Deja vu

I've talked to a very simple, I admit. Of course I read the post
published. My question "Why is that?" referred to what changes may be
having regard to possible manipulation STS, or what I'm just
"perceiving" I have no ability to understand very well. For me still
be too clear why this phenomenon occurs.
I wonder? I am not sure quite how to say this, but i started getting these" episodes" that would seem to last a fraction of a second. It is as if there is electricity, and it feels as though your soul goes out of sync with the physical for a moment. For lack of a better explanation. I thought at the time that it had something to do with drugs, until my mother had it happen while i was a passenger in her vehicle. She said what happened, and i was able to help her explain it. UT is as if there is a bolt if electricity going through you,and you can actually here the electricity. I wonder if sync else has experienced this?

Nathan said:
I enjoyed reading your illustration, Russ. And I couldn't help but picture it as timeline sequences in video editing. I pictured a transition being applied between BZ (the new event) and AY (the original event). When editing for film or TV, transitions are generally used sparingly, and are only considered to be successful when the audience does not even notice them. An editor's best work is often what goes unnoticed. I couldn't help but think of this when reading Russ's post. These transitions are probably occurring all the time, but they are so smooth and seamless that we don't even notice. And thus the "editing" of our reality works without any of us being the wiser.

However, when the transition is not applied correctly, or is not "rendered" correctly, the audience notices the glitch. They may not realise that what they saw was in fact a transition problem, they might even blame their TV for bad reception or a scratch on their DVD, just as in reality someone might blame their eyes for playing tricks on them or their mind for thinking they had experienced this before.

Edit: "without none of us being the wiser" changed to "without any of us being the wiser".
It's amazing how even a single grammatical error can give the opposite meaning. :P
I had a really odd deja vu this morning....although its entirely possible its just because I'm tired and missed something.
I was about to cross a road this morning and a woman in front of me in a green top crossed...I looked left and stopped and waited for a car...then crossed and noticed she was still on my side of the road about to cross behind the car....even though I'd seen her cross at least half way across the road :huh:

I suppose its possible that she crossed half way over the road, then while I was waiting for the car (about 5-10 seconds) crossed back, went round a parked car and a street information board, stepped onto the curb and turned around....just in time to cross the road again as I looked back/started crossing???

I'd been walking behind her for a minute before (through the normal crowds out shopping), and continued to do so for another minute afterwards....she didn't seem to hesitate or deviate....she was walking as fast as me so appeared to be in a hurry.

So couldn't say for certain but I did laugh to myself at how sloppy that was if those STS dudes had just re-written something in our reality. I'm going to try and scour the news to see if anything is 'missing' that I read in the last few days.
RedFox said:
I had a really odd deja vu this morning....although its entirely possible its just because I'm tired and missed something.
I was about to cross a road this morning and a woman in front of me in a green top crossed...I looked left and stopped and waited for a car...then crossed and noticed she was still on my side of the road about to cross behind the car....even though I'd seen her cross at least half way across the road :huh:

I suppose its possible that she crossed half way over the road, then while I was waiting for the car (about 5-10 seconds) crossed back, went round a parked car and a street information board, stepped onto the curb and turned around....just in time to cross the road again as I looked back/started crossing???

I'd been walking behind her for a minute before (through the normal crowds out shopping), and continued to do so for another minute afterwards....she didn't seem to hesitate or deviate....she was walking as fast as me so appeared to be in a hurry.

So couldn't say for certain but I did laugh to myself at how sloppy that was if those STS dudes had just re-written something in our reality. I'm going to try and scour the news to see if anything is 'missing' that I read in the last few days.

That is odd. That could have been due to lack of energy/awareness on your part as time does have a way of flying or slowing down based upon perception (eg, taking the elevator). However, yesterday I was feeling a bit tired myself and brought my supplements downstairs to take before my meal, but before I knew it, I couldn't find them anywhere and couldn't remember if I had taken them. It really bothered me because I really had no idea what happened at that point. And today I woke up feeling a bit disjointed. A headache with a general disorientation and inability to concentrate. I'm wondering if it isn't detox effects though. I'm taking a candida cleanse.
This topic 'Deja vu' deals with the fact what i've been having since small (lost count of).

But towards later part of life, i seems to aware what seems to come next when i'm in a deja vu.
Somewhat know what i need to do but i didn't. I don't know if that changes anything.....but lately
deja vu seems to be much lesser compare to the 20th century.

I've read a part of the transcript that the C's mention about the 4D STS cannot manipulate the time
like they use to due the approaching wave.......may have to do with this.
I returned having Deja Vu since beggining EE, however they have increased in frequency this year.
Dreams I had long ago that made no sense to me at time ( or at least I think I dreamed ) revealed themselves to be Deja Vu.
Álvaro said:
I've talked to a very simple, I admit. Of course I read the post
published. My question "Why is that?" referred to what changes may be
having regard to possible manipulation STS, or what I'm just
"perceiving" I have no ability to understand very well. For me still
be too clear why this phenomenon occurs.

At least be aware of the concept, because I don't think that at this moment with out capacities we may understand it completely.
Mouravieff could be talking about deja vu here in Gnosis Book 1.

[quote author=Gnosis Book1]
The life of man is a film. It is certainly difficult for our Cartesian minds to grasp this concept. Our three dimensional minds are badly adapted to ideas and facts which touch upon the domain of the eternal.
Incomprehensible as it may seem, our life is truly a film produced in accordance to a script. This film goes on continuously, without stopping, in such a way that, at the same time of his death, a man is born again. What seems absurd is that he is born in the same place, at the same date where he was born before, and of the same parents. So the film goes on again.

Each human being, then, is born with his own particular film. This represents the field of action in which man is called to apply his conscious efforts. The repetition of the film is not reincarnation, although the two notions are often confused. For the reasons we have already mentioned, exterior man, who lives in the system of the Future-Past, cannot embrace in a single moment the ensemble of his film, nor even the part that contains his immediate future. To do so, he would need to enlarge the slot of his Present. It thus happens to him that faced with certain events, he will feel that he has already seen or lived those events. Some see in such a phenomena the proof of so called reincarnation. In reality, phenomena of this sort are the result of a casual and temporary surge of fine energies in the organism: the slot of the individual Present then enlarges for a few instants, and some significant facts of the immediate future slip into the waking consciousness. In this way, the impression is created of a return of another time.

In a certain way this is true, although the impression of having lived before is only caused by mechanical unfolding of the film. By reincarnation, we understand a phenomenon of a very different order.

Have read alot of information on deja vu and time lines over the years in scientific and metaphysical books. My experience with deja vu is just as you described your own, often happening when I was a child. As I was experiencing an event I could swear that I had experienced it before right down to the last detail. The feeling was strange and being a 9 or 10 year old I simply did not understand what was happening. But I have a better understanding of it now.
Here is how I see it: As the C's have said in the transcripts, deja vu is a bridge between 2 dimensions. What does that mean ? It means that you are living in numerous time lines(alternate universes) similtaneously. There are neighboring timelines that run parallel with our own and are quite similar in direction and events happening, though not identical. There are times when a parralel line will cross or intersect our timeline. At this crossing, the same event or series of events will be experienced on both timelines. The "you" in this time line will experience the exact same event as the alternate "you" in the parallel timeline. The alternate "you" experienced the event before you did... and that explains why you remember it as happening before. It did happen before ! Remember--- all events exist in a timeless now. They exist before you experience them, while you are experiencing them, and continue to exist after you experience them. Just like a still frame or slide on a movie slide projector. But you focus on or experience events in a sequential order, one after the other.
I might also add that after the two lines cross at the bridge, the parallel line will go it's own separate way.
Well, that's my take on it with my limited 3D mentality...
Is it possible that a Déjà Vu is a moment of our life that we live again? Sometimes I have the feeling that life is eternal in the sense that when we die we begin again the same life and every life gives us the opportunity to grow and learn. When I will die I will reborn again in the same family with the same problems but I will be a little more enlightened. I think in french the expression is LE MYTHE DE L´ETERNEL RETOUR. I have no studies in philosophy so I can not argue about this. A Déjà Vu is so when we are aware of this repetition in our lives? Is that possible? Is this what G. is talking about?

Pob said:
if dejavu is 4D STS then perhaps dejavu distracts us and makes us focus on less important issues?
Considering that according to the C's, it's coming to us "compliments of 4D STS," I would say this is how I interpret it. I think the C's were poking fun by using the word, "compliments."

Heimdallr said:
I'm not sure it can be useful in any kind of learning or Work capacity. I think it just falls into the realm of spooky and high strangeness, something that gives a glimmer of more than just the reality we see and observe.
Every time I get it I attempt to read more deeply into some mundane aspect of my life. Yet, time and again these efforts are to no avail and I only end up confused and distracted.
This is one of those what I have always called "well its hard to explain" issues. I have experienced a couple of different things that could be classified as Deja Vu . The dream world coming to be as I have read in other posts which actually happens quite often. The second was what I can only describe as perhaps a bridging of realities, dimensions or some such thing. I was in a Target (department store) parking lot when a very strange vibrational wash came over the entire area and until I left about 30 minutes later it was like I was watching a rerun on television that I had seen before. I knew what the clerk was going to say to me before she said it. I have always been intuitive but this was like a merge of universes as was spoken about by the C's or a bridging.This is a very strange world we live in. Every day I wake up and learn something new , as difficult as it is some days. Balance is returning soon. BE READY!
I came across a lot of posts here that are very familiar to me..

I remember experiencing a LOT of deja vu when I was a kid. Sometimes the feeling was not as if I had experienced something before, but more like I had experienced something an almost infinite number of times. Perhaps the sensation was just stronger then.

Especially this!

I have a Deja Vu type of experience quite often, maybe several times every month/two, ranging from mundane events, to large scale events.. and there is always a pattern of feeling to these things, and each time it happens I have a feeling of total inevitability. Which I always find extremely disturbing, to say the least.

The last time, it was a mundane event, standing in a room with two friends a day after moving to Denmark, I got that "buzzing" feeling in my head and I just "knew" the Deja Vu was coming, and then it was present, and everything would feel warped and unusual in this "present" as if I was stuck in a time loop, it was a feeling of infinity, as if I had been there, I was there, and I would be there, forever. As if in that moment, I could see that this had clearly happened before (or was happening concurrently in a different timeline - that thought popped in my mind during the moment as well.) I had an odd feeling that I was sort of greeting my "other" self.. gave me a giddy feeling to see into the other timeline.

Anyways, I also had a very odd feeling I'd like to describe - it has to do with the inevitability. It was as if I was brought into this situation because of some alteration that had been done to the timeline, something just did not feel right. Even though I was at least unconsciously aware that I could have made a different choice and not be there, because I made the choice to be there in that moment, I had the feeling that no matter what I did, I was started down a path that I could not turn back from, this inevitable feeling.. and I knew it would end badly, but not how. I felt like I was witnessing a much, much grander scale of things, not the small choices, but how every movement would come together to create a new reality.

Hope that didn't make too little sense :(

P.S. Doesn't seem too unlikely that since time is not linear, we live all of our lives, past, present and future simultaneously, so when the illusion of linearity lifts for a moment, I get the feeling we can see the grander scale of it all. Like the moments of deja vu.
personally, i used to have A LOT of deja vus, both the "i've already been exactly here" type and the "something major has shifted" type and the "breaking off from a major even-string" sensation.
as well as the "reality bridging" sensation.
but as the years go by, i seem to experience less and less of them.

reality-bridging is definitely an interesting concept though.
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