November 26, 1994
- Everything is interactive when it comes to the "collective mind".
- Were any of these emotions generated by DNA breakdown related to what Carl Sagan discusses when he talks about the "Reptilian Brain"? In a roundabout way.
- Up to you to examine and learn.
Contact with Cs must be universally oriented
- Remember, the primary point of this communication is to bring information to all that is of universal importance as opposed to personal exercises and data. We want to clarify and expand upon previous statement. It is alright if you would prefer to use this forum for personal data and gain because that is of free will. However, if you would like this connection to retain its strength and, in fact, increase, then it would be wise to limit personal inquiries because that is of the service to self realm and that realm is limiting and will eventually lead to contamination by forces that are oriented toward service to self, unlike this one.
Mark of Cain and Light/Dark interaction
- What was the true event behind the story of the "Mark of Cain?" Advent of jealousy. What occurred to allow jealousy to enter into human interaction? Lizard takeover. An event that occurred at the time of the fall of Eden. Was this story of Cain and Abel part of that takeover? Symbolism of story. This was symbolic of the Lizzie takeover, the advent of jealousy, and the attitude of brother against brother, is that correct? Partly. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. We mean the occipital ridge. Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there, you can even feel it.
- At the time, this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration? It was added to all simultaneously. DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal. How many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually? 6 billion. How did they effect this change on all of them? Light wave alteration. And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA.
- What was the origin of the light waves? Our center. Our realm. STO. So, how did the Lizzies use the light from the Service to Others realm... They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves. There was a battle and we lost. This is the same battle that the Pleiadians talk about. Are you also the Pleiadians? No. Are you connected to the Pleiadians? Yes and so are others. You are all the family of light? Yes. Exactly.
- In what we term as the past, defeated you and used the power of the light in order to alter us in different ways, is this correct? Yes. Now understand this : It is all part of natural grand cycle. This natural grand cycle is just part of the interaction between light and darkness which just simply must be. We are at "front line" of universe's natural system of balance. That is where one rises to before reaching total union of "The One". 6th level. This means there are more levels above 6th level. One. Union with the one. Now, the battle you had with the other side... Are having. This battle goes on... do you have the light power back? Never lost it, you did. The Lizzies are the main force even though they have others on their side. They took our light, not yours? Not against you. Currently in union with you. So we are but one battle in the universe in an overall, ongoing struggle. Balance is natural. Remember, it's all just lessons in the grand cycle.
Need to integrate the 4th level and beyond to become aware of the Light/Dark interaction
- When you guys and the Lizzies "go to it", what do you do? I mean, you obviously don't shoot guns at each other and you don't have tanks... Too complicated for you to possibly understand because you are not at 4th level yet. When you are fighting, is it any way at all possible for us to detect the battle? First : We don't "fight". Second, yes; it's nature as in meteorology and earth changes. Your form of confrontation takes the form of physical changes in the atmosphere and environment of the planet? And in space. But that is how we detect it? The more activity, the more conflict is going on? Remember, we are the light. They are the dark. We are both high level thought forms reflected at all levels of reality. So, what you perceive, then, is what comes through to third density which is not what you would perceive if you were looking at it from 4th or 5th or 6th.
Representatives of the Light and Dark forces
- We are talking 4th density to 3rd density. This is what Hoagland is referring to when he talks about the tetrahedral form he has detected from the Martian structures he has been studying that he postulated... This is a bridge to 4th density. Isn't it a little unfair for you guys, at 6th level, to take on the Lizzies at only 4th level? The "Lizzies" are the 4th level representatives of the forces of the darkness, not the 6th level, and you are 3rd level representatives. There is a 6th level representative of the forces of darkness. Orion in your "neighborhood". The Orion's are 6th level STS beings. They are like you, thought forms. Do they ever appear in physical matter? Can. And they are the driving force that controls the Lizzies? Close.
- Is there some intermediary between the 6th level Orions and the 4th level Lizzies, such as a 5th level force or being? 5th level is contemplation zone for both "sides". Does that mean that at the contemplation level that there is no activity? Is it like a "time out"? Close. Balancer. There is a 3rd level representative of the forces of the light. Don't exist on your planet. Do they have a planet of their own? Have quadrillions of them. The Universe is infinitely huge. If there are planets where there are 3D beings who are STS oriented, in other words, in a physical body, do they look something like us? You are STS oriented. Did you really mean to say STO? Is there a 3D race in this universe that is STO? Yes. Already stated thus. If there are planets with STO beings... Some look like you. What is life like on that sort of place? That is something that we are going to have to develop to find out. Exactly. Is part of being STS being so appearance oriented as we are? Not physical issue at 3rd level.
Managing implants in human bodies
- These implants in us are what they use to control our emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them? Not control, influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I'm angry for a short time but then I'm angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do? Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak? Now you are "fighting fire with fire". If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back. Bingo. 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.
The importance of always being positive and controlling emotions
- Analogy follows : How effective is a light socket without a plug in it? How effective is a motor that is never turned on? Implants are ineffective if not used. The power source has to be on for the implant to work for them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and emotions. But I am still a 3rd density being. I have all the emotions of a 3rd density being, the whole gamut, and that is part of what makes me a 3rd density being. Therefore I can't turn one emotion off without upsetting the balance of the other emotions, emotions are almost an analogy to the light and the dark. No. I have positive emotions and I have negative emotions; they both make up who I am. If you choose, you may have only positive emotions. Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to have and I'd like to have that, what does that do to the sensor equipment of the Lizzies? Cancels them. So they are tuned to negative frequencies. Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do? Go elsewhere. Am I correct in my thought that when you first start turning this off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go away? Exactly.
- So, when you first get a clue and you start getting a grip on your emotions and dealing with everything that happens to you with acceptance and knowledge that all is a manifestation of your own creation and for your ultimate good, for a period of time they may try ten times harder to get you back as a food source but then once they realize they can't, then they do finally let loose.
Service To Self (STS)
- There seems to be two classes of people the Lizzies like to go after, extremely weak ones and those they haul off and eat or experiment on; and those who have potential strength and positivity. If you have the potential to rise above the service to self orientation, then you are a threat. And, if you look around at most of the people who are "making it" in this world, those are the ones that are usually the most viciously service to self. And how many times have you heard these "New Age" teachers talk about "well, if your impression of people who have material possessions is that they are negative, then you are bringing this on yourself and you will just have to concentrate on prosperity more," that is, in a roundabout way promoting a very service to self philosophy. It's not that having things is bad, it's not that money is evil, it's the focus on it over and above helping others.
- Well, there are two points that this brings up. The first is that circular thinking and this whole idea is following what others tell you or what has been written without questioning it. You are not supposed to think. And then, the second thing, this source said once way back: "Don't take anything at face value, including this.". Yet another demonstration of service to self. He buried it so he could have it instead of sharing it. It is continually reflected over and over. Everybody out there has their one little talent and they are all burying it for dear life. Just by being positive will shut off the Lizzies desire to mess with me.
- But the implants will still be there? So what? The implants don't do anything besides transmit the frequency. And, as long as I am being negative it is transmitting and they can track me that way? Close. If I shut them off by being positive, they can't track me any longer? Can track but not influence. There is another aspect here. Knowledge breeds awareness which gives you the ability to detect it when they try to influence you in very subtle ways so that you can begin to control your mind and resist early on and that is the key. Close enough. And you have to persist with positive thoughts and feelings sometimes in the face of incredible adversity. No one said it was going to be easy but it is worth it.
The 6 soldiers of the Gulf Breeze
- Did the Gulf Breeze Six, as they are called, who were supposedly receiving information via the Ouija board, did they receive prophetic information of some sort? Yes. And, from what source did they receive this information? Mixed. Was their information accurate? Mixed. Why were they, their board, their transcripts and so forth confiscated? {The rumor was that they were shut down by the military and their work confiscated and classified.} Paranoia.
- How do I know you are telling me the truth? Open. For you to decide. Listen : Revelations follow. Now would be a good "time" for you folks to begin to reexamine some of the extremely popular "Earth Changes" prophecies. Why, you ask. Because, remember, you are third density beings, so real prophecies are being presented to you in terms you will understand, I.E. physical realm, I.E. Earth changes. This "may" be symbolism. Would most students of the subject understand if prophecies were told directly in fourth density terms?
- In terms of these Earth Changes, Edgar Cayce is one of the most famous prognosticators of recent note, a large number of the prophecies he made seemingly were erroneous in terms of their fulfillment. For example, he prophesied that Atlantis would rise in 1969, but it did not though certain structures were discovered off the coast of Bimini which are thought by many to be remnants of Atlantis. These did, apparently, emerge from the sand at that time. Example of one form of symbolism. And the symbolism was that you were reading the event from 3rd density into sixth density terms and then transmitting it back into 3rd, and while the ideation was correct, the exact specifics, in 3rd density terms, were slightly askew. Is that what we are dealing with here? 99.9% would not understand that concept. Most are always looking for literal translations of data. Analogy is novice who attends art gallery, looks at abstract painting and says "I don't get it". Are you telling us that there is more involved here as far as the way we are hearing what these predictions say? Yes.
Cluster of comets and realm border 3rd/4th dimension
- You have told us through this source, that there is a cluster of comets connected in some interactive way with our solar system, and that this cluster of comets comes into the plane of the ecliptic every 3600 years. Is this correct? Yes. But, this time, it is riding realm border wave to 4th level, where all realities are different. Okay, so the cluster of comets is riding the realm border wave. Does this mean that when it comes into the solar system, that its effect on the solar system, or the planets within the solar system, may or may not be mitigated by the fact of this transition? Is this a mitigating factor? Will be mitigated. Does any of this mean that the earth changes that have been predicted, may not, in fact, occur in physical reality as we understand it? You betcha. Does this mean that all of this running around and hopping and jumping to go here and go there and do this and do that is... That is strictly 3rd level thinking. Now, if that is 3rd level thinking, and if a lot of these things are symbolic, I am assuming they are symbolic of movement or changes in energy. Yes. And, if these changes in energy occur does this mean that the population of the planet are, perhaps, in groups or special masses of groups, are they defined as the energies that are changing in these descriptions of events and happenings of great cataclysm. Is it like a cataclysm of the soul on an individual and or collective basis? Close.
- When the energy changes to 4th density, and you have already told us that people who are moving to 4th density when the transition occurs, that they will move into 4th density, go through some kind of rejuvenation process, grow new teeth, or whatever, what happens to those people who are not moving to 4th density, and who are totally unaware of it? Are they taken along on the wave by, in other words, piggy-backed by the ones who are aware and already changing in frequency, or are they going to be somewhere else doing something else? Step by step. In other words, we are looking at the fact that what's coming this time is a wave that's going to allow the human race to move to 4th density? And the planet and your entire sector of space/time. Is that what this whole plan is about, then, if I may be so bold as to include all of us here in this. We, of the beings of light who have come here into human form, to anchor the frequency, is this what we are anchoring it for, for this wave, so that when it comes enough of us will be ready, the frequency will be set, so that the change in the planet can take place as it has been planned? Yes. Okay, when the people are talking about the earth changes, when they talk in literal terms about the survivors, and those who are not going to survive, and the destruction and so forth and so on, in 3rd, 4th, 5th level reality we are not talking about the destruction of the planet on 3rd level physical terms, or the loss of 90% of the population on the 3rd level because they died, but because they are going to move to 4th level? Whoa! You are getting "warm".
Anchoring a certain frequency for the coming Wave
- So, we are anchoring this. So, when they talk about 90% of the population not surviving, it is not that they are going to die, but that they are going to transform. We are going to go up a level. This is what the whole light thing is all about? Or another possibility is that the physical cataclysms will occur only for those "left behind" on the remaining 3rd level density earth. Okay, what you are saying, then, is that we are anchoring the frequency, so that when the wave comes, we move to 4th level density as many people as possible, in order to break the hold the "Dark T-shirts" have got on this planet, those who remain behind will not have enough energy left for the "Dark T-shirts" to bother with the planet any longer. There will be less of them so the planet will be able to refresh and they will be able to move on in their lessons without interference? Close.
- At this point of dimensional transition, is what we are doing, anchoring a frequency, are we creating a sort of "super string" network that will literally create another earth in 4th density, which will then exist in 4th density, and the old 3rd density earth -- almost like the splitting of a one celled organism, only in this splitting one half of it moves into another dimension and is energized and quite literally created by the anchoring frequency, while the old one remains and experiences 3rd density reality? Step by step.
- Are we anchoring frequency to create a split? One developing conduit. We are developing a conduit? Yes. One. Is this conduit going to allow those who remain behind to be able to move to 4th density easier when they are ready? No. What is the conduit for? You and those who will follow you. This conduit. Is this a conduit through which an entire planet will transition? You are one. There are others conduits. We are one conduit and there are conduits... No. Developing at this point. So, at this point we are developing a conduit? Yes. There are other groups on this planet developing their own conduits? Yes. These are conduits for us to move to 4th density in? Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit. We're developing a conduit to move us from 3rd density to 4th density. Once we have moved through the conduit does that mean we have completed what we came here to do, and that is anchor the frequency? Partly. Is the conduit kind of like an escape hatch for us? Close.
- When we move through this conduit, are the other... You will be on the 4th level earth as opposed to 3rd level earth. Does this mean that a 4th density earth and a 3rd density earth will coexist side by side... Not side by side, totally different realms. Do these realms interpenetrate one another but in different dimensions... Close. So, in other words, a being from say, 6th density, could look at this planet we call the earth and see it spinning through space and see several dimensions of earth, and yet the point of space/time occupation is the same, in other words, simultaneous. They can look down but we can't look up. Yes. So, in other words, while all of this cataclysmic activity is happening on the 3rd dimensional earth, we will be just on our 4th dimensional earth and this sort of thing won't be there, and we won't see the 3rd dimensional people and they won't see us because we will be in different densities which are not "en rapport", so to speak? You understand concept, now you must decide if it is factual.
French version is here
Séance du 26 novembre 1994