Creating a New World

Leo40 said:
IMO the guiding principle of ALL human and 2D and 1D occupants of this planet should be
We don't need government, we govern ourselves.
We don't need money, we exchange value; be it goods, services, skills etc.
We live in Communities. The idea of "kinsdomain" described by the oh so derided
Anastasia is a good start, also "ecovillages.
I remember when our family had 4 generations living together; there is no need for
childcare or "social services".
We don't need schools. Homeschooling is growing all over the world.
We don't need hospitals. They are breeding grounds of sickness.
These are just a few ideas that come to mind.

I agree with exception:
Money is a form of exchange. It's a way to show appreciation for a good or service obtained. It is difficult to trade in barter if you want a service but don't have the necessary item to trade. Money makes it easier, but it should have intrinsic value, ie gold, silver.

We should be able to live wherever we choose in whatever type of community we choose. Or in isolation if one prefers.

We should live and let live.

The first big thing that comes to mind to me is to make sure essential psychopaths are identified as early as possible and are prevented from seeking or gaining positions of power or influence.

OK, so who should be judge and jury over others. Who should define what ideas and personalities are acceptable? Who should be able to determine such prejudice and descrimination? By what definition does STO stand as an obstacle to the free choice of others?
unk said:
The first big thing that comes to mind to me is to make sure essential psychopaths are identified as early as possible and are prevented from seeking or gaining positions of power or influence.

OK, so who should be judge and jury over others. Who should define what ideas and personalities are acceptable? Who should be able to determine such prejudice and descrimination? By what definition does STO stand as an obstacle to the free choice of others?
A fox cannot be entrusted with the job of guarding the henhouse. Discrimination - yes, based on solid common sense and logic. Prejudice - no.
Pathology can be identified by a network of people who have studied the subject and have worked on themselves getting rid of their inner biases and programs ( which come from the pathologicals who try their best to pull the wool over the eyes of normal people) . It is like identifying the wolf who wears a sheep's skin. Pathology is real at our level; no amount of ponerized application of concepts like relativism, paramoralism is going to change this fact. It is precisely the failure of the normal human civilization to identify pathology that has led to the present state of affairs. So in a thread which deals with the hypothetical concept of creating a new world, the topic of psychopathology is of utmost importance.

Edit: Discrimination is not necessarily a "bad word" connected to prejudice. It is used in the sense of "distinguishing differences" and also in Merriam Webster in connection to "using good judgment".
unk said:
OK, so who should be judge and jury over others. Who should define what ideas and personalities are acceptable? Who should be able to determine such prejudice and descrimination? By what definition does STO stand as an obstacle to the free choice of others?

unk, I think Obyvatel has summed it up pretty well above. Have you had a chance to do much reading up here on psychopathy? If not, do a search for it on the forum, and also take a look at the Psychopathy part of the recommended books section. I think you'll find it informative :)
Anybody heard of this? _

It was mentioned this morning by Clif High's buddy George Ure (at _ as a potential player in the upcoming tipping point projected by Clif. Appears to be a group meditation/visualization experiment conducted by a self-described
...fulltime international team of physicists and mathematicians. Our mission is to finalize an historic discovery of how gravity, electromagnetism, the nuclear forces, space and consciousness are part of the same unified field... a realm of information, where consciousness literally interacts with geometry at the quantum scale to create everything that we define as reality. Unfortunately, we are not staffed to handle incoming e-mails or contact from the public or the media at this point.

Home page says
On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species... a new reality. The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed en masse during the largest scale simultaneous manifestation transmission in recorded history.

Click on “Learn more” and you are treated to about 30 pages of spiffy visuals along with the typical New Physics/New Age YCYOR stuff with Enya’s “Orinoco Flow” playing in the background. One photo, of a boy holding his hat, I found especially striking.

It winds up as follows:
Now, see your consciousness vortex intertwining with one million others, who are all projecting this New Reality Transmission into our future at the same time.

For 11 minutes for 11 days in a row at 11:11 pm EST, we will all lock our minds’ eye into these visuals. So, as you join us, amplify both your belief that it is actually working and increase the color and brightness of the pictures you are observing. Belief and visualization are your two keys to creating within the Reality Matrix.

The extent to which we can change the Reality Matrix is a numbers game. We need one million people to join us by 11-11. The only practical way this can happen is if you send this Website to everyone in your contact directory.

We really can change the world.

Click on "Sign up" and your name, email, country and answer to “Why do you believe this is possible?” are solicited.

I'm not clear on what is intended to be demonstrated or how it is to be measured. However, since I've been seeing 11:11 on clocks and watches (and, less frequently, 9:11, which I've been noticing at least since 2004) for the past two years and with a definite uptick over the past two months, I am somewhat intrigued and went ahead and signed up, even though it's past my usual bedtime! :zzz:

It would seem the worst they could do is violate their promise not to sell your email to online marketeers.:P
rawtruth said:
Anybody heard of this? _
The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed...

I don't know. I find it kind of scary that, out of a "fulltime international team of physicists and mathematicians", there is no one to field questions from any participant (where have we heard "don't ask questions, just do it", before?).

Coming as it does during a time when psychopaths are seemingly engaged in their desperate final push to dominate, I would naturally tend to shy away from strangers wanting to harness or create some kind of direct link to my mind, or 'consciousness' - especially when they can't be bothered with questions or comments, but maybe that's just me. :)
First of all the mechanism of a consortium should be broken. To make it it is possible due to increase of sensibleness of people, increase of sensibleness of their essence. But a question in that how to capture such greater audience. It is probably necessary to create a certain network, community. That people have ceased to be mistaken, and to get into any ill-starred sects, to refuse the religion speaking that their "new" teacher has shown them the true god. It for the beginning.
P.S Sorry if there are errors in the text.All of success. :)
Our mission is to finalize an historic discovery of how gravity, electromagnetism, the nuclear forces, space and consciousness are part of the same unified field...

After years of grave efforts, including murder, to prevent the development and disclosure of Unified Field Theory, suddenly we are to believe this?

As whacky as it may sound, a million people meditating with blind faith to “project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species” seems ripe for a major beaming-in of newer and stronger mind controls.
Sorry about the previous post. Greetings from the Virgin Islands,

In the Virgin Islands we are creating a new world through mass community participation. Our existence today, stems from colonization that began through the exploitation of the strategic positions the islands held in pre colonial times to the present. Like minds are gathering around the issues we are facing and our communities solutions to the things plaguing us in our struggle for self-determination, by freeing our fears of reprisals.

For a bit about some of our issues please check out one of our more accurate, alternative media/blog, "We" are realizing that our government's policies have put the survival of our very ability to continue living in these islands that were once a paradise at risk due to greed and deep rooted corruption, such as the recent Diageo deal,, and billions of $$$ unaccounted for by our government. After another highly questionable election outcome, the people of the Virgin Islands are sharing our process of development through the airwaves.

This is the fourth Town Meeting of broadcasting on local radio "The People's Agenda" To facilitate the opportunity for the People of the Virgin Islands to continue to be engaged in directing their political future by participating in solution-oriented activities for the Improvement and Betterment of Community. Ultimately, to obtain accountability from those elected and appointed to Public Service.

If you are interested in a peek into our community's reality from 6pm - 9pm Atlantic Standard time (we are 1 hour ahead of the East Coast of N. America)

Thank you......

Mode note: removed the post above that was sent by accident
Leo40 said:
IMO the guiding principle of ALL human and 2D and 1D occupants of this planet should be
We don't need government, we govern ourselves.
We don't need money, we exchange value; be it goods, services, skills etc.
We live in Communities. The idea of "kinsdomain" described by the oh so derided
Anastasia is a good start, also "ecovillages.
I remember when our family had 4 generations living together; there is no need for
childcare or "social services".
We don't need schools. Homeschooling is growing all over the world.
We don't need hospitals. They are breeding grounds of sickness.
These are just a few ideas that come to mind.

GOOD thread!
I agree with Leo40. Having read this thread, I am learning much and I also have a lot more thinking to do on this subject. :cool2: I don't feel like I am too smart yet either, but this much I can say, my @.50 worth...
Having our own communities that exist OUT of the system as much as is possible and are connected to one another by our network, starting with EE, seems to be the only place I can go at this time, with all this. We will still need money, services from the Matrix-- perhaps until 'The End' but bartering, and giving away things, and pooling resources can exist in any local area.

It's hard and messy to build communities but perhaps this is a good way to learn, hands-on, how to come to grips with how to de-ponerize ourselves, one day at a time. I agree with Leo40 that we have to establish our own governing body and I would add--help one another keep an eagle eye out for the predator's mind! I have to think more about how this governing body would look like, but having regular POW WOWS, :cool2: will be a neccessity! None of us really know how to do this community stuff yet (except for Laura and Ark's household paving the way?)
Talk about facing the unknown! :boat:
Communites, have to become skilled at recognizing any invading predators/psychopaths. Are we all not learning lessons along this course as we write on this forum?
Farming would seem a good 'career' and a way to barter or give away goods that are needed by all. But seems like everyone will have something, their 'gift,' to give that others will need. Is this a way to become a better STO candidate? I don't know.
Homeschooling the children in the community, not just the parents doing this, and allowing them to pursue their passions and talents entails understanding our children from the get-go...watching them to see what behaviors and reactions they exhibit as infants and toddlers, for example.

I am not sure, but somehow, this way of life, of community, may not be so idealistic, or far-fetched-- maybe just bare-bones reality as TSHTF more and more--it just may come naturally and out of neccessity, and flow into our lives? as the PTB crumble and chaos reigns all around us. The system is Falling apart!
Some questions:
Is not the veil thinning between 4D and 3D as we all go along here on planet earth in these 'last days?'
Are we choosing Being over non-Being all along the way?
Are communites and networks naturally an expression of BEING/Creativity?
SolarMother said:
It's hard and messy to build communities but perhaps this is a good way to learn, hands-on, how to come to grips with how to de-ponerize ourselves, one day at a time. I agree with Leo40 that we have to establish our own governing body and I would add--help one another keep an eagle eye out for the predator's mind! I have to think more about how this governing body would look like, but having regular POW WOWS, Smoking will be a neccessity! None of us really know how to do this community stuff yet (except for Laura and Ark's household paving the way?)

One of the difficulties trying to understand what a new world would be like, or should be like, can be illustrated by cultural anthropologists who point out that it’s extremely difficult for any one culture to clearly view another, outside the viewer's own culture. For example, we observe others' behavior in their own culture and we seem to instinctively assume that they are motivated in the same ways we are. That they behave the way they do for the same reasons we would if we were in their situation, and that they share our assumptions about how the world works and humanity’s role in the world (our implicit paradigm).

This is a dangerous error, which even tripped up Margaret Mead when she was writing "Coming of Age in Samoa". Since her well-intentioned but well-publicized error, few anthropologists would make this mistake. But it’s easy for somebody untrained in the field.

Riane Eisler brilliantly documented in her book The Chalice and the Blade, a vast body of anthropological and archeological evidence that points to human cultures and entire civilizations which were not exploitative, hierarchical, male-dominated, controlled by fear and power, or engaged in warfare.

Indeed, today they are still here, represented by over 1,000 different indigenous societies in remote parts of the world. Only a tiny minority of these indigenous cultures engage in warfare or have hierarchical political structures: the vast majority are egalitarian, peaceful, and quite successful in their ways of life, those ways having sustained them for tens to hundreds of thousands of years, OSIT.

You can read more about The Chalice and the Blade in The Grail Series:
[quote author=]

Ms. Eisler, an acclaimed scholar, has developed what she calls "Cultural Transformation Theory," which proposes that there are two basic models of society underlying the great diversity of human culture. The first is the "Dominator Model," that can be termed a patriarchy OR matriarchy. It consists of ranking one half of humanity over another, in the broadest terms, but essentially can be any situation where any group dominates and any other group is considered inferior.

The second model is what Ms. Eisler calls the "Partnership Model," which is based on the principle of "linking rather than ranking."

From The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man, Part V: The Chalice and the Blade

Edit: for clarity
This may be a bit of a stretch but I was thinking of a FOTCOM Bank, wisely formulated to truly be of benefit for the promulgation of our cause, rather than the PTB putting it in their pockets for STS gain.
For those in the know is this possible?
Financing seems to fall short, it seems to me, by just relying on donations and so much more can be done.
How is it that these indigenous peoples referenced by Riane Eisler (thanks, Bud), avoided pathocracy? Or, if they did experience it, how did they minimize its effect?

Was there perhaps something else that balanced their society, I wonder?

As well, I wonder at what size their populations maxed out. If one were looking for a model for a united humanity, the model must be able to be applied globally, to encompass all of humanity.

Gonzo said:
How is it that these indigenous peoples referenced by Riane Eisler (thanks, Bud), avoided pathocracy? Or, if they did experience it, how did they minimize its effect?

Was there perhaps something else that balanced their society, I wonder?

As well, I wonder at what size their populations maxed out. If one were looking for a model for a united humanity, the model must be able to be applied globally, to encompass all of humanity.


The Ishmael books by Daniel Quinn speak about this. Instead of requiring laws and set punishments to prevent crime, those societies knew that those things can and will happen. The people knew the consequences before doing it, for example, being thrown out of the society- no survival without the network.

Also, it seems that the bigger the society, the easier the pathocrats can hide in non-functional jobs. Example: modern corporations have many levels of jobs that don't actually produce anything but just represent some hierarchical command structure. The higher an executive goes, the less they need to know about the actual field. Psychopaths tend not to be practical but work better behind the scenes.
Divide By Zero said:
Gonzo said:
How is it that these indigenous peoples referenced by Riane Eisler (thanks, Bud), avoided pathocracy? Or, if they did experience it, how did they minimize its effect?

Was there perhaps something else that balanced their society, I wonder?

As well, I wonder at what size their populations maxed out. If one were looking for a model for a united humanity, the model must be able to be applied globally, to encompass all of humanity.


The Ishmael books by Daniel Quinn speak about this. Instead of requiring laws and set punishments to prevent crime, those societies knew that those things can and will happen. The people knew the consequences before doing it, for example, being thrown out of the society- no survival without the network.

Exactly. There is no need for concepts like "punishment" and "condemnation". Where and when and if needed, discipline is simply imposed in a context of logical cause and effect. Since consequences are known ahead of time, a choice to swing a fist at someone is a choice to haul firewood for an hour. A choice to not work at a certain time would be a choice to not eat a certain meal. Stuff like that.

For most of the tribes, a pathocracy is neither needed nor desirable and would therefore be unlikely to even be conceptualized by anyone within the tribe. Where would they even get that idea? Even if someone did manage to entertain such a thought, I doubt there are any "extra people" with enough time on their hands to follow through and connive ways to convince their tribe-members that they are divinely inspired to rule. The individual groups or tribes deliberately kept their populations low and within the parameters of the available food/resource supply. Since the communities are small, everyone has a role to fill for survival of the group.

Communication within the 'family' is total. Everyone knows, at all times, what it takes to survive continuously. Everyone knows what needs to be done and when. In most instances, there is simply no need for anyone to "take charge of others".

Individuals naturally take on the roles needed, i.e., hunter/gatherer/herder after they are raised and trained for them. And each member takes on the role they seem to be best suited for within the available roles.

Other issues that exist in today's ponerized society simply wouldn't exist in those tribal cultures because 'initial conditions' are completely different in tribal cultures. For example, the typical feelings of alienation individuals feel in a large 'civilized' society don't normally exist because there's no reason for it. Tribes are small enough to provide the same care and support that is possible in a nuclear family. Because the tribes are relatively small and every member will be needed, everyone's needs, as these needs are understood, can be provided for from infancy on, OSIT.
Laura suggested a movie called "Fast Runner" in this thread . This is based on the Inuits whom Clarissa Pinkola Estes calls the second most ancient surviving hunter-gatherer tribes of the world. The movie is about a situation which shows the infiltration of pathology in the tribe and how it affects them. One person coming from a family composed of individuals with pathological traits did get to a position of leadership in the tribe but these members were removed (banished) in the end.
For small tribes struggling for physical survival in a hostile environment, cooperation is an existential necessity. But is that enough to keep pathology away? Persons with pathological tendencies could be physically strong, relatively skilled at hunting and have that hunger for power over others. In the movie it shows that the "bad" family succeeds in infiltrating, sowing discord and ultimately breaking up the 2 brother team which was the best hunting team in the tribe. After that they easily controlled the whole tribe. Others cooperated with them for the sake of survival - till they were dethroned. Not knowing much about indigenous hunter-gatherer tribes, I cannot say whether the movie did depict a realistic scenario or not but it seemed plausible. It does not seem like it is possible to face up to pathology without knowledge and whether surviving isolated hunter-gatherer type tribes have such knowledge may be an important question. In paleolithic tribes, perhaps the authentic shamans identified such situations by seeing the unseen and maintained the health of the tribe. Without such people, tribes could still be infected and taken over once that dreaded genetic mutation appears in their midst - or so it seems.
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