Creating a New World

While there are many ways this world must change in order to function so as to relieve stress from the masses, the most prevalent issue in my life right now is the way jealousy prevents me from forming so many deep relationships.
In my life it would make things more enjoyable and interesting if I were allowed to (dare I say encouraged to) form intimate relationships with people, without fear that my significant other would grow jealous of the bond. In my current relationship I am prevented from seeking out those miracle moments with another person, sharing their passions and thoughts -which could lead to further inspiration and enlightenment- because I am held back by a jealous lover's fear of loss.
I would like to add that another aspect of human nature which makes it difficult for me personally to gain deep relationships with people is the fact that many are uninterested in obtaining a friendship unless they find you attractive, smart, or funny. And with many people I have found that if you are not interested in having sex with them, then they want nothing to do with you. I find this tragic as well. This life could be a more pleasant experience if we gave all of our brothers and sisters equal love. ♡
Common human decency. The ability to be in another person's shoes. We dont value our humanity or each other.
To me a foundation built on an understanding of ourselves as a form of education (our minds, bodies and souls) education today pushes for competition, to learn a trade ect..brainwashing and controlling.

A world where sites like this and sott are available to whomever at whatever level of understanding. Too much hiding knowledge and pushing lies
Katie Jo said:
Divide By Zero said:
I'm starting to see that creating a new world might be fruitless. It is sort of a rant too, so if it may be wrongly emotionally driven- please call me out on it. I have thought about it for a while and think it is quite logical, taking in historical cycles and so on.
Divide By Zero, as far as my experience goes, it seems to me that you're expressing your ability to see the horror of the situation here. It's awful the cyclical violence, exploitation, and manipulation we have seen again and again throughout history. Perhaps in this world, with the way things are, the noise that pollutes thoughts, the sick bodies that struggle to just get to the end of the day, the lack of discipline, and the blind praise of attention-theft, there is no "new world." And rightfully so for this grouping of peoples; the continued loop of the unlearned.

This thread is an exercise. How could it be different? What would have to change? If we don't practice and consider possible futures they certainly cannot come into existence. For what it's worth, I didn't catch an overly-emotional-driven tone in your post - it seemed sorted and thought out, albeit limiting.

Maybe this time around there's a different conglomeration of individuals, a different consciousness, a different strength of combined will. If you found yourself in a small group, starting over, how would you work to avoid ever having a world like ours today come back into existence?

I'd have to agree with DividebyZero on this one.Looking at history,I think it's utterly impossible to build an STO 3d society without having a large and powerful nucleus of fully conscious individuals working to always push humanity in the direction of evolution.The second they slow down even a little,entropy sets in.The growth of the nucleus would have to be exponential,eventually encompassing at least half of a given society.Cassies did mention that an sto society did exists at one point,but was taken by lizzies into 4d.Now lets suppose we're dealing with a post-cataclysmic scenario.Most people who are alive in such a scenario are either lucky or resourceful.Quite a few of them would be bandits.Conscious people (heretofore referred to as Nobles for the sake of brevity,but also because they represent the best of humanity) would be slim pickings.Now let's say you're one of them and you manage to run a little community of 100 or so people.You become self sufficient,you fight of the bandits (some of whom are no doubt forming a new society of their own) and your little society begins to grow.You look around but there are no other Nobles to be found.Your people look up to you,so you begin to teach them,yet only about 10 or so out of that society are receptive.Out of those 10 maybe 3 end up achieving Noble status of the mind/spirit.

What now?You're not getting any younger and to get your community to that point would have taken at least 20 years.Let's say you were in mid 20's during ''The Event'' you would be pushing 50 now.It's time to think about passing the torch.The amount of time you have to manage and continue to push a society in the right direction is EXTREMELY limited,even more so due to stress and loss of technology/infrastructure.Let's be generous and say you die at 80,that gives you another 40 years to get your affairs in order.So what can you do?Well the smart decision is to pass the torch onto the 3 Nobles,but what if they don't want it?What if they have their own business to take care of that's every bit as important to their own evolution?Do you force them?Let's be optimistic and say that the 3 of them decide to stay (keep in mind that during this time some robber baron is gaining power) and help you run this society.Given the nature of the new Nobility,some of them could already be very old.So you begin to arrange things in such a way,that with your passing the teaching could continue and the New Nobility remains in power,sometimes they're related,sometimes not.Regardless at least some percentage of your society is bound to take issue with that fact.It's likely to be the element that's done little to no work on themselves or it might even be a psychopath that wants power.They begin to manipulate your people and to plot and scheme.If you don't kick them out or kill them,they're going to do it to you,it's in their nature.

Now while you've been busy trying to arrange a fair and just society,the bandits have built a formidable army and are coming for your stuff and people.How many times have people been wiped out in history simply because they neglected the necessity of battle,of having a standing army?The Spartans probably did it the best way,where almost everyone is in the army always and therefore is fit and ready to fight,so they didn't need to worry about having a separate army.Don't forget that physical development is very important on 3d earth.Knowing how to fight and having the will to is a vital skill.I look around my city and shudder to think how many people are going to become violent animals when the chips are down.So many here are strung out it's incredible.

I'm sorry if any of what I said came across as rude or disjointed,this was a bit of a rant and I tried to get out as much as possible,I still have much more to say but my thoughts are all over the place atm. I just wanted to point out that most of the people on this forum are going to end up fairly isolated from other members and it'll be up to us to become dispensers of knowledge and guidance to our groups,but unless we proceed with the utmost tact and caution we are doomed to fail and even if we do everything right we might fail anyway.And fighting is something that (at least in my recollection) has been barely mention when in reality it's going to be one of the first things we encounter.In the beginning you're going to be fighting scared and desperate people,but as things settle down you'll be up against experienced survivors and bandits.If any of you manage to lead a community,please don't neglect physical development and martial arts.I mean,may as well throw general strategy and psychology in there as well,since if you can win a battle without drawing your sword,even Sun Tzu would have to take a bow.
Hindsight man, great name for this topic and I agree with your points.

I'm reminded of the saying "the meek shall inherit the earth".

When I think now of creating a new world, my hope is that we play by different rules. Like the C's alluded to: "A level playing field". Here, we have not only to fight for our free will, but just by violating the free will of the majority of "zombie" authoritarian followers, we end up being like the STS that we wish to keep out from the new system.

I'm not saying that it's impossible, but without a serious change in the way our brains work- most of humanity will lead things back to the way they have been over and over- by nature of how survival works, blocking out reality to fill in the blanks.

The more I learn psychology, the less I see it is possible- but a hope in a genetic change might change things for the better.
Divide By Zero said:
Hindsight man, great name for this topic and I agree with your points.

I'm reminded of the saying "the meek shall inherit the earth".

When I think now of creating a new world, my hope is that we play by different rules. Like the C's alluded to: "A level playing field". Here, we have not only to fight for our free will, but just by violating the free will of the majority of "zombie" authoritarian followers, we end up being like the STS that we wish to keep out from the new system.

I'm not saying that it's impossible, but without a serious change in the way our brains work- most of humanity will lead things back to the way they have been over and over- by nature of how survival works, blocking out reality to fill in the blanks.

The more I learn psychology, the less I see it is possible- but a hope in a genetic change might change things for the better.

some how feel the same, but considering that our time on earth is actually allocated to us in order to process as much as possible information, relations, models and errors of possible models that will eventually one day lead humanity to be closer to STO agenda ... we might not experience it in this time of our life on earth, but it is not what we are looking for either ... it is not about us, it is about to do the right thing ... to let through us, and our life, visibility of the information on new ideas, models, suggestions and thought's of how life in peace and cosmic love can be ... and I feel that here is the pressure of conscious suffering, of our incapability to be fully STO oriented, and to give what is asked, because what is asked is out of our paradigm of giving and respecting a free will ...
Divide By Zero said:
Hindsight man, great name for this topic and I agree with your points.

I'm reminded of the saying "the meek shall inherit the earth".

When I think now of creating a new world, my hope is that we play by different rules. Like the C's alluded to: "A level playing field". Here, we have not only to fight for our free will, but just by violating the free will of the majority of "zombie" authoritarian followers, we end up being like the STS that we wish to keep out from the new system.

I'm not saying that it's impossible, but without a serious change in the way our brains work- most of humanity will lead things back to the way they have been over and over- by nature of how survival works, blocking out reality to fill in the blanks.

The more I learn psychology, the less I see it is possible- but a hope in a genetic change might change things for the better.

I know Cassies mentioned some big change in humanity itself,but seeing as we're dealing with a more concrete scenario as was mentioned earlier in the thread I'm (at least mentally) exploring the idea of building a lasting civilization that would remain relatively decay free for it's duration.Which means you have to deal with the authoritarians who need simple black and white things and strong structure.Now it's entirely possible to provide these things without oppressing any potential Nobles,but as far as the free will of authoritarians go,if they're not on your side,psychos will recruit them to theirs.That is just a basic reality you have to deal with.

I think the only saving grace may be to have a system in place that actively seeks out and trains potential Nobles and that such a system would be not only self perpetuating,but also protected by the state.Unfortunately at least half of those Nobles will need to have a mandatory term of service in any kind of position of authority so as to set a proper example and prevent the ever present elements of decay from doing their thing.

You know it's funny,this question has been eating away at me more and more throughout this month.I started reading and watching more about psychology and leadership and am trying to familiarize myself with all the tactics that one might not only have to use,but that would be used against one if I were to try and build a better system.This has become a burning question,at least for the time being.I'll probably start looking at some of the prominent leaders that failed and see if I can narrow down some common mistakes that were made and that prevented them from affecting lasting change.
Keep in mind that if you were to become leader,you wouldn't be dealing with fresh,pristine rational people.You'd be dealing with angry,desperate,broken machines that spent a lot of time believing msm and ignoring reality.A lot of these people will simply want someone to blame,not have complex answers to how life works,same as always.
I came across Julius Evola while researching about the degeneration of cultures.What he has written is pretty interesting :

On the Secret of Degeneration
By Baron Julius Evola (from Deutsches Volkstum, Nr. 11, 1938)

Anyone who has come to reject the rationalist myth of "progress" and the interpretation of history as an unbroken positive development of mankind will find himself gradually drawn towards the world-view that was common to all the great traditional cultures, and which had at its centre the memory of a process of degeneration, slow obscuration, or collapse of a higher preceding world. As we penetrate deeper into this new (and old) interpretation, we encounter various problems, foremost among which is the question of the secret of degeneration.

In its literal sense, this question is by no means a novel one. While contemplating the magnificent remains of cultures whose very name has not even come down to us, but which seem to have conveyed, even in their physical material, a greatness and power that is more than earthly, scarcely anyone has failed to ask themselves questions about the death of cultures, and sensed the inadequacy of the reasons that are usually given to explain it.

We can thank the Comte de Gobineau for the best and best-known summary of this problem, and also for a masterly criticism of the main hypotheses about it. His solution on the basis of racial thought and racial purity also has a lot of truth in it, but it needs to be expanded by a few observations concerning a higher order of things. For there have been many cases in which a culture has collapsed even when its race has remained pure, as is especially clear in certain groups that have suffered slow, inexorable extinction despite remaining as racially isolated as if they were islands. An example quite close at hand is the case of the Swedes and the Dutch. These people are in the same racial condition today as they were two centuries ago, but there is little to be found now of the heroic disposition and the racial awareness that they once possessed. Other great cultures seem merely to have remained standing in the condition of mummies: they have long been inwardly dead, so that it takes only the slightest push to knock them down. This was the case, for example, with ancient Peru, that giant solar empire which was annihilated by a few adventurers drawn from the worst rabble of Europe.

If we look at the secret of degeneration from the exclusively traditional point of view, it becomes even harder to solve it completely. It is then a matter of the division of all cultures into two main types. On the one hand there are the traditional cultures, whose principle is identical and unchangeable, despite all the differences evident on the surface. The axis of these cultures and the summit of their hierarchical order consists of metaphysical, supra-individual powers and actions, which serve to inform and justify everything that is merely human, temporal, subject to becoming and to "history." On the other hand there is "modern culture," which is actually the anti-tradition and which exhausts itself in a construction of purely human and earthly conditions and in the total development of these, in pursuit of a life entirely detached from the "higher world."

From the standpoint of the latter, the whole of history is degeneration, because it shows the universal decline of earlier cultures of the traditional type, and the decisive and violent rise of a new universal civilization of the "modern" type.

A double question arises from this.

First, how was it ever possible for this to come to pass? There is a logical error underlying the whole doctrine of evolution: it is impossible that the higher can emerge from the lower, and the greater from the less. But doesn't a similar difficulty face us in the solution of the doctrine of involution? How is it ever possible for the higher to fall? If we could make do with simple analogies, it would be easy to deal with this question. A healthy man can become sick; a virtuous one can turn to vice. There is a natural law that everyone takes from granted: that every living being starts with birth, growth, and strength, then come old age, weakening, and disintegration. And so forth. But this is just making statements, not explaining, even if we allow that such analogies actually relate to the question posed here.

Secondly, it is not only a matter of explaining the possibility of the degeneration of a particular cultural world, but also the possibility that the degeneration of one cultural cycle may pass to other peoples and take them down with it. For example, we have not only to explain how the ancient Western reality collapsed, but also have to show the reason why it was possible for "modern" culture to conquer practically the whole world, and why it possessed the power to divert so many peoples from any other type of culture, and to hold sway even where states of a traditional kind seemed to be alive (one need only recall the Aryan East).

In this respect, it is not enough to say that we are dealing with a purely material and economic conquest. That view seems very superficial, for two reasons. In the first place, a land that is conquered on the material level also experiences, in the long run, influences of a higher kind corresponding to the cultural type of its conqueror. We can state, in fact, that European conquest almost everywhere sows the seeds of "Europeanization," i.e., the "modern" rationalist, tradition-hostile, individualistic way of thinking. Secondly, the traditional conception of culture and the state is hierarchical, not dualistic. Its bearers could never subscribe, without severe reservations, to the principles of "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's" and "My kingdom is not of this world." For us, "Tradition" is the victorious and creative presence in the world of that which is "not of this world," i.e., of the Spirit, understood as a power that is mightier than any merely human or material one.

This is a basic idea of the authentically traditional view of life, which does not permit us to speak with contempt of merely material conquests. On the contrary, the material conquest is the sign, if not of a spiritual victory, at least of a spiritual weakness or a kind of spiritual "retreat" in the cultures that are conquered and lose their independence. Everywhere that the Spirit, regarded as the stronger power, was truly present, it never lacked for means - visible or otherwise - to enable all the opponent's technical and material superiority to be resisted. But this has not happened. It must be concluded, then, that degeneracy was lurking behind the traditional facade of every people that the "modern" world has been able to conquer. The West must then have been the culture in which a crisis that was already universal assumed its acutest form. There the degeneration amounted, so to speak, to a knockout blow, and as it took effect, it brought down with more or less ease other peoples in whom the involution had certainly not "progressed" as far, but whose tradition had already lost its original power, so that these peoples were no longer able to protect themselves from an outside assault.

With these considerations, the second aspect of our problem is traced back to the first one. It is mainly a question of explicating the meaning and the possibility of degeneracy, without reference to other circumstances.

For this we must be clear about one thing: it is an error to assume that the hierarchy of the traditional world is based on a tyranny of the upper classes. That is merely a "modern" conception, completely alien to the traditional way of thinking. The traditional doctrine in fact conceived of spiritual action as an "action without acting"; it spoke of the "unmoved mover"; everywhere it used the symbolism of the "pole," the unalterable axis around which every ordered movement takes place (and elsewhere we have shown that this is the meaning of the swastika, the "arctic cross"); it always stressed the "Olympian," spirituality, and genuine authority, as well as its way of acting directly on its subordinates, not through violence but through "presence"; finally, it used the simile of the magnet, wherein lies the key to our question, as we shall now see.

Only today could anyone imagine that the authentic bearers of the Spirit, or of Tradition, pursue people so as to seize them and put them in their places - in short, that they "manage" people, or have any personal interest in setting up and maintaining those hierarchical relationships by virtue of which they can appear visibly as the rulers. This would be ridiculous and senseless. It is much more the recognition on the part of the lower ones that is the true basis of any traditional ranking. It is not the higher that needs the lower, but the other way round. The essence of hierarchy is that there is something living as a reality in certain people, which in the rest is only present in the condition of an ideal, a premonition, an unfocused effort. Thus the latter are fatefully attracted to the former, and their lower condition is one of subordination less to something foreign, than to their own true "self." Herein lies the secret, in the traditional world, of all readiness for sacrifice, all heroism, all loyalty; and, on the other side, of a prestige, an authority, and a calm power which the most heavily-armed tyrant can never count upon.

With these considerations, we have come very close to solving not only the problem of degeneration, but also the possibility of a particular fall. Are we perhaps not tired of hearing that the success of every revolution indicates the weakness and degeneracy of the previous rulers? An understanding of this kind is very one-sided. This would indeed be the case if wild dogs were tied up, and suddenly broke loose: that would be proof that the hands holding their leashes had become impotent or weak. But things are arranged very differently in the framework of spiritual ranking, whose real basis we have explained above. This hierarchy degenerates and is able to be overthrown in one case only: when the individual degenerates, when he uses his fundamental freedom to deny the Spirit, to cut his life loose from any higher reference-point, and to exist "only for himself." Then the contacts are fatefully broken, the metaphysical tension, to which the traditional organism owes its unity, gives way, every force wavers in its path and finally breaks free. The peaks, of course, remain pure and inviolable in their heights, but the rest, which depended on them, now becomes an avalanche, a mass that has lost its equilibrium and falls, at first imperceptibly but with ever accelerating movement down to the depths and lowest levels of the valley. This is the secret of every degeneration and revolution. The European had first slain the hierarchy in himself by extirpating his own inner possibilities, to which corresponded the basis of the order that he would then destroy externally.

If Christian mythology attributes the Fall of Man and the Rebellion of the Angels to the freedom of the will, then it comes to much the same significance. It concerns the frightening potential that dwells in man of using freedom to destroy spiritually and to banish everything that could ensure him a supra-natural value. This is a metaphysical decision: the stream that traverses history in the most varied forms of the traditional-hating, revolutionary, individualistic, and humanistic spirit, or in short, the "modern" spirit. This decision is the only positive and decisive cause in the secret of degeneration, the destruction of Tradition.

If we understand this, we can perhaps also grasp the sense of those legends that speak of mysterious rulers who "always" exist and have never died (shades of the Emperor sleeping beneath the Kyffhäuser mountain!). Such rulers can be rediscovered only when one achieves spiritual completeness and awakens a quality in oneself like that of a metal that suddenly feels "the magnet", finds the magnet and irresistibly orients itself and moves towards it. For now, we must restrict ourselves to this hint. A comprehensive explanation of legends of that sort, which come to us from the most ancient Aryan source, would take us too far. At another opportunity we will perhaps return to the secret of reconstruction, to the "magic" that is capable of restoring the fallen mass to the unalterable, lonely, and invisible peaks that are still there in the heights.
Interesting but with a disturbing slant in it in my view concerning superior races, which is mere speculation and a dangerous subject to promote. Quick search on Wiki on Julius Evola:

"As noted by Furlong,
It was this caste-based perspective that was developed in the 1930s and during the war in Evola's extensive writings on racism; for Evola, the core of racial superiority lay in the spiritual qualities of the higher castes, which expressed themselves in the in physical as well as in cultural features but were not determined by them. The law of the regression of castes places racism at the core of Evola's philosophy, since he sees an increasing predominance of lower races as directly expressed through modern mass democracies.[4]
Like René Guénon, he believed that mankind is living in the Kali Yuga of the Hindu tradition, the Dark Age of unleashed, materialistic appetites. The Kali Yuga is the last of four ages, which form a cycle from the Satya Yuga or Golden Age through the Kali Yuga or the Hesiodic Iron Age. Evola argued that both Italian fascism and National Socialism held hope for a reconstitution of the "celestial" Aryan race".

This did not lead to any sort of spiritual awakening as we all know.
Please excuse this totally gut-based approach. I’m at the very beginning of diving into this whole new world of knowledge and wisdom. And in between following the forum and studying / reading (there is a new interesting book mentioned in every second post I read). My mind seems to have turned into a very eager hungry sponge thing wanting more input while at the same time oozing thoughts and pictures.

One of those pictures that I cant get out of my mind is that of the planet world as seen from a distance with a mass of shiny moving particles (us humans) moving independently but somehow connected without hindrance. Wherever those particles are moving in some kind of shared frequency, they create impulses (ideas, thought concepts, innovations) and the more particles align with their surroundings the wider the impulse can spread the more sustainable the result becomes. They learn and evolve for themselves but also as an entity. But whilst looking at this planet submerged in learning as an entity while allowing and enabling individuality as a resource to serve and create impulse for all, another picture overlaps.

It is that of a petri dish. A rather dirty petri dish, housing an unspecified organism, nearly too large to be contained by the dish. An organism left alone, lacking nourishment and stimulation. Constrained by the borders of the dish it relies on itself for survival. Self-replicating time and time again impulses that once led to its growth and well being. But just as Chinese whispers each replication is missing something and in the end the organism ends up self-destructed in its need for ever more impulses.

I don’t want to live constrained by a petri dish as I don’t want to be confined by the boundaries of an ego that constantly seeks nourishment, an ego that is stuck in STS.

A new world would have to be one where people being organized in smaller units. Of a size that allows connection and therefore guarantees that one can be held responsible for his or her actions because we see each other. I would wish for a society that relies on experience and personal mastery as a permission to teach and in teaching lead.
It would have to be a world much less populated than the one we live in today as the world as the system everyone talks about is too big to be seen and understood as a system.

You can call me naïve but the closest we can get to this new world is trying to live it in our own closest systems (family, friends, peers) and hope that when we live what we preach (though we shouldn’t’ t let the hybris start the preaching) will have an effect that cause ripple. Baby ripples but ripple none the less. And someone will notice these ripples and follow them to the source.
Hithere said:
Interesting but with a disturbing slant in it in my view concerning superior races, which is mere speculation and a dangerous subject to promote. Quick search on Wiki on Julius Evola:

"As noted by Furlong,
It was this caste-based perspective that was developed in the 1930s and during the war in Evola's extensive writings on racism; for Evola, the core of racial superiority lay in the spiritual qualities of the higher castes, which expressed themselves in the in physical as well as in cultural features but were not determined by them. The law of the regression of castes places racism at the core of Evola's philosophy, since he sees an increasing predominance of lower races as directly expressed through modern mass democracies.[4]
Like René Guénon, he believed that mankind is living in the Kali Yuga of the Hindu tradition, the Dark Age of unleashed, materialistic appetites. The Kali Yuga is the last of four ages, which form a cycle from the Satya Yuga or Golden Age through the Kali Yuga or the Hesiodic Iron Age. Evola argued that both Italian fascism and National Socialism held hope for a reconstitution of the "celestial" Aryan race".

This did not lead to any sort of spiritual awakening as we all know.

Oh my goodness,I certainly didn't mean to advocate for racism!I'm sorry about that,but I still think that the idea of people being drawn to highly developed individuals has a lot to it.When I read his work I thought he meant races as in people with different levels of development,seeing as someone like Gurdjieff,being so highly developed really does seem to be from a different or ''higher'' race.It seems I was projecting.
maiko said:
I don’t want to live constrained by a petri dish as I don’t want to be confined by the boundaries of an ego that constantly seeks nourishment, an ego that is stuck in STS.

A new world would have to be one where people being organized in smaller units. Of a size that allows connection and therefore guarantees that one can be held responsible for his or her actions because we see each other. I would wish for a society that relies on experience and personal mastery as a permission to teach and in teaching lead.
It would have to be a world much less populated than the one we live in today as the world as the system everyone talks about is too big to be seen and understood as a system.

You can call me naïve but the closest we can get to this new world is trying to live it in our own closest systems (family, friends, peers) and hope that when we live what we preach (though we shouldn’t’ t let the hybris start the preaching) will have an effect that cause ripple. Baby ripples but ripple none the less. And someone will notice these ripples and follow them to the source.

Gut based or not, that's the most logical conclusion. Sometimes experience can tell us more about reality than what we're taught or theorize in our heads.
Perhaps we learned this by observing personal relationships, work relationships, and so on- we see what works and what is constrained by that petri dish.

I love how you put it into words, thanks for that!
Hithere said:
Interesting but with a disturbing slant in it in my view concerning superior races, which is mere speculation and a dangerous subject to promote. Quick search on Wiki on Julius Evola:

"As noted by Furlong,
It was this caste-based perspective that was developed in the 1930s and during the war in Evola's extensive writings on racism; for Evola, the core of racial superiority lay in the spiritual qualities of the higher castes, which expressed themselves in the in physical as well as in cultural features but were not determined by them. The law of the regression of castes places racism at the core of Evola's philosophy, since he sees an increasing predominance of lower races as directly expressed through modern mass democracies.[4]
Like René Guénon, he believed that mankind is living in the Kali Yuga of the Hindu tradition, the Dark Age of unleashed, materialistic appetites. The Kali Yuga is the last of four ages, which form a cycle from the Satya Yuga or Golden Age through the Kali Yuga or the Hesiodic Iron Age. Evola argued that both Italian fascism and National Socialism held hope for a reconstitution of the "celestial" Aryan race".

This did not lead to any sort of spiritual awakening as we all know.

I had a bit of an emotional reaction earlier,it seems that liberal programming of ''everything is racist'' hit me pretty hard,since I jumped back from something that is ''potentially'' racist and threw the baby out with the bathwater.I remembered that Wikipedia often butchers various writers that seem unorthodox.I'll keep this brief as it really belongs in a different thread,but having had a look at his opinion on nazis and Hitler,he really doesn't hold them in high regard.Nor does he consider the ''American'' civilization as anything worthy of striving for.Though I haven't read any of his books completely,but only snippetsI get shades of ''The path of Wotan'' from his work,which describes the cast system not in strictly racial terms,but instead levels of development relating to individuals.For example,the ''caste'' of leaders who have achieved a high level of development is diluted through thoughtless breeding.

Now as far as I understand (and I accept that I may be wrong or projecting or have a blindspot or something) thoughtless breeding does NOT refer to race mixing,but instead having children and not teaching them how to develop themselves.So with the development of the next generation being left up to chance,the generation that comes after is even worse off,hence the ''caste'' is diluted.Or at least this is how I understand the issue. Something Laura said recently clicked for me when she mentioned that people pay more attention to the breed of their dog than of their life partner.This is very true and absolutely catastrophic from a societal point of view.

Since all diseases and mental illnesses are passed on with no effort to understand or/and rectify anything, each generation of people in fact de-generates in terms of health,mental and physical. I really think that as an individual one is responsible to society,doubly more so if you have kids,because now you're raising the next generation of human beings which decide the outcome of the entire human race.Even if the effect is only local,your child could grow up to be a very immature person emotionally and combined with a modicum of intelligence can have a very adverse affect on your community.Now imagine this effect compounding through BILLIONS of people and it becomes very apparent that thoughtless breeding is a blight on humanity.One of many to be sure.

Regarding race,I remember Cassies mentioned that ''all people of Nordic descent have secret power centers''.Who are people of Nordic descent exactly?Considering human history and how long various races have interacted with each other,I think it's not too far fetched to say that even the most ''thoroughbred'' black man is likely to have at least some Nordic ancestry and vice versa.Which would imply that such centers can be accessed by most if not all who put in the necessary effort.
maiko said:
Please excuse this totally gut-based approach. I’m at the very beginning of diving into this whole new world of knowledge and wisdom. And in between following the forum and studying / reading (there is a new interesting book mentioned in every second post I read). My mind seems to have turned into a very eager hungry sponge thing wanting more input while at the same time oozing thoughts and pictures.

One of those pictures that I cant get out of my mind is that of the planet world as seen from a distance with a mass of shiny moving particles (us humans) moving independently but somehow connected without hindrance. Wherever those particles are moving in some kind of shared frequency, they create impulses (ideas, thought concepts, innovations) and the more particles align with their surroundings the wider the impulse can spread the more sustainable the result becomes. They learn and evolve for themselves but also as an entity. But whilst looking at this planet submerged in learning as an entity while allowing and enabling individuality as a resource to serve and create impulse for all, another picture overlaps.

It is that of a petri dish. A rather dirty petri dish, housing an unspecified organism, nearly too large to be contained by the dish. An organism left alone, lacking nourishment and stimulation. Constrained by the borders of the dish it relies on itself for survival. Self-replicating time and time again impulses that once led to its growth and well being. But just as Chinese whispers each replication is missing something and in the end the organism ends up self-destructed in its need for ever more impulses.

I don’t want to live constrained by a petri dish as I don’t want to be confined by the boundaries of an ego that constantly seeks nourishment, an ego that is stuck in STS.

A new world would have to be one where people being organized in smaller units. Of a size that allows connection and therefore guarantees that one can be held responsible for his or her actions because we see each other. I would wish for a society that relies on experience and personal mastery as a permission to teach and in teaching lead.
It would have to be a world much less populated than the one we live in today as the world as the system everyone talks about is too big to be seen and understood as a system.

You can call me naïve but the closest we can get to this new world is trying to live it in our own closest systems (family, friends, peers) and hope that when we live what we preach (though we shouldn’t’ t let the hybris start the preaching) will have an effect that cause ripple. Baby ripples but ripple none the less. And someone will notice these ripples and follow them to the source.
I mostly agree with you, except that I don't think it is necessary for this world to be much less populated than what it is now.
If people were true to nature, oneself and their real needs, everyone would have their place and enough resources for decent living.
Not saying it is better as it is nor that the pop. numbers should increase tough.

On the other side, I also believe that organization of smaller units of people would be crucial for harmonic development of men.
I can imagine globallistic civilization functioning in a way adequate for STO or tending for STO altogether, but unfortunately, it is not our world.
maiko said:
You can call me naïve but the closest we can get to this new world is trying to live it in our own closest systems (family, friends, peers) and hope that when we live what we preach (though we shouldn’t’ t let the hybris start the preaching) will have an effect that cause ripple. Baby ripples but ripple none the less. And someone will notice these ripples and follow them to the source.

I don’t think that’s naïve at all. It really is about trying to manifest this new world through living one’s life to be the example and not just talk about it, navel gaze or preach. And it starts with those closest to you. We need to be those positive role models the world is sorely lacking. Similar to the butterfly effect, even the tiniest ripples can eventually become large enough to be a force to be reckoned with. If many people were to create those small ripples, eventually they will collide...

When water ripples from two different sources cross over, two things may happen. If the trough of one wave meets or overlaps with the crest of a different wave on the same spot, they cancel each other out to create a 'flattened' wave of zero amplitude and the water surface looks flat. If the crest of one wave meets the crest of another wave in the same spot, the crests add together to create a larger wave (or a wave with greater amplitude). The same would occur if the trough of one wave collided with the trough of another wave, except the wave would be deeper. This collision of water ripples to create new wavelength patterns is called interference. maybe, if enough of those ripples encounter each other, and they are in synch with each other, or one could say the frequencies are aligned, the effect of those actions will be increased and perhaps others will take notice. It’s the cumulative effect of many small actions that may bring about a tipping point. Sometimes it’s the small things that one does that can have a deep impact on shaping reality. It may not appear that way since we’re always looking for that one big thing that will magically make everything better but it seems it doesn’t work that way. It’s up to that person to start making those little everyday choices that will eventually get them to where they want to be, and create the possibilities for a new reality.... osit.
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