Creating a New World

The very first thing that jumped into my mind is the hierarchical model that seems to encompass so much. It also appears that this model is STS oriented, so I would think exploring something other than this sort of model would be worthwhile. Measurement of things to an “exactness” or “equal” value seems to run along the same framework. Just my first thoughts.

Luthien’s post of Lobaczewki offers some good ideas.
[quote author=Vulcan]The first big thing that comes to mind to me is to make sure essential psychopaths are identified as early as possible and are prevented from seeking or gaining positions of power or influence.[/quote]

Yes. The diagnostics and immunologistics (is that a word?) of all pathology would be essential for the survival and health of the system on all levels.

The concentric circles concept may be an excellent start when considering structure, modified of course from the esoteric model. The inner circle may be composed of individuals of talents serving the whole concerning metaphysical, medical, educational, etc., needs.

The next circle may be responsible for things such as infrastructure, order, economy, and such. Calculation of total worth compared to the needs of the whole would allow the printing of the medium of exchange freely.

The third circle might be responsible for general production such as food, shelter, art, etc.

All medical and educational benefits would be free to all.

I don't see why the entire wealth of the whole couldn't be shared equitably by all.
I thought about that topic for a long time because I study history and what I concluded a time ago is that every system was dead before he started to work(like socialism) because there was missing a very important clue: moral issues. This is interesting question but there's a big difference in what density you are. On 4D you are all collective mind so you are all with same polarization and everything you do is STO, you can have connection with cosmic mind and get many answers, you have telepatic power so you can know if something is a lie or truth(but I doubt someone would lie if they are STO polarity), you don't need judical system, but the main thing is we don't know how the 4D works and that's the main problem, and we will have to see and wait and I don't think we will get the chance to change this world, I think that everyone who will go to 4D, if he survives fight there, that after that they won't live here on Earth but in Orion. It's one possibility and maybe isn't going to work in that way because of many possibilities about the future. If we could change this world(3D) I think that there shouldn't be hierarchy and if you have institutions like goverments, councils,(capitalism, socialism, yes capitalism is good in Nordic countries but there are those who benefit from that also because it's STS pyramid system, it's like you have "evil" and lesser "evil") that's not STO but STS because you give your power to certain people to decide for you, and if they are positive beings that's also classification by position(STS). We don't need leaders we should all become leaders, everyone should decide and I think if everyone is STO they could have different opinions but the important thing is only that they are for benefit of all mankind, and because of that you don't need institutions like goverment, etc.. Schools are good to have for education but not education in that you would grade kids but you would encourage them to do what they love, to work on their talents, give all of them feeling they are all loved and no one of them is loved more then another one, and here comes the spiritual teaching. Only institution that should be welcome is council for consulting, that should consist of wisest and most spiritual members who should consult but not have any power. We don't need monetary system because it's the symbol of slavery, you don't need money to live. Every family should get same amounts of food, and other stuffs they need for living, bigger families maybe more. I read that if the fortune would be distributed among all population you will work only 4 hours per day, and everyone should work what they love, but should also study other things. You would work for the benefit of everyone and only knowing that is the greatest gift and thing to be proud of. We could use free energy and develop technologies that are already been made. We should make defense weapons if the lizzies or others try to attack us and we should make alliance with 4D STO Orions, make cultural exchenges, travel to planets, explore, and inhabit the unpopulated planets. They could be our mentors and we could learn very much from them. What to say about psychopathy, today you can know if one is psychopath by scanning their brains(emotional part) and doing research so everyone should go to make that test. They should be taken to another planet and given all technologies they need for survival. We should relay on our young generations because they would be less subjective because they didn't experience the hell in which we lived. Most important thing is that we first become spiritual because you don't need psycho to ruin the day, ego is enough. And we should terminate sport. When you think about it, it would be paradise and for that kind of world is always worth fighting for. ;)
mkrnhr said:
IMHO, any STO society should acknowledge the very existence of the STS reality and its right to exist. The main challenge is not to feed this STS reality. By their own nature the STO beings could live happy together and create overwhelming good. But in the same realm there is that STS reality for balance, and they have to find a way not to be endangered by the STS, not feeding it, and at the same time not denying its existence. In a word, we should find something to occupy the STS forces, to divert them ;)

Indeed the STO/STS duality will always be there. Right now in this 3D STS reality it is way out of balance to the non-being side. Knowledge, it seems to way is the only way to tip the balance more Being/Creative side.

Of course 4D STS forces will continue to do their thing. "My beautiful wickedness" like the Witch of the West. But they aren't the only players. The C's have taught us so much. They have helped us realize that we have fallen asleep in an insane asylum. :zzz:
Those who seek Being have forces on their side too.

Imagine a world where words like government, ownership, greed, exclusion, socialism, capitalism would have no meaning at all. :thup:

A symbiotic life on the BBM has been a goal for me for years. There are so many wonderful ideas posted here. Which brings me to my idea that we live at such an amazing point in history. Thousands of years of trial and error to learn from. If we could utilize the methods brought forth from this forum of research and gaining knowledge, study all the various forms of government and take the best of the best of the best. Use the brillant minds of this world instead of suppressing them with formalities and ego.

forge said:
How to recreate our new world outside of the devil: in a nice order ;D
- Cut off 4D STS power supply,
- block their mind control techniques,
- fizzle their frequency fences.

This would be a start, FWIW, I agree with Csayeursost as well. As long as we have this influence, it would be difficult. An STO community would start off well, but then due to these outside influences, (I know cause I have tried it) it goes down another path. To make a very long story short,.
In 1997 myself and 20 individuals purchase 620 acres of land in the US. We started off with equal merits to form an ecovillage, camp grounds and eventually a town that was green and egalitarian. Formed a council and worked close as we could towards concensus. Within 6 months I watched it fall apart due to ego's. Then our predator came into the picture and it crumbled for me. I left with my family disillusioned and sold my share. The integrity level slipped way down and money became the formost desire. I have watched what I call very together people fall prey to power. So Do I still believe we can create an STO aligned community yes, but it has to be well protected from predators. What would become of it then? A Fascist place that only "psychologically sound people could live? I think my answer of "yes" is my faith talking.

From my perspective decentralizing communites may work, but as the community grows it will split like an amoeba and form it's own community. Things seem to me to work better in smaller numbers. Then to maybe have a larger council, kind of like in Starhawk's book "Fifth Sacred Element" (interesting read).
This topic seems to have the potential to be split into a number of subthreads eventually, doesn't it! I'm excited to see how this progresses, because although (as Csayeursost pointed out in reply #18) it is impossible to make a 3D STS world "right", what this can do is provide us with a really valuable yardstick by which to measure current institutions in view of either working toward change or at least increasing our knowledge. If we solidify a really clear idea of what the qualities of an STO system would be, then all actual and potential models in the real world can be compared with this idea and be critiqued accordingly. This therefore has the potential to be quite useful as a reference when establishing the good points and bad points of any system that we (or any one of us individually) are examining.

For example, I think there is already a rough idea emerging for education -- this seems to be something that has attracted quite a bit of commentary so far, and one of the main themes that I feel is emerging is that there should be an emphasis on teaching children/students 'how to think' as opposed to 'what to think'. There is a ponerizing trend in the modern educational system where these two priorities are reversed, but there is also a continuum -- so it can be asked to what degree does, say, the Indian system prioritize these two modes of learning, or a textbook publisher, or your neighborhood junior high, or yourself as a home schooler.

Another more general trend that is emerging regards hierarchical leadership structure. It has already been stated in various ways that the preferable model is a lateral network in the form of some sort of council, and the disfavored model is a top-down hierarchy with a single leader (these being the best representations of STO and STS respectively). So societal organizations can be measured against this, and it can be seen that the majority of them fall toward the latter extreme, although again there is variation -- for example, most countries' governments incorporate some of both in the form of a president or prime minister (a single leader) as well as some sort of legislative body (congress or parliament -- ideally a lateral network). It is interesting that since 9/11/01, there has been a strong drive in the USA (as the example I am most familiar with) to shore up the powers of the president and to divert power from congress, even if indirectly, ultimately weighting the system toward a top-down hierarchy with a single leader. When comparing the system with the ideal, however, and while acknowledging the intention of checks-and-balances, it is actually a congressional body that comes closer to an ideal structure and the existence of a president which falls further from the mark.
Laura said:
I would like to start a discussion that focuses on Creating a New World.

The first thing I think that would need to happen is for some individuals to want to Create a New World. There would need to be some kind of 'Bankruptcy' on the part of many - on a macro level - that would help bring them to the point of seeing how things truly are. This seems to be happening of course, and this thread is some evidence of it. With a desire to grow and change, with awareness of the fact that the stage is rigged against us, many will be hungry to find a new way. People will, unwittingly even, become a part of what is working simply because they see how they benefit from it (being sts, still, of course) but, also, maybe, because it resonates to something internal that is seeking an sto way of being.

I would just like for all participants to think about what is wrong with our world and what they would like to see happen to make it right.
There are a lot of things to which there are no simple answers. For example, I don't think that communisim, socialism, fascism or capitalism are the right way to go economically, but I'm not sure what IS the right way that would fulfill the needs of the majority of humans. How to separate what is essential to all, etc. Are there elements of each of those systems that are truly STO and if so, what? How to pull out what is useful and put it together?

The most widely known ideologies and economic systems seem to have been created to either provide for large numbers of people, and then got corrupted to serve the few, or, were created as counter-ideologies with the intent to manage perceptions, in order to divide and conquer (I'm thinking of the Capitalism/Communism here). In which case it was never intended to serve any but a few.

Socialism, which is now a much vilified and politicized economic system in the U.S. at the moment, can perhaps be used as a point of departure. It seems to be a 'middle road' between monopoly capitalism, which resembles true fascism as it exists today, and Communism, as it exists today, which is also oppressive.

Since it's come up a few times already let's see how Wikipedia defines it:

Socialism refers to various theories of economic organisation advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterised by equal access to resources for all individuals with an egalitarian method of compensation. In Marxist theory, socialism is a transitional phase between capitalism and communism characterised by unequal distribution of wealth and compensation according to work done. [1][2][3] Contrary to popular belief, socialism is not a political system; it is an economic system distinct from capitalism.

Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potentialities and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public.

Therefore socialists advocate the creation of a society that allows for the widespread application of modern technology to rationalise economic activity by eliminating the anarchy in production of capitalism[4], allowing for wealth and power to be distributed based on the amount of work expended in production, although there is considerable disagreement among socialists over how and to what extent this could be achieved, and whether increased production should be the main goal of socialists. The connotation of socialism varies among different groups, and can simply be a way of mediating decision-making within a society. Thus the degree of centralism in creating socialism, just as in capitalism or neoliberalism, is a feature of debate[5].

Socialism is not a concrete philosophy of fixed doctrine and program; its branches advocate a degree of social interventionism and economic rationalisation (usually in the form of economic planning), sometimes opposing each other. Another dividing feature of the socialist movement is the split between reformists and revolutionaries on how a socialist economy should be established. Some socialists advocate complete nationalisation of the means of production, distribution, and exchange; others advocate state control of capital within the framework of a market economy. Socialists inspired by the Soviet model of economic development have advocated the creation of centrally planned economies directed by a state that owns all the means of production. Others, including Yugoslavian, Hungarian, German and Chinese Communists in the 1970s and 1980s, instituted various forms of market socialism, combining co-operative and state ownership models with the free market exchange and free price system (but not free prices for the means of production).[6] Social democrats propose selective nationalisation of key national industries in mixed economies, while maintaining private ownership of capital and private business enterprise. Social democrats also promote tax-funded welfare programs and regulation of markets. Many social democrats, particularly in European welfare states, refer to themselves as socialists, introducing a degree of ambiguity to the understanding of what the term means. Libertarian socialism (including social anarchism and libertarian Marxism) rejects state control and ownership of the economy altogether and advocates direct collective ownership of the means of production via co-operative workers' councils and workplace democracy.

Modern socialism originated in the late 18th-century intellectual and working class political movement that criticised the effects of industrialisation and private ownership on society. The utopian socialists, including Robert Owen (1771–1858), tried to found self-sustaining communes by secession from a capitalist society. Henri de Saint Simon (1760–1825), the first individual to coin the term socialism, was the original thinker who advocated technocracy and industrial planning.[7] The first socialists predicted a world improved by harnessing technology and combining it with better social organisation, and many contemporary socialists share this belief. Early socialist thinkers tended to favour an authentic meritocracy combined with rational social planning, while many modern socialists have a more egalitarian approach.

One seeming example of a socialist enterprise is or was the Kibbutz of Israel. People who live on a Kibbutz live more or less equally to one another, have a job somewhere on the Kibbutz - be it on the farm, or factory that exists there and get some money - but have most of their living expenses paid for by the Kibbutz itself. The irony, of course, is that the Kibbutz exists in a country which gets billions in aid from the U.S., has one of the most developed military/industrial complexes in the world, and aspires to be an empire! Kibbutz life is, therefore, like a worm on a hook for anyone who is willing to ignore or rationalize the context of the kibbutz's existence in other words!

So, using Socialism as something of a template, it should: allow/promote egalitarian living, AND acknowledge the existence of the context in which it exists with conscience, and:

Balberon said:
A Government would have to protect the people as well from the toxins of our world.

A government that Truly protects would be something, eh? Well, a government does suggest a nation and a geographically locatable place. For practical purposes, maybe we can replace the idea of a government with the idea of an organization. An organization could potentially reach people wherever they are. As for the protection part, the organization protects by educating, with knowledge. (Gee, where have we heard that before?) ;)

Laura said:
I think it will be a very useful exercise to define things, to imagine things, to describe how things would be done in an STO world. Things like who decides things? How? Who owns things? How? Is there voting? How is it done? Who can vote?
Education... what is available to who and how? Who pays for it?

Perhaps consciousness and conscience is raised to such a degree that questions like the above are answered in ways that we would least expect or understand given our current state of awareness. I think that it could be something like the way that Csayeursost describes for instance:

In a truly STO world, people would naturally listen to each other in order to network all their knowledge and understanding; as such, government would be superfluous, people doing things according to a common understanding according to impeccable external considering. There would be a fluid, spontaneous organization of whatever was needed at the moment it was needed, whenever a need or challenge arose - and so no social institutions as such would be needed.

Out of practicality though, and a need for continuity, perhaps there are some institutions or groups that should have certain aims as a main focus? This way, everyone may benefit from the expertise of those who decide to specialize in something they have an affinity for? Maybe this statement from Laura's education post is a clue towards this principle?

The next level of education, from nine to twelve or thirteen should involve use of a more formalized setting. This is where our current system more naturally fits, though it would require some significant modification. Every branch of learning should be available in short course segments of about a month in length. The introductory courses should be about a half hour to forty-five minutes in duration and should consist of the basics in terms of that subject as well as exposure to what can be done with full knowledge of the subject particularly in relation to life and career matters.

At the end of each learning segment each child should be evaluated as to whether he has either the capacity or the desire or both, to pursue that particular discipline further. If he has neither, he should not be required to wilt in a learning environment that is neither of his choosing nor within his ability.

Th C's have 'talked' about us all having a job to do and having a role - like an individual musician in an orchestra contributes to the entire performance. So maybe finding a specialization that is well suited to someone's particular interests/skill set, that is useful to the whole, may be one guiding principal that helps us organize ourselves when something needs to get done? At the same time, since networking is so crucial to what we do, maybe those who are developed in some areas will quite often be called upon to exchange knowledge with those in related fields of knowledge - so that there may also be multidisciplinary approaches to getting things done.
I think that Laura's article posted by Luthien is exactly how education should be handled, with an emphasis on learning about psychopathy and how to deal with it.

The idea of a hierarchical government is not fitting to a STO way of doing things, or so I think. I like Lobaczewki's idea in Political Ponerology, but I would take it a bit farther. Still having politicians gives me the willies, basically because of their track records. I would think that having small communities that could take care of their basic needs themselves, such as food, health care, education, etc. would work best. And these small communities would have a counsel of wise men and women that would make sure that things run smoothly. If there are any decisions to be made that has a direct affect on the community, then the community gets together to decide which way to go with the counsel of wise men and women mediating.

I don't know if there would be a need or not for additional counsels that would be there for mediation between differing communities or not. But I just don't like the idea of one person having power over others. There should be a way to have a group of people who are actually mediating decisions made by the people of each community.

And, also as has been said, people have equal rights, but they are not equal in that they should all be expected to be able to do the same things. You would have farmers, gardeners, teachers, doctors, mechanics, musicians, husbandrypersons, caretakers, cooks, tailors, cobblers, etc. And each would have a place in the community. Whether a monetary system of some sort is used or a barter system, I don't know which is better.

Also, I would like to add that in an STO environment, we would work with nature, or 1D and 2D beings if you prefer. We would nurture and work with them instead of trying to control and manipulate them.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents for now.
Here is my thinking on the subject... to think about FIXING this world doesn't really seem like the right train of thought. We would be looking at what is WRONG here, which is subjective because we are all in this 3D STS realm to learn. But if we are talking about creating a new world/REALM that would be STO, which I think is what Laura is meaning, then what dannybananny said kind of echoes what first popped into my head when "hierarchy" was mentioned very early on.

dannybananny said:
If we could change this world(3D) I think that there shouldn't be hierarchy and if you have institutions like governments, councils,(capitalism, socialism, yes capitalism is good in Nordic countries but there are those who benefit from that also because it's STS pyramid system, it's like you have "evil" and lesser "evil") that's not STO but STS because you give your power to certain people to decide for you, and if they are positive beings that's also classification by position(STS)

I'm currently reading The Wave, and I remember specifically the C's saying that any type of hierarchy is an STS idea. The energy gets fed upwards. Granted, in a world where we would hopefully be seeing the world objectively, but there still seems to me like seeing the world objectively we would probably find that with everyone's myriad abilities, talents and knowledge, no ONE person could fulfill a role of sole leader. We are certainly going to have those with more knowledge, but we will always be giving that same knowledge to those who want it.

But then my next biggest question is are we trying to imagine a 3D STO realm or a 4D STO realm?

From what I've been reading we can't even begin to imagine the ways in which 4D existence varies from our current physicality.

I do remember it being said that in 3D physicality is our prison and 4D it is more like our home. This gives me the idea that there are obviously still some rules but we would be much more free to move in it/through it/around it, without the kind of constraint we have here.

And also I remember it being said in The Wave about how before "The Fall" we had all of our basic needs met quite easily.

Seems to me like most of what we do here to stay alive in the 3D STS realm will really be of little importance in our new STO realm. Because in an STO realm we receive what we need by sharing with others who need and they give in return. It seems like it would be much more "cyclical". Person one gives something to person 2 that he needs, person 2 gives something to person 3 that she needs, and person 3 gives something to person 1 that she needed, etc.

And the focus on knowledge and objectivity would be key because to maintain an STO realm we would be to be constantly aware of STS forces and give them their due by NOT ACCEPTING what they have to offer, which is dominion over us again.
Brenda86 said:
Here is my thinking on the subject... to think about FIXING this world doesn't really seem like the right train of thought. We would be looking at what is WRONG here, which is subjective because we are all in this 3D STS realm to learn. But if we are talking about creating a new world/REALM that would be STO, which I think is what Laura is meaning....

That was my impression too, FWIW. I have never gotten the impression that it is either possible or desirable for us to fix the world in some ultimate sense -- rather, the C's have indicated that the next major opportunity for shifting into an STO environment would be with the advent of the Wave. It doesn't mean that we should not do our best to act on our environment with all of our energy and attention, striving toward an STO ideal, but we are all still STS, and learning lessons here appropriate to that orientation.
laura, i feel that there's more to this question than you are actually saying

..maybe you want to share the background thinking behind the question

I say this because if i were to find a possible solution to such a question and

was given 1000 questions to ask to get the subject answered , then this

would be the last question i would ask ..but of course , by the time i reached

the 999 th question , then the last question wouldn't be neccesary any more

(the situation has most probably changed by the time you get there)

I think you have a pourpose behind this 'sunday question' , and i do not
intend to do any guess work .

I think we have allready a good ideea that 'at large' THERE IS NOTHING

WRONG WITH THE WORLD , as you, Laura, and others have noted.(at least that's my perception)

We are living in a Short Wave Cycle here and it is also the reason we have

chosen to be here and did not choose at a soul level to incarnate in some

other 3d sto planet/reality -
3d sto because that would imply a slower wave cycle and it would probably not

be the place adequate for our development (just thinking here)

imo , there is nothing to change here ...if we want to create a

group/comunity to better (if possible) develop then that would be ok to a

certain extent - isolation doesn't seem to be the answer

It is clear we can not change the hole but we can implement sto methods in

a group , but that will ultimitly lead to alienation IMO

If we find ourselfs in an sto enviroment then we probably haven't yet

experienced the other side of the coin , the sts /// if we find our selfs in an

sts enviroement then we havent preobably experienced sto environment ,

but if we find our selfs in an environment that is polarized -both sts and

sto (witch could be be case for us here ) , then why would you want to go

back to either sto os sts ??? (supposition)

This may be too simple to put it this way ...but all i know is that if you didn't

need to be here ( in the position of 'wrong' place where things have to be

changed ) , then you simply wouldn't be here .

I cencerly apeciate the creation of this tread .
It has touched a nerve .

This enviroement is for us to observe and learn ...when done ...we move on


Would you apon graduation of 3rd grade (school) stop and try to fix things

instead of going to 4th and so on and maybe then when you have reached

university , maybe you may want to go back and change things if asked and

found to be benefical.

What is wrong with the world?
Is it yours?
Did you conciously build it? Do you have an objective , to what you are
going to do with it?
Did you create this world or others?
OR, are they just CLASSES or lessons and examples that you have been
given so you can learn the process through witch you are going to build your own
when you are going to reach the level necessary- The level that those who
had built this one have.

Please excuse me for not participating or deviationg from the original

question ...I simply cannot understand the question without the background

that surrounds it ...
Thkx for your understanding.
Brenda86 said:
Here is my thinking on the subject... to think about FIXING this world doesn't really seem like the right train of thought. We would be looking at what is WRONG here, which is subjective because we are all in this 3D STS realm to learn. But if we are talking about creating a new world/REALM that would be STO, which I think is what Laura is meaning, then what dannybananny said kind of echoes what first popped into my head when "hierarchy" was mentioned very early on.

dannybananny said:
If we could change this world(3D) I think that there shouldn't be hierarchy and if you have institutions like governments, councils,(capitalism, socialism, yes capitalism is good in Nordic countries but there are those who benefit from that also because it's STS pyramid system, it's like you have "evil" and lesser "evil") that's not STO but STS because you give your power to certain people to decide for you, and if they are positive beings that's also classification by position(STS)

Maybe it would be easier to think of all this not in terms of changing our world per say, but how we would change our relationship to our world, and to each other, given what we're learning about these things.

I'm currently reading The Wave, and I remember specifically the C's saying that any type of hierarchy is an STS idea. The energy gets fed upwards. Granted, in a world where we would hopefully be seeing the world objectively, but there still seems to me like seeing the world objectively we would probably find that with everyone's myriad abilities, talents and knowledge, no ONE person could fulfill a role of sole leader. We are certainly going to have those with more knowledge, but we will always be giving that same knowledge to those who want it.

But then my next biggest question is are we trying to imagine a 3D STO realm or a 4D STO realm?

Maybe a way to imagine, or get to, a 4D STO realm is to first try and imagine what a 3D STO realm might be like. And, who knows, maybe this conversation is part of the process of creating a 3D STO relationship with the world? Or maybe an approximation of an approximation of 3DSTO :)

From what I've been reading we can't even begin to imagine the ways in which 4D existence varies from our current physicality.

I do remember it being said that in 3D physicality is our prison and 4D it is more like our home. This gives me the idea that there are obviously still some rules but we would be much more free to move in it/through it/around it, without the kind of constraint we have here.

Yeah, seeing the prison bars of 3D STS is definitely part of the lesson of this reality. Knowing what all the rules are here, and how to maneuver within it, will help us to graduate.

And also I remember it being said in The Wave about how before "The Fall" we had all of our basic needs met quite easily.

Seems to me like most of what we do here to stay alive in the 3D STS realm will really be of little importance in our new STO realm.

Or perhaps it could be of the utmost importance. How we choose to interact with each other and what we decide to do while we are here will likely play a crucial part in getting to a new STO realm me thinks.

Because in an STO realm we receive what we need by sharing with others who need and they give in return. It seems like it would be much more "cyclical". Person one gives something to person 2 that he needs, person 2 gives something to person 3 that she needs, and person 3 gives something to person 1 that she needed, etc.

Hmm, I think that you're on to something here, Brenda86. I'm just thinking how nice (and how necessary!) it would be if this type of giving you describe could be fostered right here in this realm. Maybe practicing this type of giving with those who reciprocate will be the vehicle for 'graduation'.

And the focus on knowledge and objectivity would be key because to maintain an STO realm we would be to be constantly aware of STS forces and give them their due by NOT ACCEPTING what they have to offer, which is dominion over us again.

Looks like we'll be getting a lot of practice right here in this realm :wow:
Well this is a very tough question to answer, but becoming emotionally attached to almost everything and anything seems to have caused serious limits and has lead to ignorance, which seams to have given a huge advantage to the "control system." I have probably stated the obvious, but getting rid of emotional attachments would certainly bring about change. :(
andi said:
I cencerly apeciate the creation of this tread .
It has touched a nerve .

That appears evident.

andi said:
This enviroement is for us to observe and learn ...when done ...we move on

What if this learning necessarily has to encompass understanding what it would take, and what it would mean, to create a healthy society in 3D that works as it should according to an STO dynamic? What if this learning encompasses pushing our minds to think in a limitless fashion - limitless thinking and Doing - taking action to Create - and this thread is the first step of such an endeavor? How do these 'what ifs' - these possibilities - affect your self-acknowledged reactive thinking on this topic?
The analogy of the beehive strikes me as being so beautiful in its simplicity. Everyone would understand that as human beings, we are a family, and our priority should be to care for each other.

Structurally, I envisage each country as they are now, divided into smaller regional networks. Those networks each have their own council of wise people; they are the people who view the world the most objectively, and have that ability as a result of their thirst for knowledge driving them to educate themselves in the most important issues facing humanity. They oversee and analyse the running of their regional networks economic, educational, cultural activities based on principals which include care and concern for peoples health and well being, sustainable resource management etc., and a drive to learn what works well and how to implement the same.

Each countries main responsibility towards humanity is dictated by what they best produce. They may have fertile land, or be rich in oil, or have fields where they can rear livestock etc. etc. The country has a parliament where a representative (different at each meeting, like the C's) from each regional network meet to handle the running of the country as a whole.

It then follows that each country has a representative, again different each time, who meet in a world parliament. The basic aims of the world parliament would be to figure out the best ways to distribute each countries natural, sustainable resources to each and every other country and balance the world economy.

In any successful system, there will be the potential for a histeroidal reaction. In a world without pathocracies, there would be no potential for this reaction to be taken advantage of by pathologicals, but people may lose appreciation for why the system exists in the first place. Therefore, a major part of education would be objective history, coupled with psychology. It would be emphasised that by our very natures, we are self-focused and we lived for thousands of years putting others 2nd. The results of this psychological foundation left it obvious that it is not the best way for billions of people to live together.

With open and accessible examples of the terror of history in schools, people would grow up with the knowledge of what happens when people are self focused and be able to compare that to the world they now live in. And they would know the best way from its fruits.
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