Crazy Storm Weather and Lightning - Global

Heavy lightning strikes continue in the northern sky today. It looks like it was taken with a telephoto lens from my home in Hiratsuka at 19:30 on August 30, 2021. The clouds are always illuminated by Kaminari, just like Laputa.

It is the time lapse of yesterday's thunder. It was taken from my home in Hiratsuka from 19:41 to 49 on August 30, 2021. Each video of about 3 seconds is compared and brightly combined with one image, and it is played back at about 30 times speed. Cumulonimbus clouds are growing steadily while shooting thunder violently. The clouds illuminated by lightning shine in various colors, like illuminations.

Love at first sight #WhiteHouse I laughed about it but I was very scared. Fortunately, it was not live! #Reporting

THE STORMS RETURN AND WITH THEM THE "SPRITES", electrical discharges that occur over the troposphere at heights between 50 and 90 km. This spectacular one was captured this morning (30-Aug) at 03:21:22 TUC Marc Corretgé (
@marccg96) from Alpicat,#Lleida . The camera was operating at 25 fps

40,738 lightning struck the ground, 113,324 counting intraclouds in the geographic window shown.
Detail of the lightning registered in four areas affected by the strong storms.

Great electrical activity at the moment in Hellín, with a storm at the gates of the city. In the next few minutes it is not ruled out that it can download forcefully.#Albacete#meteoAB#DANA#tormentas

What a wonderful photo! One of the countless electric shocks we had last night in Hellín, on the Acecasa oil mill (
@AcecasaSL) just outside the city.#Albacete#meteoAB#DANA#tormentas © Sito Garcia
Widespread flooding occurred in the North Eastern states of United States due to Hurricane Ida. Though I am not impacted by it except few minutes of electricity interruption, major rivers in New Jersey ( Raritan and Passiac) are flooded killing at least 25, 6 missing and major traffic delays during its passage on Wednesday and Thursday.

Before-and-after satellite images show flooding in NY, NJ after Hurricane Ida

Some of my son's college dorms( not his though) were completely evacuated due to flooding. During the storm, It looks there is some confusion of what to do for a brief period in some dorms - go upstairs because it is flooding, go to basement because of tornado's.

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I don't know if this photo belongs to this thread.
It reminded me of this February 22, 2020 session where the crew talked about an open portal in the Middle East

: (L) Okay. Next topic. Oh, there was this weird video that Niall found. It was really weird.

Cosmic phenomenon? Strange waves pulse through cloud in skies over northwestern Syria --
Comment: We are most certainly not in Kansas anymore... Alien hunters and conspiracy theorists of all sorts do not need much to get them to seek traces of extraterrestrial guests or secret governmental programmes. A clip said to be filmed in...

(Niall) It's a video shown a couple of weeks ago supposedly somewhere south of Aleppo. That's near the big war zone in Idlib. It's looking up in the sky fixed on a cloud and there are like waves rippling up through the cloud.

A: We told you long ago that there is a large portal over the Middle East. This was a breaching of the realm curtain.

Q: (L) So... Was something coming in, or getting out of here?

A: Coming in!

Q: (Artemis) Something came in... Prepare for the worst!

(Chu) Something like what?

A: We told you that there would be strange cosmic phenomena!
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