Creating a New World

Yes, it sure would be nice to find reuses for all of that toxic crap we've developed that has no hope of ever decomposing, but perhaps we shouldn't surround ourselvs with such toxins. The fact that they won't break down might provide a clue as to their future recycled use, such as ropes orother items that are used outside, away from our sensitive systems.

There is also the Earthship project; off grid housing built from recycled materials- lots of interesting builds around the world.
Earthships 101 part I :
mkrnhr said:
sorry to be the devil's lawyer, but if you have a system with a leader, leading local leaders etc, you create a pyramidal structure of power, and even if it starts with sane and benevolent people, it will attract psychopaths into it. Money in itself is not evil either, it is how it is used and by whom. If you take capitalism and communism, from the psychopathy point of view they are similar : the concentration of wealth and power by the few successful pathological individuals. IMHO, a good system would be a system where it is impossible to gain any advantage from (how? i don't know :p).

Same with me here. If you have people that rule you have an system and when you have an system you have all ideas that we have now, as always there will be an person that can be corrupted.

I see comments that money is evil etc but money is only thing that will value on our rules, as today 1 US Dollar is nothing 50 years ago it was allot, so all this is on us.

There are many things that are wrong with this world but all we all made it like this by accepting the "game" or just by closing our eyes. :zzz:
To change it we need to change us, our way of thinking, of living but this is hard as we are connected with emotions and also fear of unknown as it is much more easy to trick yourself with ideas that this is the way it need to be.
Now an question passed my mind. Do we choose, IE does our soul choose, an place where we are born?? as this takes your life in one path that can be changed but connected with family, emotions etc we stay on same place, so my question is is this the best place chosen by our soul?

Changes are hard-es things to do. We all soul accept to live on an way where all is free and we all do things that are to be done for all around good. Knowledge should be shared so everybody could benefit of it on right way. For an example why would some person famous or not have an house with 5 toilets and 10 rooms and only 2 person live in it??? :huh: this is one example of things that are funny to me.
System is corrupted from it's stars so to change it we soul delete is and build on new foundations with knowledge that we name for it, no plans, just people choosing what is best to all not only fore one...

Laura you always make me thing and talk to myself inside and talk to myself :cool2:

First we need to change our self, way we think, behave to each other....

In any case it is all on us :lol:
hi, due to time constraints, i only had a chance to read the first and last two pages, but for my tuppence-worth:

what about the green book?

direct participatory democracy.

with this system, every single person contributes to the decision making process.

just a thought.

societe humaine said:
hi, due to time constraints, i only had a chance to read the first and last two pages, but for my tuppence-worth:

what about the green book?

direct participatory democracy.

with this system, every single person contributes to the decision making process.

just a thought.


Try taking the time to read the whole thread. It's really considerate to others to do that before adding your input.
i'm really sorry anart, but that would exclude me from almost all discussions. if that is your wish, i'll get me coat!

in the real world, it is possible to join an existing conversation. i apply the same rules here. i found out what the conversation was about, then listened to where it was and going, then chipped in.

the last post was talking about leaders. it would appear then (to me anyway), that in 43 pages no-one had discussed the green book. otherwise, leaders would not still be discussed. i could actually be way off the mark. you may have discussed and dismissed the green book on page 28. in which case i would love to know that. maybe i could have been told thus:

it is such a shame you didn't have the time. this was discussed at length...blah!

if anyone actually taking part in the current thread felt i was inconsiderate, would it not be better for them to tell me?

i have to be honest anart. i felt your post inconsiderate.

if i have broken a rule, surely a polite pm. i don't enjoy being caned infront of class, with absolutely no reference to what i said.

anyway, i don't want this thread to turn into noise, but i would love to know, before i trawl through 43 pages, if the green book has been discussed already.

i guess i'm just excited about sharing ideas and want to jump in.

Hi societe humaine,

I realize that you're excited to jump in and appreciate that. Unfortunately what that often accomplishes is what is considered noise on the forum and generally makes for a more difficult time for all participating. Please note when I say all participating that this doesn't only concern those posting in this thread but anyone reading as well.

I realize that you may be feeling a bit embarrassed right now. Most of us here have been in this position at one time or another. The reason that it's good to take time in reading before posting is because it brings an order and calm to the forum - the reason people like you enjoy it and also benefit from it. If everyone who came here, were allowed to do as they pleased, chaos would quickly ensue.

It's really not a big deal to get up to speed with a conversation before jumping in - doing so greatly lessens the chances of finding yourself in the situation you're in now.

It may also help you to read or reread the forum guidelines so that you have a clearer idea of what to expect here.

edit: clarity
societe humaine said:
i'm really sorry anart, but that would exclude me from almost all discussions. if that is your wish, i'll get me coat!

in the real world, it is possible to join an existing conversation. i apply the same rules here. i found out what the conversation was about, then listened to where it was and going, then chipped in.

the last post was talking about leaders. it would appear then (to me anyway), that in 43 pages no-one had discussed the green book. otherwise, leaders would not still be discussed. i could actually be way off the mark. you may have discussed and dismissed the green book on page 28. in which case i would love to know that. maybe i could have been told thus:

it is such a shame you didn't have the time. this was discussed at length...blah!

if anyone actually taking part in the current thread felt i was inconsiderate, would it not be better for them to tell me?

i have to be honest anart. i felt your post inconsiderate.

if i have broken a rule, surely a polite pm. i don't enjoy being caned infront of class, with absolutely no reference to what i said.

anyway, i don't want this thread to turn into noise, but i would love to know, before i trawl through 43 pages, if the green book has been discussed already.i guess i'm just excited about sharing ideas and want to jump in.


Then you can use the "search" function and put in those words, and search just the board where that particular thread is.

It really is considerate to know what's been said before when you add to a topic, avoids endless repeatition, and possible misunderstandings. Anart was not being inconsiderate to you, just pointing that out.

If you don't have time to read through a lot of pages, maybe replying to the topics with fewer replies first could be the way to go? :)
societe humaine said:
i'm really sorry anart, but that would exclude me from almost all discussions. if that is your wish, i'll get me coat!

in the real world, it is possible to join an existing conversation. i apply the same rules here. i found out what the conversation was about, then listened to where it was and going, then chipped in.

Then it's important to realize and understand that this is not a 'real world conversation', it is a research forum with its own spirit and guidelines that you agreed to upon signing up.

sh said:
the last post was talking about leaders. it would appear then (to me anyway), that in 43 pages no-one had discussed the green book. otherwise, leaders would not still be discussed. i could actually be way off the mark. you may have discussed and dismissed the green book on page 28. in which case i would love to know that. maybe i could have been told thus:

it is such a shame you didn't have the time. this was discussed at length...blah!

if anyone actually taking part in the current thread felt i was inconsiderate, would it not be better for them to tell me?

i have to be honest anart. i felt your post inconsiderate.

That's because you're only considering it from your own personal point of view. If you consider it from thousands of readers of this forum's point of view, you will realize that it is you who are being inconsiderate.

hs said:
if i have broken a rule, surely a polite pm. i don't enjoy being caned infront of class, with absolutely no reference to what i said.
We do everything out in the open here and don't believe in the private pm thing - because all there is is lessons and others learn from our own mistakes. It's very simple and clean that way.

hs said:
anyway, i don't want this thread to turn into noise, but i would love to know, before i trawl through 43 pages, if the green book has been discussed already.

i guess i'm just excited about sharing ideas and want to jump in.


That's great that you're excited but you don't walk into a chess club meeting and get upset that no one wants to play checkers with you. This is a very specific forum run for a very specific purpose and if you want to take part, that's great, but if you don't, or can't because you can't get past your own needs and expectations, then another forum might be more enjoyable for you.
Love for humanity, as in humaninty, not greed and money and power, and to accept the righteousness to be guided by mind, heart and courage.. In a nutshell, it's difficult to see when i've never really used my eyes before and this is a beautiful question posed. Thank you Laura for helping, along with the rest of the forum members and sott in trying to pull me from my sleep in the poppy fields.
Dear Pai

I completely agree that education is crucial for any real change. The problem however is that an education system in the wrong hands just usually serves to prolong the status quo. Never the less as part of STO acts one can try and insure at least that children (and adults) are literate. I think that a love of reading is one of the greatest gifts that anyone can give a child and is something I'll be forever grateful towards my mother.

Pai said:
I'll just throw a few ideas into the pot here.

To change the world for the better, and to strive for a truly STO environment I think firstly we would have to get rid of the education system as it curently exists. I mean scrap it completely and start from sctatch. Children from a young age need to be empowered with REAL knowledge starting with:

. Philosophy/Theory of Knowledge

. REAL history which would include the terrors of war/slavery/tyranny

. Psychology so that children can begin to get a handle on their own and others behaviour from an early age

. Social Anthropology. Teaching children the history and value of culturally different humans is crucial in my opinion to a STO environment. So much of the trouble on this planet appears to stem from an almost innate fear of difference and the inclination to identify with a particular social/racial/religious group from on early age. Of course this is propagated by our parents and a multitude of institutions throughout our lives.

. Knowledege of Psycopathy/Ponerology pure and simple

. The crucial importance of treating all beings in the lower densities with the utmost honour and respect because of course we are all aspects of the Divine Cosmic Mind.

Of course this would all have to be tailored and made palatable to young minds at various stages of development! You get the idea though and I do honestly believe that a completely radical over-haul of what children are subjected to can give a 'better world' a fighting chance. After this, things become rather complicated because even after such an education (the ethics of which would have to be practically demonstrated by the adults in society), individuals are free to choose other paths which may be at odds with those that have been presented to them. We then have the issue which has plagued every piece of theorising on Utopia in history: What kind of bureaucracy/power stuctures must exist to regulate the system? :huh:
I'm glad that for the first time I write in your forum, .. I have many ideas since we head to make this world good I wish you much talk with you because no one listens, .. I thought for an administrative system to Inspected feelings of people abusing children since it, in order to indetifikohet problem before it happens, .. I've since realized that the human mind to develop more social occasions difficult to guess where help starting to seem reasonable. can we create a seal hour hand to Identify pulses that occur at specific moments, like the other zhgrnjimi fear that we are a special part of the brain, .. Doing so can you have an hour to connect to the network or interrnet police in order to act as quickly.
, ... I thought what if the shoes of Every man put a chip with strong signal and sending this signal to a separate computer to return to power these, ...
look at the speed with which tracks are in places where professional gymnastics done if need be instead of misusing power, like those rats that run to have a cage with wheels that run often, the energy can be derived ... ?
These thoughts are modest with first things that come to mind I have more than a dozen others, but would not say no to this wonderful forum because I do not want people to abuse with my knowledge, ..
I have seen on television once a boy from Mexico who had done a wonderful invention, ... rrobot some ants that clean their land voluntarily taking energy from sunlight, do not understand how you people have not seen Cassiopaean, .. there are many things in this world that I can use and change them for that purpose that are created, although I have some thoughts to create some things that just do not know anyone who uses material are iron, that someone else has invented "elaboration"

Inventions are in this world, ... No, not everything,. was never invented anything so far, except that they are processed, .....
And as there may be people you know in this world .. Excuse me, but this is a comeback to the felt to make you a ...

The only innovation is Buddhism ... .
Thank you for this wonderful site where such social for the first time I told my opinion.
Welcome to the forum albimece09. It is customary for new forum members to write a short post introducing themselves and how they found the Cass material and made their way here, in the Newbies section. I'd be interested to know what you mean by "The only innovation is Buddhism ..."
A better world would need also, in my view:

Along with objective education for all and an effective means of ensuring that psychopaths are weeded out /kept from power positions within the decision-making process, a solid commitment to ensuring that all people have access to adequate amounts of real food, safe housing, and basic necessities to live - not just to exist or barely survive.
Larger, more abundant, community gardens and organic farms everywhere which could be maintained by community members.

The decision-making process becomes trickier. The question arises as to how to avoid substituting one potentially tyrannical/pathological system or group for another.

I agree, the bottom line, the very foundation of any 'better' world, MUST be built upon genuine CARE, CONCERN and Empathy for all human beings.
I can't see anything better being built upon less than that.

A barter system to replace/eliminate currency, if possible - where people could trade goods and services - communities structured around individuals with genuine resolve to help one another.

I don't see any of the above workable unless there is a strong, committed consensus of understanding among the individuals involved. I say we get rid of all borders and perhaps try to organize clusters of communities all around the world, people working together, bartering, growing food, etc...

I'll also need some time to give this more thought, because it is indeed, a question that's burned in my mind for years.
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