Creating a New World

I would like to start a discussion that focuses on Creating a New World.

I would just like for all participants to think about what is wrong with our world and what they would like to see happen to make it right.

There are a lot of things to which there are no simple answers. For example, I don't think that communisim, socialism, fascism or capitalism are the right way to go economically, but I'm not sure what IS the right way that would fulfill the needs of the majority of humans. How to separate what is essential to all, etc. Are there elements of each of those systems that are truly STO and if so, what? How to pull out what is useful and put it together?

I think it will be a very useful exercise to define things, to imagine things, to describe how things would be done in an STO world. Things like who decides things? How? Who owns things? How? Is there voting? How is it done? Who can vote?
Education... what is available to who and how? Who pays for it?

Social services: counseling, child-care, medicine, etc.

Literally every area of our society has been corrupted in one way or another, so how to re-imagine something that would really work? Re-think it, re-define and describe it?

Start anywhere. Maybe we should start talking about what is wrong with various systems and what could be done to fix them, if anything. If they are wrong at the foundation, what to replace them with?

Hi everyone,
In the current state of "caos", I have the instint feeling- adrenalin to go run- escape, I mean, I can tryng to be calm, but, maybe the positive way can be, thinking about solutions- visualize and into the attempt to avoid anticipation in order to make fluid the creativity in what how can prepared for the "coming times"

Q: (L) Okay, so, in other words, to just accept what is at the moment, appreciate it as it is at the moment, and have faith that the universe and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen, without placing any expectation on how that will be, and keep on working?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) We have discussed a lot of concepts about shaping the future. In our discussions, we have hypothesized that it is something like an intentional act of shaping something good, but without defining the moment of measurement. In other words, adding energy to it by intent, but not deciding where, when or how the moment of measurement occurs. Like a quantum jump: you know it is statistically likely, but not definite, so you cannot expect it, but you observe so that you can notice when it occurs on it’s own, and in it’s own way.

A: Yes. Avoiding anticipation. That is the key to shaping the future… When it hits you, it stops.
The Wave Chapter 23: Lucifer and the Pot of Gold or The Quest for the Holy Grail of No Anticipation

of course is already existing:
- Éiriú-Eolas Online Workshops and Practice - Public

I wondering for just thinking about solution in case o in fact is coming more and more events....
-If the internet conection in the next months is missing? Maybe can be good to locate others forum members nearest to your area and keep in touch in other ways than internet conection, maybe.....

I feel is so important to clear emotions for recognize into your own intuition how you can find solutions in your circunstances.
Maybe if you just reproducing the media news currently is like being sucked out of energy by STS beings, which I wonder what could be the purpose of promoting all that negative emotion for anyone who perceives them, I think their advanced technology is feeding over there too .....

Of course the positive side is trying to understand, of course what is happening in current events, but that could mean thinking about what the next step could be, if you do not just focus your energy on the tornado of things that at least you know come from dark side.

If this process of change is a natural process, that's mean you cannot escape, so, maybe, the better to do is to attempt to be ready.
I feel the future have more to do with technology in a balance usage..... 🙌🍀💗
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I would like to start a discussion that focuses on Creating a New World.

I would just like for all participants to think about what is wrong with our world and what they would like to see happen to make it right.

There are a lot of things to which there are no simple answers. For example, I don't think that communisim, socialism, fascism or capitalism are the right way to go economically, but I'm not sure what IS the right way that would fulfill the needs of the majority of humans. How to separate what is essential to all, etc. Are there elements of each of those systems that are truly STO and if so, what? How to pull out what is useful and put it together?

I think it will be a very useful exercise to define things, to imagine things, to describe how things would be done in an STO world. Things like who decides things? How? Who owns things? How? Is there voting? How is it done? Who can vote?
Education... what is available to who and how? Who pays for it?

Social services: counseling, child-care, medicine, etc.

Literally every area of our society has been corrupted in one way or another, so how to re-imagine something that would really work? Re-think it, re-define and describe it?

Start anywhere. Maybe we should start talking about what is wrong with various systems and what could be done to fix them, if anything. If they are wrong at the foundation, what to replace them with? in whatever system created will turn to service to self....because despite if people is awakened we are so different , and have different needs ,issues , preference and we can fall of temptations and greed, lazyness , vanities, so if we want another reality is going to be created from people with hearth and knowledge ..not mental..
And we need to start creating the life we want to see in our lives..step by step..not focusing in the agendas of the "bad guys"(just to put some name on them) one thing I can be very sure is that the ones who could be in charge they will not rule over the others they have to be cooperative people in round tables not only man because that's why we are out of balance .we need to have woman's also many woman's...
We need to cover all the primer necessities of the people .food , house education guarantee! Not gained with credits , no people can do better things with their lives ...and people should have the right to form.their own communities and not belong to some government and religion or type of education mandatory from the system to put inside the children's head...etc maybe I'm not helping that much but I just wanna say it.....🙂
Hi piliangie, sure those "bad guys" seems like as always playing the same position about controlling through the time line history, just for mention a couple things, in the medieval times most of the people can't read, just priests, monks and religious members and they using painting in most of the case with creepy demons fighting frightening people for their "sins", that is to say through fear they were propagandizing their own agenda, just like in the cinema when it appeared in the late 1800s, during the first and second war they used the cinema to make political propaganda, it is In other words, they used the imaginary to manipulate the masses for their benefit just to mention an example and an endless other examples in the whole system as a whole. I don't think there is any difference now with what the media is now trying to do by putting all that emphasis around the world by showing an image of chaos, or maybe just a distraction of something else in their agenda.

The interesting thing is that the peoples who did erect them are still, in most circles, considered to be barbarians because they did not build cities, engage in agriculture, develop the wheel, or writing.

Yet, they did something that clearly cannot and was not done by “civilized” peoples who did all of those “civilized” things. They had some sort of “power” that we cannot replicate and do not understand. Yet, this very power may be the answer to our question about why and how sex was implicated in the fall of man, the flood of Noah, and numerous other events that may lead us to some interesting discoveries.

I would like to speculate here for a moment. The first thing that comes to my mind when I consider the problem of the megaliths is that of what I call “payoff”. That is, nobody who is human ever does anything without a payoff, or to put it more generally, for a reason. What could be the reason for the stones? There were clearly a great deal more of them than would be necessary for simple monumental or worship purposes. They appear to be arranged like the inner workings of some vast machinery whose purpose is an enigma to us.

At the same time, could the overabundant presence of these megaliths have anything to do with the things that are observed to be lacking in these peoples, i.e., the signs of civilization, the wheel, agriculture, writing and cities? Suppose the reason for the stones and the reason for the absence of “civilized standards” are identical?

We have already mentioned the “civilizing influence” of the Consortium and the possible ulterior motives behind it. It is a matter of observation that cities developed in agricultural societies as a central place to manufacture and exchange goods. Agriculture is required to feed stable and static populations. Wheels are needed to both transport people and goods in cities and from agricultural zones to cities and back. Writing is needed to keep records of transactions, as is demonstrated by the clear evidence of the earliest forms of writing: endless lists and tallies of grain and cattle. Writing was also used to record and promulgate the exploits of certain gods and goddesses as well as keeping track of all the goods tithed to the temple and priesthood.

So, suppose none of this was needed? Suppose a civilization existed that did not need cities, agriculture, wheels or writing? That is not to say that they did not produce goods nor that they did not produce food for large groups, or that they did not travel over vast distances or record their exploits. But, suppose they did not do it in the way we would expect? Suppose the stones did it all!

What do I mean? To explain, let me go in a slightly different direction for a moment: one of the things that seems to be almost ubiquitous with these ancient groups and their circles and mighty stone works and “star temples” and all that seems to be the fact that they all just “disappear” with alarming regularity. How many times have you read the following?

“What happened to [ancient group of your choice] is unknown. The site was abandoned and there is no explanation as to what happened or where they went.”

A quite interesting I found in Laura's book: "the Wave", Vol. 3, The Wave Chapter 24, is the mention of a group that develops out of what is known as "Civilization", there is the clue of at least have an idea how it could be outside the control system that we currently know.

The Stone Movers did not need any of the accoutrements of so-called “civilization” for the simple reason that the stones did everything.

There has been some research regarding “recordings” in stones of buildings — of energy fields, earth grids and all that. Certain stones produce electricity under the right conditions, and if the stones were used to amplify mental energies, then they would power not only transport (eliminating the need for the wheel), communication and recording of information (eliminating the need for writing), and perhaps could even manifest anything that was needed in terms of food and other goods (thereby eliminating the need for cities and agriculture).

Tied in to all of this is the ancient alchemical lore about the Philosopher’s stone (though I am not so naïve as to think that this is the whole cheese in that regard, but it does make you think a bit). The Holy Grail, the head of Bran the Blessed, and the Philosopher’s stone of the alchemists are all connected to the idea of certain powers that have to do with the stopping or manipulating of time, a source of endless abundance (multiplying loaves and fishes), eternal life or the elixir of life, and so forth. Most importantly, they are also connected to the idea of cycles and astronomical placements being necessary to the Work.

It is not entirely out of the question that if such was the case, these stones could have just simply “translated” or transferred the Stone Movers into another dimension at some point when astronomical alignments were right — the “big payoff of going home”, so to speak. Remember

the beauty and hard thing is trying to imagine how can be out of this current system.... :-)
Hi piliangie, sure those "bad guys" seems like as always playing the same position about controlling through the time line history, just for mention a couple things, in the medieval times most of the people can't read, just priests, monks and religious members and they using painting in most of the case with creepy demons fighting frightening people for their "sins", that is to say through fear they were propagandizing their own agenda, just like in the cinema when it appeared in the late 1800s, during the first and second war they used the cinema to make political propaganda, it is In other words, they used the imaginary to manipulate the masses for their benefit just to mention an example and an endless other examples in the whole system as a whole. I don't think there is any difference now with what the media is now trying to do by putting all that emphasis around the world by showing an image of chaos, or maybe just a distraction of something else in their agenda.

A quite interesting I found in Laura's book: "the Wave", Vol. 3, The Wave Chapter 24, is the mention of a group that develops out of what is known as "Civilization", there is the clue of at least have an idea how it could be outside the control system that we currently know.

the beauty and hard thing is trying to imagine how can be out of this current system.... :-)

Hi Jess!
That's very interesting, I think that we need to start knowing and awake our powers ....inside of each of us.. telepathy , and know how things really work in here like the stones for is hard to imagine that reality but we are seeing more through the veil...there's one thing that sometimes comes to my mind in this quarantine period...we should be doing something more or make movements to make things happen ,..I don't know is like we are in a bad dream or a bad movie..right now..and even if we are aware we can do nothing about it..just observing meanwhile you are seeing so many nonsense everywhere , and looks like a punishment know ? Using that mask..and at the same time you can see your president and mine in my country and everywhere they don't use any mask because they know and they can speak but not us looks getting very obvious...
Hi piliangie, yes, it's getting too bad- and ridiculous....
I suppose if you ready, you're ready!!!, Who knows exactly??, difficult, right?? for the next "times"....
Maybe, if you already learn all your lessons and simple understanding in this 3D, maybe that print in yourself or develop a stronge feeling- aspiration about "don't eat the same poison (STS side)" never again 🤣

I found a really interesting quote about 4D
The Wave Chapter 26: The Tree of Life

Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into fourth density?

A: That which is effected by pituitary gland.

Q: (L) And what is that?

A: Psychic.

Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?

A: Addition of strands.

Q: (L) How do you get added strands?

A: You don’t get; you receive.

Q: (L) Where are they received from?

A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.

Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?

A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.

Q: (A) When you speak of an upcoming wave, it is a wave of what?

A: Think of it as a wave of reflection from the beginning and end point.
Hi everyone,
In the current state of "caos", I have the instint feeling- adrenalin to go run- escape, I mean, I can tryng to be calm, but, maybe the positive way can be, thinking about solutions- visualize and into the attempt to avoid anticipation in order to make fluid the creativity in what how can prepared for the "coming times"

Hi @jess , I can certainly relate to those feelings and can imagine that many others will be feeling similarly in these chaotic times. If I understood you correctly, are you talking about visualizing scenarios that may arise and what you would do in those particular situations?

I think that contemplating the possible scenarios can serve a purpose - if we "expect attack" and gain knowledge of the same, then the C's have told us that this offers protection. For example, some sources have been discussing the likelihood of food shortages in the coming future, knowing this, we can choose to build up stocks of food so that if it does occur, we may not be as affected. This is just one example of the practical application of knowledge. Contemplating these scenarios, in theory, may enable us to keep our cool, or at least not lose our sh** when things start to go south. If we have considered them as a possibility it may not be SO shocking or traumatizing when it does happen, osit.

However, I'd be wary of spending too much time on it, especially when there are many real-life practical steps we can take to prepare mentally and physically such as; cleaning up our diets, working on our emotional issues, improving relations with loved ones, learning about the world, and the control system, just to name a few.

It is also worth remembering these quotes from the C's:

The Cassiopaeans have said “It’s not where you are, but who you are and what you see” that matters during Earth Changes. Obviously, if you are a “who” who can “see” you will do things rather differently than somebody who is not a “who” and who cannot “see.” And that’s the difference that makes the difference. (What this means in practical ways is discussed on the Cassiopaean Forum.)
Q: (L) Does any of this mean that the earth changes that have been predicted, may not, in fact, occur in physical reality as we understand it?

A: You betcha.

Q: (L) Does this mean that all of this running around and hopping and jumping to go here and go there and do this and do that is...

A: That is strictly 3rd level thinking.

Q: (L) Now, if that is 3rd level thinking, and if a lot of these things are symbolic, I am assuming they are symbolic of movement or changes in energy.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, if these changes in energy occur does this mean that the population of the planet are, perhaps, in groups or special masses of groups, are they defined as the energies that are changing in these descriptions of events and happenings of great cataclysm. Is it like a cataclysm of the soul on an individual and or collective basis?

A: Close.
Where is the safest place for us to be during the existing and upcoming turmoil?

A: Any place is safe to the knowledgeable person. Do you have the energy and resources to change?

Q: (L) And I guess it also comes down to if you have knowledge and you're in a high-stress environment, you can be safe but it takes a lot of energy for that, too. If you would like to reduce your stress and energy expenditure or if you NEED to reduce them, then you should make changes?

A: Yes

And Fabric's previous post on the thread:
I don’t think that’s naïve at all. It really is about trying to manifest this new world through living one’s life to be the example and not just talk about it, navel gaze or preach. And it starts with those closest to you. We need to be those positive role models the world is sorely lacking. Similar to the butterfly effect, even the tiniest ripples can eventually become large enough to be a force to be reckoned with. If many people were to create those small ripples, eventually they will collide... maybe, if enough of those ripples encounter each other, and they are in sync with each other, or one could say the frequencies are aligned, the effect of those actions will be increased and perhaps others will take notice. It’s the cumulative effect of many small actions that may bring about a tipping point. Sometimes it’s the small things that one does that can have a deep impact on shaping reality. It may not appear that way since we’re always looking for that one big thing that will magically make everything better but it seems it doesn’t work that way. It’s up to that person to start making those little everyday choices that will eventually get them to where they want to be, and create the possibilities for a new reality.... osit.

wondering for just thinking about solution in case o in fact is coming more and more events....
-If the internet conection in the next months is missing? Maybe can be good to locate others forum members nearest to your area and keep in touch in other ways than internet conection, maybe.....

Generally, communication between forum members outside of the forum is discouraged for a number of reasons. You may want to look into joining FOTCM, if you haven't already, see here for more information About the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind.

Laura has made a couple of references to this recently:
I want to encourage many of you who are not yet members, to join FOTCM. With membership, and enough posts so that we can get a feel for sincerity (and I see a LOT of sincerity in this thread), you can be admitted to the private forum where meetings and other things are organized. In these times, the benefits may be helpful.
The best thing for everyone to do is join FOTCM and work to get admitted to the private forum. Once there, you'll understand why.
Hi @jess , I can certainly relate to those feelings and can imagine that many others will be feeling similarly in these chaotic times. If I understood you correctly, are you talking about visualizing scenarios that may arise and what you would do in those particular situations?

I think that contemplating the possible scenarios can serve a purpose - if we "expect attack" and gain knowledge of the same, then the C's have told us that this offers protection. For example, some sources have been discussing the likelihood of food shortages in the coming future, knowing this, we can choose to build up stocks of food so that if it does occur, we may not be as affected. This is just one example of the practical application of knowledge. Contemplating these scenarios, in theory, may enable us to keep our cool, or at least not lose our sh** when things start to go south. If we have considered them as a possibility it may not be SO shocking or traumatizing when it does happen, osit.

However, I'd be wary of spending too much time on it, especially when there are many real-life practical steps we can take to prepare mentally and physically such as; cleaning up our diets, working on our emotional issues, improving relations with loved ones, learning about the world, and the control system, just to name a few.

It is also worth remembering these quotes from the C's:

And Fabric's previous post on the thread:

Generally, communication between forum members outside of the forum is discouraged for a number of reasons. You may want to look into joining FOTCM, if you haven't already, see here for more information About the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind.

Laura has made a couple of references to this recently:
Hi Jenn,
Thanks for your commentaries, apologize if my post is out the track.
I just currently reading the wave and I was sooo fascinated for found this thread.
I already joining FOTCM recently, I'll try a reflection before to post.
"More substance and less straw" : )
I like to play SimCity Buildit. I have been playing this game on and off since 2000, first on the PC and then on my mobile(s). I read most of the discussion boards because of the constructive way people post. (Anyone who ever posted on Stackexchange knows precisely what I mean by constructive.) The posts are being kept to essential, informative, transparent and comprehensive and more often than not have links to many sites some quite interesting.

Two days ago, I reached a very interesting site called techdirt (Techdirt.). This site surprised me in two ways:
1. Threatcast 2020: Our New Brainstorming Game To Explore Disinformation In The 2020 Election To my surprise there is a lot going on in the ‘land of predictions’.
2. The Grand Unified Theory On The Economics Of Free. It is built around the concept of giving away non-scarce products for free, the digital economy, and infinity in Economics.

So the trick to embracing infinite goods isn't in limiting the infinite nature of them, but in rethinking how you view them. Instead of looking at them as goods to sell, look at them as inputs into something else. In other words, rather than thinking of them as a product the market is pressuring you to price at $0, recognize they're an infinite resource that is available for you to use freely in other products and markets. When looked at that way, the infinite nature of the goods is no longer a problem, but a tremendous resource to be exploited. It almost becomes difficult to believe that people would actively try to limit an infinitely exploitable resource, but they do so because they don't understand infinity and don't look at the good as a resource.

As shocking as it may seem to someone not following the latest trends in economic science theories, my surprise came from the fact that these articles were written in 2007, when smartphones were in diapers application-wise and large external harddrives were 500GB. And it was a good surprise because it helped me understand the drive behind the free apps and the IoT and it gave me a glimpse into the tech drive behind the digital economy.

I cannot lie, I felt encouraged to think in an optimistic way about the future and that gave me a light heart. What other ways of looking at the future are there hidden under the SEOs algorithms? The Game is not Over.
I think we should guarantee access to food, medecine, shelter and education to everyone. For me, it wouldn't hurt to give the right to vote at 28-30 years old, so that the youngs have time to form their opinion, to travel, to experiment a bit before taking that kind of responsibility. And to give it only to men and women who are stable psychologically, who can think for themselves, who have enough knowledge of history, psychology, ponerology to not be manipulated easily by those in power.
Ideally figuring out how to select and train shamans who are STO oriented, so they can provide guidance, warn their country when it's in danger (comets, floods etc..).
I think we should guarantee access to food, medecine, shelter and education to everyone. For me, it wouldn't hurt to give the right to vote at 28-30 years old, so that the youngs have time to form their opinion, to travel, to experiment a bit before taking that kind of responsibility. And to give it only to men and women who are stable psychologically, who can think for themselves, who have enough knowledge of history, psychology, ponerology to not be manipulated easily by those in power.
Ideally figuring out how to select and train shamans who are STO oriented, so they can provide guidance, warn their country when it's in danger (comets, floods etc..).

another fundamental part of it is the methodology of decision making process, as Laura hinted in the OP, the way to keep a system free of corruption can be through technology as some european countries already do, maybe using blockchain with smart contracts, and that could extend from politics to even basic things like education, for example the universal school that Jordan Peterson or Piotr Wozniak idealized, with crowdsourced resources like wikipedia but structured in a way to actually teach and every person voting what those resources are thus simplifying and improving knowledge...that is something you people can even do already

it may in fact be the most important if you think that the Orion STS evolved as part of an evil AI, and we're walking through a parallel line, changing minds through technology to prevent an ontologically evil change of THE MIND is a must

also the shaman idea is great I've been to an old Amazon tribe in Colombia and seen the impact they have on children/people's well being, that is truly irreplaceable these days
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Have y’all heard about transition towns? all we would have to really eliminate would be the money. Then there is always the Gift economy and the so called sharing economy(seems like communism to me). Other things to take into consideration probably would be realizing why the WEF wants everybody to rent. Rent is very close to being a serf in the modern day(killing the host book). That’s one of those things that if we can get the evil out, we can get both a state or no state, and an economy that doesn’t resemble most of the modern world.
I was trying to understand the economy because well, I wanted to start a business, I have ,but I understand now that maybe I should go about it in an alternative way.
Have y’all heard about transition towns? all we would have to really eliminate would be the money. Then there is always the Gift economy and the so called sharing economy(seems like communism to me). Other things to take into consideration probably would be realizing why the WEF wants everybody to rent. Rent is very close to being a serf in the modern day(killing the host book). That’s one of those things that if we can get the evil out, we can get both a state or no state, and an economy that doesn’t resemble most of the modern world.
I was trying to understand the economy because well, I wanted to start a business, I have ,but I understand now that maybe I should go about it in an alternative way.
"Transition towns" -- Is that something like hippy communes running on blockchain? Wouldn't work simply because of inherent vice of groupism.

"Gift economy" -- You mean the gig economy, yeah that sucks, because they're just centrally owned and monetized serfdom.

On rent, I would be on the opposite view that renting gives you more freedom and mobility, but for those who like ownership, hard assets will still be around to manage.
"Transition towns" -- Is that something like hippy communes running on blockchain? Wouldn't work simply because of inherent vice of groupism.

"Gift economy" -- You mean the gig economy, yeah that sucks, because they're just centrally owned and monetized serfdom.

On rent, I would be on the opposite view that renting gives you more freedom and mobility, but for those who like ownership, hard assets will still be around to manage.
Thanks for setting me straight, but I don’t think transition towns only have to be linked to hippie communes. It could be ran in a way that has little to do with communism or a republic.
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