Cosmological Questions

The slots and marbles analogy is interesting.
Greetings Natus,


Catching up on threads and the 7 marbles/7 slots analogy reads to me that the marbles do not multiply, but grow in size to accommodate the next corresponding sized width of the slot. Which would mean a marble that is bigger cannot go into the next smaller slot, however a smaller marble can fit into a larger slot.

Which is interesting in that the analogy also does not mention shrink, but grow, so in order to fill the slot the smaller must grow and not for the larger to shrink. And if all the smaller marbles eventually become the size of the 7th largest to fill the 7th largest slot, is that when we all arrive at the same 'time'? And if so, do the marbles that already grew to the 7th largest slot must wait until the smaller marbles catch up?

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