Dental Health

Re: alternative to amalgams

dant said:
This is actually a very good question!

I read that members are removing their mercury amalgams
but nothing was said what replaces it! This question should
be addressed so that one *knows* otherwise? I haven't a

So, for those members who had re-fillings, what was used?
Perhaps we can share the data?

Hi dant,

FWIW, I had about 5 teeth converted from 'silver' fillings to composite fillings (powdered glass and plastic resin) about 22 years ago. Not sure if the material has changed over the years - I can't find much on the 'net to verify any changes in content.
Re: alternative to amalgams

Quote from Gandalf:
Quote from: Lauranimal on Yesterday at 09:20:33 PM
Cant give you any hard data, but I had 6 mercury amalgams replaced about 9 years ago-ish. They were all replaced with porcelain. They were pretty sensitive to hot and cold for about 4 to 6 months, but other than that, they have never given me any problems with toxic symptoms (and I am very sensitive).

It was one of the best things I ever did for myself.

I might be way out but probably it was the gum and the roots that were sensitive. I had 4 a couple of weeks ago and since my gum was not close enough on my teeth after the treatment, it was quite sensitive. I went back to see my dentist and she put some minerals on it to help the gum come closer to the teeth and it solved the problem.

In my case it was not the gum, but if ever you or anyone else experiences an injury to your gums or a pulling away from the tooth, you can apply CoQ10 directly to the gum. Works very quickly. Even works on gums against a crown.

I suppose I wouldn't really know if there was some accumulating toxic build up occurring as a result of my porcelain fillings, but I certainly could feel it when I had the mercury. Mercury devastated my nervous system. Will be interested to find out what everyone's research turns up, here.
Re: alternative to amalgams

Lauranimal said:
In my case it was not the gum, but if ever you or anyone else experiences an injury to your gums or a pulling away from the tooth, you can apply CoQ10 directly to the gum. Works very quickly. Even works on gums against a crown.

Thank you for the hint. :thup:
Re: Teeth Health

In case anyone is interested, I came across an article today on Face Book, from giving some good recipe's for toothpaste. I know toothpaste recipes were brought up in one or more threads though I couldn't seem to locate them.


Make Your Own Safe, Natural and Healthy Toothpastes and Cleansers
Friday, April 23, 2010 by: Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Virtually all commercial toothpastes contain one or both of two problematic ingredients: fluoride and glycerin. Fluoride, a mining by-product, is one of the bigger scams perpetrated on an unwitting public. Instead of being beneficial it actually damages teeth. Glycerin coats the enamel and prevents natural re-mineralization of teeth. The solution in avoiding those two items may be making your own tooth paste or tooth cleanser at home.

Here are some recipes you can make at home which contain neither fluoride or glycerin:

Old Fashioned Tooth Powder


2 tbsp dried lemon or orange rind
1/4 cup baking soda
2 tsp salt


Grind the rinds in a food processor until they become a fine powder. Add baking soda and salt then process for a few more seconds until you have a fine powder. Store in an airtight container. Dip moistened toothbrush into the mixture and brush as usual.

Mix ingredients to make a paste, dip toothbrush into the mix and then brush as usual.

Basic Toothpaste


1 Tsp of the above Old Fashioned Tooth Powder
1/4 Tsp Hydrogen peroxide


Mix into a paste and brush as usual.

Vanilla, Geranium and Honey Toothpaste


1/2 ounce powdered chalk
3 ounces powdered orris root
4 teaspoons of tincture of vanilla
15 drops oil of rose geranium
Raw honey, enough to make a paste


Combine all ingredients and mix until you have the consistency you want. Scoop the paste onto brush. Store the paste in an airtight container.

Simple Mint Toothpaste


Bicarbonate of soda
Bentonite clay powder
Peppermint oil


Mix 3 parts bicarbonate of soda with one part salt. Add 3 tsp of bentonite clay for every 1/4 cup of this mixture, and then add enough water to make a thick paste. Add a few drops of peppermint oil for better taste.

Herbal Mint Toothpaste Recipe


1/4 tsp peppermint oil
1/4 tsp spearmint
1/4 cup arrowroot
1/4 cup powdered orrisroot
1/4 cup water
1 tsp ground sage


Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add water until paste is desired thickness/consistency. Store at room temperature in a tightly covered jar.

Substitute 1/2 tsp each of oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves for peppermint/spearmint if desired.

Refreshing Super Mint Toothpaste


6 teaspoons baking soda
1/3 teaspoon sea salt
4 teaspoons bentonite clay powder
15 drops peppermint


Mix thoroughly until you get the toothpaste consistency you desire. If desired, add a few drops of peppermint or wintergreen.

Strawberry Tooth Cleanser


1 tsp of the above Old Fashioned Tooth Powder
1 tbsp crushed ripe strawberries


Mix strawberries and powder into a paste and brush as usual.

Basic Tooth Cleanser


Hydrogen peroxide (a few drops)
Baking soda


Make a paste by combining the two ingredients. You can also gently rub this paste along your gums twice a week for maximum benefit.

Lemon and Cloves Herbal Tooth Cleanser


Small amount of finely powdered sage
1 ounce of finely powdered myrrh
1 pound powdered arrow root
3 ounces powdered orris root
15 drops oil of lemon
8 drops oil of cloves
10 drops oil of bergamot
10 drops of coconut oil (you may have to warm slightly to melt)


Mix the powdered ingredients first and then add and mix the oils into the mixture.


Supercharge any of the above recipes by adding tea tree oil or plant derived mineral powder (or both).

When you use items which contain lemon, rinse your mouth and teeth thoroughly afterward to prevent damage to teeth enamel.

Sources included:


About the author
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published later this year.
Mr. Isaacs is currently residing in scenic East Texas and frequently commutes to the even more scenic Texas hill country near San Antonio and Austin to give lectures in health seminars. He also hosts the CureZone "Ask Tony Isaacs - featuring Luella May" forum as well as the Yahoo Health Group "Oleander Soup" and he serves as a consultant to the "Utopia Silver Supplement Company".
Re: Teeth Health

I have been brushing with "vegetable-based" activated charcoal powder for several months now, and it totally rocks! It makes your toothbrush a bit black, but it works really well, and freshens your breath at the same time. It has no taste. It apparently also whitens teeth.

My normal brushing procedure is:

1. Wet toothbrush
2. Dip in jar of activated charcoal
3. Brush teeth
4. Rinse
5. Sip teeny bit of water and quickly rebrush to remove any remaining charcoal (it gets in the cracks and crevices and makes your teeth look scary without this step)
6. Rinse

That's it!

It's cheap, effective, and fun for the whole family. :D
Re: Teeth Health

Mr. Scott said:
I have been brushing with "vegetable-based" activated charcoal powder for several months now, and it totally rocks! It makes your toothbrush a bit black, but it works really well, and freshens your breath at the same time. It has no taste. It apparently also whitens teeth.

Mr. Scott, that's really interesting! I've never heard of anybody using activated charcoal to brush one's teeth. I may have to give that a try.

Re: Teeth Health

RyanX said:
I've never heard of anybody using activated charcoal to brush one's teeth. I may have to give that a try.

There are a couple of videos about it here:

(its the last two)

It feels like a thorough dental cleaning :)
Re: Teeth Health

Activated carbon !!! Amazing.

From that site:

Tom Harrelson (Revised 9/11/08)

Here are common UNTRUTHS (misinformation & disinformation) about Activated Charcoal Powder, that have been disseminated for MANY years, plus PROVEN TRUTHS about Activated Charcoal Powder.

UNTRUTH No. 1: Activated Charcoal Powder will cause someone to have CONSTIPATION.

TRUTH No. 1: Activated Charcoal Powder will NOT cause someone to have CONSTIPATION.
Researchers found that, if a Person is CONSTIPATED and then drinks Charcoal Slurry, the Activated Charcoal Powder will PACK-UP in the Colon due to BLOCKAGES, which are ALREADY present in the Colon! And if that Person does Colon Cleansing, then he/she can drink EACH and EVERY Glass of Charcoal Slurry WITHOUT having the Activated Charcoal Powder PACK-UP in the Colon.
NOTE: Activated Charcoal Powder will CORRECT Diarrhea. If a Person has SEVERE Diarrhea (i.e. - I.B.S., Crohn's Disease & Colitis), he/she should drink at LEAST 6-8 Glasses of Charcoal Slurry per day to STOP the Diarrhea!

UNTRUTH No. 2: Activated Charcoal Powder is a Carcinogenic Substance.

TRUTH No. 2: Activated Charcoal Powder is NOT a Carcinogenic Substance.
Researchers found that when meat is being barbequed, the fats drip down onto the RED HOT Charcoal Briquettes (not activated charcoal powder), which then get SEARED, resulting in the formation of carcinogenic substances (HCA's & benzopyrene), which next rise upward and lastly are absorbed into the barbecued meat!
UNTRUTH No. 3: Activated Charcoal Powder will ADSORB Nutrients in the Foods, that a Person eats.

TRUTH No. 3: Activated Charcoal Powder will NOT ADSORB the Nutrients.
Russian Researchers have found that Activated Charcoal Powder ADSORBS (efficient electrical action, not absorb - inefficient mechanical action) TOXINS (synthetic, inorganic & organic substances), before they can COMPETE with the Oxygen and the Nutrients (natural vitamins & organic minerals), which are passing through the Cell Membrane. And so, the Activated Charcoal Powder does NOT ADSORB Nutrients from the Food, but it INCREASES the efficiency of nutrient absorption!

UNTRUTH No. 4: Activated Charcoal Powder will ADSORB the Nutrients in the Supplements, that a Person takes.

TRUTH No. 4: Activated Charcoal Powder will NOT ADSORB Natural/Organic Nutrients in the Supplements, that a Person takes. Researchers found that Activated Charcoal Powder will NOT ADSORB the Nutrients, such as NATURAL Vitamins & ORGANIC Minerals, that are in Supplements. Activated Charcoal Powder will though ADSORB the Nutrients, such as the SYNTHETIC Vitamins and INORGANIC Minerals, that are in these Supplements!

MORE TRUTHS: Researchers found that Activated Charcoal Powder HELPS to POWERFULLY DETOX a Person, who is VERY ILL.
Editor's Note: I've worked with SERIOUSLY-ILL (i.e. - Cancer, Diabetes, AIDS, ....) People for 15+ years, and if they drank 10-12 Glasses of Charcoal Slurry per day, they would ALMOST ALWAYS get WELL AGAIN!! But if he/she did NOT drink these HIGHER amounts of Charcoal Slurry, while his/her Body was DETOXING itself, he/she would usually DIE, because the EXCESS TOXINS going into his/her Bloodstream would OVERWHELM his/her Detoxification Organs (i.e. - liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, skin, ...)!! Activated Charcoal Powder acts like a POWERFUL Electrical Sponge, attracting and holding onto MOST of the Toxins being ELIMINATED by your Body, thus allowing your Body to RID itself of the MUCH LOWER Amounts of TOXINS, which remain!

Researchers also found that Activated Charcoal Powder is a REAL LIFE-SAVER!! ALL Emergency Rooms in the Hospitals and Clinics, which are in the U.S., use Activated Charcoal Slurry for Food, Drug and Chemical POISONINGS as well as POISONINGS from the bites of POISONOUS Insects and Reptiles, SAVING MANY Lives!!! I've had Food Poisoning myself several times and Charcoal Slurry has COMPLETELY and QUICKLY ELIMINATED this SERIOUS LIFE-THREATENING PROBLEM!!

Please REMEMBER that Activated Charcoal Powder does NOT take part in ANY Chemical Reactions in the Body, but it does act like a POWERFUL Electrical Sponge, attracting and holding onto ANY Gases, Fluids and/or Solids, which do NOT belong in your Body.
Activated Charcoal Booklet - Carl R. Carnes.
Rx Charcoal - Agatha Thrash, Calvin Thrash & Phylis Austin.
Home Remedies (chapter - Charcoal Therapy) - Agatha Moody Thrash & Calvin Thrash.
Enterosorption in prolonging old animal life. - Experimental Gerontology Vol. 19/pgs. 217-25, 1984, V. Frolkis, et al.

And for more info:
Re: Teeth Health

I heard about some oil from a fish that when ingested stops tooth decay. but i was never able to find the name of it. and the guy who was talking about it would not say the name for becuase if he would dentist would probably go out of work if people find that oil.
Re: Teeth Health

These sites are not that positive about glycerine:

Toothpaste contains viscous, sticky glycerin, the main ingredient in toothpaste, which coats the teeth and prevents re-enamelization from nutrients in the diet. Glycerin takes over 20 rinses to be removed and leaves your teeth coated! Skeptical? Try this simple test. Start with a clean sink and smear some of your toothpaste on the sink. Rinse it off and watch how the water beads up because of the sticky glycerin. You will have to keep rinsing and rinsing to remove it! Your teeth are similar to a porcelain sink, and your teeth are being coated every time you use toothpaste. Coated teeth cannot re-enamelize from nutrients in the diet!

I was thinking about above for a while and while it is true that glycerine is hard to remove , I am kinda skeptical to the idea that this glycerin coat prevents to re-enamelize teeth.
First of all I am not so sure about re-enamelization , does teeth really do it ?
Simple logic , teeth do not re-enamelize from an outside :D it is obvious that it should re-enamelize from an inside , do you agree on that ?
Re: alternative to amalgams

OK more info on composite resins. Found this research report on 350 different products and I am so very confussed as to which is worse, composites or amalgams.

Ceramics are the safest, but very expensive and I don't have the available funds for them. So I am wondering which is the less of the two evils?
Any thoughts?

Here is the link to the paper.

I know I have a sensitivity to some acrylics and again the Urethane dimethacrylate just scares me. Maybe I am beating a rock here....
Re: alternative to amalgams

Bluestar said:
Here is the link to the paper.

I know I have a sensitivity to some acrylics and again the Urethane dimethacrylate just scares me. Maybe I am beating a rock here....

Thanks for the list Bluestar, I've actually been looking for something like this for awhile now.

What I don't understand is, are all the ingredients listed under the various dental products considered "toxic"? For instance, they include "zinc oxide", which from my understanding isn't toxic at all, but it used in a lot of supplements (not the best absorbed form of zinc, but still useful, OSIT). Maybe it would be worthwhile to go through each of the ingredients they list here an research them separately, then figure out which are the most stable/non-toxic to use. Then take the list of those products that seem the least toxic to your dentist and ask if he can use these products for your fillings, restorations, etc?
Re: alternative to amalgams

Thanks for the reply RyanX.

I did a small search on some of the ingredients like titanium dioxide. Finally I wrote IAOMT International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology.
Here is the email and the response.

From: Waterhawk
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 11:27 AM
Subject: composite fillings


Have been doing a lot of research regarding composite fillings and find that a lot of the products are as harmful as amalgams. Does the IAOMT have a product that they endorse? Ceramic fillings are way out of my budget and the research I have done states that most composite resins have monomers and BPA. I do not want to replace one toxic filling with another. Can your organization help with this issue?

Thank you

From: Info
To: 'Waterhawk'
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 12:35 PM
Subject: RE: composite fillings

The amalgam fillings contain and emit the mercury vapor continuously.

There are many different composite fillings, the Academy does not endorse one over the other.

I know there has been a huge concern about the BPA in composite fillings. The IAOMT has enlisted a researcher to investigate exactly the amount of BPA that is coming off of a composite filling. In the past the only study that had been done was when a composite filling was heated to about 200 degrees, the BPA was leaching off of the filling. However, the body temperature will never reach 200 degrees.

Our scientist has been working on the study and has found that the BPA is not coming off of the fillings. It was interesting that he had a hard time getting a pure sample because all of the materials were contaminated from the containers they came in containing BPA. You are not being exposed to the BPA as you are the mercury vapor. We are all being exposed to BPA in many different materials, such as containers for our food etc.

The composites usually are a slightly higher cost then the amalgam fillings. Perhaps you should check around if there is that much of a cost difference.

Hope this was helpful to you.


So in conclusion I will be getting the amalgams replaced with the composite my dentist uses. I am shopping around some though.

Thanks again to all who have helped me on this journey.
Re: Teeth Health

I've just begun using charcoal to brush my teeth, and it does leave that thoroughly cleaned feeling. But the problem is that it is so messy! When I spit some out it splatters over long distances, I guess because it is so light and dusty. So the whole sink and surrounding area have black specks :P. I'm wondering if there is anything good to mix with it to make it more like a paste and heavy so it won't be so runny.
Re: Teeth Health

Brushing teeth with activated charcoal powder? Hmm...who ever thought of that. I remember my mom giving me this stuff for constipation when I was a kid when we still lived back in a communist Czechoslovakia. So even back then this remedy was used to treat occassional constipation. I have to try to brush my teeth with it. Maybe it will do a better job than Jason' Sea Fresh natural toothpaste; I have to mix it with baking soda.

I had to go see my dentist a few weeks ago; I had a cavity which needed to be treated. Before my dentist started drilling my tooth I asked her if she knew what kind of chemical composition the white filling contained. She was nice enough to get me a print out. So I had a look and here is the list of ingredients:


I was not pleased with the ingredients as most of them are toxic especially Bisphenol A, so I asked her if she had another option, if I could have have something else put in that is safer for my body. She said that it is the only option I had. So, I had no other choice but to have the toxic coctail put into me. Do you think that I have had enought of toxicity put into me in one night? And I am not the only one. Having no choices in life, especially being forced to drink fluoridated water in Calgary everyday, really sucks. I must say thought that my nerve in the tooth has been irritated ever since. I was told that it will take a while for the nerve to settle down, what ever that means.

I also grind my teeth and I clench as well during the night. Does anyone have a good remedy for it? I do use NTI for my front two teeth, it does sometimes a good job but most of the time it does not. I have used other devices before but NTI works the best. I just wish why I grind my teeth. It's really irritating. Also I have had all my mercury fillings removed about 15 years ago, and I do a detox everyday, I also use far infrared sauna. Your advice will be appreciated.
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