Laura said:
Well, I propose that we write a commentary script on it and superimpose it with periodic breaks to explain what has just been seen and how wrong or cleverly deceitful it is. Ideas?
I second that.
The following is very first-drafty, so to everybody, please offer up any advice and editorial suggestions you can muster. This is very rough, but it might serve as a beginning. If somebody else is already at work on this, then perhaps there is something in here which might be of use. . .
ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits and troublemakers, all you free spirits and pioneers, all you visionaries and non-conformists:
Everything that the establishment has told you is wrong with you is actually what's right with you.
Well now. . . Actually, establishment is a collective effort. It's all of us. It's people working together. That isn't bad. What's bad are the psychopaths who have corrupted our community, made it toxic, bends it towards war and insanity and the enslavement of everybody, kids and adults alike. This video was created by those very psychopaths pretending to speak to the dis-empowered but who are in truth slick Venture capitalists trying to profit from teen angst. And worse. . . Let's see how they do it. . .
You see things others don’t. You are hardwired to change the world. Unlike nine out of ten people, your mind is irrepressible, and this threatens authority. You were born to be a revolutionary.
You can’t stand rules because in your heart you know there’s a better way.
If you are being influenced by the stirring music and masculine energy of the speaker and the message that you are *special*, then guess what? You are in fact MORE repressible than other people. More easily controlled. Why? Because such strong, stirring emotions overwhelm the thinking parts of your mind. And with your guards now down, you are open to doing what you are told by the person making you feel that way, even if those things are incredibly stupid. "You are special! (Give me your money.) You are a revolutionary! (Kill for me. Follow me. Be my slave.)" This is one of the ways the psychopath manipulates people.
You have strengths dangerous to the establishment, and it wants them eliminated, So your whole life you’ve been told your strengths were weaknesses - Now I’m telling you otherwise.
Your impulsivity is a gift. Impulses are your key to the miraculous.
Your distractibility is an artifact of your inspired creativity.
No. Your impulsivity and distractibility are the direct result of over-exposure to a toxic environment; toxic foods, toxic media, electromagnetic pollution, toxic buildings, toxic education, toxic medications. The world is filled with garbage and it prevents our minds from working properly. But this creep, instead of advising you how to recognize and cut out the poisons, is instead telling you to ignore that you are being poisoned and to pretend that the symptoms of toxicity are actually evidence that you are special and magical.
Your mood swings reflect the natural pulse of life. They give you unstoppable energy when you're high, deep soulful insight when you're low.
Been diagnosed with a "disorder"? That’s society’s latest way to deny its own illness by pointing the finger at you. Your addictive personality is just a symptom of your vast underused capacity for heroic, creative expression and spiritual connection. Your utter lack of repression, your wide eyed idealism, your unmitigated open mind [...]
Ah. Now here it gets more insidious. He's no longer talking about poisoned people. He's talking directly to other psychopaths. An "utter lack of repression" is a problem. Without the ability to choose against urges from the reptilian brain, a psychopath has no problem committing all manner of stupid, violent, depraved acts which the psychopath so loves. He is simply trying to trick the rest of us into thinking that this behavior is somehow special.
- didn’t anyone ever tell you?
These are the traits shared by the greatest pioneers and visionaries, innovators, revolutionaries, procrastinators and drama queens, activists on the social scene, space cadets, mavericks, philosophers, derelicts, business suits flying fighter jets, football stars and sex addicts, celebrities with ADD, alcoholics who seek novelty, first responders, prophets and saints, mystics and change agents.
Nonsense. Sex addicts, alcoholics and procrastinators are not in the same league as Ghandi and JFK and our other visionaries. Why? Because being a visionary takes WORK and focus. This is just a cheap way to trick people into thinking that their weaknesses are in fact strengths. He doesn't want you to work on yourself. After all, if you do, you might grow strong and self-aware enough to see through his lies.
We are all the same, you know
'cause we're all affected, by The Way
We are all the same, you know
'cause we're all attracted to the flame.
You know in your heart that there's a natural order, something more sovereign than any man-made rules or laws could ever express.
This natural order is called "The Way."
These are poetic words which are more dangerous than you might realize. Not just because they are nonsense designed to enflame your emotions and lead you to following a false prophet, but because he is referencing a REAL system of spiritualism called the "Fourth Way". --This is a means of confusing and distracting potential seekers of truth away from a system which actually works and which doesn't favor those who do not work to develop critical thinking.
The Way is the eternal substrate of the cosmos. It guides the very current of time and space. The Way is known by some as The Will of God, Divine Providence, The Holy Spirit, the Implicate Order, the Tao, reverse entropy, life force, but for now we’ll simply call it 'The Way.' The Way is reflected in you as the source of your inspiration, the source of your passions, your wisdom, your enthusiasm, your intuition, your spiritual The Way takes the chaos out of the Universe and breathes life into it, giving it divine order. The Way, when expressed by the mind, is genius; perceived through the eyes, is beauty; felt through the senses, is grace. When allowed into the love.
The universe contains aspects of all these things, and much more! But again, like trying to associate Ghandi with Charlie Sheen, simply telling us that grace and spiritual fire exist is not the same as actually offering them. And you certainly won't get there by pursuing emotional and chemical highs, turning off your thinking minds and embracing only the self-serving reptilian impulses of the psychopath. You might feel good and special while rampaging through the world chasing selfish whims, but you are choosing to be a monster, causing pain and suffering to those around you. And he calls this love? Does ignoring your effect on others sound like love to you?
Most people cannot sense The Way directly...but then there are the Wayseers, the keepers of the flame. Wayseers have an unexplainable knack for just knowing The Way. They sense it in their very being. They can’t tell you why or how they arrived at the right answer. They just know it in their core. They can’t show their work, so don’t ask. Their minds simply resonate with The Way. When The Way is present, so are they.
He is referring to Instinct but he is describing Emotions. Instinct is the means by which our subconscious selves communicate to our conscious selves, and it is indeed very powerful. Emotions, however, can fool you. Emotions like those being evoked by the music in this video and his rhythmic voice, (which he practiced beforehand, no doubt after his script went through many drafts with a consultation editorial staff who are working for profit). Emotions and powerful internal drives are how your automatic behaviors, your sense of hunger and fear and sexual awareness pull you along. They are an instinct of an automatic sort. They are not wrong necessarily, we need them, and when listened to and mitigated through the use of our prefrontal cortexes to decide when it is appropriate and healthy to act upon them, they serve us well. But they are not Real instincts of the kind he is trying to make you believe they are. Real instincts which speak from the soul cannot be heard through the clutter of emotional noise unless you work to recognize which are automatic and which are not. Do you think an alcoholic or an addict are capable of performing this work to get in touch with REAL spirit?
While others are blind to it, and society begs you to ignore it, The Way stirs you inside. Neurological repression blocks most people’s awareness of The Way. Censoring all thoughts and impulses from the unconscious is their prefrontal cortex, the Gestapo of the brain.
He is deliberately mixing things up here. The prefrontal cortex does mitigate the signals coming from below. But not all of those signals are smart ones to follow. Some come from the reptilian brain, base fear and hunger automatic motivations. Those are GOOD things to filter out. The prisons are full of psychopaths who act on those impulses, who murder and rape and destroy. The prefrontal cortex is our ticket to freedom from the jungle. To civilization.
Nothing which violates its socialized programming even gets through. But your mind is different. Your mind has been cracked wide open to The Way; by some miraculous genetic trait, some psychotropic chemical or maybe even by the will of your own soul.
And here we see the naked truth. The 'miraculous genetic trait' is that of the psychopath's brain failing to connect and work properly. A psychopath's brain is a much more simple mechanism, with much of the normal structure being ignored, [____________Insert explanation of brain workings here___________]
Your brain’s reward pathways have been hijacked; dopamine employed to overthrow the fascist dictatorship of your prefrontal cortex. Now your brain is free of repression, your mind free of censorship, your awareness exposed to the turbulent seas of the unconscious - through this open doorway divine light shines into your consciousness, showing you The Way. This is what makes you a Wayseer.
He is glamorizing the psychopathic brain, giving those world-destroying monsters a special title, "Wayseer". Newsflash: the people who poisoned the Gulf of Mexico with millions of barrels of spilled oil and who even now evade responsibility resulting in tens of thousands of suffering people would have been "Wayseers" according to this logic. As would the bankers who have devastated the economy, leaving hundreds of thousands homeless and hungry. As would be those who push for war, resulting in the degradation and suffering of millions. That's who he is glamorizing.
Ninety percent of human civilization is populated with those whose brains are blocked to The Way. Their brains are hardwired to enforce the social programming indoctrinated since birth. Unlike you they cannot break out of this programming, because they have not yet experienced the necessary revolution of mind. These programmed people take social institutions and rules very seriously. Society is full of games programmed to keep peoples’ minds occupied so they will not revolt. These games often cause sick fixations on peculiar protocols, power structures, taboos and domination - all subtle forms of human bondage. This distinct form of madness is not only tolerated by the masses but insisted upon. The programmed ones believe in rules so forcefully they become willing to destroy anyone who violates them.
He's referring to laws which prevent this psychopath and those like him from torturing and tormenting you for their amusement. Remember; nothing is wrong with the idea of people agreeing to work together and form societies and governments. The problem stems from corruption within those societies and governments, and this corruption is almost entirely due to psychopaths ignoring the laws of decent behavior.
Wayseers are the ones who call their bluff. Since Wayseer minds are free to reject social programming, Wayseers readily see social institutions for what they are - imaginary games. Wayseers comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. Helping those who are lost in these games and refuse to help themselves is a calling of many Wayseers. Since Wayseers are the ones who keep contact with the original source of reality, they are able to disrupt societal conventions and even governments to realign humanity with The Way.
This is more truth revealed. Psychopaths long to reject social laws which they cannot understand exactly because they lack the required functioning brain tissue. What a normal human would see as common sense and civility, (such as not butchering a stranger because his shoes are nicer than yours), the psychopath is baffled by. This whole video is an effort to trick normal people into accepting aberrant behavior, taking us all a few steps closer to accepting a world where people are butchered because of their shoes or whatever other petty reason crosses the psychopath's mind.
Wayseers are an ancient lineage - a kind of priesthood, carriers of the flame, ones "in the know."
This is true despite the flowery language. The psychopath has been with us forever.
There must always be Wayseers to reform the dizzying psychotic spinning wheels of society, giant mindless hamster wheels obscuring the pure blue sky, keeping humanity shackled in a darkened cage. So Wayseers are called - to shed light on the madness of society, to continually resurrect the timeless transcendent Spirit of Truth.
He has it backwards. In the good times, when there is plenty and people are happy and free to forget the difficult times, the psychopath is able to breed quickly because there is enough resources for everybody to allow some people to indulge in greed and destruction. But good times in history always allow for a sharp increase in the number of psychopaths who then infest communities and governments, sabotaging vital systems for their own gain, and eventually pulling us all into war and darkness and repressive times. We are at the peek of just such a cycle, with more psychopaths now than ever before running amok through the world.
Wayseers reveal this divine truth by devoting themselves to the birth of some creative or disruptive act expressed through art or philosophy, innovations to shake up industry, revolutions for democracy, coups that topple hypocrisy, movements of solidarity, changes that leave a legacy, rebellions against policy, spirit infused technology, moments of clarity, things that challenge barbarity, watersheds of sincerity, momentous drives for charity.
These are fine things indeed, but they are NEVER the goals of the psychopath. They are how sane humans are sometime able to respond after the world has been so darkened by the very activities of the psychopaths who infest our governments, our communities. . . and who make videos like this one.
We are all the same, you know
'cause we're all affected, by The Way
We are all the same, you know
'cause we're all attracted to the flame.
This is your calling, Wayseer.
You’ve found your tribe.
Welcome home.
Again, these lyrics were carefully designed to enflame your emotions and blind you to rational thought. To make you not see that you are being manipulated into respecting and revering blood-thirsty monsters.
EDITED for grammar. I'll stop tinkering with this copy so that everybody can be on the same page when offering notes. :)