I came across a lot of posts here that are very familiar to me..
I remember experiencing a LOT of deja vu when I was a kid. Sometimes the feeling was not as if I had experienced something before, but more like I had experienced something an almost infinite number of times. Perhaps the sensation was just stronger then.
Especially this!
I have a Deja Vu type of experience quite often, maybe several times every month/two, ranging from mundane events, to large scale events.. and there is always a pattern of feeling to these things, and each time it happens I have a feeling of total inevitability. Which I always find extremely disturbing, to say the least.
The last time, it was a mundane event, standing in a room with two friends a day after moving to Denmark, I got that "buzzing" feeling in my head and I just "knew" the Deja Vu was coming, and then it was present, and everything would feel warped and unusual in this "present" as if I was stuck in a time loop, it was a feeling of infinity, as if I had been there, I was there, and I would be there, forever. As if in that moment, I could see that this had clearly happened before (or was happening concurrently in a different timeline - that thought popped in my mind during the moment as well.) I had an odd feeling that I was sort of greeting my "other" self.. gave me a giddy feeling to see into the other timeline.
Anyways, I also had a very odd feeling I'd like to describe - it has to do with the inevitability. It was as if I was brought into this situation because of some alteration that had been done to the timeline, something just did not feel right. Even though I was at least unconsciously aware that I could have made a different choice and not be there, because I made the choice to be there in that moment, I had the feeling that no matter what I did, I was started down a path that I could not turn back from, this inevitable feeling.. and I knew it would end badly, but not how. I felt like I was witnessing a much, much grander scale of things, not the small choices, but how every movement would come together to create a new reality.
Hope that didn't make too little sense :(
P.S. Doesn't seem too unlikely that since time is not linear, we live all of our lives, past, present and future simultaneously, so when the illusion of linearity lifts for a moment, I get the feeling we can see the grander scale of it all. Like the moments of deja vu.