Cosmological Questions

The slots and marbles analogy is interesting.
Q: Okay, so consciousness energy directors are like a horizontal reality in relation to the perpendicular ones?
A: Slots, my dear, slots.

Q: Are these slots comparable to the appearing and disappearing of electrons in the shells of an atom?
A: Not the point. You are still trying to use 3rd density awareness to measure the reality parameters of all other density levels... Talk about your square peg and your round hole! Tell Arkadiusz to trust in gravity waves to be merely his pathway to higher understanding, not the means to an end.

Q: Now you have mentioned these 'slots.' What are these slots, and how does one move from one slot to another?
A: Picture this: you have 7 sizes of marbles. You have 7 widths of slots. Where do the marbles "fit in."

Q: Do the marbles represent units of consciousness?
A: Close. Or, divisions of consciousness level energy resonance profiles.

Q: Do these divisions of consciousness grow and change?
A: Yes.

Q: And they grow and change through acquiring knowledge, is that correct?
A: Basically.

Q: And acquiring knowledge is akin to acquiring energy? Or light? Light energy?
A: Not exactly. That would be like saying that "filling up" at the gas station is akin to acquiring speed.

Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed comes from utilization?
A: Yes.

Q: And utilization means...
A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn, generates light.

Q: So, when one of these marbles is in a slot, does it fill up with gas which then enables it to move to another slot?
A: What!?!

Q: Well, I'm using your analogy!
A: No, you are mixing analogies!

Q: Let me back up then, and regroup. We have marbles in slots...
A: What causes the marbles to go into the slots? Gas?!??

Q: Okay. Where do they get the gas from?
A: That was an entirely different analogy, used only as a retort to an erroneous assumption, nothing more!

Q: Let me back up again. Marbles in slots. What are the slots?
A: An analogy to depict realms for you.

Q: Do the marbles move from one slot to another?
A: When, and only when, they have acquired the proper fit.

Q: Oh. How do they acquire the proper fit?
A: How do you?

Q: I guess you grow?
A: Okay.
As we learn our lessons, our marbles 'grow' and eventually overflow the slots. There is always 'someone' (gravity, the great organizer?) in each density to keep the school running. The C's cannot graduate to 7D until their mentees learn all their lessons. Once the student surpasses the master (a set of lessons), a new reality forms.
Q: (L) Of what is matter composed?
A: Atomic structure.

Q: (L) Of what are atoms composed?
A: Thoughts.

Q: (L) Whose thoughts?
A: Yours.

Q: (L) Everything?
A: Everything.

Q: (L) If I perceive something, and everything I perceive is composed of my thoughts, and V_ is perceiving, is everything her thoughts?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is the difference between her thoughts and my thoughts?
A: That is what binds you. You see, it is merely a program.

Q: (L) Is it merely a program that we think we are separate individuals?
A: Not the point.

Q: (L) What is the point? What binds us together? Where does the program come from?
A: Where do your programs come from?

Q: (L) 7th density? Ourselves? The Lizzies?
A: We are asking about the programs in your computer.

Q: (L) In my computer? Different places. I get them and load them in. Are programs made - do they exist like 'thought centers' - and do we just load them in ourselves?
A: Why have you forgotten? 309,000...

Q: (L) Oh. You are talking about the "takeover" by 4th density STS. But, still, the point I am trying to get to is - yes we have DNA - but you can't reprogram DNA if there is not DNA there to begin with. If there is not something to load the program into. What is the substance of this reality that we exist in?
A: You just answered.

Q: (L) I don't understand.
A: You can't load it into something if there isn't something there to begin with.

Q: (L) Fine! What is this something that is there to begin with?
A: Your previous DNA structure.

Q: (L) Where did the previous DNA structure come from?
A: The previous program.

Q: (L) Where did that program come from?
A: Review.

Q: (L) Well, you once said that it was necessary to be on a planet that had a star that was getting ready to go supernova in order to molecularize physical bodies. What I want to know is: what is this process whereby thought becomes manifest as matter?
A: This is too complicated for this medium. You need another method. Something that allows for greater word usage.

Q: (L) But, just a clue: how does thought become matter?
A: Bilaterally.

Q: (L) What do you mean by "bilaterally?"
A: Dual emergence.

Q: (L) Emergence into what and what?
A: Not "into what and what," but rather, "from what and to what."

Q: (L) What emerges from what?
A: The beginning emerges from the end, and vice versa.

Q: (L) And what is the beginning and what is the end?
A: Union with the One.

Q: (L) What is the One?
A: 7th density, i.e.: all that is, and is not.
But what makes the C's the C's? Did they learn faster than us? What about plants and animals? Why are they 'behind' us in the learning curve? It doesn't make sense to track progress in terms of time (5 cycles behind or 10 cycles ahead, etc). A more representative unit would be the number of lessons learned. In this case, two beings get 'closer' to each other as they learn lessons—another concept of 'distance.'
(Galatea) What star or constellation are you closest to right now?
A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that distance is not a viable concept.
Is that what we're getting at here?
A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Thought transcends distance.
(L) Thought transcends distance, and we are quantumly entangled or something...
A: Yes

Q: (Chu) There's no time, there's no space...
But how do we reconcile the fact that each density is 'populated,' that there are seemingly no empty classrooms in the school? Some beings must have decided to 'forget' their lessons! So this means that there is a negative, fragmented pathway that is allowed to exist for the sake of learning. Therefore, a plant could be a being that has refused to see truth as it is; it is not in any way less important than us, as its resulting state was a matter of choice.
Q: (L) And the whole idea is to blend both pathways no matter which direction you come to it from?
A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of service to others to exist?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati ...
A: Blends in middle.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...
A: Yes.
But don't all beings learn their lessons in the end? Why doesn't darkness permanently turn into light?
Well, this is where gravity enters the picture. In order for learning to be possible, there must be a challenge, i.e. an obstacle to overcome. And what generates obstacles, what constricts the flow of truth? Evil, ego, self aggrandizement. Gravity does the balancing so that no student is permanently locked in a classroom full of bullies. These bullies, if they refuse to change their learning trajectories, become the pens and papers of the 'future' (which is not a temporal measure, but the result of many choices). Creation is like a balloon that is deflating and inflating at the same time.
Q: (L) Well, I am just trying to get a grip on some ideas here...
A: Then change the thought pattern. Gravity is the "stuff" of all existence, therefore it has an unchanging property of quantity.

Q: (L) So, gravity is not being "used," per se?
A: Close.

Q: (L) You said that light was an energy expression of gravity. Then you said...
A: You can utilize gravity, but you cannot "use" it. You cannot increase or decrease that which is in perfectly balanced static state.

Q: (L) So, gravity is in a perfectly "static" state. Yet, it can be "utilized." Can you make clear for me the transition from the static state to transition. What occurs?
A: There is no transition, just application.
There are plenty of Cs references to things many millions of years in Earth history, and other phenomena, like this one in reference to soul smashing:
Another one relevant to Earth:
Q: (L) When and how did planet earth acquire its moon?

A: Was caused by the regular passage of a large comet cluster which caused a gravitational disruption allowing a large chunk of the original earth's surface, which was somewhat less solid at that point in space/time, to break away from the main body and assume a locked in orbit around the main body.

Q: (L) When did this happen?

A: This occurred approximately 3 billion years ago.
I noticed some of the emphases on 'emptying of densities' late. When I shared my speculations, I didn't think that there was ever an empyting of a density. I still don't actually. But remembering Ra's 'logoi', I assume that each logos has its own set of densities. I don't know/remember if Ra said each logos has a finite lifetime. If it's so, then maybe the emptying of densities is what occurs during the final phases of a specific logos? Like a school doesn't accept any new students and only waits to graduate its remaining students in various grades upto the final grade (7D)? Still, I think, this wouldn't mean the absolute emptying of 'all' 3Ds, for instance, in all logoi simultaneously.
That brought up an associated thought. The Cs said that everyone reached 7D at the same 'time'. But I was wondering how that can happen in the context of a cycle where there are always new beings 'moving up' into densities. It's not like 3D empties when all go to 4D and so on, so how might that work? Also, how long does that process of all ending up in 7D take?
The way I read "everyone" in that context was the Soul Family of 6D souls that are ready to graduate to 7th. At the same 'time', those from 5D graduate up to take their place etc.

It's like having endless games of chess, and each time the game ends, you mash up the board and pieces and make new ones out of them. Then after doing that a few trillion times, you ask in one specific game "how old is this board and pieces"?
Yep. The more I learn, the more I'm getting the impression that the concept of time is not only wrong, it's so wrong that it's "not even wrong" - ie. a subjective interpretation of reality that cannot be outright called "wrong".

Yet, the concept is so 'baked in' to our experience of being human that it's almost impossible to have any kind of discussion about existence without referencing it. Thinking 'outside the box' and imagining that every event in the Universe is simultaneous, one way to look at it might be something like quanta of energy frequency levels arranged in a spiralling geometry, with the seven main quanta as the densities. It's impossible to say that the 'movement' from one quantum to the next takes 'x number of years' or so forth, because that movement is purely subjective, and may fluctuate 'down' or 'up' depending on choices made by any individual or cooperative "wave reading consciousness unit(s)".

So, what is the meaning behind a statement like "One Grand Cycle is approximately 309,000 years"? Well, we generally define a year as one complete orbit of the Earth around the Sun. There's reason to suspect that the last 309,000 Earth orbits have not been equivalent, so that throws the 'timing' out right there. However, if we assume 309K roughly equivalent orbits, the next question is "why 309K orbits and not 300K? or 200K? or 150K?"

We can approach this question similarly to that of the fundamental physical constants, I think. The Universe is "fine-tuned" for life, so we might imagine the Grand Cycle as an event that optimises the learning process at all levels of density. It might not have 'always been' 309K years, but in the current conditions of the Universe, or simply just this sector of space, ~309K years might be appropriate. Kind of like a teacher that checks in on their newbie students regularly, and their graduating students infrequently.

Are you not imagining the big bang as the beginning of a cycle? And if you are, then would you think that Earth would be much older than we think (not younger), just like "the universe", since it stretches back to previous "incarnations" prior to the big bang? Or are you trying to connect the "grand cycle" (309,000 years) to the big bang model? If so, I think the grand cycle is just a tiny cycle within the overall history of the cosmos.
I think the big bang theory is entirely wrong. The whole concept is based on the observations that the Universe seems to be expanding. Yet, many of the predictions in the model are contradicted by other observations, such as equal distribution of galaxies at the theoretical edges of the Universe, and the fact that the supergalactic cosmic structure looks like a mesh or fabric. The materialist assumptions that underpin the Standard Cosmological Model don't seem to allow for much open-mindedness regarding Intelligent Design, and thus the possibility of manifestation of a 'fully-formed' Universe which 'always existed'. So why are there phenomena like the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation that appear to be big-bang-like effects, and why do galaxies appear to be "moving away" from each other?

To answer those questions, I think we need to look at what "movement" might actually mean in a spatial geometry that reinterprets 'time' as an objective metric. If something is "moving", it is actually in multiple places at once, although (osit) in different energy/frequency states. Similar to the way different amino acids (spatial-energy/frequency states) form the shape of a protein when sequenced correctly, if that makes any sense. So how do such 'spatial-energy proteins' manifest in the first place? This is where information, gravity and choice come into the picture, osit.

Perhaps the CMBR et al are effects of the manifestation of the Universe - ie. if you want star system A here, you need to have EM radiation and dust cloud B over there. If you want to prevent paradoxes such as two events of the same energy/frequency and location, you need a balance of gravity waves that keeps the Universe constantly expanding. Dunno, just throwing in possibilities here, but I think a coherent model needs to be built without using 'time' as the underpinning of our most foundational physics.

From a more metaphysical angle, it's also true: every state of the universe is a revision of the previous state. But again, we trace those state transitions and "time" them.
I see where you're going with this, and think the crux of your point is that states need be 'addressed' in such a way that they are 'locatable' spatially. If so, I agree, but it also seems possible that certain types of state changes may be quantum in nature - ie. only one before/present/after state is actually manifest, and other states only exist as possibilities. Such types of quantum state changes (micro- or macroscopic) might not be 'locatable' as they occur as a consequence of choice, and unchosen states may become the oft-referenced "dream in the past".

Now, it could be asked, "How do we know the Universe doesn't keep a numerically-sequenced 'dream journal' keeping track of all choices ever made?", which is pretty much the "Does the Cosmic Mind remember everything in the history of the Universe?" question.

I think the Information Field might fulfil this function - up to a point. However, there's always the question as to the meaningfulness of any specific information, and I tend to think that information without any relevance to any mind in the Cosmos would simply 'disappear'. One could think that the "first Universe, first galaxy, first star, first planet etc." would be relevant information to keep, if only for a certain 'nostalgia value' and perhaps it is, through actual existence? ie. this Universe is the First Universe, the First Galaxy is still spinning, the First Star is still shining merrily somewhere etc. etc.

This starts to get into deeper archetypal notions of Last/First, Death/Birth etc, which are harder to think about without explicit reference to time and probably heads in an off-topic direction, so I'll leave it there for the moment. 😄
(DD) What happens to a soul after it is smashed?

A: Primal matter. Start the cycle over. Millions or billions of years acquiring consciousness.

What I wonder about that statement... Does this mean that 'soul' becomes (goes back to) 1D? It sounds to me as if the default (blank) soul essence or pattern remains in 5D, having lost all the knowledge/being it accumulated through various densities, and 'it' starts afresh.
The slots and marbles analogy is interesting.

As we learn our lessons, our marbles 'grow' and eventually overflow the slots. There is always 'someone' (gravity, the great organizer?) in each density to keep the school running. The C's cannot graduate to 7D until their mentees learn all their lessons. Once the student surpasses the master (a set of lessons), a new reality forms.
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But what makes the C's the C's? Did they learn faster than us? What about plants and animals? Why are they 'behind' us in the learning curve? It doesn't make sense to track progress in terms of time (5 cycles behind or 10 cycles ahead, etc). A more representative unit would be the number of lessons learned. In this case, two beings get 'closer' to each other as they learn lessons—another concept of 'distance.'

But how do we reconcile the fact that each density is 'populated,' that there are seemingly no empty classrooms in the school? Some beings must have decided to 'forget' their lessons! So this means that there is a negative, fragmented pathway that is allowed to exist for the sake of learning. Therefore, a plant could be a being that has refused to see truth as it is; it is not in any way less important than us, as its resulting state was a matter of choice.

But don't all beings learn their lessons in the end? Why doesn't darkness permanently turn into light?
Well, this is where gravity enters the picture. In order for learning to be possible, there must be a challenge, i.e. an obstacle to overcome. And what generates obstacles, what constricts the flow of truth? Evil, ego, self aggrandizement. Gravity does the balancing so that no student is permanently locked in a classroom full of bullies. These bullies, if they refuse to change their learning trajectories, become the pens and papers of the 'future' (which is not a temporal measure, but the result of many choices). Creation is like a balloon that is deflating and inflating at the same time.
Now when I reread that session you quotet at the end of your post it flashes me with the idea that gravity realy is the aether, that binds everything together is everywhere, you can't change it...
Maybe I miss something or someone already had that idea and I missed it.
But I had to write it here, if it wasen't mentioned somewere, that it can be discussed here (or where it will be the best to discuss it.
I hope it isn't to much noise. :-)
A: Picture this: you have 7 sizes of marbles. You have 7 widths of slots. Where do the marbles "fit in."

Q: Do the marbles represent units of consciousness?
A: Close. Or, divisions of consciousness level energy resonance profiles.

Q: Do these divisions of consciousness grow and change?
A: Yes.

Q: And they grow and change through acquiring knowledge, is that correct?
A: Basically.

This exchange made me think of this labyrinth. One can imagine 7 levels of consciousness and every entry to the next level being a slot of a certain size as per the Cs. And require a certain marble size to enter a certain level. The marble being variable in growth and the level also being variable in size (lessons) and "timeframe" for every soul.


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We can approach this question similarly to that of the fundamental physical constants, I think. The Universe is "fine-tuned" for life, so we might imagine the Grand Cycle as an event that optimises the learning process at all levels of density. It might not have 'always been' 309K years, but in the current conditions of the Universe, or simply just this sector of space, ~309K years might be appropriate. Kind of like a teacher that checks in on their newbie students regularly, and their graduating students infrequently.
The Cs made a distinction about the length of the combined lessons to be learnt, i remember vaguely. Something about us wanted to learn the quicker way.

Knowing that all there are are lessons, and that we have others watching how we are getting through those lessons and decided for themselves to learn at a slower pace. The Cs said also that later we will be able to create worlds and devise such lessons for others, I would think that 309 000 years was what is thought to be appropriate by "teachers" as you said it for the lessons to be learn.
How does a person, who is playing one particular game, reliably date the age of the board and pieces material, unaware that it has gone through a few billion such smushes?
That might be a good question for the C's, though maybe they would not know either:

How many iterations where everything went to 7D and then a new "big bang" happened has the universe or All-That-Is gone through? A few times, billions of times, infinite number of times?
That might be a good question for the C's, though maybe they would not know either:

How many iterations where everything went to 7D and then a new "big bang" happened has the universe or All-That-Is gone through? A few times, billions of times, infinite number of times?
Something like that!
Q: (A) Was there a big bang?

A: There are many of them!

Q: (Perceval) How many? (Laughter)

A: Got a few years to take down the number?
Now when I reread that session you quotet at the end of your post it flashes me with the idea that gravity realy is the aether, that binds everything together is everywhere, you can't change

Well, it depends of what you are referring about aether because that’s a term created to explain certain phenomenons which through time, it has evolved into different theories, and these theories doesn’t have any relation between them, newton first utilized the term to measure gravitons and later he disregarded it, in the medieval times it was created to put into the equation space vacuum etc.

It’s funny to me those Tartary therories which are nonsensical only in the sense that what they proposed it’s what Atlantis was all about technically according to the Cs.
The aether it’s being mentioned or compared to as the electromagnetic field that Tesla proposed to recollect electricity from the air, based on the system of the pyramids which is from Atlantean origin. So, at this point people are using the term aether to explain different things and there is nothing concrete of what it really is. At the end, if gravity is the only thing that binds everything together; then if “aether” is real whatever the shape or form it has, it would be a result of gravity, same as electricity and light.
Some thoughts about Logos in fewdifferent places,


Ra talks about Logos and gives information that there is many of them. And thats how our space is filled; many suns and planetary systems in many Galaxies. So if you think this infinite space would have one central Sun, then then Galaxies cycling around it (like Milky Way) and having their own central suns. After that local star systems whit planets.

In hylozoik their is explained the creation very thoroughly for those who like maybe more engineering approach, where the different globes and systems are PROBLEMS_220526.pdf

Likewise, it is
superstitious to believe, as docertain new age groups, that you develop your consciousness by
working at “purifying your inner bodies” or “gaining control over your chakras” by
meditating on them. It is superstitious because it is a confusion of cause and effect. You

purify your inner bodies” (that is to say, lower molecular kinds are replaced with higher ones
in your envelopes) and you “gaincontrol over your chakras” as results of your acquisition of a
higher kind of consciousness with its stronger will or energy aspect (which has a purifying
effect on the envelopes and a controlling effect on their chakras). However, this higher
consciousness is an aspect of the life of unity. It can never be attained with egoistic motives of
mere individual development but only on the path of unity: giving out love, sacrifice, service,
work for mankind.

Every world is made up of its ownatoms,
which are different from all theothers. Consciousness and motion are always limited in their
possibilities and modes of expression by the matter that is the necessary basis of these two
aspects. The coarser, more massive the atoms, the more sluggish the motion, the slower the
vibrations, and the duller, more mechanical the consciousness. The finer the atoms, the
swifter, more intensive the vibrations, and the clearer and more purposive the consciousness
developing in the atoms.

How could an accumulation of primordial
atoms ever form those composite atomic kinds and forms that are expedient for the evolution
of consciousness? It would be exceedingly difficult to solve this problem, if there were only
one cosmos. There are countless cosmic globes, however, and there have always been. Thus
they exist simultaneously and everywhere in the universe, and there are such cosmic globes at
all the stages of manifestation from the recently formed to the fully constructed and those in
the process of being dismantled. The monads that have reached the highest (seventh) divine
kingdom of their cosmos make up collectives that perform the function of supreme guardians
of the law, supervisors of evolution, and shapers of matter where that globe is concerned.
According as younger monads reach upto the highest kingdom (1–7), the older ones are set
free for other tasks. The latter can, if they so desire, leave their cosmos in a collective
formation in order to build a new cosmos somewhere in primordial matter with its infinite
store of unconscious primordialatoms, in so doing affording countless monads the experience
of life. They received this gift of life themselves from other cosmos builders once in an
immensely distant past, and now theyare carrying the baton. And so it goes on without
beginning and without end.

The cosmos builders thus do not create the monads – this supreme
omnipotence is reserved for eternally unconscious, “blind” dynamis – but they make them
enter into a cosmos, compose them to form the 48 lower atomic kinds. Thanks to the cosmos
builders, the cosmos receives from the very beginning the highest degree of finality possible
with its primordial atoms, still only potentially conscious.

This blind dynamis is the Creation Itself, that gives free will for the sub-logos to create new solar systems with its own natural laws, all to give experiences for the One?

So again this seems like above, just like below; we have 8 billion sub-sub-sub...logos walking on this planet interacting with each others. Plus we have good guys and bad guys interacting here from different systems. Question is what are all the laws that they and we all have to obey to prevent making karma to ourselves and evolve forward?

C's, esoterics, Ra, Hylozoik all talkabout the same Creation with a little different words. We as Humans just still are not living these words, that would help us evolve;
However, this higher
consciousness is an aspect of the life of unity. It can never be attained with egoistic motives of
mere individual development but only on the path of unity: giving out love, sacrifice, service,
work for mankind.

Those who like to study there and is lot more to read in different languages.

The cosmos builders thus do not create the monads – this supreme omnipotence is reserved for eternally unconscious, “blind” dynamis
Interesting website that seems to outline cosmology and the Work in very similar ways to how the C's or Ra describe it.

One thing I wonder about is the origin of what he calls "the eternally unconscious dynamis that has supreme omnipotence". Basically the origin of all creation and of all the laws of creation. I read a couple of the articles where he mentions this dynamis, but the question of its origin is never answered. Who knows, maybe its origin is unknowable.
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