Hi, i guess this is the right place to present my case.
i have been going through many awful and painful situations lately in my life in general, i also have notice that every time i try to read any book of Laura or any of the re comended books on this forum strange not to say really stressful things begin to happen to me.
besides i lately have had so many deja vu a day like for instance 5 or 6 sensations like that a day specially in the last week and generally bad luck.
also strange dreams with people and this weird dream i had when i broke up my relationship in which i saw this mechanic plate in which people sit and it begins to spin and stuff, it suddenly becomes a huge UFO with vivid colors that rises and disappear.
i don't know what the heck is going on to me, same thing when i try to do the EE breathing program, things in my live bring me down constantly.
i also see several synchronicities and pair of numbers in clocks TVs and so on. i red the tread "can't escape 33" i don't know in essence what the source is or how to some how stop it or at least visualise the real problem the source of it.
the stress is leaving me without energy. though, not all is bad i have learned and overcoming many things i thought impossible at the beginning of this year in spite things don't seem to get any better rather things get worst.
i don't stop in my readings and seeking or in the EE program, i try to do it the more i can actually, same as day by day attempt to fix things and learn from them but some times i feel is more than i can deal with, to be honest.
i hope it didn't sound to dramatic
/ :P but that's what is going on at this present time in my life.
i thank you in advance for any comment or advice you may suggest .
thanks Felipe.