found that he was taking $50K per month from the CCP? He even took some trips to Wuhan between 2012 and 2017.

His trial starts today.

'They' are all in this together it seems.
Dr. Robert Malone joins Kristi Leigh and the interview mentions home schooling in order to avoid the School Vaxx Hell. Kristi admits that she was home-schooled and remarks she hopes she turned out right. They then go on to reveal the level of damage the vaccines are going to cause to our children and what it might take to wake people up to this danger.
(This video is getting old and its too late to protect the kids anyway.)
The interviewer, like many, makes the point that Dr. Malone is NOT anti-vax. Well, I AM anti-vax. I am proud to be anti-vax. I was against the additional vax requirements for school children back when vaccine requirements were raised while my son was a minor in elementary school. And back then, I did not know what we know now. I am so disgusted that good people who want to expose what's happening are nevertheless compelled to make that disclaimer. Where do people think the nearly impossible statistical rise in autism comes from?
The interviewer, like many, makes the point that Dr. Malone is NOT anti-vax. Well, I AM anti-vax. I am proud to be anti-vax. I was against the additional vax requirements for school children back when vaccine requirements were raised while my son was a minor in elementary school. And back then, I did not know what we know now. I am so disgusted that good people who want to expose what's happening are nevertheless compelled to make that disclaimer. Where do people think the nearly impossible statistical rise in autism comes from?
Yeah. I started fighting this battle back in the mid 90’s with the MMR requirement. I learned a lot about how to shadow box with petty tyrants. The thing with autism being caused by the vaks is the plausible deniability because so many things were introduced all at once: toxic food additives, toxic food processes, toxic EM radiation, vaca scene schedule increases, fluoridation, toxic agricultural inputs. And the beat goes on.
his article argues that it is India's special forces after some extreme military exercises.
Good catch @Hi_Henry . Maybe someone here can understand the language being spoken in the video. It makes you wonder which claim is true for sure, Whether it just a mistake or intentional would be good to know as well.

I think some of our questions were addressed in an earlier session:

Session 14 October 1998:
Q: (L) We know that, but we're just looking for an opening for questions here. (TK) What was that? (J)'We have already answered... (L) We know that, it's in the transcripts. (J) A long, long thing about that. (L) It doesn't matter where you are, but who you are, is what they said. And that is pretty much what you were saying, it doesn't matter about the abduction, it only matters who you are. (TK) Are most of the survivalists kind dangerous? The kind you should stay away from?

A: Off the mark..

Q: (L) In other words, they're off the mark, they don't understand, it's a spiritual question.

(TK) They're looking at the wrong thing.

(T) Also, right now, if you're considering survivalist groups, you have to keep in mind, they're under attack right now.

(TK) Oh, yeah, the government's after them.

(T) Between Oklahoma and this thing with Amtrak out in Arizona, militias are under heavy attack.

A: Being lead in to a trap.

Q: (L) I suspected that at one time. They're all being led into a trap. (T) Well, they've got guns right now... (J) Maybe guns aren't going to change anything...

A: Good intentions.

Q: (L) They've got good intentions... (TK) Started off with good intentions... They've got to be infiltrated, and it's been tainted at the very least.

(J) Maybe it's the idea of putting all the ones together with the same mind set so you know where they are.

(T) Their usefulness to the One World Government people has come to an end. It brought the conservative grouping into power in this country.

A: Not yet.

Q: (TK) Their usefulness isn't over yet, but... (T) Well, there's usefulness and there's usefulness... (J) But getting close. (L) OK, in those terms, what is the single most important thing that we as individuals should focus on in order to prepare ourselves for whatever events may occur? (J) Follow your own path...

A: No single thing.

Q: (TK) Is what Terry was saying earlier, like the thing... with the reed bending and going with the flow, is that the idea?

A: Close. Watch, look, listen.

Q: (J) Got it, knowledge is power. (T) I gotta tell you, from the Cleveland experience, if you let your mind wander, you end up in a very bad position. (J) Pay attention. (T) Even if there's a lesson... boy, I learned that one quick!

A: Alertness.

Q: (L) And that does not involve anesthetizing your mind with anything. (TK) Probably wouldn't hurt if you had any guns or anything, to keep them hidden, would it?

A: Messengers are all around. Look, listen.

Q: (L) Well, can I ask, what was the particular thing that... I mean, just out of curiosity... (TK) Is it going to be necessary to stockpile supplies, or anything along those lines? (L) That's all in the transcripts.

A: Third density.

Q: (L) That's third density thinking. (J) Guns aren't going to help. (TK) I'm not really worried about that. No, they're not going to help, but... (T) Does Tom know what third and fourth density is? (L) Yes. Is there any particular reason why Tom is here tonight, or came tonight? I mean, I know he has an ostensible reason for coming down, but is there any other underlying reason?

A: Look, discover.
What prompted me to finally post this was the tweet below where a quite angry group of people outside of Parliament are shouting "Arrest Boris Johnson!" Maybe GPM is on to something with his 'readings', after all? And wasn't there a 'April drop dead' remark by the C's a couple of years ago?
Thank you for sharing @aragorn, some of these people do risk a sad end, as shown in an example in Chroniques de Genève by Bonivard, François Bonivard, 1493-1570 (edition 1831) where it is claimed there is the following, although I could not verify all the details, but the story runs from page 552 to 568 of the pdf. The translation below may have been retranslated from Russian or from a different edition (1867). This could explain the origin of the different page numbers.
The disturbing lesson of the Geneva plague.
“When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. An entire hospital was even opened for the plague victims.
With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The merchants contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. Patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.
But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients.
There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530.
If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized. At first they were limited to poisoning patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they soon realized that the statistics had to be not just about mortality, but about mortality from plague.
So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to the other patients as medicine. Then they began to sprinkle the dust on clothing, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn't work well.
Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, "this was hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them."
In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was. The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of the competent 'artisans'.
They tried to get as much information from him as possible.
However, the execution lasted several days.
The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director's son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded 'to prevent the spread of evil' ".
François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pages 395 - 402.
but.. this is just history, in 2020 these things cannot happen..
- PalasAtenea
The above version was found in post, a slightly different translation here. A video in Russian comments on this story. That the tale is coming out of the woodworks at this time is ominous.

While trying to find background information about this story, I found a Russian pdf file with plague history including some great pieces of art. I just mention it for reference.


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Thank you for sharing @aragorn, some of these people do risk a sad end, as shown in an example in Chroniques de Genève by Bonivard, François Bonivard, 1493-1570 (edition 1831) where it is claimed there is the following, although I could not verify all the details, but the story runs from page 552 to 568 of the pdf. The translation below may have been retranslated from Russian or from a different edition (1867). This could explain the origin of the different page numbers.

The above version was found in post, a slightly different translation here. A video in Russian comments on this story. That the tale is coming out of the woodworks at this time is ominous.

While trying to find background information about this story, I found a Russian pdf file with plague history including some great pieces of art. I just mention it for reference.
And the PTB are making us believe that we are the most advanced form of civilization that has ever existed...
Oh, PTB, let's spread the good news, one demoncracy at a time... until Pfizer counts to 2076!
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