What about if making good music/good art is no more different than being good at something else e.g. Being a good engineer, doctor, programmer etc? What about if its no reflection of your actual value as a person (from an ethical/moral point of view)? What about if you can be amazing and still be crap in other fundamental aspects to the point of bridging the threshold of legality... You can have a musician who makes truly profound music and challenges norms but who on the other hand is an addict, egotistical, womaniser etc or you can have a genius level scientist who makes bombs for the military as part of his job...
Isn't the problem that we project all sorts of stuff onto those we hold in high regard? They almost take on a super human quality in our eyes whereas in reality they may be no more greater or lesser than their fellow man except that they are good at doing something valued? How else can you explain art from those who produce it? Do you denigrate the art because the person is found to have had a darker side or do you just take it as proof that art is not an indication of these supernatural qualities that are meant to represent the perfect or evolved man/woman?
Excellent remark Luke! thanks...it does seem to be the "high regard" that we project on to them that gets wounded when the ugly bits come out.
I think that, like so many that get mainstream "approval", it falls in the category that G called "subjective art".
My understanding of that is its steeped in ambiguity, and it "goes both ways", so to speak. Although any given song/poem most likely has a more well defined meaning in the mind of its producer, it is still a subjective idea on his part. Then, due to the ambiguity of language itself,( especially English), it all gets quite malleable in the mind of the receiver to the point that he/she can forge their own notions onto the song.
I once read something about how to write a hit song and the big point seemed to be what they called "universality",...to write in a way that almost any personality type would be able to get something
personal out of it. It does, IMO, appear to be a key element in all pop songs. I understand that in making something too specific or arcane will limit its wider appeal, but there was something about it all that made me think it wasn't good...the "suqishiness" of it..that you couldn't really pin down a clear meaning. I've never been very comfortable with that kind of thing. I now look at it as, ambiguity + subjectivity="universality".
From Solarmind:
... and it is a nice thing about his work, that he is not imposing anything to anyone, he is just doing his thing .. and using symbols instead of directly formulating a statement, already said that he by himself was open to interpretation, learning, possible personal misunderstanding etc . ... so if his work bring one individual to be aware of choice is a huuuge step forward, comparing to the state of a sleep mood ...
I think that statement kind of proves my point. If it's open to interpretation then it has to be possible that it gives a "huge step forward",
and a huge step nowhere, or back, in equal portions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to imply that a clear objective song is "imposing upon" others?
...and it is a nice thing about his work, ...
That's just an opinion. I'm not saying that it isn't valid for you, but my opinion is that it isn't really "nice" to be ambiguous and possibly confusing. Personally, if i had such a wide audience I'd hope that the message i put out there was understood in a similar way by different people rather that the opposite, but that's just my own personal desire. I think a lot of pop performers just want their songs out there,( for the $$) and aren't really that concerned about a message or how its received.
Please know that as a musical person I'm not against ambiguous, or silly non-sense songs..they have their place when one needs to unplug and dissociate, or dance and let the body play. I think the thing here with Mr. Bowie, that sticks in my crawl a bit, is that so many in the mainstream music biz are lauding him for some kind of "depth" that i just don't see. It may be my own lack of depth being projected onto him, but i have doubts about that due to the involuntary reaction of the ole BS meter getting pegged every time i hear some ass-kissing DJ talk about him lately.